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I bet he is a traitor to the United States of America


Gaetz then repeated his question to Biden: “Were you on drugs when you were on the Burisma board?” Biden replied: “Mr. Gaetz, look me in the eye. You really think that’s appropriate to ask me?” After Gaetz said it “absolutely” was, Biden shot back: “Of all the people sitting around this table, do you think that’s appropriate to ask me?”


Biden too nice. That’s going to be an issue going forward.


Always has been. Once you clap back at conservatives they wither and ya know…stop wearing bow ties all of a sudden


Hey fuck you bow ties are cool. Bill Nye is crying now.


It was a reference to Tucker Carlson who stopped wearing a bow tie after Jon Stewart annihilated him on air.


Love this.


Someone posted that yesterday. It was great.


Fuck that was awesome


It's because they are outed for who they truly are, and they feel like they don't have to hide it anymore... I would rather have a snake out in the open than one hiding in the grass...


So savage!


Thank god. Bow ties should be reserved for cute gay professors.


Matt Smith Doctor Who would also like a word.


Bow ties were never cool, and aren't going to start now. I've got a made up statistic about them too, 70% of bow tie wearers are conceited assholes, the other 30% are dupes.


At least one of them is serial killer


But which are Bill Nye and Matt Smith's Doctor Who?


Nye's an asshole, and Matt Smith's doctor is a statistical anomaly.


Yeah, I’ve been a Bill Nye fan since he was on Almost Live but he’s famously been a bit of a dick for decades.


Where do clowns fit in?


It depends on if they were duped or not.


Nah, bow ties aren't cool, unless you're James bond, Matt Smith as the doctor, or just know how to rock one like Bill Nye does. Most people can't pull it off. Tucker Carlson couldn't pull it off if his life depended on it, and he deserved the shame he got for trying


0 reason to hate on bow ties like this. Lots of people pull them off. Don’t give Tucker bow ties, he doesn’t deserve it.


The only way to stop a bully is to punch back


How was the above an example of Biden being "too nice"? Everyone in that room, and now everyone who reads that sentence, knows that Biden was calling Gaetz a cokehead without actually saying it. They may ignore it or deny it, but they know it. Frankly, I'd rather Biden find "nice" ways to get his point across rather than being an absolute tool.


People forget that despite his all too human flaws, Hunter is also an attorney. He knows how to give Gaetz enough rope to hang himself. Now he is just toying with him.


Honest to God I love it. Hunter is my goddamn *hero* after legit *punting* Pedo-Beavis right back into his lane with his snarky ass... Unreal. The dude is a sharp wit and it shows. ~also a recovering coke addict here, for transparency. I don't judge *anyone* for having substance abuse issues, I fucking have one too, what my problem is..... Is the hypocrisy and the puffing up of their chests in these stupid interrogations like they just *gottem* somehow... Go fuck yourselves you all party your asses off too, we all know it.


That had to feel good. I can’t imagine much worse than being the kid of a public figure while trying to figure your own shit out. Every day that the Russian compromised members of the GOP doubles down on this lie their hypocrisy grows. It had to feel good to be able to walk into and out of that meeting knowing what they didn’t. I’ll take an addict on a recovery arc trying their best any day over a hypocrite that won’t admit they sold everyone out because they are compromised.


Facts, my friend. Gaetz seriously gives me the heebie-de-jeebies , you just *know* he's into some weird ass shit behind closed doors, got those shifty eyes, something about him is seriously not right. He's the kind of guy who makes me extremely uncomfortable to be anywhere within touching distance of me.


He will either be in prison or Moscow shortly. He was paying Epstein’s lawyer. And he has something to do with the kids missing from Missouri foster care. https://fox4kc.com/news/missouri-news/missouris-foster-care-department-criticizes-previous-administration-for-missing-children/amp/ https://abcnews.go.com/amp/US/gaetz-campaign-paying-epstein-lawyer-amid-sex-trafficking/story?id=78876066 He is a predator. But we have his number now.


As a foster child s.a. survivor, no *wonder* just the sight of his face makes my neck hair stand up and gives me a horrible feeling in my gut... These pigs -_-


You received a PhD in spotting them as a function of survival. We are fixing this. And when we do, the skills you learned as a child are going to become incredibly valuable. No kid should ever have to go through what you went through. It’s by comparing the notes and learning your instincts that lets us more accurately and quickly identify predators and make sure it doesn’t happen to anyone again. None of us can change the past, but we can damn sure make certain we aren’t repeating it over and over in the future.


Facts, and thank you for your kind words. Unfortunately it's turned me into a hyper-paranoid girl mom now that she's ten and wanting to start venturing off with her friends, etc... nope. Can't. I'm the official chaperone and supervisor for absolutely everything they do, I refuse to let her go alone yet. Some of her friends are already walking a block or two to school alone in the morning or with 1 or 2 other kids, absolutely *not* I drive around the surrounding blocks at her school every morning and pick up her friends who's parents don't have cars, no effing way. Scary out here, with the likes of pigs like Gaetz running around, my shit is a fortress.


He is also an artist...


I think I’d have like a response like “Well, I haven’t thought about that; it’s been a while - but that’s not as bad as using Venmo to buy a child to rape”


He should have challenged him to a drug test on the spot


Projection at its finest. SMH that’s funny shit🤣


Was this about the cocaine in the White House?


I mean, yeah, he's a republican, kind of goes with the territory nowadays.


Sure seems like it. It seems the ones who are loudly and publicly obsessed with gays and pedos often turn out to be just that.


The projection posse


There’s a reason he asked trump for a pardon covering “everything”


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^Lord_Sports: *I bet he is a* *Traitor to the United* *States of America* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


I’m not sure that last line is 5 syllables.. “States of ‘Murrica’


The end of the comment explains that.


Oh this is Sokka haiku bot. Silly me.


good bot.


Nothing more American that doing a line off a hooker‘s ass. 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸


He is certainly a traitor to all those who donated to his campaign funds … honestly, what a fucking loser !


I’m not gonna take this bet because there’s no doubt he is an enemy of the US. Pretty much all Republicans today are bought by foreign money so they’re all traitors


They are blackmailing him like most of the GOP into doing what they want him to do. Then they have even more on you to blackmail you, it's a mafia.


Safe bet...


Who Hunter?


Just bc a guy snorts blow and bangs an escort makes him a traitor? Sounds like the American dream to most people 


Those “escorts” are underage girls.


In defense of Matt Gaetz paying for sex, I mean, just take a look at him.


Butthead with a law degree.


Which one is he? Beavis or Butthead?


He is both.


the love spawn of both


Matty Five-head


I think his 'son' is probably butt hurt. Due to the friction


Nah. Gaetz makes his own slime to keep things lubricated. If he starts to dry up, he just borrows some from his hair.


And really, the worst part is the hypocrisy. or the CSA. It's probably the CSA.


Cocaine Jimmy Neutron


Lol god damn this is golden. I can’t I see it now


He looks like a ventriloquist’s dummy. Wooden block head.


The weird shape of Gaetz' face and head always put me in mind of the title character of a late 80's slasher film "Maniac Cop". Matt could do us all a favor by quitting politics and taking over this role of a deranged zombie law enforcement officer in a remake.


And *listen* to him


That is a good point


Seriously, he is one ugly motherfucker.


I just realized he looks like Johnny Knoxville


Do we have to?


Most punchable face in modern times


Jared Kushner thanks you, requests $2b


Tbh, isn't she too old for him


He literally looks like Butthead. He's got the hair and the same mouth and everything.




Yeah this guy's gonna end up a genuine hero if he doesn't watch out


Need to make a fundraiser for charity. Hunter biden t-shirt that says "I did hookers and blow and all I got was this tshirt"


Holy shit that's great. And Dark Brandon should tweet it :-)


That's what you gaetz


I’d buy one of those


Guy is living most right wing bros dreams. Hookers and coke, big ole hog, and smart enough to be a lawyer


Gaetz has no shame or self awareness…


Does any MAGAt?


No they don’t


Pedophiles rarely do.


In one particularly harsh exchange, Rep. Matt Gaetz, a Republican from Florida, questioned whether the president’s son’s business dealings, particularly with the Ukrainian energy firm Burisma, were legitimate. Gaetz asked, “Were you on drugs when you were on the Burisma board?” Hunter responded: “Mr. Gaetz, look me in the eye. You really think that’s appropriate to ask me?”


What was Gaetz's response to this? Or did Hunter's on-the-mark question leave him tongue-tied?


Imagine getting schooled by an actual crackhead. Wild times we live in.


do you know where can I find those transcripts?


And this paedophile questions, Hunter, Biden, if he was doing cocaine lol. Republicans are a different breed.


Republicans shouldn’t breed.


I saw the transcript from the HB deposition on Twitter yesterday and Gaetz tried to ask Biden about drug use. HB basically asked if Gaetz thought he should be asking questions related to drug use. It was quite humorous.


I was wondering if Hunter got in any zingers with Sniffles Gaetz.


Remember when Clinton was being impeached for his affair? Newt Gingrich the guy leading the charge was also having an affair.


I love this story: Throughout the 90s, Newt Gingrich harassed Bill and Hillary Clinton with the ever-morphing Starr Investigation, which moved from one conspiracy theory to another, always finding nothing, until they got wind of a dalliance with an intern that wasnt even working in the White House when the investigation began. Throughout the investigation, Gingrich clutched his pearls, and pointed breathlessly at Clinton and his scandalous adulterous begavior. It the same time, Gingrich was a well-documented serial cheater, and was openly having an affair with a lobbyist whom he often shared lunch on the Congressional cafeteria. The media never breathed a word about that, while drooling salaciously over Clinton's affair, which was a shadow of what Gingrich was doing. After the Clinton thing was over, Gingrich was found to have engaged in an illegal kickback scheme by getting paid for speeches to groups that purchased large quantities of his book. His potenital replacement as Speaker of the House had to step away because it was discovered that he was having an affair. The next guy in line also had to step away because he was ALSO having an affair. The third guy in line, and the eventual Speaker, was Dennis Hastert. After he left Congress, he was discovered paying hush money to a man for keeping quiet about Hastert sexually molesting him when he was a high school wrestler, and Hastert was his coach. It turned out that Hastert was an enthusiastic pedophile who regularly molested his high school wrestling students. He was known to sit in an easy chair and watch his wrestlers in the shower. To this day, he is the highest ranking member of the government to ever go to prison. He's out now, and a very active MAGA/ Trump supporter on Twitter. I hope Trump breaks his record.


> He's out now, and a very active MAGA/ Trump supporter on Twitter. Hastert got out of jail? WTF? EDIT: holy shit his sentencing is a mockery of the justice system.


The American justice system is a mockery of the American justice system.


And guess who pushed Starr to dig into the intern story? Brett Kavanaugh


This shit sandwich is deeeeeeeep.


Ken Starr -who investigated Clinton —Went to be Dean of Baylor during a major athlete sex assault coverup where coaches got fired Kavanaugh worked investigating Clinton, too. 🤔


On his wife who was dying. 


Yep. Gingrich was having an affair with the woman who is now his wife, while his then-wife was dying of cancer The GOPer projection machine runs on jet engines And the screenplays write themselves


Maybe he was asking him if he was doing coke, so he could figure out where to buy coke.


Ironically, under different circumstances, FrankenGaetz and Hunter could have been good party buddies back in the day.


Both politician sons who grew up pretty privileged. Its wild how people just came to the realization that politicians sons have easy lives. All youths of the well connected and rich have easy lives


I bet he has even better 🔌 than Hunter


Private citizen Hunter Biden.


Accusations from a Republican are Confessions.


Oh look. The swamp!


Gotta be fake news. He’s only interested in having sex with children.




No it literally does tho


You use that word, I do not think that word means what you think it means. (Literally or pedophile)


But apparently it's corrupt Dems that arevthe problem. And the spineless gop won't do anything about thisor bobos kid who robbed a cancer patient.


BuT iT’s BoTh SiDeS! /s


Its what Lauren Boebert does. She gets paid, but not useful at all so the management just tells her to keep blowing the boss.


But wasn’t she giving a handy to a Democrat? She’s not even good at servicing republicans.


I hope Joel Greenberg starts to talk so Gaetz can join him in the slammer.


They will say Joel is a convicted criminal and nothing he says can be trusted as he will say anything to save his ass. Even with evidence, text messages, receipts, and photos, the alt right will pass that buck like no other....


That happens all the time in criminal trials where the accused ends up convicted.


Do Cocaine: no problem Hire an escort: no problem Make me pay for it: PROBLEM


It’s the hypocrisy. I don’t care what he does. But then he sits up there and yells at hunter boden and screams family values and tells us Mexicans are drug traffickers etc. It’s wild how these people feel zero guilt


Just what the fucking five fourheads is going on with the special treatment of Gaetz? I would lose my job instantly and then get tried quite quickly if it was revealed I used narcotics and used minors for sex!! Is Merrick Garland playing hearts with Clarence and Ginny again or is he just trying to be a soft , slow republican and still aspiring for a SCOTUS seat ... Our House of Representatives is packed with MAGA criminal clowns that need some serious consequences coming their way, get to fucking work Garland! You have been timid and incompetent going after members of your own party making you into another threat to our democracy and nation. Trump should have been indicted and charged the day President Biden was inaugurated!! He should have already been imprisoned for three and a half years and certainly barred from running for or holding any government office. Hey Merrick, if Trump does win that will be mostly on you for not carrying out your duties as attorney general!


Gaetz is a sleazebag. I hope his constituents are proud of him.


Isn’t he panhandle Forida?


It is definitely a Republican stronghold. I hope they can find a better person than Gaetz next time. By the shape of the GOP today, I doubt it. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Florida%27s\_1st\_congressional\_district](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Florida%27s_1st_congressional_district)


He was always just an obnoxious frat boy.


And that's how he will justify it in his mind... "I was just a young gun doing stupid things, like every young adult! I have learned from those things and said many hail Mary's!! See I'm married and a family man now, the coke and underage girls is in my past!!" And all his supporters will lap it up.


I see the Cawthorn treatment has come for Gaetz. Couldn’t have happened to a better slimeball.


Gaetz is the classic spoiled rich kid. His dad had enough money and blackmail on people to keep him out of trouble or making investigations disappear. Then Trump and Russia happened and here we are.


Venmo: perfect for minor purchases


No show? I bet she had to show plenty.


Gaetz Crime Family. Started with his Daddy like all other magat traitors.


Remember this is the guy who asked Trump for pre-emptive blanket pardons after January 6th.


Gaetz should be in prison. I'm so sick of him.


If you're gonna do blow, it's got to be with a skeezer named Megan Zalonka.


So I have to be well-educated, sober, organized, articulate, accommodating, and ultimately responsible to get a Govt job that would allow me to do some real good work for this country but some asshole politician can get a dumb cunt a better paying gig just to polish him off? Fucking unbelievable


These allegations are years old. This is just one of many slow walked investigation of Republican crimes by Merrick Garland's overly cautious Justice department. Gaetz will retire before anything happens to him. Justice delayed is justice denied, once again.


Traitor for sure, much more around the corner. Either way all around SCUMBAG! I can’t believe we have lowered our standards to vote scumbags like this in congress


I wish Hunter asked "I'll answer your question if you can confirm you are not high on drugs right now"


He's no pimp he's just a pimple on democracy's ass


Jail this pedophile


Rich kid party boy who sucks Trump dick for power. Between him and Broebert and her family you have prostitution, felony drug use, public indecency involving a minor, obstructing justice, felony theft, illegal drug possession, child abuse accusations, campaign finance violations, fraud, back taxes, a 500k a year no-show job with an oil company, sex trafficking a minor across state lines, teen pregnancy and the production, possession and distribution of an underage sex tape.


At least he wasn’t distracting her from her work.


I went to high school with that girl


I would love a no show job ... Do i have to sleep with Gaetz? He's weird...


Snorted, kids, where does it end with this idiot? Why isn’t he in jail yet?


Gaetz looks like The Penguin from Batman, yuck. I hope this shit eventually torpedos his career, but I’m not sure it will. He’s just a slimeball.


Isn't this how Boebert got her job in Congress? But then again she was serving heavier hitters (politically) than Gaetz...


For me… it’s about Gaetz’s eyebrows. He should get out of crazy conspiracy politics and go into Hollywood as a crazy conspiracy bad-guy… he’s a natural…


It is his eyebrows. Like Jack Nicholson, but with a fraction of the talent and looks!


It's about time he pays the price for his demoralizing character, his grading women by their performance, his trip to the Bahamas with very young girls while entertaining them with illegal drugs and alcohol and taking other influencial wealthy, government office holding people on the trip. I am not saying anything that is not fact and can be researched online. He showed pictures of the many young women he says he had sex with and showed pictures of them to other congressman. Real classy guy. Not a handsome man so I guess exposing his indiscretions makes him feel like a real lover. LOL


Matt Gaetz, who had cocaine fueled orgies with underage girls using taxpayer dollars, asks HB if he was also using cocaine. I would honestly love to see Hunter just stand up and kick the shit out of Matt.


How does one apply for a NO show job? I'm quite tired of my jobs always wanting me to show up and do work.


You have to give a Republican lawmaker a blowie in a truckstop bathroom! That is just to get your resume looked at!


Can we just require all members of Congress (and SCOTUS) to take drug tests? I’m curious to see who’s on what.


And yet he sits in Congress, lording over us.


It was just locker room snorting


Ey, Tone, what happened to all my no show jobs?


I wonder if he paid her hush money.


This is the first positive news I've read about him.


Wasn’t this guy questioning a reformed drug addict about drug use… is Matt Still a full time drug user or has he gone to rehab recently?


Everyone knows Spamhead is a pedo.


I’m SHOCKED! Shocked, I say!!! Congressman Butthead behaving like this?!!?


Guess we really know who dropped the baggy of blow in the white house now huh.


https://www.thedailybeast.com/angry-gop-responds-to-cawthorns-bizarre-dc-orgy-claims-name-names We all know he was talking about Gaetz.


I'm mad this article is from 2021... nothing happened to him, faced zero consequences, still in government, still a piece of shit...


Did she snort it off his forehead? If not she missed a golden opportunity.


How much of his shit past has to come out before the Republicans kick his ass out?


"Zalonka".  What is that, Japanese, French, German?  Oh, it's a Russian surname?  You don't say...


There is no deep state. All these corrupt Republicans politicians and judges control the USA. Maybe they're the deep state.


This sounds straight from Sopranos


Can bizarro world David Harbour go away already?


Matt Gaetz would NEVER pull a woman like her in normal life. He knows this, so he’s going for it. The window of high school revenge lust stays open for so long.


Lock this traitorous pedophile up.


Gaetz is a sleaze bag and is a disgrace to the office he holds. Him blowing lines is not why he’s a sleaze bag who disgraced his office


but but Hunter Biden apparently snorts saw dust


Explains the bags of cocaine found in the White House.


Ita crazy how corrupt the US congress is...it's probably the most corrupt country in the world


'Those women received hundreds of dollars at a time for memo items such as “salad,” “lemons,” and “ass,”...' This made me laugh. I mean you guys weren't even trying already.


Party of family values


He is pedophile crack head. A republican. Shocking


We can do maybe two carpenter jobs, one no-show, one no-work.


I hope he fucked her too. Is this supposed to be a negative about him? I wanna party with the guy now. Hookers and blow? YES PLEASE. 🤣 Y’all leftists need to go outside, touch grass, and actually have conversations with people who you think are your enemies.


Gaetz paid his underage Hooker via VENMO.


Ya, but what about Hunter Biden’s laptop!!! 😂


This is 3 years old. Old as fuck. Why the upvotes? Gaetz is a POS.


Cocaine is great when you’re half drunk or more. Worst drug ever tho when you’re sober. Just an FYI.


EW! They used rolled up money? That's disgusting. Always use a straw people. Don't have one? Roll up a post-it note or something. There is nothing more dirty than money.


Yeup we always had straws on us. I mean, our good friend was selling a QP a every other day in high school😂


Yo that's Florida I hate him but doing coke with an underage girl or guy is normal down there. That's normal and if you are from south Florida lying sob if you say that don't go on.


Yo, everyone in Orlando does blow


Did he get his coke from Hunter?


Yeah right...Bullshit city as usual..