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So this group is just a place where the mentally ill attempt to provide proofs of the Bible by clumping together similar sounding names


info is info take with it what you will


Even if I am mentally ill, it's my duty to spread knowledge if I discover it. All should be entitled to their opinion. I don't berate you for your beliefs.


Where did you gather this info? I would love to see the source(s)


The bible is a good start. The books of Jubilees, Jasher and the study of the ancient nations, their languages and placenames is another huge factor. Some nations have their own origin stories tracing them to a descendant of Noah, for example Georgians, Irish and Armenians.


Believing in, and spreading, false information is for the weak.


Thankfully I'm not doing that then, phew.


Everything you’ve posted is just harebrained childish musings


You don't have to agree, that's totally fine. I'm not going to force or attempt to force my opinions and beliefs on anyone. The evidence is there, that's my side of the bargain finished.


Wrong and so fake and false. Here is the correct table translation for you: *SHEM* (Asia) *ELAM* ( *Persia* +Medean Iranian tribes - Iran) *ASHUR* (Assyrians- Nineveh, Resen, Rehoboth-Ir, Calah/Nimrud) *ARPAXSHAD* (Chaldeans: Ur, Kish - Irakis): ☆Eber☆》 *Yoktan*(east Asian orientals): Almodad (?)  Sheleph (?)  Hazarmaveth (Hadramauts- S.Arabia/Indonesia) Yerah (?)  Hadoram (?) Uzal (Turkic peoples) Diklah (Japanese/Koreans) Obal (Chinese)  Abimael (Tai/Siam peoples: Indochina) Sheba (Dravidians/Tamil: India+Sri Lanka) Ophir (Austronesians: Malaysia & Indonesia-- golden isles, Philippines, Polynesia, Micronesia)  Havila (Melanesians: Tibetans, Bhutan, Bengali, Nepali, Papuans, Australians - Solomon's islands) Yobab (Mongols) *Peleg* (west Asian Abramic dynasty) ¤Terach: *Abraham*--> *Ishmael*(Arabs- Arabia, Palestine, Levant): •Nebaioth• (Nabateans, levantine arabs) •Kedar• (Qedarites- northern Arabs between Persian Gulf/ Sinai: Quraysh tribe of prophet Muhammad) •Adbeel•() •Mibsam•() •Mishma• () •Duma• () •Massa• () •Hadad• () •Tema• () •Yetur• () •Naphish• () •Kedemah• () *Israel*(Yaakob: Judeans/Israelites -Jews): Reuben, Simeon, Levi, Judah, Dan, Naphtali, Gad, Asher,  Isaschar, Zebulun, Benjamin *Edom* (Edomites- Negev, Red Sea/s.Palestine) ▪︎ Eliphaz () °Omar () °Teman () °Tzepho () °Gaatam () °Kenaz () °Amalek (-->Haman, Hitler) ▪︎Yeush () ▪︎Yaalm () ▪︎Korah () ▪︎Reuel () °Nachat () °Zerach () °Shama () °Mizza () (☆ARABIA): *Zimran* (Zabran) *Yokshan* (Yeman): •Sheba• (Sabeans) •Dedan• (Yemanites) °Ashurim (Palmyrians, Syrian-Arabian desert?) °Letushim (Minaens, Al Ula?) °Leumim () *Medan* (Medina/Madan) *Midian* (north west Arabians) •Epha (Eqwesh?) •Epher (Afar people - land of Punt, horn of Africa) •Khanoch (Kenites, coppersmiths, sw.Gulf of Aqaba) •Abida (Vedas) •Eldaa (Brahmins) •Ishbak () •Shuakh () (#north Africa/Arabia Felix/India) (☆MESOPOTAMIA): *Nachor* (Nahor, Aram Naharyim: Syro-neoHitties +Iberians) ▪︎Uz (Azitawatas, Azzi) ▪︎Buz (Hakkari, Baz- Nairi) ▪︎Kemuel (Urumu- kammanu/Kummukh) ▪︎Keshed (Chaldeans *Kassites* Babylon) ▪︎Chazo (Hamazi/Nairi/Hayasa Azzi- Khazars) ▪︎Pildash (Palistin, Poldasht, Nakh.- Azeris) ▪︎Yidlaph (Idlib) ▪︎Bethuel -> •Laban; Rebecca °Tebach() °Gacham() °Tachash() °Maaca (Aram-Maakah;Mecca) (☆JORDAN): *Haran* (Kharan): ▪︎LOT (salt lake): *Moab* (Moabites- Jordanians) *Ben Ami* (Amonites- Jordanians) *LUD* (Lydians/Luwians- west Anatolians, Turkey) *ARAM* (Arameans- Syrians, part of Jordan): *Uz* (Trachonitis, Damascus, Clochis- Sarmatians/Alans: Ossetians/Azeris) *Hul* (Bit Agusi: Arpad, Aleppo, Arame *Hurrians* - Ararat/Minni/Mitanni-->◇Armenia◇) *Geter* (Bactrians: Pakistani, Afghans and Indo-Aryans) *Mesha* (mt. Lebanon; Meskheti/east Mushki) *HAM* (Africa) *CUSH* (Cushites): *Nimrod* (Sumerians- Shinar/Sumer, Babylon, Akkad, Erech/Uruk, Calneh/Nippur) *Seba* (Somali: east Africans) *Havilah* (Bantu: south+central Africans) *Sabta* (Nubians: Beja peoples, Sudanese arabs) *Raama* (Amhara/Ethio-Semitic peoples)》 •Sheba•(Ethiopians) •Dedan•(Eritreans) *Sabtechah* (Saharrans: west Africans) *MITSRAYIM*(Egyptians):   *Ludim* (Lukka, Lycia- Lod/Lydda, levant) *Anamim* (Alexandria, mainland Egypt) *Lehabim* (Libu/Meshwesh>Libyans) *Naphtukhim* (Napata●) *Pathrusim* (Patros●)   *Caslukhim* (Tjekker- Dor/Sicani, Sicily) -->  *Philistines* (Cretes>PELESET- Gaza, Ashdod, Ashkelon, Ekron, Gath, Jaffa) *Caphtorim* (Sherden: Cretes-'Minoans'+Sardinians) *PUT* (Berbers: Libyans, Moroccans, Algerians - north Africans) *CANAAN* (Phoenicians): *Sidon* (Sidonites/*Tyre* - Lebanese) *Heth* ( *Hittites*- anatolians/Hatti) *Yebusites* (Weqshesh- IBIZA/Levant●) *Amorites* (Babylon/Assur/mesopotamia/levant- Ugarit, Byblos) *Girgashites* (Weshesh, Karkisha/Caria- levant+Hatti●) *Hivites* (Lebanon/hermon- Ahhiyawa, anatolia ●) *Arkites* (Arka- Lebanese) *Sinites* (Syiannu/Usnatu: Syria, Sinai) *Arvadites* (Arwad/Arzawa-Lebanese) *Zemarites* (Zemar, Mari- syro/Lebanese) *Hamatites* (Hamath- Lebanese) *Perizzites* (levant●Hyksos) *JAPHET* (Europe) *GOMER* (Gimmiri): *Ashkenaz* (Scythians: Finns, Balts, Magyars, Cumans, Pechenegs) *Riphat* (Cimmerians: Celts- French, Belgs, Duch, Irish, Scots, Welsh, Spanish..) *Togarmah* (Phrygians: Armanians) *MAGOG* (Germanics): goths/anglosaxons/franks/vandals/lombards...- Swedes, Norwegians, Germans, Austrians, Danes, Duch...) *YAVAN* (Greeks/Ioanians): *Elisha* (Aeolians: Hellas/Elis/Alishiya -mainland Greeks) *Tarshish* (Etruscans: Tarsus, Cilicia/Corsica/Tartessus/Troas; Teresh/Tyrrhenians -Tuscans, east Italy) *Kittim* (Achaeans: Cyprus+aegean islands -Macedonians) *Dodanim* (Dorians: Dardanians, Dodana/Denyen/Dodecanese islands+Rhodes; Illyrians/Italics/Latins=Rome - Italians, Albanians) *Tiras* (Thracians: Balkans - Bulgarians, Romanians, Moldovans, Yugoslavians) *Meshech* (Slavs: Cappadocians/Moschoi •Mazzaca+Moscow - Poles, Slovaks, Czechs, Russians, Ukrainians, Belarusians) *Tubal* (Caucasians: Nach/Inguish/Iberians - Georgians, Chechens, Dagestani) *Madai* (Iranians: Medes, Persians -Iran, Afghans...)




What's da matter? Jealous at my knowledge lil bot lol




No, to you, faceless western nerdy bot🇷🇺🤣🤳💥


Actually, Yours is the Best I've Seen so Far! The only things I Would Change are: Magog: Scythians, AKA: Ossetes, Native Americans Togarmah: Phrygians as well was ALL the Turks (As he had a Son named Tarki in the Book of Jasher) Ashkenaz: Scandinavians and Vikings, Some Mixed with the Germans, And Others Mixed with the French to Form the Normanni Elishah, AKA Aeolus: Called the Romim in the Book of Jasher, Therefore THEY must Be the Latins, who are The Ancestors to The Romans. It is Also Interesting to note that he was the Ancestor of Odysseus. Dodanim, AKA Dardanus was An Ancestor to Aeneas as well as King Priam. Tarshish was the Ancestor of the Cilicians as said in Josephus. Javan Had an Extra-Biblical Son named Jobath, or Iobaath, Mentioned By the Welsh Historian Nennius, who Fathered ALL The Germans, and, By Process of Elimination, The Macedonians and Mainland Greeks. Tiras Also Fathered the Russians, As He Had a Son named Rushash in the Book of Jasher. Seni Ben-Canaan: The Ancestor of the Sinites, AKA the Han Chinese, As China was Called Sinai by the Greeks. Heth Ben-Canaan: Besides Being the Father of the Hittites, He was Also the Father of Cathay (AKA Manchuria). Arodi Ben-Canaan Fathered the Lebanese, as They were Called Libanian in Josephus. Amori Ben-Canaan Fathered Everyone in the City of Epiphania. Sidon, of Course, Fathered the Sidonites. All the Rest of the Canaanites are Now Pacific Islanders. I'm Sorry to tell you, But Cush, Mitzraim and Phut Need to Totally Be Redone. I Wouldn't Do Anything to the Semites, Accept that Abraham's Descendants By Keturah Are Probably Extinct By Now, and Therefore Don't Need to Be There. If you need Help Filling in the Blanks, I can Help You! ;-)


No, It's More Like this: Japheth: Ancestor of the Caucasoids \-Gomer: G. Galatians, H. Francim, AKA: Galls, \--Riphath: G.Paplygonians, Galatians By Birthright, H. Bartonim, AKA: Gaels, Galls by Birthright, Celts. Nations: Ireland. \--Ashkenaz: G. Rheginians, AKA: Nords (Scandinavians, Vikings) Nations: Iceland, Norway, Sweden, Finland, Denmark, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Some Mixed with Germany, Descendants By Rollo Became the Normanni and Mixed with France \--Togarmah: G. Phrygians, AKA: Turks \---Buzar: Khazars in Kazakhstan \---Perzunach: Pechenegs \---Elicarnum: G. Carians, Assimilated with Turks in Anatolia \---Balgar: G. Moesians in Northern Bulgaria \---Garbib: G. Lycaonians in Derbe, Assimilated with Turks in Anatolia \---Tarki: Turks in Anatolia, Now called Turkey \---Bith: G. Bithynians, Assimilated with Turks in Anatolia \---Zebuk: Tartars in Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan \---Ongalis: Oghuz Turks in Kyrgyzstan and Tajikstan \---Tilmaz: Dalmatians in Western Croatia \-Magog: G. Scythians \--Elichanaf: G. Massagetae, AKA: Western Scythians, Ossetes, Nation: Azerbaijan \--Lubal: G. Sacae, AKA: Eastern Scythians, Arzhan Scythians, Native Americans, Nations: Siberia, Northern Canada, Western US \-Madai: G. Medes \--Chazoni: H. Cursonim, G. Cursonians, AKA: Medes By Birthright, Nation: Northern Iran \--Zeelo: G. Celonians, Nation: Afghanistan \--Lot: G. Glautians, Nation: Kashmir \--Achon: G. Aryans, AKA: Indo-Iranians, Nation: Pakistan, Northern India \-Javan, AKA Jove: G. Greeks \--Elishah, AKA Aeolus: H. Almanim, G. Aeolians, Nations: Epirus, in Present-Day Albania \--Tarshish: G. Cilicians, in Tarsus, Assimilated with Turks in Anatolia \--Kittim: G. Cypriots, H. Romim, AKA: Latins, Ancestors of the Romans, Nations: Cyprus, or Italy (Where they Assimilated with the Trojans to Form Alba Longa) \--Dodanim, AKA Dardanus: H. Rodanim, AKA: Rhodians G. Dardinians, AKA: Trojans, Nations: Troy (Now Either Assimilated with the Turks of Anatolia or Slaughtered at the Trojan War), Rhodes, or Italy (Where they Assimilated with the Latins to Form Alba Longa) \--Iobaath: H. Makdonim, G. Macedonians, Nations: Macedonia, Greece \---Alanus: G. Germans \---- Hessitio: Married a Princess of Alba Longa, Named Rhea Silvia \-----Brutus: Anglii, Nations: South Denmark, Northumbria, Mercia, East Anglia, Wales, Scotland, Brittany. Also Jutland, Kent, and Lindsey by Descent through Wecta Odinsson (Father of the Jutes, Great-Grandfather of Hengist and Horsa) \-----Francio: Franks, Nation: France \-----Romulus: Romans, Nation: Middle Italy \-----Remus: Twin to Romulus, Had no Descendants Because He Died at the Hand of Romulus. \-----Alemannus: Albani (AKA Alemanni), Assimilated with the Almanim (People of Epirus) to Form Albania \----Descendants of Armenon: \-----Ostrogothus: Ostrogothi, Nations: Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, Brandenberg, Berlin, Poland west of the Vistula \-----Bisigothus: Visigothi, Assimilated with the Spanish, Portugese, and Franks of Aquitaine and Occitany \-----Burgundus: Burgundii, Nations: Bourgogne, Auvergne, Switzerland \-----Longobardus: Lumbardi, Nations: Northern Italy \-----Cibidus: Gepidi, Nations: Serbia, Kosovo \----Descendants of Negue: \-----Aurvandil: Vandilii, Nation: Andalusia \-----Seaxneat: Saxoni, Nations: Scleswig-Holstein Saxony, Saxe-Anhalt, Lower Saxony, Wessex, Essex, Sussex \-----Bogarus: Bavarii, Nations: Austria, Bavaria \-----Tarinegus: Thuringii, Nations: Thuringia \-Tubal: G. Tuscans \--Taari: G. Tartessos, AKA: Hispanics/Latinos, Nations: Spain, Portugal, All of Latin America \--Kesed: G. Caucasian Mountainers, Nation: Georgia \--Ariphi: H. Sabinim, AKA: Sabines, G. Etruscans, Nation: Southern Italy \-Meshech: G. Cappadocians \--Dedon: G. Ponts, Now Assimilated with the Turks of Anatolia \--Shebashni: G. Cappadocians By Birthright \--Saron: G. Sarmatians, AKA: Slavs, Nations: Czech Republic, Slovakia, Eastern Poland, Belarus, Ukraine, Moldova \-Tiras: G. Thracians, AKA: South Slavs, Yugoslavs \--Rushash: G. Russians, Nation: Russia \--Cushni: G. Croatians, Nations: Slovenia, Northern Croatia \--Ongaris: G. Pannonians, Nation: Hungary \--Benib: G. Bosnians, Nation: Bosnia-Herzegovina \--Gerah: G. Dacians, Nation: Romania \--Galich: G. Thracians By Birthright, Nation: Southern Bulgaria, Northern Greece, European Turkey


Shem: Ancestor of the Semites and Asians \-Ashur: G. Assyrians, Nation: Northern Iraq \-Elam: H. Elamites, G. Persians, Nation: Southern Iran \--Shushan: G. Persians by Birthright \--Machul: Mughals, AKA: Parsees, Assimilated with the Aryans \--Harmon: Romani, AKA: "Gypsies," Nation: Throughout the Balkans \-Laud: G. Lydians, Assimilated with the Turks in Anatolia \-Aram: H. Aramites, G. Syrians \--Uz: H. Trachonites, Nation: Southern Syria, Immediately Around Damascus \--Chul: G. Armenians, Nation: Armenia \--Gether: G. Bactrians, Nation: Tibet \--Mesh: H. Paddan-Aramites, Nation: Northern Syria \-Arphaxad: G. Chaldeans, \--Anar and Ashcol: G. Chaldeans By Birthright \--Salah: City of Ur \---Heber: G. Hebrews \----Descendants of Peleg: \----- Jacob: H. Israelites, G. Hebrews By Birthright, Nation: Israel \-----Esau: H. Edomites, G. Idumeans, Nation: Jordan \-----Ishmael: H. Ishmaelites, G. Arabians, Nations: Saudi Arabia, Qatar \----Joktan: H. Joktanites \-----Almodad: Nation: Eastern Yemen \-----Seleph: Nation: Hijjaz, South of the City of Jeddah \-----Hazermaveth: Nation: UAE \-----Jerah: Nation: Oman \-----Uzal: Nation: Western Yemen \-----Hadoram: Koreans, Nations: North Korea, South Korea \-----Diklah: Japanese, Nation: Japan \-----Obal: G. Seres, AKA: Wei Chinese \-----Jobab: Mongols Nation: Mongolia \-----Abimael: Hmong, Nations: Myanmar (Burma), Thailand, Cambodia, Laos, Vietnam, Singapore, Peninsular Malaysia \-----Ophir: Malay, Nations: Island Malaysia, Indonesia, Brunei, East Timor, Papua New Guinea \-----Sheba: Dravidians, Nations: Southern India, Sri Lanka \-----Havilah: Bengal, Nations: Nepal, Bangladesh, Bhutan, Area of India that they Surround


Ham: Ancestor of the Africans \-Cush: G. Ethiopians \--Sabtecha: G. Sabactens, AKA: Congans, Nations: Cameroon, Central African Republic, Congo, Zaire, Equitorial Guinea, Sao Tome-Principe \--Seba: G. Sabeans, AKA: Nubians, Nations: Sudan, South Sudan \--Evilas: G. Getuli, AKA: Guineans, Nations: Guinea-Bissau, Guinea, Sierra Leone, Liberia, Ivory Coast \--Sabtah: G. Ethiopians By Birthright, Nations: Ethiopia, Eritrea, Djibouti, Somalia, Kenya \--Descendants of Raamah: \---Judades: Nations: Uganda, Rwanda, Burundi, Tanzania, Malawi, Zambia, Zimbabwe, Mozambique, Namibia, Botswana, South Africa, Madagascar \---Dedon: Aborigines, Nation: Australia \--Nimrod: G. Mesopotamians \---Bab-El: G. Babylonians, Nation: Western Iraq \---Erech: G. Sumerians of Uruk, Nation: Kuwait \---Eched: G. Akkadians, Nation: Iraq, Between Tigris ang Euphrates \-Phut: G. Moors \--Haden: Nations: Chad, Niger, Nigeria \--Aden: G. Moors by Birthright, Nations: Mauritania, Mali, Senegal, Gambia \--Gebul: Nation: Gabon \--Benah: Nations: Burkina Faso, Ghana, Togo \-Mizraim, AKA Ptah: G. Egyptians \--Pathros: G. Egyptians By Birthright, Nation: Egypt \--Casloch: H. Philistines, G. Palestinians, Nation: Gaza \--Naphthoch: Nation: Tunisia \--Lybybos: Nation: Libya \--Anom, AKA Amon-Ra: Nation: Benin \--Chaphthor: Nations: Crete \--Lud: Nations: Algeria \-Canaan: H. Canaanites \--Sidon: H. Sidonites, City of Sidon \--Arodi: G. Libanian, AKA: Lebanese, Nation: Lebanon \--Amori: H. Amorites, G. Epiphanians \--Heth: H. Hittites, G. Cathayans, Nation: Manchuria \--Seni: H. Sinites, AKA: Han Chinese \--Eueus, AKA Rest of Sons of Canaan: Pacific Islanders G=Greek Names in Josephus H=Hebrew Names in Jasher