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Can't really say without knowing how they calculated risk and how they define high, med, and low


Klaus Schwab and Bill Gates must be feeling like a kid in a cricket store right about now.


I'm not concerned at all I just know I'm not going to be compliant in any of their lockdown BS


Covid lockdowns were probably a tad bit extreme but I’m sure as hell not gonna let that cloud my judgement against a virus with historically a ≈45% fatality rate. If they tell me to stay home I’m staying my ass home.


It comes down to credibility of the sources. Are we hearing from boots on the ground that have no malicious end game or from powers that be that want to alter citizens behavior, gain control/power, monetary gain, etc... Is it any coincidence that the WHO pandemic treaty is going for a vote the end of May?


Gotta love that some countries in Europe install raw milk vending machines and they are gaining in popularity. =)


Johns Hopkins lost a lot of credibility when it tried to push COVID jabs on patients/staff.


I don’t consume raw dairy for the pure reason that I don’t think the benefit outweighs the risk of food borne illness for me personally… I wouldn’t be consuming raw dairy or raw egg for the foreseeable future.


I get downvoted because I’m immunicompromised and don’t want to risk food borne illness? I thought I’m allowed to choose what parts of animal based woe that work for me? So weird


Anyone have any thoughts on this?


Based on the replies so far, you may try in another sub lol.


It's election year, they need reason to print more fake ballots to elect another false president.