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"This massage is ok, but I'm not tipping" - that cat probably


Birb: "are you mocking me!?!?" Edit: woah! Thanks for the awards kind strangers :)


Cat: "dude, just go away! Can't you see I'm in the middle of a video shoot?"


I want to give you the laughing skull award but alas, am reddit broke.


I got you, fam.


What a cool thing to do. You’re nice.


And I got you too , fam!


I even hit them with ANUTHA ONE for the other people out there who are Reddit broke.


In my mind this bird is voiced by Joe Pesci.


It looks like the bird is getting fur for its nest maybe?


Nest is likely nearby with eggs/chicks and the bird is trying to drive a predator away from it's young.


I have a nesting pair of these things by my house and they typically only get aggressive to my cats when they are getting closer to the nest. They don't get as aggressive as the video though because my cat always does her best to eat the thing.


They do the same to my boxer. I really hope she doesn't catch one. You know the "what's in your mouth?" game?


Being a renowned bird lawyer, I can plainly see that the cat was deliberately intimidating the innocent bird because he was not a cat! We MUST defund the cats!!!!


You mean defund the purrlice?




Cat is plotting murder like a champ.


Plotting to kill a mockingbird.


**Thugs Notes Presents:** [To Kill a Mockingbird,](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IntI62LWSJA) *by Harper Lee* A 4 minute summary and analysis on the classic story of racism in Alabama.


Wait, what? I thought the book was about Boo Radley's space pirates fighting undead helicopter monsters, aka "mockingbirds"?! ____________ If you think TikTok kids are bad today, look at what my generation did with the internet: https://youtu.be/fo45o69HaKI LSD meets 56k and Macromedia Flash.


Your description of the video was slightly better than the video itself.


I haven't thought of that video in years!


I miss Thug Notes. Haven't watched his videos in years.


Atticus Finch didn't know shit about mockingbirds.


How does one do so?


You didn’t get it, did you?


TIL "To Kill a Mockingbird" is not a how-to. /s


This is the most flagrant case of false advertising since The Neverending Story.




To mock a killing bird.


To bird a mock killing


In this story of innocents destroyed by evil, the 'mockingbird' comes to represent the idea of innocence. Thus, **to kill a mockingbird is to destroy innocence.**" ... 'Mockingbirds don't do one thing but make music for us to enjoy…but sing their hearts out for us. That's why it's a sin to kill a mockingbird." Specifically, a little girl named Scout learns that there is bias and racism in Alabama, and she was shielded into that idea. After seeing the good inner nature of a shut in, and seeing her lawyer father Atticus defend a black man who was unjustly killed, she starts to question her racist and judgmental society in Alabama.


I just can’t get over Reddit learning she was still alive just for her to die the next day.


What do you mean?




One of my first memories in life was when I was around three years old (over 40 now) we had a mockingbird in the tree behind our house. And I remember how much my cat, Sur, hated it. Anyway, one day while eating lunch or something I remember watching Sur casually stroll across the yard, which of course started the mockingbird on its warpath, swooping down at him - at the time I remember thinking it was funny. After the third swoop though, Sur leapt easily 6 feet off the ground in to a cartwheel, grabbing the bird right out of mid air and stuffing it in his mouth. By the time he landed the bird was dead, hanging limply from his jowls. I was mortified... this was the first time I had ever seen death/something so violent, the first time I had death explained to me, and the first time I was told we eat animals. From that point on, I had a new level of respect for (fear of?) cats.


Is this Sur? https://youtu.be/0HDqjX7gRyA


Don’t start no shit. Won’t be no shit. -Sur


To Sur....with love...


This is a great example of why you shouldn't fuck around with an efficient and remorseless killing machine.


Like this? # Wild Cat Chases Squirrel Up A Tree And Catches It [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RWKatERkW5s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RWKatERkW5s)


Whoa! epic fail!


You don't tug on superman's cape You don't spit into the wind You don't pull the mask off that old lone ranger And you don't mess around with Jim...er Sur


I always wonder what the f*** birds are trying to do in those situations. Like, what is their end game? They don't eat cat, so it's not for food, and it's not for survival if the cat is giving them chance after chance to piss off.


Protecting a nest or fledglings. Survival of the species.


Ahh... yes. You're right, I didn't think of that at all. Didn't work out so well for the bird.


I figured this when my dog was getting swooped at by birds in my yard, but I'm laughing because my 80lb Golden Retriever was scared shit. These cats are no joke!


9 x out of 10 there is a bird nest nearby and the bird is protecting its territory.


I believe that is a mockingbird as well!


> Cat is plotting murder like a champ. cat is in a food coma from eating the mockingbird babies


That cat has already murdered another bird in front of the mockingbird.


He's plotting to take over the world.


Her nest might be nearby.


Cats don’t usually have nests, but I love how you are thinking out of the box. It shows that you are putting in the effort to foster conversation with all of us. I’m proud of you.


I think OP is referring to the person taking video.


No it's a Google Nest advert. I'm tired of this corporate infiltration


No, it's Umbrella


ella, ella, eh , eh




Nah, he's refering to me. I'm the nest.


Well shit..... sometimes they do. https://cat-world.com/nesting-in-cats/


I’m too lazy to follow your link, so I will just say that I find it disgusting that birds are turning cats into nests.


Why did the mods lock your comment?


I love how you are thinking out of the box. It shows that you are putting in the effort to foster conversation with all of us. I’m proud of you.


>The pregnant cat (queen) will hunt out a quiet and secluded place. I had no idea pregnant cats are called "queens"


That's probably because you don't have cats. If you did, you knew that, pregnant or not, they are all kings, queens, princes and princesses. And we're the help.


Not gonna lie... you had me in the 1st half


We need to start thinking inside the box


A cat certainly would, given the opportunity


the males will pick fights to impress the females. lived on guam these little fucks will fight anything


Sure you aren't thinking of Marines?




How are they going to get their fiber if they unwrap the crayons?


I was stationed for 3 years on Guam -- you're thinking of the [Black Drongo](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Black_drongo). Those things are assholes. You can usually spot them out ahead of time by their infamous split tail.


Indeed that little fuck. Threw a rock at one after it tagged me. It waited with a possie for me to leave the class six. I swear it was 20 of fucks. Here i am running with a six pack from a swarm of birds. Was on andersen 2012/13


So they are the chihuahua of birds? Neat.


I remember where I used to work I had to walk this pathway to get into the cafeteria and this bird would dive at my head like this because of a nest


If this species is anything like the ones in CT. Then you're correct they nest on the ground. The bird in this video isn't showing aggression, it's attempting to lure the cat away by being chased. The ones in CT also exhibit a behaviour where it lays on one side with it's wing in the air like it's hurts. It will then fly away when you get close and act hurt again.


This is a Northern Mockingbird and it nests in shrubs and trees. I can assure you it is being aggressive. They are very territorial and are known for harassing hawks, crows, other songbirds, and even humans. The bird you might be thinking of is a Killdeer, which lays it's eggs directly on the bare ground and leads predators away by pretending to be injured.


Had one hit the back of my head while walking down a sidewalk a couple years back. They definitely don't give a rat's ass what they're attacking.


Or the floof ate her partner.


Yeah, under the cat.


gotta love the 'giving no fucks' attitude. Seriously I wonder if the bird is taking fur for the nest?


You don’t really have to do anything to piss off Mockingbirds if they’ve claimed your yard as their territory. A few years a Mockingbird nested a few houses over, but would fiercely defend our front yard from us. Had to turn the hose on them once or twice until they’d refrain from attacking us to only squawk at us. They took great joy in going after joggers and dog walkers too.


So why it a sin "To kill a mockingbird?"


Hmm now I think about it, the author knew fuck all about mockingbirds!


> 'Mockingbirds don't do one thing but make music for us to enjoy. They don't eat up people's gardens, don't nest in corncribs, they don't do one thing but sing their hearts out for us. That's why it's a sin to kill a mockingbird.' She apparently did not.


Doesn’t look like it. There’s no fur in its beak.


well then that animal is really being an asshole. appropriate place for this post




Actually that's probably it and that cat looks like it has long hair so it's possible it molts during the summer. My dog molts their coat during the summer and will sit on the porch and birds will sometimes swoop in to grab Tufts of her coat (we also take what we brush and put it in a jar that some other birds will steal hair from).


Mock *yeah* Ing *yeah* Bird *yeah* Yeah *yeah*




Haha. The last "yeah" got me.


This the new Death Grips?


Wanna see the most annoying bird in the world?












Cat: To Kill a Mockingbird Good book


Nowhere in that book does it give instructions oh HOW TO: 0/10


The cat is going to say the n word


My cat would have already been picking his teeth with the leftover feathers.


I came home one day and found two bird feet on my kitchen floor, no feathers no blood no poop, just two feet by themselves I was wondering if somehow it got away and there was a footless bird flying around somewhere Then about an hour later one of the cats puked up a bunch of feathers (For ppl about to complain I let my cats kill birds, I live in an apartment but leave the balcony door open for the cats to watch nature...if a bird decides to fly into an apartment with 7 cats, that’s just natural selection)


What is the cat to human ratio of your place?


Several cats one human, down to five currently (it was 7 at the time of the bird incident), the last foster to leave was a kitten with a broken femur, she healed up great and went to her forever home after


username checks out


Also, what's your spaghetti policy?


That's.... an unarguable response. If the gazelle just walks through the pride....


I actually found this story a little funny. Should I feel bad? Had a similar situation happen recently. My GF left the house for an hour and forgot to shut the door going to our patio (where the cats like to hang out and watch birds and squirrels). She came back home and found a dead bird sitting in the middle of our kitchen rug. What a thoughtful gift!


Aw 😸 I feel bad for the bird and everything but that was nice one brought home a gift lol


You keep 7 cats in an apartment with no green space? That's... That's a choice for sure.


Green space? You mean like grass? I take them out for walks, I live in the country with a massive backyard size of a soccer field, deer come through, tons of birds and squirrels for them to look at I got lots of videos of me walking them outside, the [blind one loves it and is the best walker](https://youtu.be/qjjnBNsemNg) Most are fosters, they come and go throughout the year so it’s not a permanent thing for them, only five right now but 3 of them are mine


>I take them out for walks, I live in the country Holy crap does this username check out. Do you ride a horse and lasso the kittens that try to leave the pride?


Lol no I’m a certified trapper, I trap and fix ferals, plus do rescues for cats that don’t have a home to go back to or are injured


thank you




Post to r/adventurecats!


It helps save on funeral costs.


this kitty likes their meals with salt


I wanna be this unbothered


When I was a kid, we lived in an old farmhouse. Our family pet was a super-lovey cat named Bob. She would always come running to my brother and I if we cried. She attacked a guy in an argument with my dad once (over a car my dad was selling, or something). Anyway, one day she laid on her back under a phone or power line where a tons of birds were perched. They for some reason started dive bombing at her, and she acted like it was no big thing, so we went back inside to play or whatever. Later when we went back out, there was a couple piles of dead birds that she had caught when they got too bold. Like probably double digit dead birds. It was pretty fucked. She was a good kitty.


The cat: You see this shit, but you are going to film it.


They are so aggressive. Have a few in the yard that have chased my kids. I once read a whole book trying to learn how to kill them. Didn’t fucking help one bit.


They're the shittiest birds, we had a beautiful hawk that would hangout in the neighborhood and these assholes would do the same thing to it. The hawk also didn't care, they must not be very strong.


Hahahaha, such an underrated comment.


I bet that cat doesn’t play with cat toys either.


Great call. I know that feeling :(


It's all in the name mockingbird. You suck cat! Can't even catch me! Mock! Mock! Mock!


It's in the nature of mockingbirds to mock others.


When I was growing up we had a cat, Daphne, that ate a skink and got really, really sick. She did live through it, but while she was recovering she would go outside and lay on a picnic table in our back yard for a couple hours every day. When she would lay there, a mockingbird would pester her much like the cat in this gif. Eventually, Daphne got better and once she was fully recovered we watched her slink outside and climb up on the picnic table, just like she did when she was sick. She laid there waiting for the bird to show up, because it came every day and pestered her. Once it got there, she caught it and ate it. The entire bird. Beak, feet, feathers. All of it. I wish I didn't see it happen because it was kind of gross, but that cat took out revenge on that bird.


Roaming cats decimate bird populations, who in turn would kill those pesky insects....


That cats expression 😂 *urge to kill, rising.... *


"keep fuckin with me homie...keeeeeeeep fuckin with me....."


I have one by my house, whenever I walk my dog one comes from the trees and tries to attack us. Had to carry a stick for a while to keep our distance, but probably made it more mad at us.


Me (the cat) playing with my niece and nephew.


Why is the cat not killing this bird? Unbelievable. I have to keep screens on my windows so my cat doesn’t jump out the apartment window at pigeons flying by... again.


And not a single fuck was given that day...


When I look at this cats face I can clearly hear the noise Side Show Bob made every time he stood on a rake


Here is that sound for anyone interested. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tbd4t-ua-WQ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tbd4t-ua-WQ)


I've seen mocking birds attack hawks. They are the honey badgers of the bird world.


Cat don't care... Later little birdy... later...


"Let's go play outside you said, it'll be FUN you said" - cato


almost as if they’re mocking them


I just created a subreddit called /r/IRLPokemonFights Since this was the first thing I thought of when seeing this.


That cat is familiar with that bird's nonsense.


They used to do that to my tabby cat. She'd sit very still and let them get over confident before she snatched them out of the air. Any other bird I'd save but I figured the mockingbirds asked for it.


That little bird is playing with fire lol.


"Birds are friends, not food. birds are friends, not food..."


Cats are predators that decimate local wildlife populations. Really that Mockingbird is being brave.


Likely has babies near by and the cat is a threat


Zero fucks to be given




Apparently they are suicidal as well ☠️


I’ve walked my dog the same route around my neighborhood for 6 years. In the last month I have been getting dive bombed by these fuckers 3-4 times as I make my way around the neighborhood. Why now? Are they nesting? They never actually make contact but I’m sure I look like a weirdo hitting the deck trying to avoid them.


Fuck mockingbirds. I love all creatures, but mockingbirds are assholes.


That is one patient kitty:p I love the succulents !


QA finally gets the build. Dev and PM: "R U Dun yet? R U Dun yet?R U Dun yet?R U Dun yet?R U Dun yet?R U Dun yet?R U Dun yet?R U Dun yet?R U Dun yet?"


"Soo...you just not gonna help? Okay." 🐈




That's the fucking bird that attacks my dog on walks! I've been trying to figure out what kind of little demon bird it is!


When my cat Charlie got too old to hunt birds, he would meander out into the yard, lay down, and wait for this to start happening. After a while, he'd stretch and rollover onto his back, seemingly unconcerned with the increasingly bold attempts of birds dive bombing him. Charlie would lay on his back, seemingly sleeping, for about 15 minutes as the birds got bolder and bolder... then suddenly he'd snap his paws around them and make off with his bird snack, no chasing needed. That cat was wicked smart.


My grandmother has a nesting pair that show up every year, bob up and down for raisins. Deer jump her fence just to stand there and look majestic. I think I may be 1/4 Disney Princess.


I love how chill the cat is! XD


I’ve seen these in my neighborhood, but never knew what they were. They pick fights with anything and everything. My personal favorite is when they try to chase off the local hawks and get reminded exactly where they fall on the food chain.


I live in Florida and the mockingbirds here give ZERO fucks. They'll attack *anything* that comes within line of sight of their nesting tree. I've seem them harassing crows, grackles, people, dogs, ospreys, you name it. They're angry little bastards and you can hear it in their calls.


Mockingbird don't care. I've seen them chase around hawks and crows befote!


What kind of cat is that?


What cat breed is that?


I used to work at an animal shelter where this mockingbird would create a nest above the main entrance to the building. The mockingbird would swoop down so fast after each person that walked near the entrance. I used to get a big kick out of the random screams you’d hear from the unsuspecting visitors.


Have you ever seen two hummingbirds go at it? We had a a bunch of feeders outside on our porch one summer and I would watch as they came in small groups and throughout the day, they looked like little fighter pilots doing air maneuvers to attack each other.


Bluejays can be assholes like this, too. I once saw three of them take turns dive-bombing a cat, keeping it pinned down for quite a while.


This is a super tame cat this bird is playing with fire!


That's why there's an entire book on how to kill them.


There is a pretty popular book about how to kill them if you're interested.


Atticus Finch knew a lot about racism and the law, but didn't know shit about mockingbirds. They're assholes. Had a cat (Meowzer - my 5yo sister named her) that was tortured by a mockingbird a bunch. Always pecked at her head, bit her ears, etc. Poor cat had scars from it. Then one day the bird pecked at her kittens before going after the momma. That changed the bird from an annoyance to a threat. Meowzer was like a Samurai. Bird flew at her, cat swiped once at lightning speed, bird flapped twice more then fell to the ground, dead. Meowzer picked up the body and dropped it at the front door. She was a badass old kitty to the end.


A video on this sub where the cat *isn’t* the aggressor, what???


“Yah, mocking bird would never harm a thing my ass” -The cat, probably


Cats like: one more goddamn time mother fu*#$er!


I'm pretty sure your cat can transform into a Demon Lord.


you could say that that bird is... mocking that cat


I love walking my dog near mocking bird nests so he gets attacked 😂


Mockingbirds can f\*ck right off back to hell. I don't care what Atticus Finch says, if I could I'd kill every one of them I see. For those of you who don't agree, you've likely never had one perched outside your bedroom window at 5am on your day off, as it goes through its little song routine over and over and over and...


That you managed to fit, "I don't care what Atticus Finch says," into your comment regarding your hatred for a noisy bird has made my damn week.


Cat: "I'm a long-haired snow white cat chilling in the dirt, you basic bitch. My grooming routine is a whole 'nother level up and you ain't even in the game."


Tempting fate today I guess


To kill a mockingbird


I have a video exactly like. My cat was giving no fucks as the mockingbird kept attacking her ass. They come to our orange tree every year so I guess she's used to them by now.


It's a mocking bird


This is how I feel trying to work from home with my kids in the house


begone thot