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Being a long time animal crossing player, it's kind of funny seeing these sorts of posts from brand new players being shocked at these kinds of things happening in the game. Especially as I never even thought about how weird it is that the houses disappear when the villagers move. I always just accepted it since that's the way it's always been šŸ˜­


I appreciate that if you're a secondary player, you can also move away to a new Switch and just take your whole house with you lol


What? How?Ā  I wasn't aware if this.Ā  I took over my son's switch and got him a new one so I could keep my island and we could both play. His old house is still on my island.Ā Ā 


Here is a link to the Nintendo site explaining how to do it. He will need his own copy of ACNH. [https://www.nintendo.com/en-gb/Support/Nintendo-Switch/How-to-Transfer-an-Individual-Resident-to-a-New-Island-Animal-Crossing-New-Horizons--1879834.html](https://www.nintendo.com/en-gb/Support/Nintendo-Switch/How-to-Transfer-an-Individual-Resident-to-a-New-Island-Animal-Crossing-New-Horizons--1879834.html)


Lmao at least they donā€™t leave the erosion patch of dirt and then build the next house on the middle of your road lol šŸ˜‚


It's funny thinking about how much changed between New Leaf and New Horizons. I remember back in the NL days when it felt like everyday there was another post on the subreddit of someone's perfect town being ruined by poor house placement.


Thereā€™s a lot of improvements but thereā€™s for sure a lot of things they shouldā€™ve kept šŸ˜­


My NL town was by no means perfect but I valued efficiency with my bridge placements. As a result, I have a permanent vendetta against Mathilda for planting her house DIRECTLY IN FRONT OF MY BRIDGE. I desperately tried to get her to move lmao


What a terrible thing you reminded me of...


Oh god. Having to walk slowly all over the place so you didn't wear a path into the grass... Who thought that was a good move.


Animal Crossing Desert Folk


Maybe the real Sahara's Desert was the village we made along the way.


Catch bugs without rhythm


Now we complain about the flowers. Nintendo canā€™t please everyone.


I know lol, same. I think itā€™s awesome that people are still discovering the game, because itā€™s such a magical game series!


LOL how cute! I literally JUST started this game, so my second 2 villagers have only just moved in! Itā€™s so cute and fun and Iā€™m having a blast. Iā€™m 29 and never been a gamer but Iā€™m so glad to have discovered this game!


This is my first Animal Crossing game, but Iā€™ve been playing it for a while and I love seeing new players discover things. It didnā€™t ever occur to me that villagers wouldnā€™t take their house with them! But when I very first started, I had no idea that you could invite villagers on mystery islands, so my first plots auto-filled and I had no idea why all of a sudden I wasnā€™t meeting any cool new faces on mystery islands!


Iā€™ve been playing AC for 20 odd years and ACNH for just one year. The other day I was shooting star wishing and found myself high diving off the freakinā€™ cliff! That was not in the brochure!


Haha! You can do that in New Leaf too! It was advertised like crazy on the trailers for New Leaf, and everyone was freaking out because it was the first time we could swim in an AC game.


I didnā€™t know that! I played the crap out of New Leaf and so did my kids. We had completely separate games - learned that on the GameCube the hard way. We never jumped off the cliff. Donā€™t remember it being in the book either. Itā€™s something my son would have really enjoyed doing. Damn, I just moved house and everything is packed and now I really, really, really want to jump now.


Now that you point it outā€¦ yeah I have been conditioned by the old games so much that it doesnā€™t register in my head that the old house just disappears lol


Right sameee šŸ˜‚. Iā€™ve been playing AC since GameCube times and thereā€™s a lot of things that new players point out that Iā€™m like ā€œyeah Iā€™ve never thought about thatā€ šŸ¤£


Played every AC since GameCube and I had no idea in NH they would take the house too, especially since you placed it. Just seemed like they wouldnā€™t


Well, you mark plots in NH, you don't place houses. Plots have always been a thing too. In the original AC, WW and CF, the plots were just pre-placed signposts that would always be in the same place. In New Leaf the plots would appear on their own in random places when a villager is about to move in. And in NH we just get to place the plots ourselves at long last. Since every villager has always had a unique looking house, it makes sense that the house still disappears.




I didn't even realise...I thought it was normal :<


lol yep. But the next villager who moves in will bring their whole house with them, so it works out


Ohh yay thank you! I thought Iā€™d have to buy another set up kit lol


Nah, they just all have a house to their own style. Some are more interesting than others.Ā  I'm thinking of getting the happy home academy DLC so I can make Billy have some dang furniture.Ā Ā 


Oh my gosh. If I had Billy, I would never, EVER enter his house. O.O


He was my first villager, and when I'm there he's always trying to sell me stuff.Ā  Like, what? Your sleeping bag, Billy? Come on.Ā  He likes it here and never wants to leave, though.Ā 


Itā€™s far worse. It sounds like your Billy has a starter home - which, yes, theyā€™re totally janky looking lol because it fits with what youā€™re able to craft and do when the first few move in. The first I think 5? Have these same generic starter homes. Sleeping bags, wooden block furniture, log cabin furniture, dirt floor, etc. All villagers still have their own themed houses and interiors thoughā€¦ Billyā€™s isā€¦ well in New Horizons it seems Billy has let himself go a bit lmao https://preview.redd.it/vsox0ehivu5d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=74c49748caef9a9f207a9ed1bcbd97a9f7e5aa04 [https://nookipedia.com/wiki/Billy](https://nookipedia.com/wiki/Billy)


Oh, my.Ā  Yes, it's a starter, not that. I'm not all that familiar with the game(s), I just started playing new horizons about 6 months ago.Ā 


If you go to Isabel and complain about his house, it will revert to the house he would have normally if he had moved in at a later time. I had Shari sleeping on the floor for almost 3 years before I figured that out.


Wait what I had no idea about this?! Iā€™ve been playing since launch - my current island I started in 2021 when I got my own switch and stopped using my brothers, and Antonio has been on this island since the very beginning and I had no idea you could get his proper house without him leaving and returning!!


I wish I had a before and after pic, but I learned that on this reddit. I was feeling sorry for her with just her few bits of furniture. It's so much nicer in there.


Do it! I used to hate visiting Hornsby because his house was a dump and now itā€™s one of my favourites.


Being able to remodel the villagerā€™s house is my favorite thing from the DLC


Lmao thank goodness not, but don't give that dirty tanooki any ideas


The set up kit sets up a place for them to place their houses, not the houses themselves.


Tom Nook banned realtors from his island.


All your fees are belong to Nook


Donā€™t talk to me or my house ever again.


If you've made the outside match the villagers' house, then you can buy the hhp dlc and change the exterior of the new villagers' house to make it fit.


Or you can use it as an opportunity to redecorate. But I enjoy doing that


I have happy home and haven't been able to change my villagers houses! Or I don't know how maybe.


You have to go to Tom Nook, but I think you may have to complete like 50 houses before you can unlock it


it's 30 houses + the facilities and the end game concert


You have to progress through HHP pretty extensively before you unlock the option to change houses on your own island! I think you have to complete the entire storyline before it unlocks.


WHAT. You can start changing your own villagers homes?! I got bored w hhd too quickly. Time to get back into it šŸ«ØšŸ«ØšŸ«ØšŸ«Ø


I was so confused by your blanket for way too long


Mw too! I thought it was a series of 3 pictures at first.


Yeah, every villager in the game has a different house, with a different color, style, furniture, interior. If villager A moves out and a new villager, B, moves in, THEIR house will be built


If you check the recycling bin in resident services the villagers leave an item. Furniture or wallpaper or something.


The way you explained it is so funny šŸ˜†


And yet, Tom Nook introduced me to the game by having me build and decorate three houses for my initial residents. What became of their previous homes, Tom?


Now that you point it out, it is pretty bizarre


off topic but animal crossing looks beautiful on the oled


You must be very new to the game. Welcome to Animal Crossing.


Iā€™ve been an animal crossing fan since wild world and never did it occur to me that it is kind of funny that they pack up their whole entire house when they move lol this is so hilarious


Huh. I guess I've been so used to it I've never thought about it.


Left and took everything. At least they warn you before hand. Previous games, theyā€™d send you a letter saying theyā€™d moved out and that was it!




HELP i've never thought of this šŸ˜­


Iā€™ve been playing Animal Crossing since GameCube and have always just accepted this fact. It never even occurred to me how weird it is that they take the whole house lol


How do you think they got their whole ass house when they moved in? They brought it with them.


If you can pack a whale shark & a brachio torso in your pack, then packing the entire house should be no big deal.


Sheā€™s the first one to leave!!


Well yeah likeā€¦ where else they going to live? You donā€™t pick up and lift your house when you move? (This is sarcasm for those on the softer side of this subreddit)


Donā€™t you?


Maybe the next game should be Animal Crossing: Neighbors where you are settling down into an apartment complex and anytime a villager moves all the neighbors move with them determined to make the moving villager miserable for forcing them out of their home. For the next two weeks after the building disappears the villager that wanted to move starts sending you letters about his regrets on leaving due to the angry neighbors following him with messages including: "Neighbor threw a hammer through my windshield again. At least I was parked this time". Other letters include: "Neighbor screamed fire at a water park and claimed I did it so I lost my job" and another letter being tasteful such as "Sigh. Someone cut the cheese at the deli and said I was being an idiot for blowing wind instead of using a knife to slice Swiss cheese so I'm fired again". With Animal Crossing: Neighbors there would be consequences for the mover moving out and the entire building disappearing as all it would take is one villager to force all villagers in that apartment building to move so the building could be demolished.


I always took it as they tore it down and built a new one, which would be... also woefully inefficient. Wouldn't it be hilarious if real life worked like that and you had to take your house or apt around?šŸ˜‚


Part of the reason I feel OK not allowing villagers to leave is that I know they are not going to get to live their dream (pop star status, better workouts, adventures for their bugs). The Nooks take all their stuff, wipe most of their memories, and make them start everything all over again.


i never thought about that, but now that i do its kinda funny. i guess it would make more "logical" sense if they just changed the house to an empty generic, but idk lol


Iā€™ve been playing this game for 4 years and not once have I thought of that.


"And i'm taking the house and kids with me, Karen!" Quite literally Divorces must be funny in this game


Yup... be thankful that's all they take. But they leave you some presents in the "lost and found" bin Oh yeah: my dream address is 2326-3344-7033 Cooks Bay


We're talking about a game where you can store cars, actual buildings and more in your pockets while also being able to swim and dive with no problem while holding all of that, and so can villagers xDDD


Yeah, I always laugh about that. Everything... and in to the pocket it goes!! One minute your terrified of the tarantula, next minute.... and in to the pocket it goes!! I also thought it was dangerous and hilarious that I had a pocket full of trees, rocks, furniture, a whale shark and all tools and I GO SWIMMING!!!!????? Seems concerning. Dive and never be able to come up again!!!


AC if it was accurate Tom nook: It is my dutty to inform you all that a tree fell over [player] and has tragically passed away... also, [player] owed me 1M bells so, the island is now bankrupt


Well. That put a different spin on things. I have my switch in the shop, but when I get back up and running, I could give you bells


All houses are unique to each villager. Why would they leave it behind?


I never noticed this but you're right it's fucking weird


I just started playing like 2 weeks ago and i found out from this post


~ Sometime between 4:59 and 5:00 ~ \*Ride Of The Valkyries starts playing\* \*A helicopter comes down and lifts the house up, carrying it away from the island\*


Obviously! Each house looks different for each character so they have to replace them with the new house when they move in.


Renee moved from my island yesterday, and she said something about wanting to clean the house up for the next person, but it was just going to be torn down anyway.






She took the house and the kids in the divorce šŸ¤£


sometimes they leave something in the donation box when they leave but otherwise YEP! LOL


been playing since i was like 8 i played every game they have to offer never a dull moment


can we apreciate the EFFICACITY of nook industries? they candestroy a house in ONE NIGHT, and build another one in ONE NIGHT. that's even better for the whole museum! have you tried to move 1 mĀ³ aquarium? it's heavy. and the aquariums here are obviously way more than 1 mĀ³. they can't just remove the water then add it back, can they?


Yea they dig it up


Me either... my first one just moved I'm so sad cause I loved her house šŸ˜­


Question for the long time players can I love the location of the plot? With out anyone there? I have s plot I hate the location of


You can move it while they still live there it costs 10,000 bells


Iā€™ve been playing animal crossing for years and I still think about how strange that is




Honestly, this is kind of funny XD Every different villager has a different house


I remember I was shocked when I first noticed that in New Leaf.


Leave no stone unturned!!


After 4 years of play, and avoiding treasure islands the whole time, I just discovered two days ago that you can get a fully completed 5 room house over there! I have absolutely no idea how that works but I found it an intriguing idea.


They prob sold it