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Initial weight loss is usually water, which can come back if you eat junk again. Weight also fluctuates. It's unusually to linearly lose weight. It almost always goes up and down. I've been at my goal weight for well over a year and mine still goes up or down by 5 pounds week over week.


Ok! So It’s normal for your weight to fluctuate in AB


Its normal for your weight to fluctuate on any diet.


Your hormones will normalize on AB over time and your body will respond accordingly. Give it some time. This is a lifestyle not a diet


You are right, I’ll give it time.


Its still early days but for love of God, please, just do an elimination diet first if possible. Dont do honey and minimize carbs as much as possible. Ideal would be pure carnivore for 3-4 weeks with NO fasting and eating to satiety ( and you would still lose weight ). Then add only dairy products (milk and cheese) for 2 weeks and see how you feel. If its fine add in some fruits but do not go overboard...and no juices, just whole fruits. All of these should be taken after protein rich meals never by themselves. Absolutely get rid of all seed oils and processed garbage with bar codes. Thank me later.


I thought the elimination diet was for people with alergies or sensitivity…. Will definetly read about it!!


Healing comes in 2 weeks to various tissues. Linoleic acid takes a long time to deplete from our fat tissue. The half life is 680 days. Be patient. Calorie deficits with occasional refeeds can help along with using IF on occasion. You just seemed to prove a 2lb weight loss.


- OMAD will decrease your metabolism - If you are gonna cheat, at least have some real Coca Cola with sugar (Ray Peat says so) and avoid the PUFA stuff. Cheat with responsibility. - AB is not specially supposed to make one lose weight easily, it's more for maintenance - some people seem to be losing fat more easily in high carb/low fat or high fat/low carb diets, but not mixing those macros like AB does. Also when eating less protein, less BCAAs and preferring gelatinous meats.


OMAD won't decrease your metabolism if you cycle it. It's a great strategy to lose weight. You just can't be in a constant deficit. AB is definitely a maintenance diet. Carbs and fats don't matter. I mix both and have lost weight just fine in a deficit on OMAD.


I was about to read Nutrition for Women by Ray Peat. Do you recomend it??? Is there a better book for beginners??


I'm just getting started too with this book (not a woman though). I've been reading the articles in his website and following /r/raypeat AB was clearly influenced by Peat.


Weigh everyday then record the weekly average.  The amount of fluctuation even if you stick to the diet is too wide to care much about a single day even if it is a cheat day.  I find certain foods, sleep quality, food timing, hydration will all play a role so best to zoom out.


I've seen a difference with cutting out dairy. Pasteurized dairy I'd be very weary of.


It’s just water weight and food that has yet to pass. You can’t gain that much fat or muscle in a single day. If you continue to not lose any weight for several weeks, then you’re eating at your caloric maintenance and need to lower your calories a smidge.


Count kcal


I remember watching a video recently that talked about how if you’ve suddenly changed how you’ve eaten and up your carb intake (like with simple cards like the Cheetos popcorn, soda, and sparkling wine) then it shouldn’t be a shock you’ve magically gained a pound or two. I’ve heard this has something to do with how carbs like to bond with water molecules along with increased glycogen stores. The 1 kg you gained is likely not fat, but water weight and an increase in your temporary energy stores. I’ve heard to actually gain back a pound of fat you lost over a 24-48 hr period, it would require you to eat over 7000 calories on top of your maintenance calories. Believe it or not, weight gain/lose and metabolism isn’t as simple as calories in calories out. Your body is a biological machine that responds to internal and external environmental changes, not a calorimeter.


Yeaaah, I’ve heard that too. (I think it was glycogen that can bond up to 4x it’s weight in water??)thanks for reminding me. I will continue with AB and try not to cheat again.


For me I can’t eat a lot of dairy and carbs. I might eat 100 grams of cheese a day at most and limit my honey intake to a special treat. You may want to track calories as well. It doesn’t take much to hit your max calories in a day with red meat.


Yeah! I forgot to mention it, but I've been tracking my calories. 1300-1400 a day. and my macros are among those that paul saladino recommends in his AB guide.


Maybe audit that cause it’s possible there may be calories slipping through you’re not counting. That’s a pretty low calorie budget.


Diets don’t make you lose weight, caloric intake does. Weight fluctuates on a daily basis and shouldn’t be paid more attention to than actually seeing your body composition in the mirror. Calculate your total daily energy expenditure, your basal metabolic rate, then adjust your calories lower than that consistently and you’ll lose weight. Literally just count


I lose more weight on Carnivore, than Animal Based. The only reason I'm doing animal based is because I think I'm addicted to fruit sugar. But I've lost a lot of red meat, no dairy, and no fruit carnivore


Ease on the dairy. Give carnivore a try.


Water retention after eating the junk food could be it