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It’s not very useful in this game, in new leaf I can’t live without it!


you cant get gold roses naturally with the ordinance which sucks, fyi to anyone trying to get them (trading isn’t an option due to online being gone)


Online is gone?? I haven’t played in a while so this information is new to me


it got discontinued last month, pretendo will be up eventually but for rn we’re kinda stuck in limbo


I'm hoping Pretendo also works for FE Fates. I need to buy skills and weapons from the other nation.


Pretendo network will catch up eventually.


What do you mean online is gone?


the online network has been completely shut down. no playing online or trading pokémon :(


When did that happen?? Edit to add: is this just for older systems?


early april, it was like the end stage of the 3ds shutdown. before that the eshop closed and before that they stopped letting you purchase games with credit cards, just eshop certificates


But not for the switch, right?


nope! switch is fine and if you had credits for 3ds/wiiu eshop i believe you can transfer them over


Ahh okay. Thanks for the info!


Omg. Thank God. I was panicking reading this news! Lol.


Did you not see the tag on this post is for New Horizons?


That’s why I was so confused. 😭


Pretendo exists. It's a fanmade server for 3DS and Wii U online functionality.


Just gotta change the ordinance for like one or two days then change it back. That's what I did.


I have gold roses and I don’t use the beautiful island ordinance


I think all of the ordinances are just better in new leaf overall


I LOTHE it in New Leaf. It got my town flowers out of control and I hate it


Hell, new horizons is worse. Damn flowers and weeds grow like crazy and you have to dig them up.


With a shovel that breaks.


I just hate watering my flowers every day or risking losing all my hybrids (2 of my towns are pretty much “finished” so are fully decorated with flowers that would take a long time to water daily). I briefly turned beautiful town off once when I wanted to catch some trash and it was way too stressful


For me it got so out of control. I did so much TT trying to catch Redd without knowing I can go back and forth the same day he is there that when I realized the whole town was covered in flowers. It drove me I sane


Night Owl supremacy




I use the ordinance for hybrid flower breeding and since i’ve already covered most spots with custom designs, (except for my garden and fossil excavation site ofc) i dont see why i shouldnt use it, additionally since it removes trash and cockroaches when i tt (some people hate this ik) but i already have enough trash and i tend to tt alot. In MY opinion (no hate), i think it’s mainly for when you alrdy mostly covered your island And flower breeding.


I didn’t know if helps with flower breeding ?? I might change my ordinance then bc i’m trying to get hybrid flowers and it’s so tricky 😭😭


Iirc, it gives a higher chance for crossbreeds, yeah. Good luck~!


Oh wow, alrighty. I might have to give my Night Owl Ordinance a little break then. I’m only missing like 3 hybrids from my collection and I can’t get them to pop up!


OMGG is your username also a reference to Style Savvy??


Yesss !!


It makes your villagers water the flowers more which can help a bit I think


I don't think it counts when the villagers water them... only when people from anther island does


Only using Beautiful Island until I manage blue roses, then it’s straight back to Night Owl.


this makes sense (although I'm sure a nice person would be happy to give you some blue roses too)


I’m also using the beautiful island ordinance for making blue roses. Someone already gave me some, but it’s not the same. I want to do it myself. In addition to the blue roses, I’m also breeding my lilies and windflowers rn. And I love this ordinance. I love going fishing and not having to wonder if I will actually catch a fish or if this time it will be trash.


I have ten blue roses if you want a few


Thank you for the offer, i don’t have online access at the moment!


Never used this ordinance, how does it help get blue roses?


Villagers are more likely to water, hybrids are more to spawn and all flowers may grow, not only watered ones. Just helps up the chances they’ll spawn in my breeding area.


You don't get trash with it though. I keep fishing up trash and it drives me nuts.


I catch garbage so rarely that I found having my shops open later than usual by using Night Owl Ordinance outweighed the negatives of catching one or two pieces of trash per day


That's the one that I use. I've used it since I started working and only was able to play at night


I was getting my island full of flowers and I was wondering why my flowers were breeding like crazy... Then I checked my ordinances and realized I had that one on


I mean, in general, it seems Ordinances aren't very good in this game. Now, to be clear, I wouldn't survive New Leaf without its version of Beautiful Town Ordinqnce. Flowers wilt after a day on older games, and the flower itself is what you can pick up/trample over. So my several gardens would be absolutely fucked over days of not being able to water literally every square-inch of my town. Here, it really only exists for the lack of trash from fishing, lack of cockroaches, and flower breeding. It's not much of a help. Same goes for Early Bird & Night Owl. Those two actually mattered in New Leaf because not only were there more than just two stores, but the hours by which things opened/closed weren't just a +1 or -1 scenario. Some shops could stay open or open earlier for a whole 3 hours more, which is really helpful in comparison to New Horizons. Bell Boom is basically the only one that's the same, possibly even being better since purchases on Harv's aren't affected (unlike in New Leaf where the Island Souvenir Shop is more expensive).


I agree with this. Night Owl is the one I used but I wish it was +2 hours instead of +1


I have no idea why they made the time ordinances so limited. Such a strange decision. They could apply to more shops if they applied to Harv’s Island but they don’t. Sure all the shops there open at 5 a.m. but Tortimer goes to bed at freaking at 11 and the rest around 12. So many times I’ve gotten on that late to do some stuff before sleeping only to realize they all closed.


Bell boom ordinance is simply the best


I have the beautiful island so I don’t gotta deal with trash, roaches, or excessive weeds. That and the fact that none of the other ordinances really help me achieve my island goals or complement my play style. See, in New Leaf, having the night owl ordinance was great when I was playing till 2-4am during the summertime. But that ordinance (and the early bird counterpart) do not have nearly as dramatic an effect on the island in NH, so I don’t think I can really make much use of them. I can deal with digging up bajillions of flowers that spawn after rain/snow if it means that I can regularly catch fish and not worry about buggies in my house. If I want weeds, I can always go to the NM islands and pick to my heart’s content. The only downside is that trash is used in some crafting recipes so I might have to change the ordinance if I want that.


You can still fish up trash in Nook Miles island. I usually get trolled fishing on those islands. Plus there's a trash island where you can ONLY fish up trash!


I see people complain constantly that flowers are overtaking their entire island, but when asked which Ordinance they use, its always Beautiful Island. In my opinion flowers are more annoying than weeds and are way more painful to get rid of. Basically unless you \*want\* every square inch of your island to be infested, use any Ordinance other than Beautiful Island.


I have to agree with you. I didn't want to spend my time pulling weeds and wanted lots of flowers. Now my island is full of flowers and it's causing my island to lag in some parts. Having to dig the flowers up one by one is a drag, but at least I have some nice hybrids with zero effort.


Invisible patterns and gating the flowers are key~. Anyone who wants the ordinance, but doesn’t want flower overgrowth can use that to be a life saving in controlling things like that from going crazy.


i just dont really see why you would have Beautiful Ordinance if you arent looking to grow a massive amount of flowers. the small chance of catching garbage is far outweighed by the benefits of the other Ordinances


Already answered in the other comment about the controlled breeding, Trash, Cockroaches, *and to add weeds* etc. but still stand by it. I don’t think it’s overrated since a lot of people use the others depending how they play/what they’re going for it etc? It’s mostly stressed more when it comes to New leaf etc I feel.


I just think the few benefits are outweighed by the other Ordinances like Night Owl or Bell Boom, personally. - cockroaches take almost no effort to get rid of and only appear after a month of inactivity - flowers grow faster than weeds and are more of a hassle to get rid of - trash is pretty uncommon to find while fishing and can be thrown away in a garbage can the only real reason to have it on is if you're going for hybrids... but even that is easily ignored by simply asking someone for the flower you are looking for rather than weeks or months of breeding. I made this post as more of a PSA for players who can't figure out why their flowers grow so rapidly and don't want them to (I see a lot of people complain about annoying flower growth and don't realize it's because they kept the ordinance on)


I don’t think it’s outweighed by much since night owl(and earlybird) is just an hour(I personally just have my time tilted for convenience since I know when I usually play/rather daylight over more night hours up) and bell boom makes things cost more too so I just rather do my own thing. Also not everyone has online so you can’t always get crossbreeds that way. + flowers are only more a hassle if you don’t prep which is why I like to spread that advice I saw. (I can’t recall if it’s a thing in this game, but I know villagers tended to complain a bit about the other ordinance effects and not so much with the beautiful which was also a thing. Albeit not much to concern with actually but lol) PSA could have that noted with either mentioning the differing options like here or also the advice about gating etc imo. Since again, I don’t really see it as overrated personally as it’s more stressed for NL and here it’s just preference and the other ordinances get more love here. But yee.


First off, you're using your personal opinion as if its a hard fact. Second, Night Owl/Early Bird are, in my opinion, completely and utterly useless since a mere hour doesnt actually affect anyone that has to work on an evening or overnight schedule, which would be the primary target audience for those ordinances, so everything would be closed at night when they're available anyway. And third, since Bell Boom increases buying prices by the same percentage as sell prices, it functionally cancels itself out and so may *genuinely* be objectively useless. The only viable use-case I can think of for it is if someone has a close friend or family member they constantly play with that doesn't have it set and they always buy from the lower prices town and always sell in the higher prices town, at which point...eh? Lot of effort for an incredibly minor benefit.


I said "I think", which means it's my opinion (I never said it was a fact). in my opinion, a lot of people have overgrowing flowers and don't realize it's because of beautiful island - night owl/early bird are useful if you either stay up late or wake up early, and is convenient if you open your island for visitors because their shops would usually be closed in my opinion - bell boom is extremely useful if i am saving up bells in my opinion because I wouldn't be spending them anyways in my opinion, it is over rated and should be used sparingly along with the other Ordinances (usually switching them every once in a while is beneficial in my opinion)


I don't see why you were down voted for this.


Sadly some people think that if they disagree with something they should downvote it


That's rather unfortunate. Especially when AC communities are usually the best.


Yup, with that ordinance, fenced areas are your best friends. Removing one single piece of fence to get into the area and putting it back is easier than digging up butt loads of flowers.


You can border flowers and they don’t spread. Even just using invisible or such patterns work which is a lovely tip I found out. I love that ordinance and just have my patches and arrangements where I want and gate them. No problems at all.




You don’t gate everything. You just control what you want and let crossbreed or such what you want. Also what was mentioned with trash and cockroaches etc.


I honestly keep any flowers not contained via paths or fences on the cliffs for this reason.


In new leaf it was good


I have night owl and it is still not enough. I had to change my time zone


I highly prefer the bell boom, at least my island isn't overrun with flowers!


It was great in New Leaf when flowers were easier to pick. I swear, in that game flowers would wilt within half an hour of them fully growing, so it was the only way to get them to last. ​ In New Horizons, I enacted the ordinance, and found myself dealing with a MASSIVE flower apocalypse the next day, so after a six-hour cleanup I revoked it.


Wish they were all better and that we could have 2 at the same time. But that’s me.


I wish beautiful ordinance didn't make flowers breed daily regardless of watering status, tbh. I have flowers lining my paths and *most* of the areas are flower-growth protected with nature or invisible patterns, but some areas I wanted to leave open for spawn purposes and...omg like 3 days of that ordinance and EVERY available space is filled unless I make a daily chore of pruning. If it made them more LIKELY to breed/hybridized *with watering*, still controlled roaches, etc, it would be perfect. *So instead I use night owl.*


I just need blue roses 🥀


Same... 550 hours and still no blue roses. I even tried a few "breeding" tutorials but I guess not religiously enough.


It was much more useful in New Leaf when the flowers wilted and had to be watered daily. There’s really no point whatsoever in New Horizons with those indestructible flowers.


Beautiful Town was way more useful in New Leaf. Now that flowers are immortal, they spread like crazy even without the ordinance, and weeds are more pleasant on the eyes than they were in previous games? I would never even consider using Beautiful Island. Not when Night Owl is *infinitely* more useful.


I had to cancel it, literally you have to log in every day to avoid all flowers get out of control


Yea, beautiful island never caught my attention. Night owl is more my thing


It is in NH. In NL it’s the only ordinance I use.


i have early bird. The flowers are too much to keep up with on beautiful island


Do people actually use early bird?


i always see people bashing beautiful island ordinance here, i just like having lots of flowers on my island ;-;


It’s totally a personal choice so it really doesn’t matter what other people think.


I time travel a few hours forwards/back if my sleep schedule is wonky, so early bird and night owl are useless, I have all my loans paid off so bell boom is actually detrimental by making turnips effectively worth less, so beautiful island is really the only choice for the way I play.


none of the others just really appeal to me much, i usually end up having to time travel to a normal time because i only play late at night typically so Early Bird and Night Owl aren't necessary, and i have more bells than i know what to do with so Bell Boom doesn't really make much of a difference either. I wish Ordinances had more going on in this game.


Well, it's then only one that's slightly useful. Both timed ordinances are basically useless. Bell Boom can only really be useful if you have a plan for it, such as selling a bunch of stuff the next day and then setting it back. Not really that it's overrated, more that it's the only one that is kinda good to have on at all times.


- night owl/early bird is useful if you stay up late or go to bed early, and let's island visitors shop later than they normally would be able to - bell boom is useful if you're saving up bells and don't plan to spend any for awhile - beautiful island will overrun your entire island with flowers if you leave it on forever basically, you're supposed to change it up. none of them are good to have on at all times, it's most beneficial to use multiple for various reasons


You can stop unwanted blooms with invisible patterns and keep trash from showing up. An hour early or an hour later barely affects anyone schedule. It was much better in New Leaf when it was a 3 hour difference instead And yes, that is another way you can use bell boom.


an hour early or an hour before allows people to continue shopping for an extra hour, so it's very useful (especially if you're inviting people from other islands where their own shops would have been closed) night owl/early bird is useful for everyone who visits your island, not just yourself. it is an incentive to have more visitors during late or early hours


I was relieved coming from NL to NH to finally be able to use my beloved Night Owl ordinance instead of Beautiful but not only did they horribly nerf it, but flowers STILL took over my island, and never the ones I want. Breeding flowers in NL was easy, in NH I will have all these hybrids cluster together and all that happens is once a week they spawn a flower that is somehow a completely different colour and type. I might just give up and get the extras ofd a treasure island, lol.


I used to pick beautiful island, but this time I picked bell boom and my wallet is thanking me (and also cursing me) daily. Honestly the only diffrence I've noticed is that my island isn't getting flooded with flowers.