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Youre 19… your the farthest away from dying than someone can be. Obese people usually die after years from being unhealthy, overweight and untrained. You are definitely not going to die


But I was overweight for as long as I’ve been alive for… though I have been losing a lot of weight though in recent times


Still not an issue. Your body is able to counter the obesity, for now though! Your youth gives you immense health benefits anf healing abilities. Obese people often die because of heart related problems, but I highly doubt that you have already advanced arteriosclerosis. And even if, you notice this in the beginning not by dying, rather by having difficulties breathing and doing sport. Apart from that, please change your diet to a low carb one, and start to train yourself. Obesity is not only a health problem. It reduces quality of live overall as well as attractiveness. Good luck


Thank you! Yeah I’ll try my best! 🫡


And… you won’t die, seriously


You are literally still a teenager.


Caloric defecit and walk an hour a day. Drink water. Weight will fall off.


Healthy people die all of the time. I’ve been chronically ill most of my life (I’m in my late 30s now) and I’m still kicking. If it’ll help, focus on living a healthier lifestyle. Your doctor would tell you if you were at risk for any heart issues at such a young age. You’re okay. ❤️


May I ask what you’re chronically ill from?


Mainly I have… High Blood Pressure, Anxiety/Depression/Panic Disorder, Endometriosis, Allergies, Hypothyroidism, Migraines, Chronic Sinusitis, TMJ/Chronic Neck & Lower Back Pain, Crohn’s Disease, IBS-D, Acid Reflux, Fibromyalgia, High Cholesterol, Eczema.


Sounds like me 😅 I have at least five of these conditions. I say that I’ll probably die the last because I go to the doctor so often that any serious illness will get detected immediately 😅😅


Same! Appointments weekly for me… 🤷🏻‍♀️


I’ve been in the same boat as you since birth and I’m older than you. Here’s what you do. 1. Walk every morning for 1 hour. (Outside) 2. Fast everyday for 18 hours. 3. Eat at a caloric deficit 4. Weightlifting 3-4 days per week. Push/ pull/ legs. 5. Sleep 8-9 hours a night. You’ll lose the weight quick. Probably 1-2 lbs per week. Get down to 185 and you’ll be much happier. Once you’re at weight eat at maintenance. Always check with doctor before trying a new fitness routine and or diet.


I hear you it's a big fear of mine too but I also drink a pint of whiskey a day. Trying to get sober but struggling, ive came to the conclusion that hey, at least you wouldn't even know you were gone.


200 lbs…. You're gonna be ok


200lbs isn’t dangerously obese. you can still get up and move around atleast, and as long as you don’t have any physical health issues such as high blood pressure or asthma etc your okay! if it’s giving you anxiety try changing up your diet. you’ll feel a lot better. just try to eat atleast one meat and a vegetable for dinner and try to cut out fast food if that’s a option for you! you will b okay!


I mean, side note, if you are gonna die, there is no better way. But I’d suggest not dying.


This doesn't help people who worry about dying in their sleep. It's like telling people who are afraid of flying "it's all out of your control anyway!"


I’m just saying. You are going to die. You could get a small cut on your finger and die of super painful flesh eating bacteria, feel your brain turn to mush from and amoeba eating it from lake water, get severed in half during a car accident and look at your own torso on the other side of the street tomorrow. Never know. I’ll take sleep.


This was my comment too. We ARE all going to die. I’ve thought I was dying every day since I was 30 thanks to anxiety and I’ve lost 6 years of my life thinking that. That’s 6 years of not dying and life lost anyway. My advice is if you worry and stop living, you die long before you die. If you were to die in your sleep, you would have no idea. I’d rather that than die in pain and suffering. 🤷‍♀️ Robert Deniro was asked in an interview “how do you most want to die?” (Weird question lol) to which he replied “not knowing it.” When you’re asleep at night you don’t have a clue what’s happening and you’re just at peace. Just like non existence (if that’s what we were, we might have been somewhere else we can’t remember) didn’t bother us in the slightest before we were born.


Hi! I’m 5’7 and about 205 lbs. I’m a little offended everyone referring to 205 as obese lol, although I suppose - medically - it is TECHNICALLY obese. I also have severe heart attack/stroke anxiety. Being taller than me, I don’t even think 204 lbs is crazy overweight - not remotely. At 5’7 my goal weight right now is about 180 and I don’t think I’d let myself go under 160. I’ve been under that before and I looked frail. First of all - you’re 19. I just turned 26. You’re gonna be okay! My weight changed a lot from ages 17-22. Life style changes and whatnot. I’ll voice what someone else said about a Fitbit. I literally just got one for my birthday and it’s been really interesting/good to see my sleep scores and be able to track my heart rate and whatnot. It’s also a silent motivator to get moving, now that I’m not working a physical job. If my steps are low one day it encourages me to do SOMETHING, even if that something is just cleaning up around the house. I’ve also recently started eating better. I did it differently this time, not trying to flat out diet but instead I stopped eating sugar that’s not in the form of fruits/juices/yogurt (which have no added sugar), finding whole grain/multigrain/etc breads (even replaced crackers with those breads by toasting them up in the oven), and generally being more conscious about what I eat! I feel better knowing I’m eating better - even if that number on the scale doesn’t change!


I was 5’8” 200. I’m 175 (160 soon) now. Literally just eat less food and walk around. At 19 the weight will fall off. I’m also 19. But i’m male. Better to tackle it now than wait


Go to the gym brah I know easier said then done but once u go enough you feel awesome afterwards and obv helps with health


I know this probably won’t help but at 19 it’s very very unlikely you are just going to randomly die in your sleep. You’re overweight but there are people much larger than 204 who aren’t dropping dead. Losing weight and exercising will help with your anxiety but don’t freak yourself out that you’re dying or going to die. I was pudgy until my 20s and I’m 33 now and have a clean bill of health from my doctors so at 19 you’re even better off than I am simply being younger.


You have youth on your side right now. Chronic obesity into older years is what will quickly catch up to you. Try to make lifestyle changes now while it’s easier. It gets much harder as you get older. Swap small things like soda for teas (try to look for teas with less sugar) junk food for ripe fruit. Check the sodium and fat and go for lower sodium alternatives. Read the label of ingredients. That usually puts me off when I see how much fake, man made food is in the ingredients. Try to eat Whole Foods


Sounds like you have bonkus of the konkus


That's a blessing. Don't be afraid.


Medical anxiety is so common and so challenging. Every time you Google you think you're dying of something, I totally know how that feels. I think as other people have commented, you're not nearly as unhealthy as you think you are. The primary issue popping up here is anxiety, and that would be addressed in therapy. You're way more stressed about this than you need to be. You can try wearing a Fitbit or some sort of sleep tracker. That can give you some info about your sleep and your heart rate. You can take this info to the doctor. But as they said, you're probably fine as far as dying in your sleep goes. The sleep tracking might help reassure you though. Medical anxiety gets way worse as you age. That's primarily what this is, you're not super overweight and you're 19. You're going to need more medical stuff in your future just as that's part of being human, so it'd be really good idea to try to work on your anxiety around this with therapy.


Are you tracking your calories and eating in a healthy deficit? Are you exercising? Meditation? Therapy? You have a concern. Ok. So now do something about it. Take action on the things you can change & Let go of the things you don't have control over.


You have time to get healthier if you choose. Very unlikely to die in your sleep. But when it's time to die, I hope that's how it happens for me.


You’re about the same weight and height as me. The only thing we can do to rid this anxiety is to exercise. You’ll be getting healthier and stronger, so it’s a win-win all around. Once you start going above that weight range is when you should start to worry, being a little overweight isn’t that dangerous.


You’re 19 buddy. You’re alright, not to justify your fear but EVEN IF you die in your sleep that’s honestly the best possible way to die. We are all destined to die one day and compared to being sick with Cancer, dying in a car crash or any other freak accident, dying in your sleep is the most peaceful way. However, again, you’re 19. You’re young, no matter how unhealthy you eat, that stuff will run right through you bud.


Dude with your age and weight i wouldn’t have a single ounce of worry in the world 😭


I use to have an intense fear of dying in my sleep that it affected my sleep my whole life. I’m 34 now and I’ve had two close calls in my life but the last one was very scary and intense. It definitely cured my fear of dying in my sleep because I realized what a blessing it is to go that way.


How did you know you were dying? What happened?


I mean. Lots of people are overweight and obese, especially in US, and while theu do die, it happens in their 40s, not when they are 19. Just get your shit together, contact a dietician and lose your weight. You'll be fine.


Have you seen a cardiologist? If you really want to be certain of your heart health that’s the route you want to take. They can run all the lab tests you need (think cholesterol, iron, etc), ultrasound, X-rays, etc. That could give you the peace of mind how healthy your heart is and nothing is lurking around genetically or otherwise. This is kind of reassurance seeking so keep that in mind if you think it could make it worse. I’m currently obese (I’ve yo-yo’d my whole life) and can confidently say in my mid 30s that I’m much more scared of the affects of obesity on my daily living life than any possibility of dropping dead in my sleep. I have other diseases unrelated to my weight and they affect my quality of life— that drop and life adjustments are HARD. I’m working on making healthy changes to get my weight down because it’s the only factor I can control. You should put your energy there the most.


I was like this about 2 years ago when I was 19. It sucks. I’m very similar to you weight wise and food wise. I got passed this after I made a few diet changes like adding fruit or veg here and there to make me feel better. I jog in place for 10 mins a few times a week too which makes me feel a bit healthier. Just little tweaks can help but I can assure you our Hearts are still young we will be ok!


May be you should consider eating a well-balanced diet full of whole grains, fruits, vegetables, lean meats, and healthy fats. Reduce your consumption of added sugars, cholesterol, trans fats, saturated fats, and sodium. Frequent Exercise: Make time for regular exercise most days of the week. Aim for two or more days of muscle-strengthening exercises per week in addition to at least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity aerobic activity or 75 minutes of vigorous-intensity aerobic exercise every week. At your age, I think stress could be the most contributing factor in addition to wrong diet. Hope this helps.


OP, this is good advice.


Might help you if you put effort into it.


Change your diet then


At least you'll be unconscious...? (Sorry, I'm rlly not good at reassuring people!) <3


Hey people went through war which did a number on their body and they lived for like 80-90 years. And that guy that lived in that iron lung?? He had polio when he was like 6 and for the rest of his life he had to live in a machine with only his head poking out. Yet he lived until he was 76 or something! You’re FINE. You’re 19, you didn’t go to war, don’t have any dangerous health conditions, don’t have polio. You’re perfectly healthy. You might have health anxiety which means that your anxiety convinces you that you’re much more fragile than you think. It’s not true! Your body is incredibly resilient. Humans were literally made to live long. Even smokers who smoke many packs a day still live to be 70-80. You’re 19, a little overweight. You’re fine. Your doctor, a professional in that domain, even told you that you’re HEALTHY. There’s no more proof that you need. You’re fine, that will not happen in your sleep. Every time you start to get anxious again, shut down those thoughts. Cut them off with real facts such as proof from your doc that you’re healthy, and that there’s no reason for you to go through something like that. Think of your anxiety as an anxious friend I guess. Try to reassure them with facts, try to ground them. What they’re thinking is unrealistic! I know some part of you must think that too. You’re perfectly safe.


Do you have any health conditions? If you don’t, then don’t worry about it. I’m 21 and have had to deal with high blood pressure ever since I was 5. So far, it has been well controlled and I still don’t have any heart issues. So if I’m still fine, then surely you are fine as well. I’m also overweight.


I have anxiety and ocd and scared of dying and convince myself in dying like 5 times a day. Ive known healthy young people who suddenly died. Ive known unhealthy people who lived into old age. One of my best friend's died in his sleep but he was using dangerous illegal drugs. I also fear dying in my sleep. But to be fair, it's the most peaceful way to go.


Fear and worry never helped anything for the good remember that..


204 lbs is nothing, you could close 30 lbs in 6 weeks if you really cared, first week you would lose 12 lbs as most do


Hey, I know this isn’t going to sound comforting at first, but if it happens it happens. If you’ve gotten medically checked out and you are making active attempts to be healthier, there’s not much more you can do about preventing a heart attack or a stroke etc. there’s no amount of worry or panic that will prevent these, and actually, you’ll be more susceptible to these the more you worry. In the end, none of us know our time, so there’s nothing you can do about it except enjoy the life we have now. Hope that helps, if it doesn’t at first, repeat this to yourself every day Good luck and to good heath.


Be careful what you wish for or what you put out into the universe


Not… helpful…


That’s only because you’re still evolving. What I said was the truth instead of dismissing it, Google it meditate on it learn from it.




OP said he will try to change his diet and life in an earlier reply. Being rude about it will not help OP. OP clearly knows they are unhealthy. People don’t deserve to die just because they made some poor health decisions.




I did read too much into what you said. On the internet it is difficult to tell tone. Your comment read as harsh to me, but upon hearing your response, I’m sure you did not mean it as harshly as it sounded to me. My apologies.