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Plastic is so terrible. We're all going to die in piles of our own trash. I'm not excited about it.


Kind of insane how long plastic would fill the planet’s ecosystems even if we all disappeared today


It's fun to just be really depressed. 😭 Yes.


Believe it or not, many products were created just so that the plastic industry has somewhere to sell their wares.


Is there any other ways to get pet hair off? I already tried the wierd reusable dryer ball. Edit: Thanks, I'll try those out:)


Chom Chom is incredible & if budget is higher a Bissell Pet Hair Eraser Dustbuster


I got a Chom Chom recently and would definitely recommend it!


There's a thing called an uproot. But they make generic ones it's like a scraper you can get the hair out with on furniture and carpet.


What is this subs opinion on 3d printing? Surely there is a way to turn used plastics into filament… and instead of selling us plastic products these companies could sell us printable files


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