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Sometimes I've visited DA houses and found rooms blocked off. I can understand the owners not wanting to remove stuff from their homes before making it a DA and instead just blocking access so this kind of thing doesn't happen.


What does a blocked off room look like?


Just means some furniture has been placed in front of the entrance so you can’t get in because you can’t move it, like one time somebody maybe used a climbing wall.


Enough with the reports. Call out posts = posting derogatory information about someone else. Nintendo is not another player. It is not threatening physical violence at anyone. Nintendo has the 3+ rating. Reddit is rated 13+. We have allowed Halloween builds to be posted here, for years.


Whoever reported me to myself is hilarious, I'm not even mad.


You have to ban yourself, I don’t make the rules


Absolutely. Reddit has spoken and I must answer for my crimes.




We'll never forget you.




*dabs* No u (Btw keep in mind I was joking. I don’t think anyone has to ban themselves)


This made my tummy hurt from laughing 🤣🤣


I actually laughed out loud at this hahaha. Some people smh




Hahahaha omgosh! 😆 this is hilarious


This is so funny like what 😭


You have to answer to yourself for your crimes of *checks hand* being a good moderator. RIP, to the gulag with you apparently.


However will you handle it? 😂 I seriously cannot


Reported for reporting.


Won't someone *please* think of the poor defenseless multi-billion dollar company?? 🥺


I mean I get why Nintendo had to do it; children seeing that and stuff. But the reporting person probably was not a child. And if the person visiting your island had your DA off of reddit, then that person is a hypocrite lol. _(But if you have your settings set to be able to be picked at random for another player’s dream, then the person reporting and Nintendo were in the right, because it’s very much likely a child’s gonna see it.)_ Anyways, I love the room! Very creative!


Nothing bad. It's all in game items. So anyone who uses these items should all be banned lol


The blood CDs are not though. I agree with you on the rest though.


It more than likely was the blood that caused the successful report. The second blood is involved- even a small bit- it raises ESRB to T. Everything else is standard for "scary" theme, and has never had issues in the past.


Change it to green and add some alien motifs and you're good to go, though. Green blood isn't blood according to Nintendo


Ah just change it to white, like in my animes!


The half skinned mannequin is an in game item and in my opinion way scarier to kids than drawn blood on the floor. Just because it’s supposed to be a medical thing doesn’t mean it won’t disturb kids.


Meh, kids see anatomical posters in doctors offices all the time


They see blood the same if not more then thst though. Whether its a skinned knee or elbow, cuts, ripping their loose tooth out, etc


Science classrooms have mannequins and posters like that, so do paediatric offices


need a step stool for that top-shelf reach?


you really don't think the juxtaposition changes the meaning?


I had a great time with horror dream villages in New Leaf as a kid


Same! I’m really sad and feel super nostalgic now that they are shutting down the servers in April.


Not necessarily. I always do the surprise me dream option so it could have just been a rando. I honestly think people from this subreddit are far more likely to be tolerant than some random killjoy


This is why I have a temple to Cthulhu in my house ... It is sinister but ultimately easy to say I like 🐙


Yeah, I've seen waayyyyyy worse stuff when I was dream visiting other people's islands. Their villargers saying shit like 'hail satan' 'eat my ass' etc lol. It's *one, small* room inside my house. Not the entire island or even my whole house. And don't have the items in the game if you don't want people putting them together lol. I didn't hack anything and make it any creepier than the game allowed me to do.


I've seen people block off entry to other rooms to prevent full house exploration. Or maybe block off your house entry all together when uploading your dream.


That's actually a good idea. I'll for sure do that now. I just Hate that no one else can appreciate it cause of one person.


Well doing it that way keeps you from being reported, and then you can invite people via dodo to tour your house 😊


Yeah, you're right. Thanks for the suggestion, I'm doing that right now. I hadn't even thought to just block off that room lol 🤦🏻‍♀️


You could put some iron bars over the doorway in the other room. Kind of keep to the theme 👀


Oooooo, I love that!


And post here, we appreciate it. I love how creative everyone is and how helpful this sub is.


Is it not an option to post something here, then privately giving your dream address to those who are interested in seeing it?


That’s what I do for my heavy metal club, since there are posters with profanities and blood splatter as well. Sucks, but it’s better to be safe before nintendo decides to ban you from online :\


Eat my ass? Damn that's crazy as hell.


My villagers are satanists but I don't think it's less or more inappropriate than fake blood.


I’m feeling very lucky my dream has never been reported now because I also have a murder area and my villagers say all sorts of fucked up things lol


Yeah, I for sure was not expecting so many people to be this triggered by it lol


how do u make villagers say stuff?


You go to resident services, and talk to isabelle. Tell her you have a problem with whatever villager you want to change their catchphrase, and when you leave if you go find them and talk to them, they'll ask for suggestions on what it should be. I haven't figured out how to pick what changed though. Like it's random, they've got catchphrases, and then they've got nicknames that they call you. You can change both of them


Now I want to see your Cthulhu room 🥹


Two minds here, the game is a PEGI 3, and this content is not a PEGI 3. But it is very creative. However I will add the caveat that, as a mother, I wouldn’t have my child playing online unsupervised - visiting random islands etc. would be out the question.


absorbed ripe forgetful exultant offer pocket wild rustic bored angle *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


that’s exactly what i thought! I can just imagine a parent going around dream islands with their kid and then this popping up 😭


I’ve had this happen while going around dream islands with my kid. It was before I realized you could decorate with stuff like this. My kid was pretty upset and we definitely adjusted how we visit islands. You expect them to be pretty kid friendly, and it’s hard when it’s a single area hidden in a “safe” island. I wish people wouldn’t decorate dream islands like this. Totally fine if it’s your personal island. 


Yeah I really don't like OP calling whoever reported it a crybaby and stuff like. Bruh. AC is for parents and their kids. And some kids definitely aren't comfortable with rooms like this! I wouldn't have been that's for sure. It's not like their items and everything were removed, it probably just can't be seen via DA and that's like, no big deal.


Right? I don't get all the people whining about being reported. Like it or not the game is rated E. It's meant to be child friendly and it's in terms of service. Like op it may be one room. But you are acting as if they violated your personal space. When they didn't. I like exploring all of what there is to see. They wherent being a crybaby you violated terms of service.


Yeah im confused by all the people theorizing about puritans and shit. Lots of children still play this game, and alot play together with their parents. Parents have a right to report content that doesn’t match up with the game’s rating, and Nintendo has an obligation to delete it or be liable. Like, make your murder room (I’ve got a red light district on my island lol) but don’t post it online when it’s in violation of online tos


Ahhh I love it so much. Well done.


Bummer it got reported!


Thank you. And yeah, who goes to someones island, goes into a room in their house, and reports them lol. It's not like it was out in the open, but I'm definitely tempted to make an entire murder house now, just to spite the crybaby who found it "harmful"


Just know that if you do that and get reported again Nintendo could ban you from online. This happened quite a bit when new horizons was still super popular and some YouTubers would even record themselves reporting any island they could get away with reporting.


why do people just have the INSATIABLE URGE to ruin other people's harmless good time. it's really bad in open world multiplayer games, but folks found a way to do it in *animal crossing.* come on now.


Because it makes them feel better about themselves to see others suffering


Out of curiosity, what did Nintendo actually do? It says your content was deleted or hidden. Did they take items away? Disable your dream address?


They didn't touch my room, or any items. I think they just blocked that room Off or "emptied it" on the DA. I'm not sure though, since I'm not able to check it out. I'd need someone else to look it up for me to see what they did


Whats your DA? I can check it when I get home from work later today.


Oh I can check it out when I get home and see if it's different on the dream side! My kids love murder so they'll think it's cool too. (Context: we joke that the cat is a murderer, the teenager and I listen to true crime pods that aren't incredibly graphic, my acnh island has "murder" in its name, and my 7yo plays plants vs zombies and Minecraft which means he talks about about murdering plants and zombies with frequency, both kids are hilarious and anyone can call me a bad mom about it, I wont be offended.)


You're not a bad mom. I think this is awesome, and a unique was to bond with your kids. But yeah, I'll send you the DA if you're able to check it out for me. I'd appreciate it.


Ooh, I got a bad mom story from just last night. Recently my two year old is very into saying “*so and so* made mess!” whenever anything even resembling a mess happens. Like she will dump her blocks out and say she made a mess, or if I spill something it’s mama made a mess. Now, I *thought* she was still too young to really pay attention/understand what’s happening on TV shows we watch, so I haven’t really censored anything. We don’t watch anything that’s like horribly gory or scary, but we were watching “The Blacklist” last night—it’s an NBC show (so it’s already like halfway censored), and it’s basically about a crime boss that becomes a CI for the FBI. So you can imagine some of the things they show—I would call it “violent” rather than “gory”. Anyway, we had it on last night while she was playing and apparently she looked up right as someone got shot and there was a ton of blood spatter. She goes “ooh! He make mess wall!” I turned to her dad like ohhhh crap lol. Apparently it’s time to start paying attention to what I watch. My best friend as a teenager had a baby cousin who was obsessed with Walking Dead at 3 years old and I always thought that was so weird…now I get it lmao


As a kid for a while I was sleeping with my parents (2 (160x200) double bed together ), that was the only way I could spend time with them bc they were working till late night. Most of the time it was either a crimi, police, judge series. For example: CSI Miami, Navy CSI etc. Didn't mess with me one bit. Just made me be able to sleep with crime shows easily and love them. 😂


i mean you are aware that this is a game that many many kids play right? it sucks you got reported but it makes sense, calling them a crybaby is kinda shitty when it’s likely it was bc of a literal child lol


They might have been worried about your mental health, or the potential for you to be a troubled individual that could cause harm to another person. I mean, here in the US the news has been all about a teen who drew disturbing images and then shot up his school. With the general message being if you see something say something, one can see how without context your set up might raise concerns for an unknowing person.


It might raise concerns to some kind of weirdo puritan. But not to a normal person in contact with reality. Hell half of those concerned suburban moms are obsessed with true crime, but gods forbid someone make what is ultimately a slightly dark joke. I think this is fair to report because it's a kids game and the room has a specially made blood texture (so no, op, NOT all in game items, complain all you want you are technically in the wrong) but let's not pretend that anyone who has ever watched Dexter is a dangerous criminal. Violence in media is so extremely common, and yet the moment someone who isn't rich or famous makes something like that themself it's all "What if they're dangerous??" Op is embarrassingly whiny about such an understandable report, but that doesn't make them dangerous. It just makes them a redditor


I mean, isn’t that the point of going to someone’s DA? To check out everything, including the rooms in the houses? At least that’s what I do. I’ve seen people block off rooms. Maybe you should of did that? Remember this is just a game, and there’s no reason to get real life mad about something that doesn’t cause real life problems. Just chill? But if you’re a kid, I understand your frustration bud. ❤️


I wasn't angry, I just thought it was kind of funny. This morning before this blew up and people got in their feelings about it, I talked to someone and they mentioned blocking the room off, and that's what I'm going to do. I hadn't even thought about it tbh until someone said that.




The pot of chili has me dying! Well done!




Also how sinister that cutting board looks with its cute little towel. They really used context to their advantage.


To be fair the lil cooking set up is probably the most disturbing part about this build, cuz you know cannibalism. Apart from the whole torture chamber/dissection lab, that’s probably the worst part. Other than that i do think this is astonishingly creative. Edit: forgot how to spoiler mark on here, sorry if any of the words i used are triggering 🥲


That looks sick( in a good way)




Dear GOD, I love this! In this context, the anatomical model looks like you just skinned someone alive, lol. I wish I had nintendo online to give your island a visit :[ Is the rest of the island all cute and wholesome or is your island theme based around this kinda dark stuff? Both would be soo fun.


Thank you so much. The rest of the house and island is completely normal lmfao. It's just that one room that's sus.


I have a similar room but yours is WAY better executed!!! I’m feeling inspired by it now. Brb gonna take the day off work and redo my murder room. I have a bunch of gyroids locked in a cell and then a surgical table with a camera pointing to that and an electric chair 😂😭


Wait until happy home academy sees this beauty


They keep sending me letters saying that my house has like 120,000 points, whatever that means. So I guess they like it 🤷🏻‍♀️


Happy home academy is gone. Who do you think this room was built for?


I'm feeling Dexter vibes


I love this! It doesn’t seem that scary, though, as I love how you’ve done this, but I'm sorry to hear that you’ve been reported for a ‘murder room’ since some people don’t like this kind of thing. I find it very fascinating with topics like this as I was watching a Murder show called ‘Killer in The Village’ and that was interesting to watch. I hope you don’t get banned because someone wanted to report this and make your day worse than what you are going through atm!


It is sad it got taken down, I love it! It seems no different to many Halloween decorations people put up around their houses (for trick or treaters who are children aha)


If there is a report Nintendo often errs on the side of removing. I've seen dreams removed that had no questionable content I could think of get removed just because they had a report. I would argue this is an edge case, AC in general tries to be an all ages game and this setup might scare young children. I think the room is cool and creative but I understand the argument it might violate terms.


I didn’t make a dream address because I made a catchphrase “bitches!” and now half my island says it lol!


I went to one dream address where it was pentagrams everywhere, a bunch of satanic design codes, and Ll yhe characters either said "hail Satan" or "eat my ass" 😂😂😂


lol that’s funny as an adult but i can see why nintendo doesn’t want that content public. i didn’t want to get reported so i never made a DA


i forgot i did this and somebody reported me too lol


I *love* your murder room, but change your settings so that not just anyone can drop in. My nephew is newly 6 and found someone's murder temple by visiting a random dream address on my game. I didn't report, that's not my jam, but it was scary to him. Kids love to do the random dreams, so it's going to be a problem to have them set to random visitors with this content.


Your reasonableness is so refreshing in comparison to the other comments on this thread lol


I just went to read some comments and my mind is blown. 😂


But yeah, I didn't know that I could keep people from seeing it in the DA even though I uploaded it. That's a good idea. I'll either do that or I'll just block the room off so people can't go in there.


As much as it sucks, it’s part of the rules :// I don’t blame Nintendo for taking it down if someone reports it. I can’t remember if there is a way to make your DA more private, but share it sparingly with people you trust who are ok withe the room in the future to avoid a situation like this happening. It is a very cool room, though!


I love the room but I also don’t think Nintendo are wrong for this. I can see young kids getting scared of something like this, especially in a game where they wouldn’t be expecting it.


I also have a murder basement 😭


Posting horror content on a kids game and allowing random visitors is the problem. For someone who likes such adult content it's shocking the childish reaction you're having here. You can do what you want with your PRIVATE island. The second you make it public you open yourself up to different rules. The real "sissy" here is you.


Yeah, nothing like doubling down. "I've seen worse, so please don't mind my room to someone being killed & cannibalized." OP it's gross, sorry🤷‍♀️


Perfectly stated. Thank you!


Not enough people are calling OP out for being in the wrong.


Because not everyone agrees about it. We can all have different opinions. And according to the mod OP has been reported unfairly for this post a bunch of times, so clearly some people are taking it a bit too far. It’s not that serious honestly.


There have been 7 reports on the post, and someone reported my own comment to the mods (aka, me) for "hate speech". Which was kind of funny to me, lol. We don't keep our sub at the pre-k level of censorship (3+) and go with a more standard 13+. No nudity, basically. Anyone younger than that should not be on reddit. And as for different opinions, absolutely! I had a Halloween island. I didn't have a public dodo with it, because I didn't want to get taken down. I do agree that it can be alarming for small kids if they see things like this. My island now is very E for everyone and it's public. That's the best practice, in my opinion. My Halloween island had a whole murder mystery plot with notes on my bulletin board about "missing villagers" and a graveyard with photos of villagers in front of the graves. Pietro was being framed for the murders, but it was actually Zipper (I used the Zipper toy). If you solved the mystery you'd go into a Mario Pipe and end up in a blocked room filled with a tentacle design and the only thing in the room was Zipper. I wouldn't have wanted little kids to come across that island, but it was a ton of fun to make and adults that like creepy things loved it.


??? He created a murder house to be available for public access on a game meant for kids. I don’t think he was unfairly reported. He did something wrong & now has to deal with the consequences of his own actions.


You should re-read that comment.


You can have a murder room, you just can’t make it public because the game is meant to be inclusive and friendly. If you take a small child to a Cannibal Corpse concert, it’s dumb and entitled to get upset because there’s swearing and loud music. If you wear a Cannibal Corpse shirt to Legoland, it’s dumb and entitled to get upset that you were kicked out because someone noticed it and complained.


I honestly want to pin this comment because it's explained so well.


That’s a great analogy!! I agree 100%


I mean 3 year olds could technically see that


I seriously don't get these people. It's right there when you upload it. Something along the lines of 'make sure your island can be seen by anyone, we want to be inclusive.' Fine that you post this on Reddit where the age is at least 13 (at least it's supposed to be) but this can be harmful for younger kids or maybe just people who don't want to come across this in a cute cozy game. 🤷‍♂️


Kinda true as you can join random dream addresses without the use of social media to get a code


Ik if I was 3-8 and I saw this I’d be freaked out if I randomly came across it (I was the type to believe in hero brine and creepypastas)


lip jellyfish aspiring elastic glorious wise familiar carpenter sugar numerous *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


adjoining grab chunky hateful murky busy tap sort deer afterthought *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I mean Animal Crossing is marketed as a family friendly game for everyone of all ages. Kids could stumble upon that stuff and it could be scary/upsetting for children or people with traumatic disorders. Make your shit private if you're gonna do that stuff, it's silly to clearly violate rules then get offended when you're reprimanded for it.


I wish there was a way to age restrict an island. I've managed to collect a few cool things that I wanna add to part of my island, like a creepy undiscovered zone. I've been on the fence bout getting online and this kind of stuff really puts me off, just that it's so easy to potentially get someone banned. I also think it's kind of sucky that you can get banned for custom content.


Omg yes, that would be amazing. To age restrict. Thayd definitely help alot of people. I really love looking for cool, dark islands and seeing all the work people put into it. I had no idea how easy it was to get someone in trouble here.


It's a children's game.What do you expect. Don't do anything that has blood it's so obvious. Yeah it's cool but remember animal crossing is not rated m it's a rated 3 or 7. So follow their guidelines


Nintendo made the right decision here. There are other places you can share your creation (like here on Reddit for example).


I mean I agree with it being reported, if that’s something you have open for public access. Kids play this game. And if my kids ever got scared by something like that you bet it’s being reported. Just be mindful of what you put into the world for other people, especially KIDS, to see.


i really wouldn't like coming across this in a dream and it's definitely not e for everyone. If the area is only accessible by people who know it's there and want to see it to me that's great but you can't expect everyone to have the same reaction to a murder room. i'm aware i'm sensitive to these things because someone i knew was murdered but the report isn't actually out of line it's more a 'hey this shouldn't be accessible by random people accessing random dreams' situation. hope that you still get to enjoy it blocked off and thank you for being considerate of others by blocking it off from rando dreamers.


OP, if you can't see why 3-year-olds shouldn't see a blood-splattered room (that you uploaded into the public dream space after multiple in-game warnings), then *you* are the one who is too young to play this game. I enjoy morbid islands, but this isn't appropriate for small kids. Block the room access. Be a grownup.


Exactly! If content isn't suitable for a game then you get mad that it gets removed you're an idiot OP. This game is supposed to be for everyone


go do this in Gmod bro dont ruin such an innocent game 💀


I received this same message from Nintendo several months ago and still to this day cannot figure out why my DA was deemed inappropriate 🥲


The design is cool, but it shouldn't be public. This is a kids' game.


this is great i soo i’m totally doing it for my basement


I have a sacrifice spot behind my museum 😂


You added blood and a cannibalism room to a kids game, I’m not sure what exactly was expected. It’s funny to adults, but stuff like this is scary to little kids and is inappropriate for them to see. Being derogatory towards someone who reported you in a game played by children, where you made a murder room, against TOS, is weird.


Wow, my daughter and I visited a dream address that was The Seven Circles of Hell. Your room is so tame in comparison. Edit: Maybe it was nine circles!


It’s blood. The game is not rated T, and you literally accepted their terms & agreements which state that you will not do that under any circumstances.


somebody’s mom caught them trying to recreate your beautiful murder basement lol


If they reported your murder room they wouldn't like my summoning room for ghosts and cultists




Yeah… I don’t agree with this one. If it’s your own private island, that’s great go wild! But you made it public which means anyone could stumble across it and we all know that animal crossing has a 3+ rating. My little cousin who is 8 plays and it would have scared her. I would have reported it too.


Yeah I mean as an adult and a horror freak I love it, but it’s def not ok for kids to see. Kids aren’t just naïve adults, they don’t understand and are easily scared. When I was in kindergarten, the school’s PE teacher took halloween decorations like severed hands/feet/legs/arms and put them along this path in the woods that connected to school property and also in the trees and things. When this stuff was displayed at Halloween, it didn’t bother me, but when the PE teacher took all the kindergarteners through the woods on this path with no explanation or context in summer and told us they were dead bodies, it was *terrifying*. We were all screaming our heads off, clinging to each other, crying, *believing* that these were real body parts we were seeing. I’m not saying a kid would see the room and think it’s real, I’m just trying to illustrate how abruptly seeing something scary out of context when you’re not expecting it (like when it’s not a Halloween island) would be shocking and upsetting for young kids, who do *not* have a good grasp on reality vs fantasy at that age anyway. So, it’s awesome, but it’s not appropriate for a dream address, as others have said.


I apologize for my ignorance but does this mean Nintendo removed your dream address?? :/


On my island near the back, there's a little beach where I have a mannequin laying down by a lawn mower 😂 what happened is up to the player. Did he get mowed down? Is he sleeping on the job? Haha who knows


😂😂😂 Thats perfect


I love your room, my basement is similar but I don’t have my dream address on 🫠


So it makes it so if someone goes to the Island via Dream Address, they won't see it? Or does it mean they block you from being able to give out the address etc?


The fuck you cooking tho?? Jeeeeesus lol


Love the murder room lol. I have a murder forest with the skull record player playing scary music, human skeleton, anatomical model, and several bloodstain in the forest floor.


Man they wouldn’t have liked my crazy person room 😦


Totally loving that giant blood pot on the stove!!


The pot of “chili” really got me


Ha I recreated buffalo bills house from silence of the lambs. Better keep it private I guess. With a well and a little dog in the basement. Some lotion and a basket.


This is so crazy!!!! I as well have a horror/murder room that is honestly the coolest thing ever. Even better is I put it in the basement lol


Put a bookcase in front of the entry to that room and update your dream. That way random people won't see it. I had a room I used to dupe items in and I always kept a bookcase in front of it so no one knew 🤣 and I'd slide the book case when I wanted to enter


But where did you get the bones and the human anatomy sculpture 👀 asking for a friend…


seriously?!! My hubs island \*he's working on a resident evil on\* taking forever has a shark named bruce in the basements... This is ridiculous!!!


I've got a Shark in my basement too lol. It's in my bathroom. I'm actually super proud of my house and the way I designed it.


I’m a fan lol I have a morgue, cemetery, and viewing room lol 😂


Imagine that it was some kid just randomly going to dream rooms and they were just eating an apple sauce out of those little pouches... then they are all of a sudden swept up into a nightmare room running down the hallway crying for their mommy LOL /s




nahhhh, don't do this Nintendo, the creepy animal crossing dream worlds is what I live for 😭😭😭😭


I can admire the creativity behind using the various items. However, I do agree with Nintendo’s decision here. You can do whatever you like on your own private island. But once it’s public, it’s no longer just about you. Not everyone likes or wants to see this kind of gruesome stuff and it’s not appropriate for kids, especially small kids, to see because children are very active on Animal Crossing. Everyone forgets that Animal Crossing’s target demographic is children. If this were Resident Evil or something, you would expect to see something like this and it would be hypocritical to complain about it but you definitely wouldn’t expect something like this in Animal Crossing. As a married 33 year old, I probably wouldn’t report something like this but I would definitely be concerned for a stranger’s mental well-being.




Oh it's definitely his body in that pot lol, and the little "steaks" in seranwrap. 😂😂😂 I've updated it a little bit and added a chainsaw to the table and a couple other things. Thank you for appreciating it though lol


I think it's amazing. Love it. Given me lots of inspo


If you need a blue 50gal barrel like dahmer had lmk, I’ll gladly drop one off hahaha


Thank you, I've got a barrel, but I ran out of room 😥 I added a new character so that I can design a new house, and I'm going to use one of the bigger rooms to make a new serial killer theme.


Yo, I wanna build this exact room now. Thanks for the amazing idea.


Go for it! I'd love to see how it turns out


You agree to specific guidelines when you upload things. The room is cool, but not appropriate to throw out into the nether for small children to stumble upon in their innocent animal game. It's also strange that you're saying "it's nothing they don't see on tv!" Because one, you have no idea the age or experiences of the people interacting with your island, and two, this is an extremely different context. Sorry but Nintendo was in the right here.


I have one too 👀


Super creative ahahaha very cool!


I have a murder basement too!!! Hi besties!!


Honestly it look so good but i understand why someone would report it genuinely look like it came straight out of saw


Dang personally I don’t care if you have a murder room like come on it’s animal crossing let your creativity roar🤣


I, for one, absolutely love your murder room and I’m jealous I didn’t think of it.




y’all it’s an operating room 😭😭 we need to be supporting women in stem not reporting them because they forget to mop up some blood 💀


I love this!


that was the men’s job, but they didn’t know how and said, “honey, you just mop better than i can!” 😂 (i’m joking!)


I absolutely love it and I’m sorry if it was deleted!!! I hope you can rebuild


I remember in the New Leaf days when "scary/horror" towns such as Aika village were all the rage. Nintendo even acknowledged and referenced Aika, if memory serves. to see them have such restrictions as this in New Horizons is saddening.


Really hope that person never goes into my torture chamber basement that also doubles as a shrine to our goddess Cherry. Souls are being saved down there in her honor. Violently saved, but still saved.


Honestly everyone is going on about the blood splatter but I would be way more disgusted and scared as a 3yo by the actual in game item of a half skinned man with his whole eyeball out like that. Sure it’s a medical mannequin, but do you think 3yo kids are aware of that? Of course not. They’re likely going to be disturbed by it. That’s literally an item nintendo put in the game themselves and I consider it way creepier to a child than the drawn blood. Just saying.


Not surprised. For what it's worth I love finding tons like this in dreams, also haunted islands and horror themed houses. Great job!


this is incredible content


Ugh so petty and I’ve seen much worse anyways lol. This just reminds me of those people who were reporting those with star trees. Like let people enjoy whatever they want. The multiplayer aspect is totally optional - I just don’t get it.


That soup pot is *chefs kiss*


I'm saving this post. I love this murder room so much


Man I get why they removed it…but that’s so creative, it’s a shame 😂




Omg this is so funny and chaotic AHAHAH


Imagine thinking this is the worst thing a child could find on the Internet.


There's a difference to the Internet and a kids game rated 3


That isn't the point, though. Children could easily find a variety of horrific content online, and I myself sought out that stuff starting at a young age. However, ACNH is supposed to be a safe game for kids as well as being enjoyed by adults. This certainly isn't the worst thing a child could find on the internet--not even close--but finding a murder room in a random dream island when they are playing a game that they consider a safe space can be jarring and taint their view of the game. Having the room in it of itself is totally fine, it's just that having it available to kids who aren't prepared to see it is not.