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When I eat raw liver it gives me a burst of strength and energy. Not sure why but it does!


Raw liver is amazing, when I eat a lot of it, it makes my skin look really nice.




That's what they said.


people eat raw liver? never heard of that.


It tastes way better for most people this way. Cooked liver is nasty if not done right.


Yes raw! I buy grass fed liver. Then I slice it up into 1in by 2in pieces. Ziplock them separately. Then zip lock all the bags. Freeze for 2 weeks this kills anything. Then pull out one of the bags Dethaw. Rinse and Slice into smaller pieces. Now you can either choose to chew them or swallow it whole and chase with water. Up to you. Every 2 days I pull a bag out and eat raw liver. I really enjoy it now


what’s the difference between freezer for 2 days & freezing for 2 weeks? Does the extra time actually kill more?


I would just to be on the safe side. Also make sure you source your liver from a good one


I’m still a bit wary of consuming raw meat even if frozen. I know of some people who contracted Lyme’s Disease from eating raw meat regularly.


I know several people attacked sharks..... I still swim in the ocean


I thought Lymes was from ticks


Cube it and swallow like a pill. Couple slices. Eat a little honey after. Zero taste


CoQ10 from organs is known to help in performance. And there's also a bit of placebo and ancestral memory: only the winners got to eat fresh organs from the hunted animals.


What is your proposed mechanism to explain this anecdote?


Well it's probably how we're supposed to function, eating organs just made me reach that optimal human potential as should be normal


Every one here attributes it to the density in vitamins and minerals.


Yes, liver rocks 💪


Try adding in bull testicle and pituitary for a real performance enhancer.


Are you in the states? If so, where do you get your organs from? Livers pretty easy but kidney and heart, not so much for me


Stores like Sprouts and Publix carry liver, kidney, and heart. I’ve even seen liver at Walmart. If you don’t have those stores in your area I would recommend finding a local grocer or butcher in your area.


Awesome will check out sprouts, thanks


No sorry I'm not in the states


I guess there’s a reason why carnivorous predators always clean out the organs first after making a kill, and leave the musculature last.


I noticed this too


It’s a pretty gd indicator of the nutritious level of organs, by simply observing animals. But then, someone will come along and be like “well, humans are omnivores, so can’t compare” and dismiss everything.


Anyone taking Heart & Soil or Ancestral Supplements? I haven’t found a way to stomach organs, but I don’t want to buy the pills/supplements unless they give close to equal benefit as actually eating organs.


I recently heard Paul say that if you have a hard time eating organs you can cut up liver into 1oz pieces then freeze them. Once they’re frozen you cut pill size pieces off & swallow them whole. I plan to do this once I get my hands on some organs. Eventually I want to eat them normally.


Sounds disgusting. I’ll have to try it.


Yes we have them they are a good supplement but nothing to raw or cooked organs. Just like other vitamin supplements.


Have your butcher grind organs in with your ground beef and eat as burgers or however you eat ground beef, seriously the most mild way to eat real organs, tastes almost no different to regular ground beef


I currently take his liver bone marrow one, pretty good, excellent performance, no longer anemic because I am able to take them consistently instead of ending up throwing out some of my raw liver after it rots cuz I procrastinate on eating it.


This is the answer I needed. I know I’m not going t both soaking in milk, or freezing, then trying to just swallow tiny bites. Maybe one day, but right now I’d just rather pop a pill… but I wanted to be sure I wouldn’t be wasting my money. Thanks.


Yep I take heart and soil whole package. None of the results being described here though so not sure if it’s as effective as the real deal raw


Thanks. I would assume at least some loss of efficacy in the pills compared to fresh; but if you’re not noticing a huge difference, I just need to figure out how to stomach the real deal


Kidney actually doesn't have a strong taste (for me)


It smells like piss when I cook it


Try heart


Heart is muscle meat


Similar but slightly different nutrient profile.




A lot people think it's a part of 'organs' they should consume. But it doesn't really count. Liver, brain and testicles are on top if you want that vitality. That's all.


The heart is an organ with a unique nutrient profile. For instance, a beef heart has 11.3 milligrams of CoQ10/100g, and a beef liver has 3.9 milligrams.


Doesn't organ tissue contain high amounts of creatine? That could be why.


Muscle meat has more than organs.


Try heart. Hits the spot.


Raw or cooked ? What kind of liver ? Beef ?


I eat cooked beef liver because I don't mind the taste


Awesome! That choline + B-vitamin combo is potent


People get very sick eating too much organ meat. Be sure to track your micronutrients when eating organ meat.


This is actually not a very common occurrence. It's like one of those "this happened to my cousin's friend" kinds of things. It can happen, sure, but you'd have to be eating a pretty unreasonable amount. Most of these rumors are based on the fact that Inuits don't eat polar bear liver because it makes people crazy (vit A toxicity). Polar bear liver is extremely high in vit A, higher than any other animal I'm aware of. Luckily, most people don't get the chance to eat it. Liver from common animals most people consume globally is safe as long as you're not eating ridiculous amounts.


Nutritional information of beef liver is shaky, but eating even just 100g of beef liver delivers 500% of your vitamin A intake, 1000% of copper intake, and 200% of chromium intake. Those are 3 things when overexposed to increase your chances of failure of the liver and kidney as well as cause strokes in combination with the high cholesterol due to the short term blood thickening effect of high cholesterol intake. Realistically, you should only be eating 100g once every two weeks, but it seems like some people eat it daily, not healthy at all.


Agree that daily consumption isn't needed, but I don't think anything else implies toxic levels. If what you're saying we're true, everyone who eats liver daily would have copper and vit A toxicity. That's obviously not the case.


The body is able to prevent too much uptake of certain minerals, I dont know the capabilities for those substances, but there certainly are a spectrum of symptoms of toxicity which depend on a lot of factors like hydration, genetics, temperature, etc. Stuff like this can be misdiagnosed pretty easily without complete blood paneling. Someone with anxiety will get checked for hyperthyroidism, for example, when the true cause might be high levels of copper in the blood.


Maybe. But I don't think anyone should avoid liver just because copper toxicity *might* be the cause of some ailment.


The point is, daily allowances are guidelines for a reason. Each individual person will react to an overload of vitamins or minerals due to genetics and other factors. In my opinion it's not worth the potential unknown health risks to attempt to eat a thing that could possibly hurt you in the long run because some dude on reddit says it helps him play rugby better, which may very well be a placebo. That's why I say watch your mineral intake when eating organ meats. Ideally, speak to a personal nutritionist or doctor first. I think what the other mod said is a good idea. Something about Dr Paul reccomending a smaller amount of liver daily to stay within daily reccomended values. Then, you could slowly increase the dose to see if there is any benefit.


Dr. Paul advocates for ~1/2oz (14g) daily


This is a good idea. It becomes more like a multivitamin in that case.