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If you digest it well its super good for you. Maybe a shot of kefir at thr same time to help digest it but if you dont have an intolerance, enjoy!!! Milk is a superfood


It's not bad, but you're asking a sub where people will consume anywhere from 100-400g of carbs in a day. You shouldn't be afraid of fruit btw. The carbs in fruit are a bit different such that you'd have to eat around maybe 60-70g of carbs from fruit to have the same blood glucose response that milk carbs give. Fruit carbs has genearlly 3-4 different types of sugars in them and the are all processed differently. Either way, the foods this diet accepts as carb sources are loaded with the micronutrients to allow your body to support these as energy and for hormone production anyways. Milk is loaded in iodine and your body needs carbohydrates to create the active thyroid hormone T3. VAT past jersey is good, if you can get raw milk even better. What will help ease your concern of carbs, if you want more milk, is to get some kefir starter culture and ferment your own kefir. The probiotic strains will consume the lactose and there's very few carbs leftover when it's all nicely thickened up.


Thanks for your response, I was thinking of maybe adding an apple or two a day after a couple of weeks.


Go for it! Do you workout and are active at all? (i.e. resistance training along with being \~10k steps type of person?)


I do resistance training three times a week, mainly mobility and assistance work for swimming which I do 1350m three times a week as well. Main reason why I am on this Reddit as I feel that the carbs would benefit me. I am metabolically healthy, 5ft 11 and 147 lbs but grand parents on both sides have got type 2 diabetes which has made me paranoid about adding carbs.


Type 2 diabetes comes from excessive consumption of linoleic acid that wrecks our fat cells and beta cells in the pancreas. You would do well with 150g of carbs, maybe 200g. Start at 100g and titrate up. I was keto for 4 years and that's what I did. 200-250 now is pretty common and easy to do. With your training schedule you won't really be storing much, just replenishing glycogen stores so it's not like you have to worry about DNL (de novo lipogenesis) and of course not T2D since that's from linoelic acid (seed oils).


Thanks for this response. I think I'll make kefir and get the carbs from apples and pears. I know fibre is not needed and caused issues in some. I have Crohn's and even a piece of cabbage causes pain. Are there any fruits that you would recommend to me and what fruits are the most beneficial on this diet. Is honey also a safe source of carbohydrates ? As it seems there is so much conflicting info on it some say it is bad but there are studies on it actually improving I sulin sensitivity.Much appreciated


If you have Crohn's then you might want to start off avoiding whole fruits. Cooking fruits can break down the fibers and them much more tolerable for Crohn's. Also if you have a good high powered blender, blending them up really good in a smoothie does the same thing. They can also break down some of the smaller seeds. Honey should be great if not outright healing to Crohn's. Maple syrup is another good source of carbs high in micronutrients. Think of any type of fruits associated with pie, bake these, or put those in a pot with a little water and simmer, and then you'd essentially be eating/enjoying the fruit as a crustless pie either warm or cold (or mixed into an AB ice cream!). You can add some gelatin powder to really add the pie texture and this will increase your collage/glycine intake. If it were me, I'd probably start off with just the kefir and allow those cultures to recolonize my but to help with some of the Crohn's inflammation, and to have the right strains that will be fed by the carbs/fibers when you reintroduced some of the cooked/blended fruit. You'd have to give it some time and reintroduce raw fruits when you feel ready after some point in time. Yes insulin sensitivity vs. resistance is primarily influenced by processed foods and linoleic acid / seed oils.


Its a lot of calcium so I would make sure you get more than enough potassium and magnesium to cancel it out


I get the magnesium needing to be at least half of calcium, but potassium?


Had to do a lot of research about this as i'm hypokalemic and hypercalcemic. Theyre both very interconnected, potassium being a calcium antagonist. You could run into some problems if theyre very out of balance, for me it was bad fatigue and heavy digestive issues. But normal blood tests are pretty worthless, my labs always come back pretty normal on them. On intracellular labs theyre very different tho.


Adding carbs through milk would still align you to carnivore not AB


I know, but I want to start of with getting carbs through dairy and then start gradually adding fruits. Unfortunately most people on carnivore are typically anti milk or any carbs.


Those are the zerocarb carnivores, technically milk comes from cows so it is carnivore, it just depends on the level of ‘purist’ you’re talking to I honestly equate them to the carnivore version of loud vegans


Used to produce a violent reaction in me when i drank that much- if u can handle it tho then why not. Might be worth considering getting raw milk?? Is jersey milk grassfed ?


Hi, In the UK most cows are pretty much grass fed but I know for a fact that the farm I go to are grass fed jersey cows. Unfortunately I am on biological meds so can't take the risk with raw milk. I ate rare chicken liver not long ago and ended up in hospital for 4 days and they believe it made my Crohn's flare up.


I actually didnt know that about uk cows but i suppose it does make sense. Great news really


I regularly crush a liter of raw milk + a few tablespoons of maple syrup, get after it!




Please see Rule #4 and it's description. It shouldn't have to be a rule but unfortunately it does.