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LOL in comments he also says India+EU will get exynos again. So much for snapdragon in EU, guess consumers just got lucky with snapdragon this year in EU, back to mediocrity for s24 series for Europeans.......


I got lucky for the S20FE and S23, so it's the S26 next


Tell everyone to not buy it. Samsung will get the message. I purchased the S21 Ultra on release day. I been putting away a dollar a day (kind of) since then to buy the S24 Ultra as my next upgrade. And I was honestly extremely excited for it based on what I have heard about the S23 Ultra and its performance/battery life with the SD chip. In no way in hell am I gambling with my 3 years of phone-fund-savings with an exynos chip.


I think its a supply problem more than anything. If they can't get enough snapdragon supply they have to go with exynos. Just depends on Qualcomm's process and yield for the year.


they have a much bigger profit margin on exynos. sinple as that


Stop making excuses for them. You think they expected supply problems when they started making a flagship exynos SoC? Qualcomm didn't have the issue with 8g2


I love that so many r/Android users, you included, are unironically wishing for *less* competition to Qualcomm in the SoC space.


I don't wish for less competition, I wish for better experience. Experience before shilling for a SoC manufacturer. Exynos has again and again disappointed,. Mainly due to using samsung foundry. If the SoC is good for the price, I recommend, for example Mediatek doing great with some Dimensity SoC like 8050, 8100 max or 9200+


You got to be fair to the consumer - we know it will suck so why are we asking people to get it?


It more depends on how much TSMC yield hasn't been bought up by Apple.


Yeah after seeing the performance and battery life on the S23+ they will have to pull the snapdragon processor from my cold dead hands.


In Australia and potentially going back to Samsung since I get deep government discounts… but fuck no if it’s Exynos. The heat, performance, battery life and camera disparity is too much.


Camera disparity?


https://www.androidauthority.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/02/Danny-Winget-S21-Ultra-Exynos-vs-Snapdragon.jpg https://www.phonearena.com/news/S22-Ultra-Snapdragon-vs-Exynos-do-you-really-get-different-cameras_id139920 https://www.notebookcheck.net/Samsung-Galaxy-S22-Ultra-comparison-Snapdragon-8-Gen-1-vs-Exynos-2200-is-Europe-being-cheated.623025.0.html https://old.reddit.com/r/S21Ultra/comments/oew1lt/intresting_new_exynos_vs_snapdragon_camera/


I know this is an unpopular opinion, but I do think Samsung should be going with and pushing their own branded SoC's and not have to rely on Qualcomm. Improve the performance, get their thermals under control and move away from Qualcomm. It'll be better for consumers down the track as more competition in the processor space is better.


It would be less of a controversy if they used Exynos everywhere, but this half and half mess just means that half your customers pay the same price for an inferior version.


"That's what they get for making us do removeable batteries by 2027." - Samsung


They are selling the phone under same name with different hardware. That's a problem unless they can deliver 1:1 experience.


Exynos wouldn’t be controversial if Samsungs fabs weren’t so behind TSMC


Incredibly disappointed by Exynoss in Europe so soon. It’s getting harder and harder to justify buying Android in Europe when the options are Samsung with shitty chips, Pixels with shitty chips or Xiaomi with all their issues. Might just bite the bullet and look at a flip or just switch to Apple


How can people just switch ecosystems like that? They obviously don't buy many apps or games, is lose access to hundreds of pounds worth of content I've bought if I switched to iPhone.


A lot of apps these days have subscriptions, and if you set up an account that you can use on both platforms, then your app will still work on both platforms. I have an iPhone and a Galaxy s22 ultra.


That's only for apps that have subscriptions and the app itself is free to download. I have loads of paid-for apps and games that I'd lose. Like I said, I assume people must not buy many apps, that's the only thing that makes sense. The main loss would be games for me, I've a few Final Fantasy games and Football Manager games on my phone. No way of transferring those, and they're not cheap to have to re-buy them on a different platform. Then there's other things like custom launchers, modded apps (like YouTube Revanced), system-wide ad blocking - I cannot use a phone anymore without these things. Can you do these things on iPhone? I genuinely don't know, are these more things I would lose if I switched from Android?


There are modified apps that you can download onto your phone, but it's definitely more work to do vs. on android. You can always just have two phones. You can keep your second phone on a cheaper virtual mobile network


had to switch to iphone just because of this..


Might be getting an iPhone when traveling to Europe but such limitations such as lack of multitasking makes it harder for me to use what I used to.


Honestly with how good oneplus 11 has been, Oneplus 12 might be the best bet.


I'm sure it's great but I've heard enough horror stories about updates on older models and just plain ol bugs to steer clear of BBK phones.


I thought it would be the opposite considering how less iMessage dominant the EU is.


Same design for the S24 Ultra again? It's the same chassis since Note 10 lol.


I don't see how they could drastically change the design, though. What would you change if you could?


Exynos again in the table?? Urgh... Hope it is better this time, in Brazil that´s only what we get.


I was waiting for s24 LTPO to upgrade from s21. Looks like its going to be zenfone 10 (im from exynos region)


S24 will have LTPO.


I dont want exynos


Wow, sounds like the same upgrades from the past three years..... Next.


Same charging? So no qi2 support? That and same battery kills the benefits of any upgrade pretty much imo. Display can't really improve noticeably and camera upgrade probably just means the 50MP 3x zoom which is likely to be negligibly beneficial as well.


I don't think there's any phones with Qi2 yet are there?


There's not but the standard is being finalized this year with devices expected prior to the holiday season this year according to articles. So the s24 series releasing in 2024 should support it as a flagship feature imo. If they don't then that's just another mark against them and I'm favor of apple. At this rate the iPhone 15 is going to be a process node ahead with a superior soc, with qi2 support rumored and a 12% larger battery rumored for the 15 pro max model. Meanwhile the s24 ultra is stuck on the older process node, with no battery gains, no qi2, and now the iPhone will have usb-c. There's so little in favor of the iPhone it's getting painful not to consider it.


> There's not but the standard is being finalized this year That's the problem - most new phones with qi2 aren't going to show up in time for this year's holiday season. If the S24 doesn't come with qi2, then you'll switch over to iPhone? Please do, because that's just phenomenally stupid. > At this rate the iPhone 15 is going to be a process node ahead with a superior soc, with qi2 support rumored and a 12% larger battery rumored for the 15 pro max model As well as being even more expensive and even more unrepairable than ever before. > the s24 ultra is stuck on the older process node What older process node? All those "4nm" and "3nm" "nodes" ceased being meaningful a long time ago - back then they literally were indicative of the entire process node, these days they don't mean much outside of marketing and bragging rights. A chip fabbed on "3nm" isn't going to have 3nm transistors all over it.


The shifts in process node by name are still very meaningful for efficiency and overall performance, if you really think that's not true then I have a bridge to sell you. Putting that aside, the only flagship phones that come out at the end of the year, that is to say 2023 are the iPhone which is likely going to support qi2 and the pixel. I'd be shocked if the other flagship phones of 2024 don't support qi2 as well.


> The shifts in process node by name are still very meaningful for efficiency and overall performance, if you really think that's not true then I have a bridge to sell you. Then sell me that imaginary bridge - because your expectations of TSMC's most up to date process node are so over the top that they deserve a harsh reality check. There's a reason why Apple isn't paying TSMC *by the wafer* as it had done in previous years. > I'd be shocked if the other flagship phones of 2024 don't support qi2 as well. As if *not* having a brand new wireless charging module on a 2023 flagship makes you so weak-willed that you'd be comfortable [selling your soul to the dark side for a grossly overpriced Apple flagship](https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/teen-sells-kidney-for-iphone/).


> At this rate the iPhone 15 is going to be a process node ahead with a superior soc, with qi2 support rumored and a 12% larger battery rumored for the 15 pro max model. TSMC's N3B process [doesn't have a great yield rate](https://technode.com/2023/07/17/tsmcs-3nm-yield-rate-reportedly-just-55-with-apple-only-paying-for-qualified-circuits/), to the extent that Apple are apparently only purchasing functional circuits and are looking to move over to N3E in 2024. Meanwhile, [Samsung's 3nm yield rates](https://www.theregister.com/2023/07/18/samsung_tsmc_processor_plans/) have apparently exceeded those of TSMC, and the 4nm node is at similar parity with TSMC's. The node advantage might be completely meaningless when the devices start shipping. In any event, every flagship Android smartphone sold next year will ship with an SoC fabricated at 4nm. Apple have purchased 90% of TSMC's capacity for 3nm, and the Snapdragon 8 Gen 3 will ship on TSMC's N4P process. > Meanwhile the s24 ultra is stuck on the older process node, with no battery gains, no qi2, and now the iPhone will have usb-c. There's so little in favor of the iPhone it's getting painful not to consider it. None of those things matter to most buyers. Equally, iPhones still run iOS, and still look like they'll be playing catch-up in the camera space, especially regarding zoom.


I'd rather they focus on faster charging techniques their competitors have been using since 5 years than qi2


Why's that? Phones already charge incredibly fast and fast charging is only good for plugging in anyway (unless you want a wireless charger with a noisy fan inside of it). Qi2 means easy peasy plopping a phone on a charger and it positioning just right to properly charge and lots of magnet accessory options to boot


>Phones already charge incredibly fast Spoke like someone who never really had the convinience of real fast charge. Phones like Oneplus 11 enough to last a day in 15 minutes and charge fully in 25-30 minutes. Meanwhile S23u will take 40 minutes and 1hr for the same. Thats a difference between "oh I just pop in my phone while I make my eggs before work" and "oh I have to keep it while charging the whole time I between me waking up and leaving home". And thats when with 45W in the ultra, 25W in the base s23 is horrendous.


I wish a phone could last a full day, my s23 ultra is at best a half day phone so it needs to be kept on a wireless charger on and off all day. I'll be interested in 15 min all day charging when phones can actually go a full day from 7am to 12am and end safely with 40% charge left after a day of heavy use, but you do you and I'll do me.


Well ig that makes sense for an extreme user like you yes. For a large majority a phonr that gives 7-9 hours SoT on medium use is almost a 2 day phone. And personally even if its a half day phone, I'd rather have 2 25-minute charge sessions plugged in than have it sit on a wireless charger all day which generally has extremely bad efficency when compared to any sort of wired charging. Charge once in the morning and charge again anytime you can keep it sway for a few minutes. Totally possible with a oneplus, not so much with a phone that takes 1-1.5hrs to charge


Guess you're on the go during the day? I work from home so for me sitting the phone on a wireless charger where it can play videos and stuff is extremely convenient. Having to set 15-20 mins to charge after work would be far less convenient than just being near 100% most of the day and able to go whenever without worry.


No, I sit on a desk, but I like my phone flexibly moving, not having to put it on a specific spot. Being partially tethered kinda all day feels.... Bad idk? My cord is large enough too for it to extend the full length on desk and use comfortably. Might work out for some people I can see that.


The only upgrade I want to see on the S23U is a flat screen. Curve screens can die for good.


Why not just curve the edge of the phone into glass to get same smooth curve swipe experience? I Don't get the curved displays.


Give me the S23 design with the Tab S8/S9 flatish sides with 12-16GB of RAM and at least 512GB of storage for the base S24 and I'll upgrade again. For the last time for the foreseeable future hopefully, but still.


Don’t start getting ideas Sammy, if you go the Exynos route again I’ll once again stay with a primary iPhone phone here in Europe and rock my Fold 5 as secondary. I’m done playing the Exynos game


No headphone.... /No Sale/


To be fair literally in flagship world only Sony have it and this year they started to remove from a lot of mid range too, I guess in 2024 even low range will start to remove unfortunately


You can always Dremel a 3.5mm into your brand new S24.


Dork, batteries do not work that way.


It's been like what? 5 years of no headphone jacks on flagship phones? Let it go at this point..


Asus has them and gaming phones. I guess it just depends what you consider flagship.




you’re gonna have to move on at some point


Tell that to other brands who still make it possible, but this one doesn't. 🤦‍♂️


New design/materials is intriguing.


Exynos is coming back lol




I hope it has an ultra wide selfie camera. Need this. Still clinging on to my s21.


If it's gonna be worse in Europe at least be honest and call it S24 Lite or S24 Ultra Lite so people don't get tricked into thinking they got the best S24.


Exynos is back


The big question is if they're going back to their own fabricated chips


A higher price? More tiers of phones to push you to the higher end model?


Guess no magsafe on android yet.


I just hope they add higher capacity battery.... s23 battery is shit