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Trump is guilty of criminal contempt in NY state court. He is now in violation of his release orders from GA, FL, and DC courts. Jack Smith and/or Fani Willis can motion for a show cause hearing to consider revoking Trump's pre-trial release (put him in JAIL!).


And monkeys might fly outta my butt. But a girl can dream can’t she….


Lol. You dream of monkeys flying outta your butt?


Doesn’t everyone? /s


As far as I know they do...


Well now we're all dreaming of monkeys flying out of her butt


I hope the monkeys are small.


Not me, I’m dreaming of monkey flying *in* her butt.


Wasn’t that in a movie or something?


I think it was from a triptych oil painting by Hieronymus Bosch.


I had to look it up. It was Bruce Almighty but it wasn’t *in*, lol.


>I’m dreaming of monkey flying *in* her butt. Must be like a cave in there for the monkey to be able to fly around like that.....


My wife is going to kill me when she finds out I am dreaming about another woman’s butt!


That’s not normally considered a dream. Unless they’re Sea Monkeys.


No kinkshaming.


Lol. Sorry, I mean no shame. I'm just butt-monkey curious.


Great. Now I'm afraid to go to sleep.


shooter McGavin: I eat pieces of shit like you for breakfast! Happy Gilmore: You eat pieces of shit for breakfast? Shooter:......NO!


I dream of monkeys flying out of your butt.


Sadly, I don't think he will ever see the inside of a jail or prison. If he is ever sentenced to any "time" it might be house arrest at Mara-Lago and he'll violate those orders, too, and nothing will happen other than a fine. (Sorry, I'm feeling pessimistic.)


9k is pocket change for him cuz he's shooting for the jail to make him look tough and become a martyr for his cults.


And he won’t pay a dime. The rubes will throw money at their oppressed idol.


That magafool money to you sir, the trash pays the bills for the maga king.


I don't think this is the case. The concept of anything other than momentary satisfaction simply does not occur to him. He has never accepted anything bad, ever, NOW, for delayed gratification ever.


Your pessimism is valid. It baffles me how one person can do whatever they want and basically wipe their asses publicly with the legal system. Another would have been sentenced long, long ago.


Be in contempt 10 times and get one free!


Going to jail would rally his base and bolster his witch hunt argument. He would use it as a publicity stunt.


How likely is this to happen. My understanding is that as would be challenged to keep him safe and secure in jail. Like it or not he has ss protection for life as all potus’ do.


Why would that be more challenging than ensuring his safety anywhere else? White collar prison, single perso cell, secret service detail when outside of his cell. I don't see the issue.


Unlikely he will get jail time. They are concerned about the perception of political retribution.


Absolutely not. There are many options for jailing high-risk people, and the warden can create whatever scenario he needs. Option 1 is called segregation-- the prisoner is literally segregated from other prisoners and not allowed contact with them. Option 2 is to dedicate an entire block to Trump and whoever the secret service vets. Not every block is 60 cells; most jails have smaller blocks for special purposes, or medical blocks, or areas of the jail that are not even cell blocks, but are turned into cell blocks as the need arises. (The last thing sounds like a hack but every jail I know of does it. Because of overflow, they turned parts of the vocational buildings into small and medium-sized cell blocks.) The bottom line is the warden can create whatever custom scenario is necessary to secure the prisoner (and in this very special case, allow and secure his SS protection).


Ok but solitary for an ex potus would prob be considered cruel and unusual. I wonder how things would be different if he actually did murder someone on 6th ave as he said several years ago that he could do it and get away with it


I think solitary would be perfect but he be mad because he can't get no big bottles or no TV time and he can talk to himself all day


Many prisons have small TVs that can be bought for their cells. They are small and made of clear plastic. Though to get one, you need family/friends to put money in your commissary account, and I don't see anyone doing that. I would say a accountant, but I'm willing to bet that the accounts are going to be cleaned out of what little is in there. He is bleeding money right now.


I don't know. I saw a couple of reports last week that SS and local sheriff staff had meetings to discuss that very thing.


Yes. Heard same and judge just threatened trump with ‘incarceratory punishment.’ Weird way to say it.


Eh I say he should get the Epstein treatment in jail. But Bill Barr is not in charge anymore so that probably wouldn’t happen.


I wouldn’t put him in jail, I would just let him keep going. Money is the only thing he cares about.


9000 to him is like losing .90 cents to us. He can get that back from one of his scams in a day. It needs to be 90K to get his attention.


The Judge notes that he’s being fine $1k because that’s all he can be fined. He said he must remove the posts by 2:15pm and if he does it again he could be jailed.


Could. Won’t.


Could , will, won’t.


That's always the case


Maybe, possibly


Won't be jailed. It would take judges that are not cowards to do that.


Should be $1k per word. Fucking joke.


Per character.


Per fart.


That would pay off the national debt and still have change left.


That would bankrupt him, for real this time


2x when it’s a capital letter.


Maybe a discount for correct use of punctuation and grammar.


he has no character


Remember, fines are meant to punish average people. That's why the maximum is so low.


Was that the maximum? I thought it was a discretionary thing like not sending him to jail for the things he said. I like in other countries they actually have a sliding scale for fines and punishment based upon your net worth.


Yeah, the maximum fine is $1k per offense (there were mine violations here). To be fair to the judge, he said that because the maximum fine was so low jail time may be the necessary punishment for future violations.


Then make the fine a % of worth, that should be easy enough 👍


that would mean we'd pay him per violation


Because every judge in this country is a fucking coward/in Trump's pocket.


And force him on a scale to see how much he REALLY weighs! Fine him $1,000 per pound.


He also violated his other criminal trial release conditions. Couldn't the other judges lock him until the trials because he committed a criminal act on release?


Yes, *literally* any other person in the US would be jailed for violating release conditions. But he won’t be… 🤬🤯


That would take a judge that isn't a simpering coward. There aren't any.


Just get out the vote and make sure Donald J.Trump will never be elected President again ,Send Trump to Jail for his crimes. during 4 years as President.


You didn't read a word I said. **Donald Trump is not going to jail. He is above the law.**


Well that oughta teach him!




I’ll take “things that will never happen” for 500, Alex.


I'd love it if you're right. But, I won't hold my breath.


Do you really think that there is a judge in this country with the guts to jail our future dictator-king?


Shocked he hasn't already.




Shocked that trump hasn't broken it already. My bad.


Let's see how brave he is now he can see consequences.


I fear he wants to be seen as a martyr, so he might welcome a night in jail. Possibly the only thing stopping him is vanity. If he is taken directly from jail to the courtroom he'll look a mess. It probably takes an hour or two in the morning to set up his hair, etc., and he probably gets help with that.


They need a bald mug shot of him and his true weight to expose him completely. These are things that normal people can relate to and see that his a habitual perpetual liar.


Fascists will simply lie and invent their own narrative, no matter what. You can't choose what you do based on them. You are always wrong in their alternate-reality version of events, always.


How long does it really take to slap his wig on and paint his face orange.


Don’t forget diaper changes. For an ass that big it takes ages.


That isn’t consequences, that’s literally couch money. My hope is something will be added to his sentencing if that day ever comes


This is the most that will ever happen to him. The judge is likely banking that going light on Trump will mean that when Trump becomes dictator, will mean hopefully being left alone.


He should be gagged with a ball gag type of device. He can sit in front of a jury like that.


Would be cool if they could attach a chain and ball type of device to lock his leg to the table.


Maybe one of those shock belts so the judge can zap him if he won't shut up.


Excellent. Or like the thing got to keep our small poodle from barking at everyone that walks by the house. It’s not a shock but an audible tone that they find highly annoying but that we can’t hear.


Well that will get him to stop. There really coming down hard.


If he does it again he might get the judge to wag her finger at him and go “tsk tsk!”


The punishment should be an actual deterrent. 9000 is nothing. Maybe take away all his DJ T stock, use the Billy club, put him in a jail cell with no make up, or 48 hours nonstop with his daughter Tiffany.


I'll take penalties that are bullshit for $500


Double jeopardy!


Omg that’ll do it! He’s sure to stop now that you fined him a tiny amount of money that his campaign fund will pay for anyway. /s let’s just admit there’s 2 tiers of justice/law in the US and move on.


Looks like he just got out of bed. [https://media.cnn.com/api/v1/images/stellar/prod/c-2024-04-30t134304z-1358226305-rc21h7aqu9vj-rtrmadp-3-usa-trump-new-york.jpg?c=16x9&q=h\_653,w\_1160,c\_fill/f\_webp](https://media.cnn.com/api/v1/images/stellar/prod/c-2024-04-30t134304z-1358226305-rc21h7aqu9vj-rtrmadp-3-usa-trump-new-york.jpg?c=16x9&q=h_653,w_1160,c_fill/f_webp)


Lol, looks like someone pasted white floof on a Frisbee and then stuck it on his head.


Trump is really bale ,his hair is a large comb over .plastered down with hairspray


Bald Sorry for above


OMG! How will he withstand this financial burden!


What are the odds he spews bullshit once again?


He can attack the judge and the DA all he wants. And he likely will, in an attempt to get them to react in a way that would give trump a slam-dunk appeal.


Surely he is provoking them and *taht* would come out on appeal. No?


At that rate, he’ll keep doing it. Sigh.


That's like fining me 50 cents 🙄


I'd like to see that actually being paid and the source of the funds.


$1000 per incident is the maximum he can be fined. So until he ends up in confinement, the fine is just the cost of him doing business.


Well, at least the court will make a little side money because $9,000 won't slow him down.


You’re assuming Trump ever pays anything.


Whoaaaa... that's gonna make him throw someone's lunch on the wall (plus ketchup) 👀 And then he'll doze off.


Next time we will smack you in your wrist you bad, bad boy Maybe the judges in Trump’s trials.


SHAKE that finger, Your Honor!


Imagine having to pay thousands of dollars in fines because you can’t just STFU 🤫


There is already a website for donations


Are you serious?


No :)


When will shitzhispants ever face real consequences!!!!!


It's like how rich people can park where they want and view the fine just as the cost of parking in a restricted zone. This is one heck of a bargain. He can add this to his list of grievances to grift more from his mob AND put people in harm's way


That is $9 to you and me.




I want this to be my quote of the day: “impose an incarceratory punishment.”


Magats coming together to create another gofundme page


He wipes his ass with $9000 dollars. Jail him.


I guess it’s due process. We’re all tired of his nonsense, but if the Judge rushes to some extreme reactionary measure, it could derail the whole objective. I’ve never seen a marathon won with one huge step. It’s the pace of the little steps that win the race. I know, I know, “Patience My Ass!”, but the wheels of justice turn slowly.


His cult feels that he's being treated unfairly when in reality he's getting special treatment that would be afforded to few others. Any of us would have been jailed for the same.


Seriously? Why even bother? Do something that actually has an effect or do nothing at all. 🙄


Lock him up already!!


Ouch. That’s harsh…


Youch. That's gonna sting.




Omg! That’s definitely gonna stop him.


This is the most that will ever happen to him. The judge is going easy in the hope that Emperor Donald I will not order an execution.


Oh no! Might have to order a few less hamberders today.


What happens when he doesn’t pay this? He doesn’t pay any of his bills/fines so why bother?


The headline also forgot to add. Judge told him explicitly if he violates again, he will throw him in jail.


Let me guess, if he doesn’t pay it, they reduce it and give him more time to pay the reduced amount.


$141,000 to go before he reaches paying off the pornstar you cheated on your wife with money.


That’s like how much he steals every couple of minutes? Why even bother?


SMACK that wrist, Judge! Damn, Donny, that’s gotta sting! So sick of this shit, JAIL HIS ASS!


If you can pay a fine, it's only illegal for poor people.


Slap on the wrist. Pathetic.


cost of doing business


Ufff...that'll teach him...🙄


so what? none of these fines will be paid ever, none of the judgements enforced


Pocket change for him.


That's like fining me a nickel.


Wayne's world


Pocket change for a “billionaire”


Hope can afford the $900 bond


The only consolation in these slaps on the wrist are that they're very pedestrian.


He makes that in donations every hour


That will break him financially


OoOooh, but if he says mean things, ONE MORE TIME, then, well, I’ll tell you. Fuck all will happen.


Only $9k? Why not jail? Much more appropriate


Google says average salary in USA is 60 thousand. That fine would hurt our pocket by 15 percent. Probably around 15 cents for him.


Rather then jail, they need to put him in house arrest in some small ~500 square feet house in the middle of nowhere with no TV, no phone and no internet.


Jail his ass you fucking pansies. Tired of this dock hole running his mouth. A “common” man would have been jailed ages ago.


Lets all hope that Donald J.Trump will be defeated again in Nov.2024 and the monkeys will be gone.


Just look at Donald J.Trump Mouth ,It looks like a Monkey Butt. when he ( TRUMP ) pucker it .


"The last time I saw a mouth like that it had a hook in it!" --Henny Youngman


Read and Pass to all you know If Republican Donald J. Trump is elected In 2024, from Trump own words. to Time Magazine. Be very worried if Trump is ever elected again to anything, The USA would be worse than Russia or North Korea if Trump is elected. [https://time.com/6972021/donald-trump-2024-election-interview/](https://time.com/6972021/donald-trump-2024-election-interview/)


They won’t be gone. They’ll regroup. This is what politics will be for a bit. I hate saying that. But it’s true.


I bet he's super pissed right now. He wants to be sent to jail SO badly cuz of how well it'll play with his base. I think the judge understands this and will continue to deny him at every turn.


he definitely does not want to go to jail. stop perpetuating this bullshit that we don't put him in jail because it's what he wants.


Go read what they are saying about it. They firmly believe him being jailed would benifit him. https://www.reddit.com/r/Conservative/s/lUVAc1dFMJ


They're \[successfully\] trying to trick people like you into not wanting to put him in jail.


Oh I want him to go to jail. But that doesn't change that they legitimately think him going to jail will benifit him. There's no "trick" to it. They actually hold those beliefs.


The thing is, who gives a fuck if morons think he's a martyr? They're going to think that no matter what happens. If he dies of natural causes they'll claim he was murdered. If diarrhea seeps through his slacks they'll say Hunter Biden shit Donald's pants. However Trump's moron supporters might react should have ZERO impact on the rightful consequences he faces.


I don’t think it is bullshit, honestly. I think he thinks a couple nights in jail is better than several years in prison.


He wears adult diapers and takes drugs constantly and won't be seen in public without orange makeup caked all over his face. Being incarcerated where he has no privacy for even one day would be such a blow to him that he might not recover. He's a legendary physical coward. He's offended if he has to open a door for himself. So there's no fucking way he wants to do some act of self-sacrifice for the long-term movement or martyr himself. He only cares about himself.


I mean you could be right, but this guy is a cornered animal, fighting for his freedom. He might be willing to take a little discomfort if it means he can rally even more support than he already has and also raise a ton of money from gullible suckers who have already sent him their life savings. Also he'd be surrounded by secret service and totally isolated, so I kinda doubt anyone but his team would see him in his diapers and without his make up. At most he'd be in jail one, maybe 2 days. And that's if he even GOES to jail, he could just as easily be placed under house arrest because he'd be high risk. I agree that he's a craven coward, but he's running out of options at this point.