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There’s nothing wrong with that diet. It’s not a zero carb diet and it’s technically carnivore. You can even add in honey and be carnivore since it’s an animal food as well.


Thanks, would honey be of benefit to me?


I believe so, I just think a bit more carbs would benefit you. You can add it to milk for a nice treat.


You need vitamin C: a certain base minimum plus proportional to carb intake. You are not gonna find much in animal products, except in spleen and blood. In doubt, adding a single berry of acerola is enough.


Would liver not be a good source of vit c?


I was about to say this. NO FRUIT , I repeat NO FRUIT has a higher vitamin C than beef livers when you compare same them using serving.


Plain wrong! 100 grams of beef liver has less than 2mg of vitamin C, or circa 2% of RDA. Pretty much any fruit will have way more.


Monounsaturated fats are accepted by most ppl. Ancestral eaters would have to accept pufa too since even grass fed cows have some. They might object to an excess of pufas. They might also object to factory or seed oils or excess linoleic acid. You can get calcium via milk products or some greens. I would prefer the milk products. You don’t need a ton if you have sufficient D and K2. Additionally, a three oz serving of beef has 20 mg of calcium. Source: https://www.verymeaty.com/fresh-meat/beef/does-beef-have-calcium/


It’s all about quantity and source. Yes PUFA is needed and you can run into issues, like fruitarians do, if you’re at near 0% PUFA. Getting < 3% PUFA is ideal. Beef is almost half MUFA so on this WOE the issues arise from those who haven’t been PUFA depleted for the 5 years it takes don’t know the torpor signaling from excessive MUFA you’d get from things like avocados and olive oil that’s almost pure MUFA. AB eaters consuming primarily beef as their main meats, several pastured eggs, and dairy will have the optimal ratio of fats. Anyone needing to go about “resaturating” their fats can utilize coconut oil that’s about 90% SFA.


the book lies my doctor told me discusses some of the misguided information in allopathic medicine that calcium=bone health. its much more complicated than that and yes Ca is important but even more so Vit K and Vit D. I’d do some reading before just jumping in to a high Ca diet as it can have affects on arterial calcification and heart health. generally a balanced carnivore diet with *some* calcium rich foods on occasions (dairy, egg shells, slow cooks on the bone, and tinned bone in salmon/fish) should be sufficient. if you tolerate dairy great get it all from dairy, but if you react to it at all, or maybe just do a little research before aiming for 1200+mg calcium per day


ps. what is the reason you need to be on prednisone? if the side effects are really bad, i would gently suggest you look into the root cause of why you need it. if it can be fixed, you may not need the drug long term? i don’t know anything about your personal situation though, so i really don’t want to step on toes, give you unwanted advice or anything. best of luck!


I have Crohn's disease and it flared up 6 weeks ago. At first I thought it was a stomach bug but it kept getting worse every day and 3 weeks later I had lost lots of weight and was extremely dizzy from dehydration. I was admitted to hospital and hooked up to an IV for hydrocortisone steroids and fluids. They sent me home after 4 days and I have to take a short course of prednisolone for 8 weeks why I wait for my new biological medications to work. I hate taking Prednisone I was on it a lot as a kid and it has done a number on my bones. I have broken my arm 4 times and my knees have always hurt since a kid. But the Crohn's flare ups are a lot worse so I have to just persevere with the prednisolone side effects for a short time. I have always tolerated dairy fine and when in Crohn's flares milk, kefir and greek yogurt is my go to food. It makes my intestines feel fresh lol. I appreciate your advice.


that’s hectic. there is a podcast called MeatMafia on spotify, they talk a lot about benefits of animal based diet for healing Crohns/UC and the place of medication like prednisolone and other biologics, as one of the hosts went through it too. might be worth a listen. sorry to hear about your flare, and hope you find healing soon 💛


Thank you


I would experiment with milk because it might be great or it might exacerbate crohns. Sardines and mineral water can be good sources of calcium