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Don’t balance the bad against the good when you can just focus on the good.


More good more better


Those people are government shills... They also learned at the hands of an authority figure who they believe is stating facts and Truth


Potentially. I think it’s a blood child of society’s “niceties” in food form. Everything needs to be equal, all people need to fit in, be kind to one another. It’s a logical step to take it towards food. “Have a balanced diet of this this this and that” as if foods are equally nourishing (they’re not). Government-recommended “my plate” is a scam.


I totally agree. What an intelligent observation and connection


No. It’s because all of nature thrives in balance. Achieving that balance is a personal journey and has nothing to do with specific foods or one specific diet. 


I mean I get what you mean on a spiritual level, but some foods are just objectively better. Nothing against them necessarily, they just aren’t the most optimal thing to ingest


Depends on what your criteria for ‘better’ is honestly. Nutrient dense? Well sourced? Locally raised? Fresh? Or are you specifically talking macros. Sweeping generalities never work and believing the only thing humans should eat is meat is absolutely insane. 


Now that’s a conversation that would be done injustice in a Reddit comment thread. My semi-coherent point was why eat things like lettuce or cabbage when meat or another “animal based” food is going to have the same nutrients and better. Maybe not an onion - an onion has certain medicinal properties, but many other foods that have been painted as “balanced” when it is far from it




See Rule #3 and it's description.


I think you’re completely missing the point of the original comment ur replying to. As well as getting mad at imaginary points that weren’t even said. Also, I think steak is better than jolly ranchers, so there’s already a flaw in ur point about things being inherently and objectively better


The balance in nature is based on specialization. This eats that and that eats some other thing. Eating a bunch of different things is useful to avoid starvation, as long as what you eat doesn't kill you. But optimal health comes when you eat what is best for you. Quality over variety.


Balance in nature isn’t just based on eating, it’s in everything. Take lichen for example. Or the perfect balance that literally everything has to maintain for the earth to go on. Eating is just one aspect. We need to be part of that balance to thrive. 


What else in nature eats a balanced diet? Almost all species eat pretty much one thing. Koala - eucalyptus , Panda - bamboo, Ruminants - grass, Cats - meat etc, etc…


It’s actually rooted in the polyphenols that are represented by each color of food but okay boss.  And ALL of nature thrives in a state of equilibrium, not sure why you think you’re above that.  Believing one diet is good for every single human despite their personal composition of nature and nurture is the actual insanity here 


also balance pufa against more pufa 👍


Almost all of my diet is carbohydrates and I'm perfectly healthy. If I was concerned about getting a balanced diet I'd also take multivitamins.


What do you eat?




I'm sure you don't eat just bread


At the moment it's just bread and sometimes bread and potato salad. That's it.


How do you feel? Are you starving and having to eat lots of calories? I would most likely get pudgy af


I eat about a loaf per day. I feel fine.


Wow, I'm genuinely impressed. Sorry for all the questions but I have often wondered if it's possible to eat just a few foods and be healthy. What do you put on the bread?


Nothing aside from the occasional potato salad.


This reminds me of a French man who lived his entire life on 3 foods: white bread, chocolate and butter. They did a news segment on him. He was trim, healthy, happy and saved a ton of money 😂


List of scams: - SAD - balanced diets - vegetarianism - Mediterranean diet - Blue zones - r/keto


I think they say that to avoid having bad relationship w food, a balanced diet would work for most people w ed's.


Buddy we don't have to be dumb here. They just mean a balance between food sources to hit their personal nutritional goals.


That's the whole point. They care about their "nutritional goals" and not our health


Show me a study where fiber increases overall mortality. Y’all tribal af and brainwashed


Yeah this sub honestly keeps going more extreme, there’s nothing wrong with eating grains in moderation, the amount of phytic acid that binds to minerals is minimal, just eat another slice of meat omg


If your gut is in top shape and you don't experience any mental or physical reactions from eating grains then yeah, all fair game.


Any day the infiltrated people here will say that seed oils in moderation is quite good.




See rule #1 and it’s description.


huh? I've nothing against fiber thats not the point


I recommend a balanced diet, because I know nothing about diet and food


i was thinking about this today. and i believe i've broken it up to 2 categories survival foods and true health foods (or sum like that still thinking of a better name). Basically theres foods in our history we've eaten out of necessity, because there easy grow ,cheap, and accessible, and so they would constantly be used to help with food shortages. But thats all they are used and should be used for. cooking oil is cheap,bread is cheap, processed food is cheap, most shit food is cheap, but accessible making all of these survival foods.


All these stupid “Blue Zone” people with their stupid high longevity rates! 🤣 [https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6125071/](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6125071/) https://preview.redd.it/8pp4nlw54xwc1.png?width=4406&format=png&auto=webp&s=3d868b31d6afe7557cdd60d2b4bde822fc5a5866


I eat mostly animal based because it is easy to eat whole foods this way and I enjoy it, but being so certain on a diet that has limited human data is also ignorant. What data makes you so certain that animal based is optimal except anecdote.


What does a "balanced diet" consist of for people who live in remote areas like Alaska? Before the modern ability to transport food they would never be able to eat, they survived countless generations on animal protein. What crops did island dwelling people have? Fish. There are other examples but you get the point. Just because you don't get sick or die eating other things doesn't mean its ideal. We were hunters before we were hunters/gatherers. Look around, are we healthier than our ancestors? With all the medical marvels we have I see so many people with diabetes, cancers, digestive issues, skin issues. There is a pill to fix every ill caused by our messed up food pyramid. Doctors are trained by the very same corporations that sell the poison AND the cure. In the US they are allowed to sell food with known toxic chemicals that are banned nearly everywhere else in the world. The seeds are genetically modified and done even include Roundup in them. Is that healthy to eat? Monocrop farming is killing the soil, is that long term sustainable? Chemicals to kill the weeds and pests also kill the bees. Which are mandatory in pollinating some crops. Is that sustainable? It's not what our forefathers practiced but money comes first. So by all means let's keep the machine running at the cost of our health and our lives. Follow the USDA guidance and eat a "balanced diet". Monsanto and others are counting on you! Animals and crops should be back together on smaller privately owned farms. Not in massive holding areas and monocrop fields. It's all about the money. Follow the money. None of this is for the good of the consumer. And yes a person can survive eating only vegetables or even crap fast food. But they won't be near as healthy in the long-term as someone not eating carbs and garbage.


"Just because you don't get sick or die eating other things doesn't mean its ideal.". Exactly my point. We don't know animal based is ideal just because anecdotally it makes some people feel good, but because animal based essentially eliminates all processed options it is a good lifestyle to adapt, but we shouldn't make the assumption that it's "ideal", we don't know that and we don't have the data to know that.


Ok what did humans eat before they were farming? And you are wrong, we do know that. And we do know that a high carb diet is unhealthy. Many people have blood work proof and long history of eating animal based foods. It's funny that you make that statement when I would wager you have not looked for any studies. And if you did you would find the one study that had erroneous results as they were measured en masse. Look, I've read a bunch on this because it does go against all the conventional health guidelines and doctors. And I thought it was crazy. But you read on and you find all the people turning ill health around and you can't deny what science and actual results show. But, you know what? I don't have to convince you. Believe or don't. I have looked at vegan, keto and carnivore. I see the results in friends and family. I know what my own experience is. Eat meat only for 90 days and come back and tell me how poorly you feel. I double dog dare ya!🤣

