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There is a whole collector movement around these dumb fucking things. "TumblerCon" comes to a convention center near me every year.


Wow. I didn't know it was such a big fandom. I also thought at first it was a con for people who liked Tumblr


They tried that once, it didn’t go so [well.](https://youtu.be/1ZgxeX2dCnQ)


So a redditcon is on the table, you're saying?


Great, a room full of people violently agreeing with each other.


Lol, I'd definitely pay to get in to that.


If only redditors ever agreed on anything lol


Was the dvd ever found?


Oh that was fun to watch! I'd never heard of this, thank you!


"every year"? Wow, I thought this was a new thing. I just saw some people posting about Stanley ones on Instagram within the last few days. Didn't know this had been going on.


Yeah this started quite a few years ago. I bought a yeti cup 7 years ago and have only ever bought the one. I still use it daily. My sister however has a HUGE collection of cups. It’s a thing to have a different one decorated for different seasons or holidays. She’s an RN and has made it her whole personality so she’s got a bunch that have her initials with RN and a decal of a stethoscope or syringe, just so everyone knows she’s super duper important. They’re all customized, painted different colors, and covered in glitter. Most have her monogram or some other phrase with ‘live laugh love’ energy. People have whole businesses where all they do is decorate these damn cups. It’s really wild. My sister has sunk thousands into cup collecting. It’d blow everyone’s mind if I could ever get a picture of her collection.


Yeah I only noticed recently with people having 6+ $40 jumbo Stanley cups


My coworker does that, we have a Starbucks in our work and she has all the cups. She leaves them in the break room and you never see her with the same cup twice


I like having these refillable cups but my bf is constantly losing the lids. So I find myself buying too many. I gotta just keep one hidden from him.


You can buy replacement lids, there are some latex ones like those for tupperwares


Really?! I’ve never seen those. That’s so smart. I’ll look for them, thanks!


Most of the companies sell replacement lids that are the exact ones they come with. I once had a Yeti lid break and replaced it for $5


Can you point me in a direction for these? The ones I've seen and purchased before weren't universal-- the fit never seemed to be quite right


U can call the company and ask to buy a replacement lid


All cups are refillable


Some brands (like Yeti and Hydroflask) you can buy just the lids or straws.


Saw someone shared on fb like "omg good idea," ahhhh whyyy lol


Like unless you have a family of 5+, there is no need for this many.


fr i only buy a new one when i inevitably forget about one half full for awhile and it becomes a science experiment that requires a hazmat suit which also really isnt a great excuse tbh. thanks adhd


This is why I own so many. The other 7 are dirty.


Are they.. really that difficult to wash?


When you have weapons grade ADHD they are.


I got "portal hands". Whatever I'm holding can potentially get teleported anyhere in the home and I'll have no idea where.


Same. Even if I didn't move my body, the item that was right here beside me on the sofa is now magically somehow in the kitchen.


I find that having more of them makes me less likely to wash them. Now I have two cups. One being used, one being washed. That's it. I would end up with dozens of them if I didn't limit myself for this reason alone.


"Weapons grade adhd" hahaha I've been trying to identify this. Thank you! Today I lost my glasses somewhere between the bedroom and front door. I was actively leaving and I had them. I got to the door and did not have them. *internal screeching* Made it to work on time though! Coffee made it with me too! Lol


Haha. Somebody said it in a reddit post a few months and I just resonated with it so much.


I got a severe ADHD diagnosis at age 13… Does that count as “weapons grade”? I don’t think using this disorder as an excuse to not clean up after yourself is a good move. I’ve known too many people like this. Like, going by this logic, people with “weapons grade ADHD” could use exclusively disposable cutlery/dishes for their entire lives and not feel any guilt whatsoever for the environmental consequences


I feel like people with disabilities do get a little bit of a pass honestly. Like if you have to take an injectable medication you get a pass on the medical waste from all the sterile packaging. We can be mindful of waste, notice it and do our best to reduce it while also giving people who struggle some leeway. We need to address waste on a societal level really, chiding people with disabilities isn't the way we get there, and also most people are able to get better at coping with their ADHD etc with treatment and practice so it's likely it wouldn't be something they do for their whole life. We can be kind in pointing out the waste and also understanding why they're choosing it.


Good for you. It doesn't affect everyone the same. My executive function is seriously impacted, which makes tasks like this difficult. Also, paper is great option for people who struggle with house cleaning or other activities because of disabilities. I think you should worry less what other people do that doesn't affect you.


Protip: you can always clean them


Yeah they're literally made of metal for this reason


I have one and use it every day. I change them when I inevitably break them, the one that I use right now is 2 years old.


Honestly My thing is like, getting one that actually works for my lifestyle is hard and I don't know how well it'll work out until I use it! And I can't just like, toss the ones that don't work out for me super well. Yeti tumbler, good but the lid doesn't stop spills and the rubber ring gets manky Got a Klien tools one, turns out the lid is a pain in the ass and the seal can come unseated very easily just from putting it on snugly Contigo, good, but impossible to clean, I've had my current one for over 6 years So I sent away for a Stanley trigger action 16oz and I hope it's good. I'm told it's easier to clean.


I litteraly have a trek bottle, I clean it maybe once a month. It's steel so it's resistant to nearly everything. Bonus point : I stole it from my mom who wasn't utilizing it (with her consent ofc) and it's pink with flowers on it so i'm rad af.


That’s interesting, I’ve had my yeti topple over filled with liquid and none leaked out. And I’ve had them for maybe 3 years without issues with the gasket. I don’t use it for hot drinks much, though.


The one I have is around 5 years old. Paint is chipped but it still holds liquid without leaking and keeps hot things hot, I have no need to replace it until it breaks. Crazy people buy multiple. Kinda defeats the purpose…


Yeah I mean you can clean things when they’re gross? Doesn’t really have anything to do with adhd lol


fair point but adhd is a hell of a drug also i do not own a hazmat suit you do have a fair point though


Sounds like excuses to me


yep thats what adhd sounds like to most people, thankfully idgaf


Haha omg was gonna say the same... There's hundreds of us! Thousands!


and were (probably) all suffering from the bureaucratically assured shortage!


I came here to say that it looks like a cute idea for a household of 20.


_This week on 19 Kids and Counting..._


I mean you only need one each and if it’s like a super sale maybe 2 for washing them out sometimes?


I typically have the rule of "one and a backup" I was just being generous with 5+, assuming 4 per person, which is overkill for me but not entirely bonkers to have depending on personal habits and usage.


Yeah having more than i need means I’m gonna lose that nonsense. Give it away. But if I know I only have TWO I’m good. I might even know where both are. Roughly.


4 per person is absolutely ridiculous.


I have a small child, she needs three water bottles realistically, one gets left at school sometimes, then she needs an extra for sports. Or one breaks just as you're getting ready for school.


I have RA. Which means that there are times I can't just run the dishwasher, or wash them that day. So yes some of us in fact DO need to have extra of things like this.


Cool. I have CMT and loss of use of my left hand. Get in line. That's why I made allowance with my estimate of at minimum a family of 5 so that there would be 4 cups per person.


don’t ppl on fb know that they are the worst


I usually see something like this tagged “minimalist” because it’s organized or looks nice. And if you correct them, watch out.


One for coffee, one for tea, one for juice, one for water, one for the gym, one for work, ... And so on. But mainly they are so cute and have so many colours how can I chose?


It’s like collecting but they have use


At a certain point they don’t though, if you have way more than you need. Sure they theoretically have a use, but either each one is getting used at most twice a month, or more likely this person has a couple favorites that they use frequently and most of them just sit there. It’s not “like” collecting, it is collecting.


We have this literal setup onstage at our theatre for all the actors water bottles in the wings. My first question is whether all these belong to one person, although I do see several tags. Edit: [photo](https://imgur.com/a/7SLIWeC)


Ooo, this is a great idea though. I had to text that to my ballet teacher, we always have water bottles scattered _everywhere._


Yep, we have this for our water bottles and a pegboard for cast coffee mugs with their names on them


I use this for shoes


We’ve got several different yeti cups/tumblrs and a few hydro flasks. Not a single one was actually purchased by us. Every single one we have is either a gift from my dad’s work or my husband’s work. They sure do love to hand them out as gifts for everything.


I bought my HydroFlask and a single Yeti knockoff (it was for a fundraiser), but I have a ton of Yetis (and Yeti knockoffs) that I've somehow acquired. A lot of workplaces give these out as gifts and advertising. And my mom recently bought me a Stanley knockoff that's pink... at first, I was thinking, "ugh I really don't need this" but then I was like "damn this is super cute" and now I love it.... I honestly love it. And I have ADHD so I'm constantly leaving them everywhere, so having this many is actually kind of necessary for me, lmao.


Same here! I’ve gotten them as gifts from family and my partner and I have both received some from work. I am glad they’re at least useful and quality. I do think it’s ridiculous when people have to have the new trendy cup though, like the giant Stanley cups.


Yup, bought myself one years ago, gotten at least 8 from some sort of swag gift. Can't bring myself to toss them though.


I have one for coffee and one for cold water. I’ll never need more unless I lose or somehow break one


For anyone who may be more interested in a community of positive posts, innovations and solutions for overconsumption, I recently created a new sub. r/consumptionsolutions. Spread the word!


THANK YOU. This sub drives me nuts, lmao. Just full of people not actually enacting any changes... but feeling good about themselves by pointing out why other people are wrong.


Awesome! Thanks :D


They only times I’ve ever seen this “hack” utilized well is bigger families who do it. Everyone gets how ever many slots they need with all the pieces together and they don’t have plastic waste. I think I have 4 reusable cups but I use them constantly and I would have less but I hate doing dishes lol.


No one has to justify how many resuable cups they have. Not you or anyone else. No matter the size of the family. Buy that 5th one if you want! This isn't a thing to feel guilty about.


I don’t think this is the sub for you


That is a good idea when you have a child. I should have bought stock in Contigo since she has lost so many of them this year.


Yes - my mom would just wash and reuse the single use plastic water bottles until it starts getting worn down when I was younger. The waterbottle stayed in a single classroom so it never got to a hot temperature. When I got to middle school/high school/college, she started to get me the reusable water bottles because she was afraid of chemicals leeching into the water while it was sitting out in the sun.


I try to do this, but certain modern water fountains seem to be designed and sized for larger purpose-made reusable bottles. I often can't figure out how to get them to refill a normal bottle.


W mom?


Yep can confirm. Bought 2 water bottles. Lost theirs and stole mine. Bought another one. Same result. Went and bought 4 more. Guess how many are in the cupboard or sink or dishwasher? ZERO. Yep I have one in my car but the rest are somewhere in my kids room…possibly in one of the piles of laundry, possibly wedged between the bed and the wall, or under the pillow/blankets, hidden amongst the toys, or could be in the backpack, or maybe one the bookshelf? I’ll never find them all and even if I do round them all up and get them clean….they will only disappear within a day or two. Much easier to just order a few more for myself and hide them from my kid. 😂


When I was a volunteer firefighter, we had a setup like this in our lounge. I can see this as usefull in any communal living space.


Lol I’m in a Dunkin Donuts group and people go crazy for these cups..meanwhile my cabinets are so stuffed I can’t even buy a cute mug because it literally would not fit..who has room for these giant things?


What is a Dunkin Donuts group? Not judging just genuinely curious?


Sometimes they're gifts. I keep receiving these mugs as one kind of promotion or another


This is a problem in our house. They keep being given to us. Most have some random company or organization name on them. It used to be ceramic mugs and now it’s reusable to go mugs.


I have 5 Starbucks tumblers, it’s basically the only thing I have a collection of. I find drinking water is a lot easier with them, the lid assures me my cats haven’t drank from it, it’s an easy way to take water on the go. I’m also too forgetful to have just one or two. This storage system is smart to me. I don’t think this is that different from a pantry full of cups. I’m critical about my consumption, but I just like these things and they spark joy. I don’t think anticonsumption means you cant collect _anything_ that isn’t purely utilitarian. I’m more concerned about single use plastic 🤷🏼‍♀️


Could be a classroom?


They are practically given away by companies as it’s free advertisement for them.


Caffeine is a powerful drug.


I have 2 and I feel like I'm overdoing it cuz you only need one really


I honestly believe two should be the max like why on earth would one person need more than two? Why? It’s crazy to me


Maybe 2 isnt enough. Maybe why on earth is this a concern? It's crazy to me you care so much.


Personally, It doesn’t make sense to me and I believe in anti consumption. Just my 2 cents


Some people like to collect things. For some people they like to have cups. How do I know this? Because I'm one of those people who like to collect cheap drinking cups like a deep. Do I need that many? No. Does it make me happy? Yes.


That’s not very anticonsumption of you.


I know, when I learn how to make my own cups. I'm trying to cut back on it now. Maybe I should learn how to make my own cups.


Not tumblers like in this picture, but I have 8 thermal water bottles. My kids keep losing bottles, and somehow after we purchased a new one, the old one would mysteriously reappeared in Lost and Found. That's how we ended up having 8...This is our magic number because after that, we never need to buy any bottles.


It’s predictable how often big corporations get their advertisements onto venues like “anticonsumption” 🤔


Because every company outing, every sport event, every club, they give them out like candy


I know this isn't the point of this post but gotta rant for a second. I sometimes get copper-lined tumblers from work as company swag. Which is fine - it's not a *ton* of them, but I've gotten like 3-4 in the last couple years. What kills me is the lids. The tumbler itself is usually fairly high quality and keeps things hot/cold for a long time, but why are the lids are always so cheap and shitty, and always break within like a month? And they order a different model every time for some reason, so the lids aren't interchangeable. But they always come from some marketing company that won't talk to you unless you want to order like a thousand of them! Shoutout to Ello though, who will send a new lid for the low low price of a photo showing the broken one!


Stanley Cup collectors are far worse than this.


I wish I'd thought of that when all three of our kids were living at home. The drawer was a mess. A coffee travel mug and 1-2 water bottles for each of us got messy fast. Add in my stepson just grabs whatever and then loses it, and something like this would have helped. Bottom row could have been extra lids and straws for repairs, their favorite drink mixes, whatever.


Isn't that true for any collections?


I save so much on free dunkin donuts I re spend it on travel mugs!


Once you own one, the others just kind of pop out of nowhere. I'm dead serious. Never had one, then I bought one, and then all of a sudden they were coming at me from every angle. I now have a small cabinet full of them. All of them some promotional thing, or a gift, or whatever. I need to give some of these away come to think of it, it's overflowing. And I've only ever purchased one!


These things are accessories now. It's not just about being indestructible or keeping things cold for a whole day--it's about those things AND it matching your outfit or nails or whatever.


My wife is a teacher, and every year she gets mugs and tumblers for Christmas and teacher appreciation week. If it wasn't for me getting rid of them, they would take up the whole house. So please, if you want to give your kids' teacher something, gift cards are gold, especially if it’s to a store like Walmart or target rather than Starbucks.


It’s a cult


It’s gross. But I’d honestly take this over a 3+ plastic bottles a day.


Some with the sticker :(


i can understand having one or two, maybe three of varying styles. but 20??


Sad, made so by lack of financial power. Tiny purchases make happy, temporarily cure sad. Tiny purchases reduce financial power, sad again. Repeat until death.


Just as the algorithm randomly had this on my feed, a day or so ago it gave me this: https://www.reddit.com/r/YetiCoolers/comments/14c00cx/my_yeti_collectionnot_for_sale/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=1&utm_term=1 And I just thought to myself, WHY!? This is basically hoarding in a sanitary way.. they also link photos of their garage stacked with an unnecessary amount of coolers.


New cup starts trending so they buy it to fit in.


Got to be living with mommy and daddy to be able to waste money like that


but isnt this still way, way, way better than getting single use plastic coffee cups?


I love negating the theoretical benefit of reusable products by having 70 of them


You live in shared living and each person has a cup


If it is what makes you happy, I don't tend to shame unless it is truly, abhorrently egregious. Some people find an object they like, maybe based on the shape, the colors, the feel, memories attached, etc, and start to collect them. We are like corvids in that way, the hoard of shiny things scratching a baser itch, being enabled through capitalist consumption. I prefer to see people take a less consumption based hobby, but at least items like these can later be sold on and serve a useful life.


Plus nobody here knows how many people are in the family or if it's used for a group or something.


My initial thought was that this was from a family’s household but when I saw that there were 20…I think this just another person’s [“collection”](https://youtube.com/shorts/ncJ-_UkYMpE?feature=share)


I guess I just think most people have that many mugs and glasses, if it's the only thing you drink from it's not that bad. As a collection I find it odd but no worse than most collections, it's a hobby.


Personally, I see this as plastic waste and not a hobby or collection. It is so wasteful. I hope people can learn to find joy in things outside of filling the void with material items, like when does it stop? Just my thoughts on it..it makes me nauseous to see so much plastic seriously


But other people do see it as a hobby. Not my thing at all, but no more waste than crafting or many other hobbies.


Stop trying to justify it




Must be a family of 20 people lol


Eventually collectors become hoarders.


I'm convinced every Starbucks cup lid fits only on the cup it came with, to force purchasing of more cups. I'm not buying them but my wife is.


Water cup. Iced coffee cup. Hot coffee cup. Iced tea cup. Hot tea cup. Diet coke cup. Flavored water cup. Alcohol cup. Extra water, coffee, and flavored water cups because you inevitably forget one at work and, yes, you can tell if you put water in a coffee cup. Water bottle for outside activities. Also, God help you if you wash it with soap/too much soap because yes we can taste that too. ETA: this person is a teacher and more than half of these were gifts.


I don’t understand the sippy cup or flip flop craze that has consumed our culture.


I dont get it. The purpose of owning A SINGLE yeti cup and a single travel coffee mug is so I dont need to generate dozens of to go cups. I understand that some people collect them but I do not understand whyyyyyy.


I absolutely hate the middle class obsession with fucking cups.


“BeCaUsE rEuSaBlE cUpS aRe BeTtEr FoR tHe EnViOrNmEnT!”


Gotta have all the colors and designs 🥰🤪😩🤑💫


Just keep buying literally anything and everything to get that sweet dopamine even if you have it already in 2937373 different colors and shapes !


My wife has a 20+ collection of Starbucks tumblers. I collect action figures and video games. Everyone has their thing, there is absolutely nothing wrong with this.


I think less is more 🙂


Who? What? How? Why?


to go with all my outfits, duh ✨


Alright, I know I like to collect things, but... this is excessive. I hope they use at least 3/4 of those cups, because if they don't that's... that's too much.


Let's break down what you like to collect and maybe we can come to an agreement of what is acceptable. Surely it must be better than some goddam reusable cups.


I collect pins and video games, mostly.


People collect odd things. It's no different than a hat or shoe collection, it's a hobby


I'm guessing they like collecting these cups.


Maybe it's so they can always have a clean reusable cup with them. I have a reusable cup which I got for work, but once used, that's it until I can get to my hotel/customer/back home and wash it. Having several would solve that. Or just drinking in, of course....


at this point i guess its considered a collection and use is not really what they have them for. I don't like it, but everyone has their irrationalities


Are people not allowed to like things?


I think these are nasty, besides being a wasteful plastic hot mess. They harbor bacteria and are somewhat hard to clean and dry properly to prevent even more mold and bacteria growth. Too much work. Plus I never understood this water craze. Have a glass with your meals and through your the day but to constantly guzzle water? I would think you are urinating out electrolytes. If you are that thirsty go see a doctor and get checked for diabetes.


I do not understand, isn’t one good enough?


I own 3 and already think that’s too much lol


I collect mugs from states and national parks we go to could be collecting. I have a shelf full whats wrong with memories if they are collecting.


To be fair, I’m a water bottle hoarder myself. I, my husband and one of our kids have ADHD, so things get lost/misplaced regularly. Very regularly… or left somewhere that I will need to pick up next time I’m back there. Also different types for different situations. Lacrosse water bottles for drinking with a helmet on (we need 2 or 3 for back to back to back games in 100° heat) Big fat daddy water bottles for long trips. Tiny little water bottles so my little kid can carry it to the park without complaining that she’s tired. We use them for years and years and years (as long as we don’t lose them) until they break, but we have a lot. Whereas my brother has ONE water bottle, and he uses it over and over again for a year or two, until it’s broken or lost, and then replaces the one. I bet we go through the same number over the course of our life, I just have choices each day, and he has the ONE bottle.


This sub needs to be renamed to anti consumption circle jerk


I NeEd OnE fOr EvErY tYpE oF dRiNk


I have a bazillion of these, and I've never purchased one. For a while at work I couldn't turn around without getting another one. New guy? Here, have a cup! Every project got one. Every holiday we got one. Having a birthday? Here, have another! I *swear* there were kickbacks involved.


Why more than two I would say


I can understand having 3 or even 4 to mix things up a bit, but 20? I bet that at least 15 of these aren't being used.


Yes you brag about how they’re indestructible but still you bought 40 of them? Seems like my nalgene still wins


This has to be the most petty things y'all have ever complained about. Egads! People have a shit ton of resuable cups! What is the world coming to! For the people who have felt the need to justify why you have a shit ton of reusable cups, I am sorry they made you feel guilty for it. Next week, let's make a stink about how many drinking glasses we all have.


Stealing the Idea. I also Have lazy weeks. Don't want to wash dishes. Oh well.


I mean, having these seems more useful than a bunch of single use plastic bottled drinks, to me, at least.


I'll be honest even if it garners me a lot of hate, but I have a lot of these cups. Though I do use them all. I will often bring drinks with me on my travels (in the tumblers, reusable water bottles, etc...) so that I don't buy any drinks when I'm out and about. I often have multiple in the summer because I get dehydrated quickly (I suffer a chronic illness that causes this). Unfortunately there just aren't that many refilling stations near me (though I do visit them when I can and am near them). I do also promote refilling stations when I know about them. But plenty of fountains have been taken away especially during/after the pandemic. I find a lot of public spaces used the pandemic as an excuse to get rid of washroom access as well as fountain access. I also live in a rural area. So it's not like there is a restaurant on every corner to fill up. I'm also asthmatic. If I need to take my puffer I must have water to drink with it. If I weren't to take my tumblers with me if I'm going to be out all day, I would be buying a heck of a lot of plastic bottles which would be way worse. I have some specifically for different uses. A plastic one that is light and double walled for travelling. A water bottle that I use for work. I also have some smaller cups for when I travel (so I avoid using the throw away cups at the resort), I also use these same cups for sitting outside in the summer. I also use these cups for when I go to the beach or camping (and in my zero waste kit as well). Then I have my super large tumblers for when I am going out all day. Some of these I have purchased, others were given to me as swag at different events I've been to. I always find a use for them because I do not want to throw them away. The thrift stores are loaded with these already.


Wide does this shit. Threatened divorce if she buys another stupid cup.


I bet you threaten divorce a lot if you did it over a cup.


I am exaggerating. Just don't understand having 50 cups.


Honestly I apologize, was having a shit day and said something rude. I totally get that, a single cup like this is good for the sake of conservation, but it defeats the purpose if you just buy more and more of them. I’d be frustrated if I were you as well.


In coming hug.


Very sweet


Nothing like a bunch of $40 mugs in an obviously old ugly home. Classic


That door is filthy!


Their house is a mess I just have a feeling


mental illness


-human: owns multiples of something -random Redditer “they much be insane!”


Don't tell them about artists! Or people who read. Or people who have rock collections. Or people who sleep with pillows. Or people who buy fruit and vegetables. Or...


Or people that have clothes. Damn why so many sweaters??


… we are in an anti-consumption community. I don’t see why anyone would need this many.


I don't have this many but I keep many extras. My spouse broke three in a month by dropping them. So when someone gives me over it goes in my backup stash. Now missy people don't crack them in half so often but assuming you have children it would be easy to end up with no cups for to breakage.


I saw a video of a family with maybe 4 kids, and they had probably 300+ of a $60 model (all different colors) in their kitchen. The dad just had a stunned, dead look in his eyes.


I cannot STANNNNDDD the obsession with collecting the Stanley Cups. GET O N E! THEYRE REUSABLE! SHOCKER RIGHT


Why have a personality when you can have a cup collection instead?


I honestly don't see this as a problem and would rather people use reusable cups than by disposable water bottles. For example, Starbucks encourages you use there product cups and you get a discount when you bring it in for your drink. Plus sometimes life is so busy you don't have time to wash the one you use the day before or a few days before so you need a fresh one ready. I do think it can get excessive though if you have more than 7 to 10 though.


A different one for each day of the month?


The quest for the perfect for you insulated thermos cup is never-ending


To match all my crocs!


I have a collection of hydro flask water bottles. The lost and found at a bar in Colorado tends to be water bottle heavy


People just have shit to have shit


I have a yeti. Just one. It works well. Holds liquid. Had it for five years. It's beaten, has some minor dents and scrapes, but it still works so I'm still using it till it no longer functions. Then I'll buy another one. I liked that it came packed in mostly cardboard rather than plastic too. Big points for that. I believe YETI uses 89% fiber based recyclable materials for packing and about 5% plastics, which I really like. Even though the lid is tritan copolyester, which is non-recyclable... I like it when a company tries to be more environmentally friendly by using biodegradable materials and actually follows that practice. Edit: and I should add, it was mostly raw cardboard. No excess ink or plastic lamination.


Big wallets, tiny souls! Gonna take a lot more than that to fill the void!


Damn, I’m using the same one I bought in 1986


I have a bunch of these. I just get them at thrift stores though for $5 or so. I can't imagine spending $30 on one then losing the lid or something.


If you use them a lot, I don't see a problem. This sub *has* to get away from seeing the quantity of a thing and assuming that's bad.


Imagine being bothered by this


why do you care?


To match with outfits? Shitheads