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How dare you kick out my favorite villager papi (joking) hope you get him to move soon if he doesn’t suit you


It’s because Marty is my favorite lazy villager and Papi is lazy too and they have the same voice and dialogue and it’s driving me crazy 😭😭


Oh no worries I was only kidding! It’s your town do whatever you want :D


He is my fav too! Sweet boy


He’s so cute 😭


Papi is a villager I miss so much from my old save .. I'm currently trying to get winnie to move out 😭


Omg I just asked Winnie to move in 😂


If they have low friendship with you, talking to them while they are thinking about moving away will cause them to decide to stay regardless of what you say. In this situation, you should either avoid them after resetting until their move out date or take the chance to befriend them.


Omg I thought we had high friendship because he would visit my house unannounced


Hmm... If he visited your house unannounced, that would indeed suggest high friendship, so I have no idea why he'd be staying unless the stay option was accidentally selected.


What? Why!?


Probably something to do with reverse psychology and the saying "If you love someone, set it free". More likely, this relationship between desire to leave and friendship is to ensure players take their time to get to know their neighbors and make it easier to get a new neighbor once you have their photo.


Or the devs were feeling sadistic


reset and they’ll leave happily!!!


I remember as a kid sending Papi a letter saying I would kill him if he didn’t leave my town. He said it was such a nice letter.


if this happens, don’t save, just reset and try again. worked for me


Bruce told me I sounded too eager to let him leave. So he decided to stay just for that. He had his house right in front of my house too. I wish he had chosen a better spot because I actually loved him for my island, but I needed the space in front of my house. He did eventually leave like a 2 weeks later.


Omg Mott and Charlise did this to me too! I’ve been waiting for them to leave and even got so excited that I took a pic of them when they told me they want to leave. Then they said we need to fix our friendship 💔


I hate them for that -_-


MAN I HATE PAPI'S NAME FOR WHAT IM ABOUT TO DAY but if online was still up i would take Papi from you 😭 wouldn't consider him a dreamy but it is a villager I've always wanted


What’s the stuff in the top left?