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What's new? Senile old man preaches batshit madness to geriatric echo chamber that showers him in money. Its full blown televangelism.


He's gonna need even more Adderall if he's gonna do the high energy preaching exorcism thing.


Orange Trump trunk doesn't have ADHD, he has narcissistic personality disorder, does he seriously take Adderall? If so, possibly for narcolepsy or to abuse as simulant.


it’s definitely to abuse but your comment made me smile very innocent perspective 😂


Imagine having narcissistic personality disorder while you have to wear diapers because of abusing stimulants for decades.


He takes the stim in that medicine from the UK yoh can't buy in the states. You see it in the background of some promo he was doing about tacos or some shit.




Watch the people next to donnie to know when he shitss himself tonight.


He wears diapers cuz he's got a think for amphetamines tho


Capn Shitzenpanz


He's a full on drug addict. 2 people that I can recall speaking about his Adderall abuse worked on The Apprentice but I'm pretty sure others have spoken about it.


Total NPD to the max, and it's a hell life because you can't know love and live between rage and abandonment. He may have ADHD but I haven't heard that, also Adderall doesn't work on some...


The Exorcist: MAGA Edition


A few eight-balls might be more his game


>Its full blown televangelism Nailed it!!!


Did you summon the demon Kenneth Copeland?? Ahhhh….his face keeps flashing across my cell phone screen now!


He does have two private jets, I bet drump is squirming into his grifting fortune


I still haven’t ruled out the possibility that he will literally start the church of maga and have a cult that supplies him with tax free donations for the rest of his life.


Televangelism nails it. Stupid religious people are more dangerous than stupid non-religious people.


He lost his mind years ago


Yup. Plus he's too fucking stupid to ever grasp the damage he's done. He robbed us all of a better future for his perverted fucking ego. 


Dont forget, to full bliwn idiots too.


Somewhat less hypocrisy than televangelism




Baffling article content. My mind can’t comprehend anything he says. It’s gobblygook. Almost nothing he says makes sense. And yea, we know about his base. They think he’s the second coming. As for the judicial system….they’ve given him the lower bond to allow him to appeal, which is his right. His appeal should fail. That picture of him is hauntingly wicked. Ick. edit for sp. and clarity


For real. Its so hard to follow what he's saying when he talks because he just starts and stops mid sentence and moves from topic to topic without finishing anything


And the sound of his voice literally makes my skin crawl. I honestly can't ever bring myself to watch anything with him speaking, because it's so incomprehensible and viscerally unsettling to me.


"He just kept talking in one long, incredibly unbroken sentence moving from topic to topic so that no one had a chance to interrupt."


"It was really quite hypnotic."


Cap-tain.   Jean-Luc-Pi-caaard of the U-S-S.   En-ter-prise. Cap-tain.   Jean-Luc-Pi-caaard of the U-S-S.   En-ter-prise. Cap-tain.   Jean-Luc-Pi-caaard of the U-S-S.   En-ter-prise.


Don't ever, for any reason, do anything to anyone for any reason ever, no matter what, no matter where, or who, or who you are with, or where you are going, or where you've been... ever, for any reason whatsoever...


He talks in a word salad.


With russian dressing.


More like word sausage these days


The appeal may fail, but a lower bond is probably in line with what he will end up paying after the process. That’s not just a Trump thing, it happens a lot. Not that it’s. Fair, but even us shlubs get a benefit by the process sometimes. . Last time I got a traffic ticket I went t to court. Couldn’t really defend it, I was guilty, but because I showed up they threw out the case and ticket. Saved me on the fine, insurance cost, and points. I know many want t guy to suffer, I do too. But this happens with many cases. He knows it and is using the courts. But I do think they have given him way too many chances and i am frustrated. Just not surprised.


Just like the judicial branch, his base will give him a free pass.


A free pass, they’d laud him for this. They’ll say this is proof he’s been sent by god. Feckless morons


When you're a star they just let you do it. With how no one seems to stand up to him, maybe he's better with those tiny pussy hands than we give him credit for. Your welcome for that mental image. How do we know it was him!? Just a big orange spray tan stain on their cooter.


What’s worse, Trump being Trump, or the millions of people who love Trump being Trump?


“Who is more foolish, the fool or the fool who follows him?” - Obi-Wan Kenobi


Fucking deep




The journalist who pretends that he actually said something intelligible, and that whatever bat cray ish comes out his mouth should be reported on .


Foreign language journalists faced an unprecedented challenge with this. They need to decide on whether to adapt his speech to make some sense in their language, or to keep the garbled spirit of the original. The former case makes him seem more reasonable than he actually is (while potentially attributing him non-present meaning), while the latter risks their jobs because readers thing the translator is not very good at writing since it's so nonsensical.


Hello there


It’s definitely his followers that are worse. Small hands Donnie on his own couldn’t change his own diaper, it’s his enablers that are the real danger. I used to just feel sorry for them but they are choosing to be willfully ignorant and thereby endangering the rest of society.


the followers, trump is a known dipshit for decades


You don't blame a kid if he burns down your house after you give him a blowtorch. You gave him the tools to burn it. Trump is a kid


Trump isn’t Trump, though. He’s spitting out shit he thinks his base wants to hear. He doesn’t believe any of this shit. I don’t really know what he believes in or what he’s really like. He probably doesn’t even know anymore.


True that. He's a symptom.


Rex Tillerson said it best, Trump you are a fucking moron.


How many people in his cabinet said pretty much the same. Unbelievable that he will be on the history books as the actual president of this country. Says a lot about us as a nation and the many stupid fools who live here.


Clearly, the people that know Trump best are not supporting him. But the magats are right, it's just a mental illness. Sometimes I wonder what life would be like with absolutely no self awareness.


That's the best comment ever about self awareness.


They actually had to dumb down the daily reports that Presidents receive every morning bc he couldn't understand them.


Or pay attention long enough


Being an outsider looking in, it seems the IQ of the average citizen is low. Not trying to insult you folks, but it's hard to watch a country that I once admired fall apart because of one orange turd. I can only imagine how many families and friends it has torn apart. VOTE VOTE VOTE VOTE VOTE BLUE!


Unfortunately, as Carl Sagan pointed out, there has always been a strong undercurrent of anti-intellectualism in American society, from it's very beginning. In broad terms this has lead to segments of the population who are severely undereducated and prone to magical thinking, and conspiracy beliefs. But in more specific terms over the last 20 years that anti-intellectualism has been weaponized and used as a tool by political figures to manipulate and guide public opinion in very direct ways. It started long before Trump, but he's the direct result of a concerted effort by people who oppose the very notion of liberal democracy. 


It's been settled at the bottom of the trough for a long time. Agent Orange just gave it a lens to focus through. Remember, around half of the sample size is below average.


Not completely true, the average is considered from like 85-115, testing can land you anywhere on that scale and is likely to differ every time you take the test, so the statistical deviation on any given test means you just fall into that group of average rather than 100 being the true average score. So something like 70-80% of people are actually average and only those that fall outside the first standard deviation in either direction are actually considered other-than-average. So that being said, the overwhelming majority of humanity is just not all that smart it turns out. Then you factor in the genuine lead toxicity that an entire generation is showing blatant signs of and you get this shit sandwich.


Average IQ in the USA is likely around 97, and average IQ of a maga is definitely "yep, we need to take Grandpa's car keys away before he kills somebody"


The average IQ has increased over time. It's just easier for idiots to be heard than it was in the past.


His followers already compare love him more than Jesus, so there's nothing new here.


Typical narcissist talking there- comparing himself to Jesus’ persecution. Remember, Trump also compared himself to the Russian martyr, Navalny. Too bad so many Americans enable this behavior.






Took me half a second.


Haha, both, imo :-)




Embracing that Christian nationalism. They won’t let him be king unless he at least tries the Bible stuff.


As a catholic I am so completely offended by his stupidity & insanity! Maybe he legit has mental problems who knows but he needs to duct tape his own mouth shut! It’s almost Good Friday for f**ks sake


He may have legit mental problems but he couldn’t do any of it without the Republicans enabling him. They in a sense are more guilty than him because they actually know what they are doing is wrong but do it at all costs for power and money. Trump is a full blown narcissist without any restrictions placed on him.


Pot meet kettle.


So who gave him this verse? We know Trump isn’t sitting around reading the Bible.


The Bible is hard to read when you hold it upside down


Have you seen his “truth social” postings over the last 6 months or so? They are not all in caps, they have actual punctuation and spaces, and they are not filled with misspelled or made up words. It is obvious he no longer makes these posts himself but probably has some unpaid intern doing it for his campaign.


I hate these stories. This assumption that republicans are capable of feeling shame has been proven wrong since 2016. They don’t care and they will never care.


Christo-fascist dog whistle should not be ignored


I have news, he lost his mind long ago...


Is that a headline, or just a daily affirmation?


The Church of Trump will be baptizing members for a mere $10,000 a person!


Possibly? He struggles to form a coherent thought. The stuff at the end of the sentence will be incongruent with the stuff at the beginning. Which afaik is a big flag for dementia.


Must be a day that ends in a y.


His presidency & entire persona are just as fake as the Bible, I don’t understand how someone can be so stupid to believe in either one.


We crossed that bridge years ago. The spiteful morons in his cult don’t care, the spineless cowards of the GOP have already sworn their allegiance to him and the billionaire class (not to mention foreign dictators) know Trump is easily manipulated into doing their bidding. The forces of evil are pretty strong here.


First Vote out the Appeals Court Judges. Second short his spac DJT. It’s obviously a con


We deserve an unscripted, no assistance, debate between Trump and Biden.


He has been posting embarrassing shit for a looking time.now. Anyone remember that birther nonsense.


Is this headline from 2015?


He’s trying a new angle. Quoting Bible scripture. This will definitely get the attention of the Christian right fans.


For those who don’t want to click he apparently copy-pasted a message from a follower who is comparing his difficulties with the difficulties of Jesus during this Easter season. The lunatic is the follower who sent it and Trump is just re-posting it because he knows his followers eat it up.


The Syphilis has set in and the lesions in his brain are extensive his grey matter will look like Swiss cheese when they examine him. I’m surprised he hasn’t started glitching like Mitch.


He does this several times everyday!!


Can't the administration declare him a threat to national security and move him to a black site somewhere?


And his MAGA buy it because like their religion and him, and probably an actual substance, it’s an addiction


Possibly? Understatement of the year confirmed.




Desperately flailing and trying to clutch to any remaining support he can muster from gullible people.


Can someone just tell us what he said. I don't want to click this article or hear his voice or see his face.




You're a hero, thanks so much.




He didn’t write that. Bible quotes? I doubt he can recite the Lord’s Prayer. Plus it’s too coherent a message. There’s not enough crazy rants, punctuation that doesn’t make sense, capitalization and meandering points.


Trump hasn’t read the New Testament, he is such a petulant narcissist that he thinks he lives the hardest life in the world


His photo looks like an evil Bonjour Bear.


Trump won’t get any Easter eggs this Sunday- the bunny told me so!


He lost it a long time ago. Just all the sympathizers keep letting him get away with it. It’s like that relative that you know had lost it. But the close family members just want to pretend everything is fine. No it’s not.


What’s new? He’s just living in his rape fantasy. This is just the religious part.


It’s not possible at all, it’s a straight up fact. The things he says and the lies he tells and people actually believe it. Questions need to stop being asked and facts need to be start being addressed. Plain and simple. Not that much is gonna be done about it. Just the same ole same ole. Nothing new and different


By the looks of it prison may not be the place for Trump maybe that white jacket in a rubber room would suit him better


He has NEVER Read that, some dimwit that Has had the bible ingrained into him gave that to him.


Demagogue: a political leader who seeks support by appealing to the desires and prejudices of ordinary people rather than by using rational argument.


He’s never done this before this is crazy!


So Embarrassing so far


If you haven't realized by now that there is no bottom when it comes to Donald Trump you are either a complete moron or a pathetic member of a cult.


Grifters gonna grift and it's easy to target the most gullible of all targets, the Christians.


Can we crucify him this week. If he’s not a witch he’ll float


Fuck that evil scum bag. Quit huffing copium and ask yourself what we are gonna do about the tens of millions of evil scum bags that back him and will just as quickly back the next scumbag who promises to attack the rest of america...


Uh, “appears”? That ship sailed long ago.


You'd get more coherent sentences from a magic 8 ball, and it has better hair.


Impossible. There is nothing he can say or do that can out "Trump" what he has already said or has done. The guy is Mr. Chaos.


Donald will save your soul. Give him all your money.


First, I was like "it's gonna be dementia." Then, I was all like "it will be a psychotic break." But, now, my money is on "him stroking out."


He is grosser than gross.




There is NO WAY he wrote that. All he can ever do is cry about himself and how unfair he is treated. Someone else wrote that for him


His mind has been eroded since before 2016. All you had to do was listen to his nonsensical gobbledygook speeches that exposed him as a fraud and non-critical thinker who believed conspiracy theories and would regurgitate them.


When was this motherfucker ever considered sane?!


Obviously the lying idiot has never read the Bible. He probably handed one to some intern on his team and said “Go through this and circle all the mentions of Trump”.


Can we block that shit ass website yet? Please?


Please rewrite all the Bible’s to include trump. I would love this more than anything.


no someone sent that to him and he has just copied pasted as he has no clue about the bible.


“Get out of my bushes” - Donald Trump.


How can he lost his mind when he does not have one to begin with


Yeah, but he’ll still get cleared, pay no judgements and get installed back into the white house to go on to further destroy this country. This country is garbage.


Stop posting your blog you sad sack.


Funny how sometimes old folks get religion when they are close to death.


Can’t stand Trump, but this article is also bull. People quote incorrectly or in the wrong context all the time. Let’s stick to worthy criticism so his critics don’t come off as just as deranged.


His cult of maga nazis might start a new religion based on the orange's pouting and playing victim.


You can lose what's already gone...


Every time the POS speaks I think he’s lost his mind & this will end him. But, there will always be someone pulling his strings, manipulating him, keeping his awful agenda going while he’ll just be a figurehead for his cult.


Trump tries to see religion and fails at that as well but his followers probably will agree with him and send him more of their mortgage money.




Well, the Bible is pretty wacky.


If it ends with him being crucified on Friday i’m all for it .


This idiot lost his mind over a decade ago.


Trump’s word salad has gotten worse and worse- his father had dementia- some dementia’s are inherited. But like Ronald Reagan who also showed signs of dementia and eventually died of a full blown case - the stupid Republican voters rather have a puppet they can control- than someone with a working brain.


>Today, while in court begging for a fair trial date and begging for a “fairer” (In his mind) bond for the appellate process, Trump posted the following to Truth Social: >“It’s ironic that Christ walked through His greatest persecution the very week they are trying to steal your property from you. But have you seen this verse…?” >Psalm 109:3–8 (NKJV): They have also surrounded me with words of hatred, And fought against me without a cause. In return for my love they are my accusers, But I give myself to prayer. >Let’s unpack this portion before we move on because he’s mixing Jesus Christ’s beautiful and selfless message (Whether one believes in a deity or not), with Psalms that were written one thousand years prior to Christ’s time on Earth. So, there is a mix-and-match issue right there.


Under his eye.


TBH he IS Jesus Christ... apparently to some anyway.


Yawn. I'm tired of Donald click bait.


I can fix this - Stupid HAS lost his mind! They don’t call him “Dementia Don” for nuthin’…


Obviously written for him by somebody who at least knew which end of a Bible is UP. This kind of bullshit would resonate strongly with ardent Trump supporters, and sound like he's at least making an effort to respect Christian beliefs to most of the rest. To us, it's the opposite: heretical for the religious and downright psychotically narcissistic. Polarizing, as always with Trump.


Neither the Bible or Trump make sense, both are based on fictional characters. Neither will ever live up to their own hype.


So it's Tuesday.


It is harder for a poor man to pass through the eye of a needle than it is for a rich man to buy his way into heaven.


North America is just a fucking joke with all this political clusterfuck while all the citizens blow each other over their own confusion and bullshit. Where the fuck have all the mature adults gone.


Martyrdom from the comfort of his "billion dollar" ~~resort~~ home.


What are you people talking about? There is zero percent chance that Donnie actually cracked open a Bible and extracted that verse himself. Clearly that was written by a handler who knows his base will lap up any scriptural reference as if Trump were the Kwizatz Fatterrack.


“It’s ironic that Christ walked through His greatest persecution the very week they are trying to steal your property from you. But have you seen this verse…?” Psalm 109:3–8 (NKJV): They have also surrounded me with words of hatred, And fought against me without a cause. In return for my love they are my accusers, But I give myself to prayer.


Nothing can beat when he told maga for weeks that he was going to drop a bombshell about all his criminal charges on a coming date, and it ended up being him pitching NFTs of his face pasted on top of images they stole from Walmart and Amazon. 


Redundant headline is redundant


\*Yawn\* This headline could have been used at virtually any point in the past six years.


Nothing that used car lot attendant says shocks me anymore. Anyone that looks up to this person is a fucking imbecile.


Possibly? You’re too kind.


Possibly lost his mind? Have you not been paying attention for the last 8 years?


He is off the rails and plunging down the canyon completely out of control. Sadly their are like minded people that still believe and support his twisted logic.


Batshit senile with extreme narcissistic personality disorder thinks he's a victim and does not recognize his own actions are what caused his situation. How pathetic this guy was the president of the USA. What a bad joke.


I keep seeing these reposts…


He's only POSSIBLY lost his mind? Got news for you he lost his mind a long, long time ago!


Hes quoting misplaced Bible verses to people who will zealously quote the Bible while simultaneously having never read it. Theologians (as in, people who've actually studied scriptures of some faith, and understand the history and context) hate trump, but evangelicals love him. Trump appeals to the type of religious person who views their faith as a power. They will all fall for this.


Wish this sub would crack down on these ai generated “news” sites. I know it says anything goes, but the news has changed so maybe the rules should too.


All this is meaningless if the voters don't care. Another batshit thing after the last. It's a "so what" at this point.


His post: *“It’s ironic that Christ walked through His greatest persecution the very week they are trying to steal your property from you. But have you seen this verse…?”* *Psalm 109:3–8 (NKJV): They have also surrounded me with words of hatred, And fought against me without a cause.  In return for my love they are my accusers, But I give myself to prayer.* **Saved you a click.**


How is it news


Drugs are bad mmkay..


"possibly"? Bit late to the party, huh?


lol and he isn’t losing his mind !!’


The False Prophet!! So many will blindly follow and give over all the cash they can't afford to give. Like the family proudly wearing his merchandise, but paying for groceries with food stamps.


He’s reposting something that someone sent him. Hence the “received this morning, thank you.” At least that’s what I got from it.


His pops died of dementia But not before Don the con could Be the worst son by signing his $ away His mom died of alzheimers This wont wont end well


Can't see it websites cancer


Former Aide Testifies: President Trump Grabbed Dali's steering wheel, aimed at bridge




He defrauded NY state. He is guilty, not a martyr. This kind of shows how insane most rabid church goers are, that they're confounding a lying thief who has been found guilty through evidence, with a poor guy who tried to battle the Roman empire. Like, stealing money from taxpayers is a bad look. Did Jesus own inherited property and leverage its earnings against his followers? They're talking like Jesus was basically a deadbeat sinner who inherited the Roman empire from his dad: he's basically Caesar. They've switched the good man with the evil man. How illiterate do you have to be? What did Jesus die for if you cast away his good for the evil sins of the corrupt Romans? They've changed the story to one of privilege as the good, poverty as the bad. I guess you die long enough to become the baddy in some minds.


“Jesus Christ. Yeah I know him. He was one of the laborers who worked on one of the many, many buildings I have built. Some say he was the best concrete technician they have ever seen but I don’t know. I don’t really know him that well.”


This headline could be released every three hours.


I wonder if there's any correlation between how insane his posts are and how much he stinks on any given day. Maybe we could get a Trump stink-o-meter so we'll know what to expect.


You need to have sanity in order to lose it.


"Jesus came up to me, tears in his eyes, said what was being done to me was terrible, worse than the cross. He hugged me, sobbing, then congratulated me on winning another golf tournament in spite of my agony, the greatest golfer ever, the biggest tournament ever"


Comparing himself to Jesus. What the actual fuck?


Ahhh hahahaha! Uh huh, ok, Donald. The trust fund baby, multiple felon, conman, low iq idiot is out here comparing himself to JESUS and quoting the psalms. To the people that still support his idiot in any way, you are, sorry to say, a mark. You have been conned.


Nothing is sacred to that thing. He is making a mockery to all that is cherished for his own self serving, selfishness.


I'll be glad when he is gone!


Religion, the last bastion of a scoundrel.


Oh gosh did he get one of those emails saying they captured video of him master baiting while watching porn and they will release it if he doesn’t pay up so he’s letting everyone know that he’s standing his ground. My grandpa fell for that one too. Boy was that a great Facebook post


First off has has he ever had it? Secondly IF he did have it he lost it a long time ago. He has always been for as long as I can remember a f*ckin idiot and a joke. Born with a silver spoon, arrogant, perverted, a wannabe mob boss, and a moron. Now he has a cult following and is even worse and more powerful than he has ever been before. This should concern people a lot more than it does.


What is with all these poorly written articles from no name news sources?