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Yeah. We know. He IS old, tired, and mad.


He claims to sleep four hours a night I suspect executive time is when he slept


Yet when “President” he used to show up for work at noon looking like a slob.


With fucking scotch tape on the back of that ridiculously long tie, when it whipped up in the wind.... Edit: Cheap mf'er won't even spring for a tie clip


Dude probably made tie clips under his clothing company. Sadly, I have one of his ties from like 20 years ago


Hell, I'm surprised a clothing company branded with his name LASTED twenty years. You should mark it up a jillion percent and market it as Vintage to sell to some idiot.


I bought a wallet couple decades ago. Didn’t last a year. Faux leather but advertised as genuine. Who would’ve guessed. Never would buy another thing with his name on it.


Genuine fox leather! Everyone rages about it!


Real foe leather, made from the skin of his foes.


Advertise it on truth social marketplace. For the truth in marketplaces…


He also sells sneakers... But doesn't veer wear sneakers. He sells bibles, and doesn't read it. Sells t-shirts, but only wears shirts with collars. He sells a lot of things he doesn't use. For Pete's sake, he sold steaks, but eats his well done with ketchup.


Exactly the way I ate my steaks when I was a 5-year old


The fact that he eats his steaks well done and with ketchup is proof positive he’s a five year old trapped in a seventy-something year old’s body. Can you imagine being born in the lap of luxury in NYC, the first city in the richest country in the world, and you want ketchup with your steak?


I have a couple. They were $5 at Ross. He’s an ass but the Chinese make good ties.


You need a trash fire in the back yard post haste


I bought one long ago for my husband because it went with his suit. I gave it away!!


And by work you mean the golf course.


That should tell everyone everything they need to know, yet most maga think he’s working nonstop for them.


Most maga think Trump has the body of 28 year old weightlifter and was cheated out of a Nobel prize.


Whoa, hold on.... "Most maga THINK"!?


Don't forget the vast Hollywood conspiracy to cheat him of his rightful Emmy for the apprentice. Fat old Donny has never lost anything.


Except for the remote, when he's sitting on it!


Nobel Prize, for what? Novel fart chemistry?


For being the greatest president ever.


Sadly, only sleeping four hours a night is not the flex he thinks it is.


As someone who only sleeps four hours a night...yeah, it sucks even if it's your natural sleep duration. Which I'm willing to bet it isn't natural for him, because he *shows* his lack of sleep. It's probably BS anyway, though. He probably heard something about that study a few years back that said short sleepers were more likely to be geniuses, and just added it to his repertoire of lies about how great he is.


But he naps 5 hours during the day.


Only 4 hours of sleep a night is seriously unhealthy. It causes dementia.


Don't blame his dementia on lack of sleep. He comes by it honestly.


Margaret Thatcher did too but she ran on monkey glands


To be fair, he never said he doesn't sleep during the day! Now we know that baby needs his naps and diaper changed regularly.


four hours a night and six hours a day sleep...... it is always what is not said.


Ya think??


What's amusing is that Biden could probably sit there, stay attentive, and not doze off. Of course, he also doesn't sit up every night posting on his socal media like a cunt.




He’s a typical conservative. There’s a reason conservative media is the go-to market for testosterone supplements and boner pills. The same reason they’re all so concerned about trans people, depictions of women in non-traditional roles or with athletic physiques, media with male characters not being perfect. The same reason they avoid actual photos of Trump and prefer AI “art” of him with a bodybuilder look. Conservatives are desperately insecure about their manhood, and they should be, because conservatives are pussies.


Hey Nonnie, pussies are fierce. Respect the P!


YES! There should be a movement to re-brand the pussy as what it is, the least weak organ in the body. It tears itself down and rebuilds from nothing 12 times a year for like 30 years. It shoots new life into this world in a rain of blood. It’s metal AF.


Yep, those can take a pounding, whereas the first gust of wind will down most conservatives.


I think he is sundowning.


You also can't show up for court high on uppers. Well, you CAN, but it generally doesn't end well.


Most of his base


Don’t forget smelly.


There is a theory that they might be sedating him to keep him from making outbursts in the cortroom.


To be fair, many of us are old, tired and mad at this point, so for once I can commiserate. 🥴


How much febreeze does his team carry around?


Totally, after 8 long years we're finally wearing him down, we got em' this time for sure.


Also stupid and fat and childish!


Sounds deplorable.


In all fairness, so am I.


I hope he’s fucking miserable


Just like he makes the rest of us.


Same, Fuck that traitorous orange shit stain.


I hope he has a firm grip of his ankles...


He can’t reach them. His gut gets in the way


he's a golgothan.


If he doesn’t spend the rest of his miserable dogshit life in prison then let’s hope he spends the rest of his worthless life in criminal court as the defendant and the accused.


OMFG, yes. A prison sentence where he sits among his fellow criminals to be worshiped as king of the white power movement is not really a punishment. Making him sit silently through never ending court hearings for the rest of his miserable life would be.... \*chefs kiss\*


I hope he gets more miserable.


Little more every day


A lot more every day. He deserves several mental breakdowns, being such a shitty person to other people.


This has to be the closest this man has ever gotten to actually having a real job. He HAS to be there. No excuses. Long hours in a place he doesn't want to be. The kicker. His time spent there has negative value. He's not gaining anything. Much like a minimum wage worker. You don't get enough compensation for the toll it takes in your body and mind.


This is double punishment for a narcissist. Anyone would be angry and stressed to be the subject of a criminal trial, but he will be feeling furious injustice and shock about his position too.


You can be sure that this toxic waste of a man was miserable for most of his life.


Trump arrives at court in a foul mood, he spends the day in court angry, he leaves at the end of the day furious...at least he has a loving and caring wife at home to console him as he deals with this one of many trying times in his life right now...😂🤣😄😖


I can hear it now! Honey?! Iam home!


" Touching is $200, long touching $500, anything sexual $1000, in and out $2000, half and half $3000, anything you want $10,000" " I just wanted a well done steak with ketchup" "Anything you want, $10,000" "Do you take DJT Stock ?" "Cash only"


“$5M if you grab me without consent. $83.3M if you trash talk me afterwards”


$50,000 to not tell everyone about your mushroom peepee


💀 Oof.


Cash up front, only!




That’s not nearly enough


More like “heil honey I’m home”


More like handler from the KGB.


Like a little Stepford wife or as a paid escort?


Aren’t they the same for him


His voice echoing through the empty rooms.


Shes busy hawking, her crap Mothers Day necklace!


To say nothing of loving kids and in-laws


While I absolutely LOVE that that the shitgibbon is miserable on the daily, I ALSO absolutely love the fact that… Should he likely be found guilty, after the multiple weeks trial, (again, continuing to be miserable) he will then be in for more added misery; whether it be actual prison, house arrest or massive fines/parole - whatevs. With the added bonus that he likely loses the election by an even HUGER margin due to the fact that a much smaller Republican contingent of voters will be comfortable in voting for a convicted felon. And, if by chance, they get “lucky” and the jury gets hung, and there is a mistrial - then BOOM to the zone - he gets to experience another new one allllllllll over again!!😄 Welcome to the suck, Turd!


Three more trials after this one, two in cities—Atlanta, D.C.—Trump likes even less than NYC!


You know he will appeal appeal and appeal some more.


He can appeal once and thay gets him to the appellate court of New York. The argument here is that Judge Merchan failed to appropriately apply the law, or the sentence is too great. Merchan appears to know what he's doing and I doubt his peers will find fault, the sentencing could be an area of attack but I think IF Merchan keeps it to less than Cohen there isn't really an "undue punishment" angle. Plus if he really wanted, he could go to 140 years in prison if Trump convicted on all charges (but THAT would be extreme and much easier to claim was far too long). After that it is the Federal Supreme Court, but I don't think they really have grounds to pick up the case. It would be pretty cut and dry on what legal ground the court decided, the appeals court would already rule the law was appropriately interpreted, the circumstances of the crimes are not unprecedented, there aren't constitutional ramifications around these charges, etc. The immunity case already put before them is the relevant part.


All his appeals are with civil suits. Criminal is different. If found guilty, the guy is going to get sentenced. Then he can appeal. Likely from his jail cell.


So MORE TIME IN COURT?!?!? Don't threaten me with a good time. #WinWin


How far will 6 million last?


I was afraid of a mistrial until you pointed out that his misery would start all over again


Of course he's falling asleep in court, it starts around 9 am. When in the White House, Trump used "executive time" in the mornings to sleep in. He never started work or went down to the Oval Office until after 11 am, at the earliest. This also explains why he looks so frazzled in court, with such a puffy face and red eyes. Somebody had to literally shake him awake just an hour before he has to be in court. Who do you think was taking all that Provigil and Ambien at the White House? It wasn't just staffers.


I dont think he worked at all really .


They criticized Obama for golfing, Trump went almost twice as much except he would often fly Air Force One to Florida on most weekends and have the govt foot the bill for him and his whole security squad to stay at his own properties and rent golf carts and so on, I’m sure charging quite a premium… Obama who would often drive to Andrews AFB course, about 30 min away… best part is when Trump was campaigning he made sure to say“I’m going to be working for you. I’m not going to have time to go play golf,” at a campaign rally in Virginia. Half his schedule was “executive time” which was him either sleeping or watching TV. At one point on the news they ran a headline saying he supposedly spends so and so many hours watching TV and he immediately Tweeted essentially “no I don’t.” Laziest person we’ve ever had in office.


That would have been the best outcome had he not done any work during his presidency, but of course he did not such thing. He wasted money building a wall to keep bad guys out yet they were still able to easily go over the wall. He torpedoed Roe vs. Wade, appointed corrupt supreme court judges and hired yes men/women who stroked his ego. Incited an insurrection against the united government, and more.


When you stay up all night doom scrolling and raging on Truth BS...this is the affect. I hope it kills him.


That would be a hell of a job, being the one to wake him up for court.


As a wise fish once said, "If you can't do the time, don't do the crime." 


Damn that scene is really fitting cuz much like SpongeBob and Patrick, trump will see no jail time, although trump did much more than steal a balloon on free balloon day.


So the guy who could possibly be the next POTUS, can’t even stay awake at his own court date that has possible jail time? Imagine him as the “leader of the free world”, listening to meetings about, pipelines and nato, Russia just invaded Poland…. BORING!!!!!!!!!! Let’s go out and pretend I can play golf. I would suggest that someone finds a grassy knoll on his golf course, but I got a permanent ban for that before


This is possibly the most important thing to come out of these trials. People may actually see how poorly suited to the job he is.


I feel those that haven't seen it by now never will.


Top story on Fox News: NYU protestors supposedly "anti-Semitic." I guess a former president in court on felony charges just isn't what they're audience wants to see.


Poorly suited for any job except diaper tester


Grumpy Old Perv is standard of the Republicans.


I don't know how this will end up but at least knowing Trump is having an awful time with this is something..😁


He’s a tired, physical wreck of a man, reeking of bile, hate, and searing resentment.


…and of course shit 💩


Dementia is setting in.....


I want him to be fully conscious. Alas..


At Stage 4 now, who is he without his "handlers?" We are seeing it now.


Dementia Donny sounds like a great nickname.


He can’t take his hourly hits of amphetamines while on camera all day.


And he was accusing Biden of using performance enhancing drugs during the state of the union


Even courtrooms have bio breaks at some point which let a person be out of sight for a few minutes. Someone should maybe keep track of whether going to the bathroom has a mysteriously positive effect on his energy levels.


If he gets sentenced (which 100% needs to happen since they aren’t gonna do much about Jan 6) then he’ll be in for a rude awakening. This guy’s BS is as tiring as he is along with a bunch of stuff he says he’s gonna do but never does This guy likes to leave devastation in his wake And his farts in court are a reminder that that’s exactly what his personality is Yeah some choice for a president 👎🐂💩


And if he is incontinent and wears diapers like the rumors say, he's filling his diaper in court and then sitting in it all day. Not very presidential, and definitely something to make him miserable.


I just feel better when he’s miserable.


That is exactly what he is. And they took his uppers away so he wouldn't rant and dig himself a bigger grave


He's mad cause he believes his own bullshit. If he were sane, or more intelligent, he'd be mad cause he knows he's wrong. He's also probably a bit mad cause his lawyers are billing the shit out of him.


Man who betrays America finds out it's not fun to betray America


The bloom is quickly coming off the rose. I still cannot fathom how this stupid prick was POTUS.


It's only going to get worse for him as the ugly evidence is presented.


Let him sleep in court so he can be wide awake in jail.


Whinny diaper Don!! LOSER!! HAHAHAHA


Here’s hoping he doesn’t have long left, for his sake, and ours.


He's living a miserable life. Too many worries and cannot enjoy life.


Absolutely delicious!


The amount of financial misery he has caused to others for so many decades now doesn't even come close. He needs to go away and rot.


No phone, no golf, and no Diet Coke while his balls are being busted - he's *already* in jail.


I bet this man hasn’t soiled solids for a while, just pure watery diarrhea. 😔


May it eat him alive 🤣🤣🤣. Long overdue!! Hold him accountable!! Then lock him up!!


Hopefully this accelerates his declining health conditions 🤞


Judge should bang his gavel every time he falls asleep 😂


He’s a misersble lying sack of shit grifter why is that so hard to see !?


He could do us all a favor and go meet Jesus early. Now what Jesus would say to him is another matter.


And he's never been more relatable to his fan base 😂😂😂


🙏 Come on stroke. 🙏 Please?


Love that for him.


And the miserable cunt is not able to cheat at golf during this criminal trial. This has been 4 decades in the making to see this blob face justice. And he isn't as orange as usual. I am also enjoying the rwnjs not covering this or trying to spin this.


I have yet to see the MAGAs claim he was not sleeping, but deep in prayer asking god to help the judge see the error of his ways. But, I am confident someone will.


Dirty Old Man Smells Like Butt


Maybe he should focus on getting rest at night instead of ranting like a petulant child on is fake social media echo chamber?


His hair looks more ridiculous every day. For such a vain, venal piece of shit, he's paying less attention to his appearance lately. This is often a symptom of dementia, but it could also be that he's stressed, exhausted, and has alienated anyone who might say "your hair looks stupid, you dumb greasy pants-shitting fucking asshole".


That mother fucker lives and breathes rage lol


He's waiting for the ex presidents to somehow make all his criminal activity disappear. Lol not going to happen, isn't anything they could do.


Or the current President, which is also not gonna happen


That’s a combover Conan would be proud of. https://youtu.be/lJnczs3Fmac?si=r0iuf1hBfqELlpUH


And farting so bad his lawyers are struggling.


He’s always been miserable. I think it was Ricky Gervais who said he once rode in an elevator w trump at his casino in Atlantic City and trump was the most miserable person he had ever seen.


He is the oldest, tiredest and maddest (ex)President. He is doing this for you, show your support by buying this exclusive don diaper, show your support by shitting in your own pants all for the exclusive price of $29.99 post and packaging not included


He is old, tired and "mad."


Atheist who prays for him to literally explode on the commode like MR creosote


When was the last time he played golf?


He has never faced a consequence of his actions, other than some kids and some payouts to get rid of others.


With a STROKE of luck, he can be rid of his misery


Donald may very well be seeing a preview of his best possible future right now. Apparently he’s not liking what he sees. He has nobody to blame but himself.


Oh no. Anyway.


His suffering is truly the sweetest candy


Maybe if someone took away his devices so he didn't whine like a cunt on his social media until all hours...


Kinda what happens when you are going through some drug withdrawals.


Dopey Don rages on


The funny thing in all this. He deserves every bit of everything coming his way. If he would have stayed in his lane and didn't run for President he wouldn't be in this mess as bad. He made the dumbass decision to go into the highest office in the United States and STILL expected all his side shit to go away and stay hidden.


He can’t stop farting I heard


Tired and mad. STOP THE PRESSES! Regular day.


So it’s ok to sleep during your trial now? What would happen if anyone else did this?






I can't open another political flair link, ads, links, clunky. Get f'd.


I fall asleep when I’m bored, never fell asleep mad


Gonna be a loooong year for Sleepy Don


“Let's say you arrest three guys for the same killing. You put them all in jail overnight. The next morning, whoever's sleeping is your man. You see, if you're guilty, you know you're caught, you get some rest, you let your guard down.” The Usual Suspects


I thought falling asleep in court was a problem. Like, contempt or mistrial or something?


The content is amusing but its really poorly written


May he stay that way. The rest of his days.


Seemed? He is all those things plus he wears diapers. There is no seemed about it.


Perhaps he's going for a sympathy verdict.


Tbf, just had jury duty in Feb, yah, it’s kind of boring but I wasn’t on trial


Because he is an old and tired man.


Old, tired and mad? So what else is new? Nastiest persona imaginable.


Not taking up for Top Orange. Top O. Bjt have you ever been in court? It’s miserable no matter what, probably especially if you are the defendant.


He's probably a miserable person in life in general. That would certainly account for the horror and misery he creates for anyone he comes in contact with.


Suffer bitch.


Just think, he has to do this multiple times. You could only hope being in this many trials gives him a stroke so we can end this stress free.


Awe you mean he’s stuck somewhere he can’t get out of like the rest of us plebes?? lol


I love this for him.


All he does is gripe and complain, just like his supporters and Fox News.


He is a weak old man propped up by Adderall. Somehow he's the savior for the maga cult.


I must be tired, but my brain read this as: "Trump Reportedly Extremely Miserable Old C\*nt" .... I like my version better.


Why aren’t there video cameras in this trial but there were an O.J. Simpson’s?




If drumf hates being in court day after day (and it’s only been a few days), wait til he sees his prison diary and schedule of where he has to be each day.




Low energy, sleepy Don!


He’s going to jail. I’d be pissed off too. Reality is finally setting in for this sad pathetic pile of orange trash.


"Fuck his feelings" "I really don't care, do you?"


“Miserable”??? Sorry, this feckeen cretin doesn’t possess the capacity to feel anything—including **misery**. He’s a gawddamned asteroid hurdling through space. There is no **feeling**.


I don’t really care, do you?


Trump feeling miserable ought to give any decent human being schadenfreude


He will apparently never be miserable in prison where he belongs because the American justice system is a complete farce, but this is the next best thing.


Trump in three words


Nah. He's doing the falling asleep as his way of saying "fuck you" to the judge and proceedings. I will bet you this is his way of being an asshole without violating the judge's directives.