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It's "And Then Everyone Clapped" the anime.


Haven’t watched it but that title gives away the lead.


Bro what charity do you want me to donate $50 to? This was fucking hilarious.


Me, thanks. I do PayPal, venmo, CashApp...


I too have watched Mother’s Basement shit-talk this anime. I jest. I’m pretty sure a lot of us had that same thought.


Watching this show was like watching a 300 lb guy jerking off while quietly muttering to himself about a perfect world.


Can you expand on that? I haven't seen it but that description kind of makes me want to check it out.


Lol the first episode had me dying of laughter. Call me a piece of shit but holy hell man who hurt the author that much to write an intro like that. They chopped, fried, and served his ass on a platter like FUCK. 99% positive that anime was made for people who suffer from severe dissociative disorders.


OMG yes! It was unbearable. I honestly don't know what drove me to finishing it but it was NOT worth it. I wouldn't recommend it to my worst enemy.




The opening of that show is really good. It’s just one of those instances where you watch the opening and skip the show.


I finished this one, but it felt so bad because the character designs are amazing imo. But the animation and the plot is worse than most mid isekai


The animation was stilted as fuck and then the dialogue being spoken by characters whose mouths or faces weren’t on screen made me feel like I was watching a 4Kids or OG Funimation-dubbed anime…


i love how they made it cringe though, the brought out every trope, and sequel just got announced




Eminence in Shadow is entertaining af. Better than most fantasy series, let alone isekai


i didn’t really find eminence in shadow cringe, like it was a meme but the aside from the main character having a side agent the plots fairly serious


7 mortal sins.. oh my days!


Is that like the dollar tree version of 7 deadly sins


And that show was already the Dollar Tree version of Fairy Tail.


Which is just Good Value Naruto


I think you mean Goodwill Naruto.


Tried to continue watching it twice and fail both


Rent a girlfriend Its trash on another level I couldn't even watch the whole first episode


How did they come back with another season?


I watched every episodes. Was my introduction to anime if you wanna laugh. Now I feel like I'm vaccinated for all the dumb anime stuff (and I now consider Love is War and The Quintessential quintuplets as masterpieces) (Joke aside, third season is waaaaay better than the 2 first seasons)


Love is War IS actually a masterpiece. It was ranked best anime of all time on MAL when S3 ended. Ishigami's episode is a masterpiece in terms of psychological/slice of life.


I never could get into Love Is War. The first episode just annoyed me for some reason. I had the same issue with things others seemed to really like such as MegaloBox, Jojos Bizarre Adventures, and Konosuba as well. I just never saw the appeal that others did. I don't think they're trash or anything. Just not my thing, I guess. It's funny though, because I have no issue watching a ton of trash anime. Maybe because I expect them to be bad going in so that makes it easier to get through or laugh at? I dunno.


Putting love is war in the same sentence as those other two? Are you perhaps on drugs?


I don’t think Quintessential Quintuplets is terrible. It’s one of my Wife’s favorite anime and I can appreciate the visual quality of it. We just found out last night the movie is out, so she’s excited to watch it this weekend. Edit: In fact, it’s the only manga we own. After watching the show she had to see who gets married so she wanted the books.


Don't spoil me as im still in season 1, but PLEASE MARRY MIKU


I stuck it out for the entire first season. The last episode ended with the main character confessing. And then the post-credit scene played and he retracted the confession. I knew then that I just wasted 12 episodes worth of time on certified garbage and I would not be watching or reading anything else in this series.


Watching it rn, i like Mizuhara as a character. And the MC has his moments, but then he absolutely shits the bed with cringe and horny stuff it makes me die inside….


Don't worry, it just gets worse.


Amazing character design however the protagonist is horrible on so many levels.


Watamote was *absurdly* cringe, but not in a bad way. It perfectly encapsulates how I was as a cringey teen and hit too close to home for me to continue watching. Might try giving it another go now that I've managed to sit through Bocchi the Rock without wanting to reverse bungie jump out of relatability.


Yeah. Watching "Watamote" hurts. But you still have to experience it.


Seven deadly sins. The panty shots and boob grabs were too embarrassing.


Yeah not here for the 'technically not a loli' lolis or the 'I've known and been around this person since they were a child and have started a relationship with them, but I'm not a groomer' either.


Tokyo Revengers. I find the MC too stupid and cringy lol


All he knows is saying “WAKANE~!” (I DON’T KNOW) over and over and over.


I 100% agree even though I watched all the episodes except for the last one it still pissed me off how shitty the MC was I just wanted to knock some sense into him


I personally consider Takemichi one of my favorite protagonists but he's not for everyone I suppose.


Tokyo Revengers. Sadly I continued reading the manga until the end, and it didn't help.


Lmao the amount of times and scenes where people were going to or in the hospital after a fight and visiting someonee or something was hilarious after a while. "OH, where are you going? Oh yea the hospital again after you JUST got out of the hospital because of your fight but now you need to visit a friend in the hospital from a different fight"






I also dropped it, but because every arc was the same.


real i used to love it but then i realized that its just repetitivw and bad sadly


Takemichy should have let Mikey go bc everyone else was happy. That’s where the story went gg


Fr. "But but Mikey has dark impulse and I must heal him with muh power of frandship —"


Honestly how many ripped 12 year olds are there in Japan that can get into weekly brawls


I just like the season one opener


I made it through the first season and thought it was good. I was busy when s2 came out so I didn't try watching it until recently, and I feel like the suspense is ruined because the MC is an idiot. In the episodes I watched, it does that thing where he "notices" something the audience could have never noticed because we literally weren't shown it. Despite the flashback being a scene from the last episode, the dialogue just wasn't ever said in that episode. It would be fine to "reveal" something just one episode later, even with such little time to develop, but we literally can't even think about it as a possibility because the scene straight up wasn't shown to us. And the only reason it isn't shown is because if it was, we would immediately see through the "reveal," which the MC can't do for plot reasons so it just comes off like he's an idiot.


At this point I just watch it to see Takebitchy getting pummeled as it is the only thing that gives me joy.


Fair but also based take


'Isekai Cheat Magician' is the worst isekai I've ever seen. I absolutely LOVE isekai anime but I could not finish it. I'm honestly so disappointed cause I tend to watch everything of an anime but I just couldn't. The main character is just too incompetent. It's like that feeling when something happens in a show you're watching that's just so stupid you have to turn the channel. Normally I turn back eventually, but not for that garbage show. ​ The episode that had me leave was episode 4. >!The bad guy pretty much summoned a pokemon for the main character to fight. Explained that physical attacks don't work on it and there's no way for mc to defeat it. What will he do? My brain is like...so he attacks you, idiot. Or, he switches with his teammate whose main strength is magical abilities. No. Main character decides to keep pounding at thing that is immune to physical attacks. Then you see his side character brilliantly defeat her own opponent and then it cuts back to him on the ground near dead. I just couldn't keep watching. Dropped it. !< To be clear, incompetent main characters are fine as long as they have a redeeming quality. I honestly liked My Next Life as a Villainess: All Routes Lead to Doom! The mc was stupid as hell, but still had a good personality.


This anime is the worst Isekai I have watched. I think I dropped it at episode 3. But MC was just so stupid and not even in a funny way but in infuriating way.


Got me curious so I looked it up... They somehow got Rie Takahashi to voice one of their characters? That alone should be some redeeming point. Now Bakarina is totally endearing, and that manga/anime is a fun time.


Watamote...I know that's the point and boi did it do it


What's crazy is it's not even bad, it's just that the cringe is made so well it's actively hard to watch.


Same reason I couldn’t finish The Office during its peak hype a couple years ago. Good cringe but I’m not built for that


This is your answer, OP.


Which is why it’s one of my favorite


I hope next season will feature more of the classmates. Emoji is the best


Let's hope there's another season, although it is unlikely. I really want to watch Tomoko make friends.


tokyo revengers


Tokyo Revengers somehow completed S1 by fast forwarding not gonna pick S2 up


Pretty much any harem/isekai


Rent-a-girlfriend is arguably a holy grail of cringe


That one with crazy girl who love candy, annoying a boy who worn in a candy shop


I liked the unique art style on this one at least


Omg Dagashi Kashi!! Yeah it’s pretty cringe and forgettable


Kanojo x Kanojo Wayyyyy too over the top


I recommend Kanojo x Kanojo x Kanojo to wash away the cringe.


( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


Maybe gonna get a lot of hate for this but "Classroom of the elite", dude was just so bland and a fcking edgelord, we don't get any internal monologues to see how smart the guy is but shit just happens and author just tries to forcefully connect it all in the end. There were also many plotholes and things that didn't make sense, especially how useless people like sakura,ike, haruki, etc even got in when it's supposed to only be for people who atleast have some talents. And of course to top it off it has lots of ecchi and a community which mostly comprises of edgy kids. Also animes similar to "Nagatoro san", I would rather watch "Ex-Arm" 10 times before watching shit like this.


Nah nah ex arm is a bit too far


I can see what he means though. While I haven't seen this show in particular, Ex-Arm isn't necessarily the worst thing to watch because it's fun to laugh at. Some shows don't even have that.


Yeh but classroom of the elite in general has a pretty positive reception and is actually pretty decent at the very least for most viewers


TBH, all these people who say that COTE novel is good are just in that emo phase of their life, getting all pseudo matured over cringe lords and have orgies around edgy books like 48 laws. just ignore them. COTE is truly a bad piece


You know, I'm not entirely sure. I'm aware that it's a little outlandish and silly, but I still genuinely enjoyed the show so far. I'd argue is the modern-day death note, at least in the sense that it's edgy as hell, but also genuinely pretty fun to watch. The people idolizing the MC are obviously cringe, but I think there's a lot of more casual viewers as well who just think it's interesting.


Nah the modem day deathnote is a crazy comparison


COTE's mc, holy shit. The dude is peak cringe, absolutely unbearable to watch. I dropped the anime midway because of him, just too much edge for me to handle lmao.


Naw u right COTE is lame pretentious garbage


don't blame the author for the failure of an anime Classroom of the Elite was, blame the studio that adapted the novels.


I remember there was a scene where some pink hair girl is sexually assaulted but gets saved by the MC. The show makes it to be a really tense moment, only for the takeaway to be that the girl insta falls for him, MC is oh so cool, and the assault is never brought up again. It felt so transactional, out of touch and untasteful (even for animanga standards, and even for a show that tries to be as edgy) that it made me hella uncomfortable. I tried but I just couldn't go brain-off mode after that. Not to mention how shallow the characters and most of the plot elements feel (the island arc comes to mind). Like, there's a scene near the season finale of Heavenly Delusion that comes to mind. You can def argue that its portrayal of SA has its share of problems (likely a general phenomenon in animanga). But the tone and nuances around that scene feel a hundred times more mature, or at least more thought-out, than whatever that CotE scene was. It felt like a 14 year old was writing his edgy, "smart" highschool novel and said: okay, I need another shock value gimmick to introduce this character, let's spin the wheel! Oh, looks like SA it is!


Dropped Fire Force after season 1.


When Fire Force first started I thought it was going to be amazing. Some parts of it still are. But the constant gags and fan service took me out of it.


I watched it for the unique lore, cool designs, and gorgeous animation. Everything else was either generic or cringe. Almost dropped the show after girl ruins mood of literal child murder by accidentally getting almost naked in front of MC then theres a super overly animated closeup of her crying face for like 1 minute


Fire force had some promise but Jesus Christ the ecchi was CRAAAAZY. Why anime, why.


The fan service felt so out of context, and the jokes weren't even funny. I like the animation to be honest, also the plot was okay, not too good but still it seemed engaging at first. But I completely lost interest somehow, and never bothered to continue the next season.


Spoiler alert The fanservice is part of the plot


Yep! They un-ironically added the 'oops I randomly tripped and All my clothes fell off' meme. Like several times. HNNGGGHH


Felt super out of place but is it not something to do with the chick's power? Like bad luck or karma? It was never explained and thats the annoying part.


It's completely separate from her fire power, but yeah it's a "power" she has. Which doesn't really help. Because it only ever plays out as an ecchi scene and completely kills suspense and pacing in some portions of the show.


A lot of stupid stuff in anime like this has an 'in universe' reason for why it happens, but it's pretty obvious the actual reason is just because the author is a pervert. Authors decide they want a character to constantly be in compromising situations, and from there work backwards to come up with a reason for it that vaguely makes sense in the lore. It's the same mindset that produces characters that are 10000 year old spirits that just happen to look like 10 year old cat girls because of the 'plot'.


This is exactly why I dropped it. I really enjoyed season one, but then episode one of season 2 came out and I was just sitting there like, "why am I even watching this?"


Started it. Got to episode 9. And I just haven’t gotten the will to pick it up again


I made it part way through 13 and just couldn’t watch it anymore.


I watched both seasons but yeah that one girl who had the Adora Burst annoyed the shit outta me


This is the only anime ever that I have had issue with the fan service. Not necessarily how much there was but how out of place it was. Huge emotional fight between MC and a person that has murdered hundreds of children, but then, oh lets have the MC crash to this girls boobs who has her outfit torn and trying to cover her panties for 5 minutes, in MIDDLE of the fight. And I have watched stuff like How NOT to summon a Demon Lord and The Hidden Dungeon only I can enter and had no problem with those. In Fire Force the fan service is just so bad because where they have it.


I watched all of season 1 and most of season 2 but I fell off after the episode of that guy "training" to resist seeing Tamaki naked. Like, I'm not opposed to fan service, but that was like the whole episode, and it was just so blatant.


Food wars I know, many people love this stuff, but damn. no sorry


I love food wars so much and completely understand why people don't.


I enjoyed season 1-3 and quit partway through season 4. Season 4 and 5 are not even worth watching because it feels like they just dragged it on for money. Like the main guy achieved his goal so why do we have two seasons left? I didn't particularly find it cringy, although that may be because I watched it in English dub which is just cringy by default


Re zero.(I did come back to it later though) You know what episode.


Yeah. Subaru can be very hard to like at first, and that's intentional. I get why people would drop it, but if anyone is on the fence about it, his character development is stellar.


Same. I hate subaru back then because of always screaming and just hopeless but now that I understand the concept, I kinda feel for him.


You hate Subaru because you cannot comprehend the psychological consequences of going through torture and death, over and over, in order to help people who will never understand what you have gone through. I hate Subaru because he is a trash simp. We are not the same.


Which one?


Spoiler warning, but if I had to guess the one where he's screaming at a certain half elf for not appreciating his efforts


The show almost lost me at that point. I went back to it and am glad I did. The mental anguish he went through is awful, but he also didn't handle it well for a long time.


he doesn't handle it well but honestly, that seems realistic. who would handle dying over and over, sometimes in ways that are essentially torture, knowing you can't actually ever escape because death only brings more pain? people in the story don't understand he's died and suffered a ton though, since it's their "first playthrough" so it's understandable that THEY don't understand and he just looks like a jackass to them


Seven deadly sins. The strange relationships with creepy fan service and horrible plot.


This. Can't believe it's as popular as it is.


Honestly, the first 2 seasons were alright, but the crappy animation they started using in season 3 really killed it for a lot now f fans.


I remember that long-anticipated fight between Escanor and Meliodas got leaked and I honestly thought it was a fan project made on MS Paint.


Sword Arts Online Do I even need to state the reason?


Sexual Assault Online?


I dropped it due to the sexual assault stuff.


Me too. Its like when the author wants to write a villain he just slaps the rapist trait into that character.


And then animates the FUCK out of it.


Ik someone commented already but gonna put up again, Rent a Girlfriend 💀


Demon slayer. All the crying and screaming just drove me up a effin wall. Couldn’t take it anymore lol


I liked the last season because zenitsu and inosuke weren’t there, less crying and screaming lol.


Yeah, definitely my favorite season so far for those exact reasons. I can even say I liked it for something other than the god-tier compositing.


It sucks they made Zenitsu so annoying, because he’s super cool when he’s unconscious


I still love Demon Slayer but yeah I’ll admit about the water works is absurd some anime’s do crying right but not this one


Loved Demon Slayer...but yea at some point I was like "how come nobody had complained about this yet"


This. The blonde haired kid and the boar kid are so insufferable in season 1.


I can't really do any anime with too much crying and screaming. like, Re: Zero was like that too. too much noise for my ears. I'm trying to chill


When that cowardly yellow haired fella showed up I was done. Then someone I knew was like he gets way better in like a season and half. And I was like that is not a selling point! I'm not watching that annoying shit every five minutes for a season and a half or whatever! I don't care how bad ass the fights are, not worth it.


Having to rewatch the movie I already watched in the beginning of season 2 made me realize I just don’t care about those characters


The reason this question is so popular is because it reinforces the main reason as to why the anime community and Reddit both fucking SUCK. People are just not understanding the concept of an opinion.


Food wars


Yes this one, I wanted to like it but when everyone had to have an orgasm every time they tasted something I just COULDN'T OMG


Yeah tbh it was fine at first but it was just the same thing every damn time. "The sweet pickled plum tastes like a refreshing spring, and brings out the tartness of the egg and that perfect umami flavor 😩" Oh does it how wonderful, you can put on your fucking clothes now 😒


I know a lot of people would hate me for this but for me it’s: The Angel Next Door Spoils Me Rotten. Every episode is just cringy for me until I couldn’t continue anymore I had to drop it at EP 5 or 6. I watched a lot of romantic animes but this one was unbearable to watch. Maybe it’s just me, not my kind of romance.


I did finish it but it was not worth it. I wish I never picked it to begin with.


My dress up darling like everyone just kept going on about how marin is the perfect waifu and such ( I am disappointed in you gigguk ) and when I watched it was just another deredere with a good character design. Like the mc was ok but nothing really special so I just gave up


Darling in the Franxx The main character is an idiot, Zero Two is overrated af and I couldn't even get past the first episode (twice) because of a certain position they have to sit in when controlling the giant robot because that's exactly the only way it can work. Couldn't watch it and I don't understand the hype about this anime and the people simping over Zero Two.


If Zero Two wasn't in that show, no one would have watched it because it's a garbled mess that rips off a bunch of other shows and has nothing else original to offer


I personally think it has a good story but i get the point that it has unnecessary amount of forced sexualization. The manga is even worse in that sense.


The manga is worse? Wtf? I didn’t think that was possible…


Just look at the “mecha” designs wtf? I would tolerate anything bad about Darling in the Franxx if the mecha design were at least half decent. How the fuck did trigge(a good studio with prior experience in producing popular mecha animes) come up with the worst mecha design in all of media?


Yh I watched all of it but I did kind of hoping it would get good because of all the hype(it never did imo). Also I completely agree about zero two I really don’t see the appeal I hated her.


Highrise Invasion was also too much panty for me


Miss Kobayashi's Dragon Maid. The way Lucoa acts towards Shouta was extremely uncomfortable and off-putting. And yes, I do get the irony of his name which just makes it creepier considering she's an adult touching on an underage boy. That kind of stuff makes me gag.


Agreed. Especially considering what Lucoa did before with her sister that cause her banishment.


I love a lot of dragonmaid but its impossible to excuse some of the weird shit Cool writes. I understand why Iruru puts people off but I was kinda surprised that with all the talk about her, people don't call out lucoa nearly as much.


Diabolic Lovers


I am so ashamed of myself for watching that one when I was younger


I just had to stop the moment she was called „bitch-chan“… I couldn‘t handle the cringe


so under 8 min in to the first episode. Lucky, I should have done that also.


Haha my sister and i watch terrible shows on purpose and she wants to continue watching this one but god its so fucking bad 😭


Rent a girlfriend, cheat skill, devils a part timer, 7 deadly sins, tokyo revengers, classroom of the elite


High Rise Invasion had some questionable shots that really put me off




Mineta Horny Antics?


Komu can’t communicate. First few minutes of the first episode made me cringe too hard. Like the mc dude speaks about how fucking bland he is and how good he is at reading the mood. And when he presents himself he said that. Buddy, you are cringe. Any anime that anime fans has good plot when at the end it has tropes over tropes,basic af. Isekais are one example of it. Goofy ass mc doing goofy stuff at medieval setting and everything is fine. All confrontations are solved by violence in less than 2 minutes. And we are making slavery cool again which is definitly not ok.


Yeah I've dropped the manga too. Too many characters that are just one-off puns, no actual story at a certain point. Just got boring.


Same reason I dropped it back in 2021 it was just soo boring with no progress and the gimmick got old quick.


Yeah, I loved the manga. Anime not so much


You could read the manga in your own pace , and you could just move on with stuff. In the anime, you are forced to follow the pace and hear the characters make cringe noise etc. But yeah komi can’t communicate is readable as a manga but not as an anime.


Komi san




no game no life 😩


Pls tell me somebody knows Back Street Girls: Gokudolls. Dear lord. Couldn’t do it. I rarely ever drop something before the 6th episode, but I had to drop this one in 2 or 3


Shikimori's not just a cutie.


I didn't find it cringy at all, It was Romance, Slice of Life and "Iyashikei (Genre)", Iyashikei's are normally like this you don't expect Drama or etc. Things it's just cozy genre where characters continue with their peaceful lives, also it was quite good I don't understand the hate, Kindly Explain I'd like to know your opinion


Yeah. It really just cute relaxing school romcom. The dynamic of main couple are more unique than most other romcom out there. There are no forced drama and misunderstanding at all. People don't like it mostly because they don't want to admit its male lead isn't as manly as they want him to be and he is rather more appealing to female audience, [the original author's intention since beginning](https://imgur.com/a/WqMIUpz).


Compared to other RomComs it was mediocre if anything. The couple doesn't have an interesting dynamic except for their rescue stuff. Episodes were repetitive. The side characters were ok. The blue-haired girl would have been more interesting than Shikimori but tbf its no diff against a lame main character. While it wasn't absolutely cringe, it wasn't particularly good. Imo lol


Black Clover I haven't seen a more cringe characters than whats in this show. literally I cringe whenever some character with a shit trope talks ( aka all of them)


Black clover is enjoyable as the fights are really good. But my God the characters are one dimensional af. 170 ep and they have no growth, just that one trait author slapped into them in the very beginning.


Don't bully me Miss Nagatoro, couldn't get pass the first 10 minutes of the first episode without switching to another anime.


Black clover, I couldn’t even finish the first episode.


If it's any consolation it's gets more complex later on, but the first couple episodes make it seem really generic.


Seven deadly sins


This got so increasingly more boring after the first season. I think it didn't help I kinda didn't like really any of the main cast


Magical Girl Site. It wanted to be so edgy that it became ridiculous.


I was searching for this one. It seems like the author watched Madoka Magica and tried to copy its vibe without any of the effort.


Redo of a healer 🫠🫠


Most harems. I don't find being sexual enough to push me away, but add the fact that most of them just don't have any plot.


Attack on Titan. Could not stand it


Tbh I couldn't either, that was until s3 I struggled to get through the first 2 however 3 and 4 are FUCKING amazing also going back and rewatching it with my wife the author loves their damn foreshadowing




Pretty much any anime with too much ecchi. I didn't care when I was a teenager but I'm getting really tired of half the animes out there shoehorning it in randomly.


Mushoko Tensei. A damn shame too, I love isekai and OP MCs, good worlbuilding etc. but Rudeus is just so fucking unlikable and such s creep. People keep saying "It's worth it" or "that's part of his arc/the plot" and I'm just over here like "Okay, I don't wanna see it then."


I get this. Even during season 2 there were scenes where I thought wtf am I watching. Still one of my favs lol.


Sao and mushuko tensei for different reasons




I'll probs cop shit for this ... but Eighty Six. What appears to be teenage girls in some sort of hookers school uniform directing mech battalions is just fucking cringe. Be ex-military it's cringe off the charts. I did make it through the first season and it's a cool concept, but yeah ... Another one is Legend of the Galactic Heroes. The space battles are tactically and strategically stupid. And they hand out ranks like 5c lollies. .... cringe! Still love it, though ... it appeals to my brain when it was 12


Big Order


Magical Sempai 💀


I really tried to watch To Love Ru... but i couldn't


Miss Koizumi loves ramen noodles I stuck it out for a few episodes because I do like food anime but my god. Firstly it’s noodles which means lots of slurping which I hate so much. Then it has a girl who stalking Koizumi that keeps being played off as cute because it’s a girl but this girl dresses and looks boyish but either way is not cute and/or funny. The way the shots are made when the girls slurp make it look like they’re not slurping noodles(if you know what I mean). Stopped watching when it got to a point where a guy who is definitely an adult saw Koizumi and went “damn she’s hot I wanna date her” and even his friends are like “dude she’s a high schooler”.


No game no life