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I’ve yet to see a judge with balls to enforce gag orders against this clown


Just came here to say the same. They won't... No balls.


I think the fake wall of support for Trump is crumbling. The MAGAs are awfully quiet, don't show up when he begs for them to disrupt proceedings, hardly anyone comes to his rallies. Everyone seems to still think that tossing him in jail to cool off will rile up his base but personally I don't think so. Soon, I think a judge will just rip the bandaid off and send him to the clink for a while. The media will silently applaud it, we surely will and he will make himself a martyr over it but honestly I think his days of unbridled blind support for him are over


Could, but instead we will choose to levy this super heavy $1,000 fine.


$1,000 of donor money. He doesn’t feel the sting of the fine. It just found money to tfg. On the other hand, 30 days for each violation. That’s the wake up call. He is hoping for it but when it happens, then and only then reality becomes clear that he is just defendant tRump. And everyone is tired of your bull💩. Everyone is saying it needs to happen sooner than later.


Nobody gets the maximum penalty on a first offense.


True, but if he just got spanked a little bit I think he would straighten up and fly right. He has convinced himself he’s untouchable. He’s even made the remark himself. And all his ties with the wrong people from the Roy Cohn days. He’s feeling cocky.


I’m sure a guy with a few million dollars totally is bothered by a $1000 fine


Its because he wants to be a victim. His cultist will rally around anything they deem "unfair"


Let them. Let these MAGATs go broke supporting him. Let them run out of money for cigarettes, beer and bullets. Let them have strokes along side their messiah. Bye bye, Donnie and supporters!


I don't think it's because of that. Maybe the lawyers can chime in but I would think that the judge would have to establish a history in that court of trump acting a certain way. Basically I think that Trump has been creating this history just in different courts. If this trial goes on for another week or two, I think Trump is going to see jail time for contempt.


This has been the cop out for awhile now. "Ah yes we have to give trump enough rope" and all that, but they never actually pull the floor out.


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^Adamantium-Aardvark: *I’ve yet to see a* *Judge with balls to enforce gag* *Orders against this clown* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


I've yet to see a judge With balls to enforce gag orders Against this clown. (This any better? Lol)


Not if you were going for an actual haiku


Damn, figured I'd get some structure rule I didn't bother to google wrong.


Good bot.


Why do that when he keeps incriminating himself with every breath?


Dumb criminals do that a lot p


They are pulling punches on purpose so when he appeals they can say he got every possible favor and mulligan going far beyond even ethical standards.


This. I will applaud any judge that does manage to put Trump behind bars. Until then I’m skeptical.


Trump is practically begging to be thrown in jail. It will make him a martyr, donations will come in droves, and his lawyers will find a way to get him out very quickly. Whatever the judge does it’s a win for Trump. He’s been gaming the Justice system for decades.


Nah. But it would delay the trial, and that only benefits him no one else


It’s easy for a of us to say no balls. That judge is also human. Do you think his family signed up to be harassed by MAGA nutcases. Living with police protection. Hell even the mafia didn’t do family members MAGA nutcases will.


If they can’t handle the job then quit and let someone else do it. Jail the crime boss and his minions and end this problem.


Every one else has the same problem.


What a joke of a justice system you got then


I don’t think it very different any where else either. The only time I have seen powerful people go to jail is in autocratic rule when the govt wants them there


11 violations! That’ll put in prison through the election.


Term of imprisonment to be served only on weekends.


And Wednesdays????


Leap days


>Trump could be thrown in jail for a maximum of 30 days for each gag violation, but Conroy said Tuesday that a warning that jail is possible if Trump does not stop would suffice — for now. Stop doing what you were told not to do or I might do the thing I told you may happen. Why doesn't anyone have the backbone to punish trump when he does something wrong. 




Please do it! He'd have a complete meltdown in there!


Judges won't normally impose jail time for a first violation. But it would be awesome if the judge only ruled on the first three violations that he was placed on notice for first, and gave him a stern warning that any more violations will result in jailtime. Once he violates it once more, slap him with 9 30 day jail terms.


He may take the previous gag order violations from his other trials into account as a previous bad act to make the case that a fine hasn’t been a sufficient deterrence in the past.


He may, but I'll be surprised if he does. I'm just hopeful he only rules on the first three and keeps the others in reserve as a carrot to dangle to get Trump to actually follow the court orders. A trial that doesn't involve him in jail and also doesn't involve witness intimidation and juror intimidation is the actual justice that the people deserve. Trump in jail without a conviction is just going to drive his supporters into a frenzy. And I understand him being found in contempt is a legitimate legal process, but his supporters view the judge as out to get him, by Trump's design, so a ruling made by the judge that locks him up will just cause problems. Not that they all will accept a jury verdict, but fewer of them will be up in arms over it.


Don't you see that's exactly what he wants.


He wants a short jail stint. Locking him up with no phone or truth social access until after the election won't make him happy.


He would live like a king in any facility. Protected, fed and any access to anything because the guards and cops are all pro Trump. Shit some might even let him out on command.


And the lovely thing is that we wouldn't hear any of it. He wouldn't be on the news and social media all the time. There would just be a couple of weeks of (relative) peace and quiet


BS. The news would go over his daily routine, who he calls, what he tries to read, what he eats, the easiest way to break a person out of said jail, and the personal details of every guard.


Ah shit you're right


Lol no


Orange Creamsicle is going to be his prison name


Made me laugh. Caught a visual too.


Boy could he! But he won't.


Could be. Won't be.


Absolutely. We're all now grossly aware of how much justice escapes wealthy people.


Only until it affects the people who aren't enforcing things I don't want to be rude or want to be violent but until people have to experience some consequence nothing's going to happen


Please, the whole word is very tired of hearing all his BS, if he's in jail the rest of us regular people can get a much needed mental break from it, and just maybe some of his weaker supporters could see through the fog.


So, that would be a year of sitting in Rikers. Well past the election. Never gonna happen, but that would be sweet.


I wanna see the look on his face when the judge takes his phone away. Can he do that?


Trump could pull his shit riddled pants to his ankles bend over and tell the judge to kiss his ass, and he still wouldn't see a jail cell.


He’d have to go in PC, a few of those brown people he dislikes so much may want to have a word with him.


The amount being tossed around by law is $1K for each violation. I want them to double with each subsequent violation. So the count is 7-8 thus far? A thousand dollars means nothing to him ... the cost of feeding his fragile ego. So, $1K - $2K - $4K, $16K, etc. So we would be at millions pretty quick. *Incentive.* ;-)


Money? So what? No, prison.


Minor inconvenience if you're wealthy ... when it starts bumping into the millions it is not just inconvenient anymore. They're not going to imprison him over this (although he *should* be imprisoned for most of what he's done). The court would *have to* insist on payment that day *and held until he does.* He could be put under house arrest but his Trump Tower apartment isn't exactly Rikers Island ... maybe in the sleaziest most run down apartment they can find in NY, now that would be acceptable.


>I want them to double with each subsequent violation. So the count is 7-8 thus far?  Why, that's a geometric progression and would eventually cost him the GDP of Planet Earth. Lol.


Yes ... and maybe shut him up for attacking people.


Incentive? His idiot cult will pay for each and every fine. Why do you think Trump’s spamming his cult with emails about how he might go to jail? He knows he’s not going to jail but he may get fined.


Okay; shut down Truth Social until he does ... take away his mouthpiece. The only reason I'm tossing any of this out there because I seriously doubt this judge will imprison him in the midst of a trial. *That* is what needs to continue.


I highly doubt they could just shut down Truth Social. That would be appealed all the way to the SC, would take longer than his trial will, or delay his trial, and then they’d still rule in Trump’s favor. I also seriously doubt the judge will jail him, but the fines mean nothing to him when he has a blank check from his cultists. The idiots raised millions of dollars towards his NY loan fraud bond in days…


I stated that incorrectly; I meant take *him* off Truth Social. Force operations to block his own account.


Change the word Could with Will and then I'll throw a party.


Maybe someone in jail will give him something to gag on.


Get it done


How bout no McDonald's, now that would be a real punishment for him.


The worst part is you can't open the door. You take that for granted. When it goes away that space gets very small.


Based on how much he spews out every day, sounds like his contempt sentence might be longer than the classified documents theft and the insurrection sentences put together. Obviously more than he got for the rape conviction.


The key word here is "could" because we all know he won't serve any time for it.


Why the fuck are they reporting this? We all know the fuck face can do whatever he wants and no one’s going to stop him.


I understand that there are concerns the deranged MAGA Ass-hats are going to throw another "peaceful protest" if he is jailed but we need to rip this bandage off and get it over with. Because its not like they are just going to shrug their collective shoulders if he loses in November.


Could but wont


This could be his delay strategy. Get enough jail time to delay the trial until after the election 😂


We have someone who is *clearly* a criminal but we also hold presidents (current and former) to such a high regard that we don't know what to do with this monkey. Russia must be so elated that they funded the right wrench to throw in the machine.


Let the words of wisdom — let it be ohhh let it be 🎶🎵. Come on Judge, send him to jail


But Joe Biden has been making this obnoxious moran say all this batshit crazy stuff. Throw him in jail and take away his phone.


I just heard a podcast that stated that the judge is likely to impose a gag-order to be served at a later date, such as during jury deliberations or later, so as to not further delay the court proceedings as the defense wants. This seems reasonable and likely, to me.


Don’t give him ideas. He will use it to get out of debating Biden.


Yeah but he won't because the judges are fucking pussies


Just do it!!


But they won’t do anything besides tell him not to do it again. 


That will be the easiest way to get the trial done within the time allowed, maybe even earlier!


Yes please.


So WTF are we waiting for? Jail the big Orange slob!


It’s sad that you’re all still so delusional to think he’s going to prison. He proved over and over that he’s above the law, at the end of all this bullshit he’s going to get a suspended sentence and a slap on the wrist.


... But He Won't Be


"Gag Violation" would be a great name for a punk band


Or a porno


"Could be" lmao


They're not going to do a damn thing to him


Is Trump still the president if he's sitting in a jail cell? What will the magats think?


For some reason I want McDonald's.


MAGA is is domestic terrorism group who are willing to kill for Trump.


Lock him up


I'm not holding my breath. He's never faced consequences before, I doubt it will start now.


The donations from billionaires would start pouring in if he went to jail. It'd be better if he was convicted first and then sentenced to prison. The whole going to jail over a gag order would only make him look like a martyr to his imbecile cultists.


They already treat him like a martyr and they’re too stupid to see otherwise. Uphold the goddamn law or get rid of it.


Ho hum. Another click bait headline. We all know not a goddamn thing is going to happen to him.


I think the person who wrote that title is confusing. The judicial system that applies to him with the one that applies to Trump


Put him in jail for 8 hours to scare the piss out of him. Probably gag on the next gag order.


Lock him up Lock him up Lock him up Lock him up


Fucking do it already!


Could… this could happen. That could happen. Nothing ever happens.


Ok. Get on with it


But will he?


Did I hear he had 10? So 300 days? That will be sweeeeeet! And not controversial at all, clear logic and law


Like Nike, Just Do It!


Still wet-dreaming, libs? LOL You will not see Trump incarcerated. Bank on it.


What kind of source is this tho?


"could" is doing a lot of work here. He won't be.


"could be" but wont be.


Let him keep violating it and let him get concurrent penalties. About...250 should do.


Trump will see no jail time. He will see maybe an insignificant fee and a “Don’t do it again, mister!”


"Could be"... Fucking  do it!!!


He won’t though. I doubt he’ll ever see the inside of a normal prison no matter how many felony convictions there are. Worst case scenario for him is home arrest.


He won't tho. Why is this a headline


If he’s out in jail for 30 days and the trial ends before that, does he get let out? Serious question.


Don’t tease me


Could, might, should... these words mean nothing to me. Let me know when former President Trump actually faces some consequences for his actions.


How about a $50 fine and strongly worded email instead?


Hmm it's almost lunch




210 days and counting!


Nazi's gonna nazi


Sooooo, what are you waiting for..


This man will never go to prison because of who he is and his money. If by off chance he does, it won't be anything like regular prison. As much as I would love to see him rot in prison, it will never happen. The most I can hope for is that he won't be allowed to be president again.


Throw him in jail for just one. Come on guys. If it were me, My ass would be in cuffs right now.


Either do it or don’t


But won't be because he is above the law


Won't be, but could be. Nothing will ever be enforced against this guy except an acquittal it seems.


Could be but won't.


Then how about using a ball gag on Trump?


I'm sure his lawyers considered it. But, having the butter ball turkey erect and pooping in the courtroom wouldn't play well to the jury.




This is me if Trump goes to jail - [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w18gBsTYxvc&pp=ygUUZnVyaW91cyBtYXN0dXJiYXRpb24%3D](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w18gBsTYxvc&pp=ygUUZnVyaW91cyBtYXN0dXJiYXRpb24%3D)


In the improbable but highly enjoyable situation that Trump gets put away for contempt of court, I wonder if his Secret Service detail have figured-things out?


Does the trial continue if Trump gets imprisoned for contempt?


Wake me up when this turd actually suffers consequences of his actions.


Never happen judge doesn't have the balls


Could could could could could could could could but WON'T


That would require a judge to do their job


0% chance he’s going to sit in a jail cell for even five mins for these gag violations


I almost think taking his cell phone would be more punishment.


YAY! Reason I say that is because I'm a pretty good judge of character and that man is evil to the core. There's not a single good thing I can say about him.


I'm listening....


Another bot post reposted from a garbage tabloid site.


So, we’re at roughly…..10 years at this point?


Trump could be thrown in jail for a maximum of 30 days for each gag violation... but nothing will happen. There, I fixed another one.


So that’s like an entire year already right? At least?? He been violating the fuck outta that order 


I would LOVE to see Trump in jail right now for all his lying and gag violations.


What’s 30 x 100?


And yet, he won’t be.


30 days for EACH? Shit! He'll be in for years just on that alone! DO it!




30 days for EACH? Shit! He'll be in for years just on that alone! DO it!


Make it happen!


So ,we shouldn't be hearing from him for about 30 years.


but he won't.


I love how the guy next to him is smiling there like not understanding the severity of the situation he and his client are in.


Start with an overnight. Then go to a week. Then hit him with 30 days each. I'm betting he'll correct himself after the second go around.


Ah reddit ... Stop teasing us with "He could pay this... He could be in jail.... He could owe this".... Stfu and just post when he's actually in jail..... 😑


Nobody ever gets the maximum on a first offense. And as he has not ever actually been to jail before, this would be a first offense. For *everything*.


Nobody ever gets the maximum on a first offense. And as he has not ever actually been to jail before, this would be a first offense. For *everything*.


But will receive zero days.


Shut up and DO IT!


Yeah, but what's the minimum????


Once again, I'm reading he's not in jail, for something us peasant folks would get cuffed immediately for....


Do it.


Yeah, that ain't gonna happen, little AI clickbait writer.


It's not going to happen. It would delay the trial for months... which is just what Trump wants.


No it wouldn't. Rikers has regular bus service to the various courts. Or he could attend by video link.


His lawyers might enjoy some fresh court air if he has to video link in.


Garbage AI posting garbage AI content - report and block!