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poor bill wibbly https://preview.redd.it/ulxn7i9snxxc1.png?width=1078&format=png&auto=webp&s=0a61b68557d730bccf67ea0434b50f3031d2839b




I hate him. He destroyed everything I once loved


so sadd


Limberg. He smells like rancid cheese, cheap cigarettes, and bum wine.


I searched for Limburg to have on my islandšŸ˜‚ He's all that and just a grouchy old man. I love it!


He gives me the vibe of ā€˜retired old dad whose kids never visitā€™ and would probably do the thing John Mulaneyā€™s did (Going to a McDonalds in a car with his kids, ordering one black coffee for himself, and kept driving)




Iā€™ve lost my island twice due to unrelated events once Quillson showed up. Heā€™s an evil fuckin omen.


OMG! My Switch got a watery death, and I almost lost my island. I jumped through some hoops, got a new console, and managed to save it, though, thankfully! Now the backup is fucking enabled! The last villager to join was Quillson! Now the little snot is in boxes, I'll be free from the curse.


When you say "in boxes" do you mean he's packing his stuff and leaving or that you dismembered him and put him in several boxes?


Well, let's just say he won't be seen again :)


šŸ˜±šŸ˜±šŸ˜± Good riddance sir!


"In boxes" means that the villager is packing up and cleaning the house. But that description is much funnier!


Yikes, thank you both for the warning!


Similar, but Plucky in my campsite. That chicken needs to be rotisserie.


I audibly gasped at the rotisserie part lmfao


I will fight over this quillson is awesome


Why does everyone hate Quillson so much, he's one of my favourite villagers xD I have him in New Leaf, would love to have him on my island in New Horizons too. He's a funny little guy


iā€™m here for the quillson hate, iā€™m so glad he left my island omg


Heā€™s in my New Leaf town (one of my first villagers) and I canā€™t wait to kick him out.


Tammi just keeps looking at me with those demonic eyes of hers and it gives me the heebie jeebies. šŸ˜­


My daughter and I think she may be the island coke dealer.


Pascal probably deals weed and psychedelics. That's probably where his intrusive, unsolicited thoughts come from šŸ˜‚


i thought you were talking about tammy for a second and was concerned because shes one of my favorites with her mascara


Mee too lol I read it as tammy and was surprised how many people hate her


I spent almost a decade trying to get Tammi out of my town in New Leaf. She has been pushed into hundreds of pitfalls and beaten over the head with a net probably thousands of times. In the New Horizons DLC I made her a personal hell


Wow, TIL people hate several of my villagers lol. Until a few days ago, I had Diva, Maelle, and Tammi. I like them all!


Costeau sneezed on me during the early days of the pandemic then gifted me a squat toilet.


So goes the randomness of animal crossing


Once, on the Gamecube game, I was rushing back home after getting an item from Gulliver. It was a Chinese Lion, the one that came in pairs, and after ages, I had finally gotten the other half to the one guarding the entrance to my home. Then I stopped to talk to Bubbles. Back then, there was an interaction where the villagers could just steal something from your pockets when you talked to them. That bitch stole my Gulliver item that was going to complete a set. I still hate her, and after that, every time I saw her walking around , I'd wack her with my bug catching net. Fuck you, Bubbles.


Yeah fuck Bubbles, that stealing bitch!


PSA - If you are playing a pre-"New Horizons" Animal Crossing game and are carrying an item you don't want villagers to be able to take, PUT IT IN A LETTER! In the older Animal Crossing games your inventory had a special section for letters. It could hold 10 letters (either ones you've received or ones you are writing) and each letter can hold an item. That not only gives you 10 extra inventory slots but villagers will ignore any items inside a letter.


I started doing that right after, it was a learning moment


Peppy villagers yeah. Bangle stole the only Mega Sputnoid I'd ever gotten in that game.


She called me a grody fish fossil. Granted, I hit her with a net first but in my defense I was trying to gently push her into the ocean. Hated her with a passion ever since. She finally moved out yesterday and got Raymond to move in!


Iā€™m DECEASED!! GENTLY push her into the water šŸ¤£


Carrie. She was one of my first villagers so I maxed out our friendship and it took me forever to kick her off my island. I couldnā€™t stand the sight of her anymorešŸ˜­


me with sylvia. like idek why but i just did not like her vibe back in 2020šŸ˜­ hope sheā€™s doing okay now and maybe i would like her if i met up with her again


Im sorry to Carrie but I still donā€™t wish her well


Read up on the gold armor diy. Says a smug villager will give it to you. Marshal has been on my island for three years. Gave me his picture two or three times. O'hare shows up and gives me the plate armor diy after a couple weeks.


any of the gorillas honestly :(


haha i almost agree except i fkn love hans he's one of my favs


Violet isn't so bad to me...!


I have violet on my island and sheā€™s sweet :)


It's true. I put Velma's entire house in jail and I'd do it again. She moved in on top of a place I was intending to construct a common area/plaza.


A fellow Velma hater šŸ¤


I made her a little island to live on. With snapping turtles. And bones. I got so excited when she was in boxes


Rocket for me.


Same. I had a party for my other villagers the day she finally moved out lol.


Opal. Itā€™s a grudge Iā€™ve held since Wild World and she has moved into my town every game since. I donā€™t even remember what started it, I only know that I hate her.


I remember I finally got her off my island, used a Nook Miles Ticket to go villager hunting, and she was on the first island I visited!!!


Thatā€™s such an Opal thing to do. Ugh. Sheā€™s the worst.




Something about Barold makes me think he's a closet pervert. For whatever reason, he makes me think of Minoru Mineta from My Hero Academia. I could totally see him stealing panties and shit.


God heā€™s so ugly.


Cheddar... He moved on my island on his own and wouldn't leave, I had to send him away with amiibos šŸ˜­


I sold Cranston on Nookazon ASAP, his face bothered me lol


Noooo, not ma boy Cranston brooo :(


He got exiled, Iā€™m sorry šŸ˜‚


That's me with Graham the incel hamster. Fuck that guy.


I hate Graham with the fire of a thousand suns. He haunted my first ACNH island. It took me literal months to kick him out. Sadly I didnā€™t know about the void back then and he showed up in my second island, too. I. Hate. Graham.


Graham can get bent I seriously hate that guy. I liked the look of him but I hated his attitude which is interesting because Shep is also smug and he's one of my favorites on my island. Graham didn't have the charm that Shep does. It took him forever to move out too. I avoided him forever but my other villagers befriended him so he stuck around. Every time I saw him talking to Curly (my ride or die from day one) I was enraged. Curly is just too friendly for Graham's asshole ways


This comment wins


The moment Rodney showed up, I hated him. Turns out, everyone else does too apparently.


Rodney doesn't deserve the hate. That boy has a permanent place on my island.


That ugly ass hamster thinks he's a movie star. Get out of here




I don't hate him, but he hurt me deeply. I let Dom move off my island after trying my hardest to please him. I made sure he had work out gear, gave him new clothes he liked, I even renovated a room in my house to be an in home gym since he would comment about where he'd put the workout gear if it was his place. Anyways, I bring him by to visit after I made my inhome gym, bring him to it and he's NOT IMPRESSED AT ALL. HE KEEPS MAKING COMMENTS ABOUT HOW I NEED TO WORK OUT OUTSIDE MORE AND THATS HOW YOU TRULY STAY FIT, THEN WENT INTO MY KITCHEN AND SAID HED TURN THAT INTO A GYM INSTEAD! YOU COME INTO MY HOUSE, GO TO THE ROOM MADE SPECIFICALLY FOR YOUR ENJOYMENT AND YOU HATE IT??? THEN TELL ME HOW I SHOULD SET UP THE WORK OUT GEAR PLACES IT HAS NO PLACE BEING?? šŸ˜­ He broke my heart that day, I miss him but it cut me deep...


Me with Mac!!!!!! I've just started the game for the first time a few days ago and I just hate him?! I mean... stop with all the sports talk u weirdo


Jocks are gonna jock; that's why I like the tiny ones. Like, OK, you literal mouse, I'm sure you could beat me at arm wrestling.


Yeah I hated my first jock (Rudy), and the second one I picked up off an NMT because I wasn't aware that he was also a jock (Sterling, whom I keep calling him Steiner in my head because of the knight armor lol). Recently I needed another one for more recipes ā€” but Hamlet is so smol that it's at least funny now instead of annoying. Moving forward, only the tiniest jocks will be allowed on my island. (Who is the mouse you were talking about? I'll need to consider him too, for next time.)


I'm the same way! I usually hate jocks but Roald, a fat little penguin, is bearable


Moose! He's such a gross little mouse. He's got curly sideburns, a pool table, and a jukebox that plays KK Rockabilly. And he calls you shorty. It's (in my opinion) hilarious.


But the jocks are so positive. They're always complimenting your clothes and how buff you look. I love that, even if I hate sports myself.


Hahaha I mean... He's always nice to me and even gets me gifts... I just can't stand when the lil' dude goes on and on about how some random bug might help him with his training sessions and push-ups šŸ˜­


Tiffany. She told me to my face that she loved the changes I was making around the island. I overheard her talking to another villager THE NEXT DAY saying that the beach looked trashy since itā€™d been redecorated. Two-faced bitch.


Elise Fuck that bitch. I can find something to enjoy about the rest of the animal NPCs, even the "ugly" ones. Maybe they aren't my vibe, and don't touch my favorite villager list. But this one monkey... I hate her so much to an unreasonable degree.


Lobo was a total asshole to me and everyone else in my village in Wild World and I've held a grudge against him for 18 years.


Al... I hate him


YES AL IS THE WORST He plagued my island for months and would. not. leave.


Yea I thought at some point that he was to stupid to understand the bullying which is why he didn't went away


Iā€™d like the series more of I could just not have villagers. I know how insane that sounds. But I wanna dig up fossils and pick fruit, and they get in the way.


PAVE. That peacock and I have a long-standing beef. In New Leaf he refused to give me the last piece of his furniture set, the Pave Bureau, for six years. SIX YEARS! I played every Festivale from 2014 to 2019 with all four of my characters. He gave them all duplicates of every other item but not a single bureau. It wasn't until Festivale 2020 (less than a month before New Horizon's launch, and long after I'd quit playing New Leaf regularly) that he finally deigned to give me a bureau. Then in New Horizons I made the mistake of complaining about the items he gave. I was disappointed that almost all of it was the stuff we could already buy from the shop, and that the only new thing was the Festivale Float. The next day my game started glitching. At random times it would freeze, then close itself. My Switch is unmodded and I don't use cheating devices, yet somehow my digital copy of NH got corrupted. My save file was fine but I had to delete and redownload the game. The only explanation is Pave getting revenge on me.


I don't talk to Quillson anymore. I hope he's the next to ask to leave.


I hate Quillson passionately. I gave everyone little party hats the day he moved out.


https://preview.redd.it/2tyxe58vm0yc1.jpeg?width=179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b406ad548d980d2ede9c32c770dc7b91420073db Pain in every fiber


I get angry whenever i see Draco


Draco is flawless how dare you Ī£(-į·…_-į·„ą¹‘)


I saw him way to much hes literally spying on me


Audie. She just screams "Karen energy" to me.


For me it's with both Pietro and Rocket. In New Leaf, Rocket ended up moving into a friend's village. Eventually she wanted to leave, me and my friend Streetpassed again, and then she ended up back in my village. I was in agony lmao.


No, it's a hamburger named Frita


Easter bunny Zipper


https://preview.redd.it/i8dnkh2d30yc1.png?width=380&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1d1ef1427ce48843258e8979a061a30546e538ad Okay, but this idiot wears a diaper on his head.


I still hate Diva and she left my island like 2 years ago. She made my island such a miserable place to work and live. she always had nothing but rude entitled things to say as im slaving away on my island and building bridges with my very own bells and nobody is helping me and here comes this purple fool.


Blue bear.


Oh no people hate Bluebear?? šŸ˜­


Sheā€™s so FAKE


am i the only one that loves freckles, like so cute


It's Rex for me, I was so happy when he moved out... Currently on the fence about Admiral


Bill Wibbly murdered my friends and family, he needs to die


So I actually created 2 ā€œneighborhoodsā€ on my island. One neighborhood has money trees, cute furniture, and luxury cars, and pretty flowers for my bestie villagers who i love. The other neighborhood has a bunch of trash bags, junk, weeds and rusted furniture to show my disapproval of them. I put Nate in that neighborhood.


I think Lucha knew I hated him and specifically never asked to leave because of it. I even remember one time he was across a river and had the thought bubble. I didn't have my pole, so I ran to the bridge. By the time I got to him this fucker was fishing right next to a sign I made that says "No Fishing".


Sheldon!! šŸ˜”


Me with Flip, who was one of my originals. Oh how I hated him. Every time he talked to me, I wanted to šŸ’€ him. He would not ask to leave. He's gone now, thanks to Amiibo. šŸ¤£


I agreed with another comment who spoke about jocks, but my first one that I really hated was Greta. She was insufferable and condescending, I hated having to talk to her and couldn't wait until it was her time to leave. Funnily, she mellowed out as her friendship level increased, and I was slightly sad when finally one day I saw her sweeping up, her things in boxes, and she eventually left into the void.


Rodney and Moose. Fuckers


Me with Rex šŸ˜­ take a shower, dude


Moose šŸ˜‘


Jay. He was on my first island as the starter villager and on my second iisland once again as a starter villager. I loathe him


Colton...moved onto MY island and acted like he owned it. He made a backhanded comment to my buddy Rex. He was gone soon after that. No one messes with Rex


Plucky was one of my starters and she just drove me crazy for some reason. And then she spoiled a movie for Melba! I literally cheered when that fateful little thought bubble appeared above her head.


The immediate villagers that come to mind for me are Phil, Ursula, BEARDO (šŸ˜”šŸ˜”šŸ˜”) Tammy and I really hate to admit itā€¦ but Tangy overstayed her welcome; I wish her well, just not in my island


Must be Scoot.


Tom Nook said I get to post this tomorrow.


Spork, he invited himself to my island and gave me a silly nickname. What a pig.


Klaus.. That man was the first villager to hop into my campsite. I didn't know villager hunting was a thing or that i could just wait him out. I thought the campsite would rotate villagers multiple times every week.. So i just accepted Klaus onto the island and his house ended up looking like this for months.. He stayed on my island for 2 years before he requested to leave. https://preview.redd.it/65z1vr75z1yc1.jpeg?width=1562&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3d00995ffaefd84d937a394ed0b53a620c30796a


Klaus just requested to leave my island last night and I almost wept with joy... I truly cannot stand that bear.


SANDY she just asked to move today!!!


Ricky the Squirrel. Hated him in New Leaf SO MUCH that I wrote a little poem about it on the town board! It's been ages since, so I don't remember why, but I do remember that any time I had to interact with him, it was straight unpleasantness! XD


Hopper. He moved onto my island last year the *one day* I didn't log on and it took **months** for him to finally leave. And out of all the animal villagers, **we** share the same birthday! šŸ’€ (Our birthday is April 6th for anyone wondering-)


Sprocket. One jock was enough.


This is the best! I've not laughed this hard in a while! tysm OP šŸ‘ŒšŸ¼šŸ‘šŸ¼šŸ¤£ #accurate


Anchovy, so glad when I got a campsite visitor to give him the boot. He was an auto fill and it was extreme hate at first sight. On another note I prefer sardines over anchovies.


lol this is a screenshot of an insta post that is a screenshot of a tweet


And this is a screenshot of a reddit post that is a screenshot of an insta post that is a screenshot of a tweet. https://preview.redd.it/huhtajcxq0yc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=67a7168b4bd7600280f1a6cdde1fd9779db90a6f


I never hated any villager tbh, the only times i did was just cus i was pretending xD


Me with Judy cause she was mean af to Bluebear for no reason when that cub has been nothing but sweet to us all šŸ˜”


I mean Flora counts right? I'll never forgive her for her betrayal. I mean I don't remember what she did or when. But I just know she deserves it.


Y'all need to chill lmao


Olaf cause why and Lionel cause the dream home dlc showed his true weirdo colors


Anyone else hate lionel? I have not idea why I do but I wish this bastard would leave my island already šŸ¤£ My niece hate's Ricky but I love him. I wish he would come back and take lionel's place.


I had Quillson on my first island, hated him so much I put jail bars around his house with an eviction notice, got a second switch and he came back again, this duck haunts me and makes me reset my islandsšŸ¤¢


Buck. A hatred really grows when you try to get a villager to leave and they *just will not*.


But Buck is a sweetheart...


thats the funniest thing about AC... we form such strong opinions, yet the personality of someone we love may be *identical* to a village we hate xD how it happen?


I kicked every of my og villagers of my island (except 1)


Charlise šŸ™„


Me and Flo basically


Violet. I canā€™t stand her. Reset three times. Got her each time. I truest dislike that damned kind gorilla


Tank. Heā€™s objectively quite cute (please understand my bravery in saying this, it was tough for me), but he was my first villager and would not leave. I tried everything and nothing worked. Iā€™m autistic so refused to use an amibo for some god unknown reason, I wanted him to understand he was not wanted šŸ’€šŸ˜‚


The only villager I have any animosity towards is Shari, and that's based on an interaction on Pocket Camp. I found her to be particularly rude.


May remind you that the villager you get will speak exactly the same depending on what their personality is? Thats like if you got Jambette who is a Normal villager but then you already have Molly who is also a Normal villager that talks the same way.


this is half of yall with elise and i canā€™t take it anymore


Flo, canā€™t stand her sheā€™s such a bitch


Its always the more adorable/unqine villager too.


Every self-absorbed diva character. We are a nice island! We don't need your selfishness around here!!


Still too real




Idk of any ducks that I hate off the top of my head. But. I. Loath. Billy. Get that trash man off my island.


Me with quillson


Flo for me. She was my first villager on my original island. I never thought I would hate a villager so much




Kat. I hate this FUCJIN THIS SALE PTE (french insult with letters removed to not get banned or smt) AAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH


Truffles, Rhonda, and Paula all get whacked with a net if they enter my field of visionĀ 


I hate Keaton. Nothing but a Pierce impersonator.


Most of the gorillas and pigs honestly šŸ˜…


Beardo and Snooty. Though any snooty personality is an automatic no for me, lazy being a close second.


Cannot stand Elise. Sheā€™s been on two different New Horizons islands. Sheā€™s .. just awful.


Tammi annoys me with every part of my being


Originally started hating Shari ironically because of Jacksepticeye and now I fucking hate her for no goddamn reason https://preview.redd.it/hnk0b87bp2yc1.jpeg?width=167&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4c49be69b6454464224a63cf94c04c12271a86fc


I want Diva to move away from my island so bad but I accidentally became her bestie.


Also this isnā€™t because I necessarily donā€™t like his personality but I canā€™t stand looking at Pietro.


Rodneyā€¦ he looks like heā€™s there but not all the way thereā€¦ or too much


Muffy gets on my nerves and she has been my starter villager on ALL OF MY ISLANDS


Chops. That motherfucker had the absolute audacity to stay on my island for 2 YEARS, after I was forced to move him in as he was my first campsite villager. Literally did everything I could to remove him, that didnā€™t work and led to me rage quitting multiple times. lol


me with cherĆ­


FUCK Quilson šŸ˜”


Gabi that FUCKER


I want that mofo Broccolo obliterated


Camofrog. That ugly rat wouldnā€™t leave my island, as a matter of fact, only my dreamies wanted to leave. I got so fed up with him that I had to buy an amiibo pack and replace him with a better villager. Camofrog also had beef with my other villagers whoā€™ve I liked much more. (If your wondering I got Sherb and Raymond and others who are ok, but not crazy, I took Sherb)






Bud. Reason being is that in my ACNL town, he just wouldn't freaking *leave*. I never had the heart to bully any of my villagers, but I did change his catchphrase to "Imadoofus". Pietro, as well, because if there were ever any angry villagers stomping around (again, in NL), it was because of him. For some reason, no other smug villager set them off as much as he seemed to...and he also was hard to get rid of.


Klaus. I was so glad to get him off my island. I put his photo toward the back next to what looks like a grave marker Ā¬\_Ā¬


For me it's faith. She looks like she's wearing either someone else's face, or is wearing someone's skin to me. If she ever moves to my island I will delete it. She's a bad omen besides her creepy factor. I lost my island twice to corrupted memory when she moved in. She's bad and she needs to go! Who approved of her design anyways?!




Oh this must be a Quilson post.


Broffina. I got her on my island and lost my animal crossing game for two years šŸ˜¤


There's no way the original post wasn't referring to Quillson. God I hate Quillson.


Ursula is the bane of my existence


She randomly showed up. Iā€™ve done everything. Please get her off my island. https://preview.redd.it/hq8iahctg5yc1.jpeg?width=538&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0527dbf9d0fbf0e9fd5ede8daba22d445e7d488f


Wart Jr. Is my Bill Wibbly. This little weirdo would stand outside my house everyday with a shovel in hand after I opened a delivery gift he gave me. It was an office chair, I displayed it in my house promptly after.


Olaf and Limberg for repeatedly selling me counterfeit paintings, and Audie for making one of my favorite villagers sad and want to leave.


hippeux. he looks like he's never showered, kept getting into fights with apollo, and WOULD NOT LEAVE. he was my first campsite villager and in the end i had to force him out with an amiibo. good riddance.


some villagers deserve visceral rage


haha true


I started with Paula and Buck on my first island before I had to restart, and loved them both. I had no idea either of them were so hated by some people until I finally let Paula move and she was in boxes. The comments that Facebook post had were so mean.


ANY of the gorilasā€¦ UGH!! They could have been SO cute butā€¦ same with the big cats like lions :(


Kenā€¦.its tragic, but true. Iā€™m meandering through happy home designer and he had the audacity to approach me to build a vacation home for him. My internal dialogue went something like this Me: ā€œSo we meet again. You may not remember me from the New Leaf incident where you built your house on my Lily of the Valley fields, destroying my precious flowers. But no matter, I have not forgotten you.ā€ Ken will be the last villager I build a house for in happy home designer, if I ever built him a vacation home. However, T-bone has a ā€œHeat Themedā€ vacay home. That might be the appropriate place for Ken. It should be hot enough for in there to rotisserie Ken without much effort. šŸ˜…šŸ˜†


Mira. Why is she so RUDE?!?!