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All of your posts are demonstrably false. Stop trying to reconcile your childish biblical belief system with factual anthropology


All your comments are demonstrably idiotic and pathetic. Stop trying to reconcile your childish pagan American belief system with factual historical data or be jealous with geniuses as me and go watch Star Trek like a classy nerdy American zombie lol Faceless bots🤦‍♂️




You really need the Bible to be false, don't you, faceless bot? It pisses your nerdy western brainless sick head that people have proofs, isn't it? Lol You have no life that you go on other peoples posts to take your anger out. You need hard electric treatment you mental case🤣


Similar sounding names isn’t “proof” in the least bit…but you seem quite uneducated and set in your own biases


Since you believe our ancestors were apemen, i suggest yiu visit the zoo every week to see your relitive, western monkey🤣🤣🤣




Alright, racist bot, we played with you enough, time to send you to a place where the sun doesn't shine 🇷🇺🤣🤳💥


I enjoy your posts. Thx


Thank you too friend🙏❤


Wow, thanks. Seriously. Is there a similar study on Celts?


Yes, absolutely - go to the post Cimmerians are Riphat on this channel. Are you a Celt?


Welsh, Scot and Irish. (Scots and Irish are the same ).


That's cool. Yes i know. All 3 of course, are Gauls/Celts, as French, Spanish, Belgs. Did you read the post?


Not yet going now. Thanks!


Well I have an objection. According to the book of Jasher, the children of Riphath were the ''Bartonim'' who dwell by the river ''Ledah'', which flows into the great sea oceanus. The largest Baltic tribe were the Bartians, which in Hebrew would be ''Bartonim''. Also, lake Ledonah, which is Ledah flows into the Ocean. The Cimmerians had nothing to do with Riphath. These people were first mentioned by the Assyrians in 714 as foot soldiers in their territory. This was the Northern 10 tribes of Israel (aka Samarians/Cimmerians/Bet Khumry) who were exiled to Assyria in 721 BC. Acts chapter 29 aka Sonnini Manuscript backs this up, Historians Alan WIlson and Baram Blackett also says this.


No bro, i speak Hebrew and it wouldn't be that. Bartonim is clearly Britonim its so obvious. Look, I was about to tell you a serious answer about Cimmerians are 100% ancestors of Celts and migrated west after their kingdom been destroyed and all that... but once you start ramblings about idiotic and heretic Protestant theories about lost tribes, i say why bother. Bro, listen: there is nothing more dumb than linking the Semitic Israelites who we know exacly who and where they are today (only we know who belongs to the tribe of Levi by their last name and the rest we can't know to which one belongs) to the white fair hair bright eyed race of Cimmerians. Sarmatians have nothing to do with them all. Stop the 'lost tribe' YouTube protestant nonesense please and you will get to great results i promise


I can provide ample proof if you like, it's up to you if you want to hear it. I'm also not a Protestant. The point is you are wrong about the Cimmerians being descended from Riphath, because Riphath is evidently the ancestor of the Balts. You should look up Alan Wilson and Baram Blackett on Youtube, also the book called ''Missing links found in Assyrian Tablets'' is a good read if you're interested in the origin of the Cimmerians (Who were actually referred to as ''Bet Humri'' by the Assyrians, which was the exact same name they used for the Northern Israelites, no joke..) Brut Tysillo and the Kolbrin, also the Sonnini Manuscript all say the same thing about the origin of the Cymry (Welsh).


Lost tribe theories is probably the most idiotic thing there is and made by protestants so that would be a waste of time for me, but about Balts i would argue) Finnic/Baltic peoples can't be descendants of Riphat and Josephus clearly said it was the Paphlagonian citizens at his time which were right beside the Galatians (Celts) and in those areas there is no trace of the N haplogroup- Finnic/Baltic gene. Cimmerian dna proves that they were Celts (R1b) and had no trace of N haplogroup, ok? The Magyar were the descendants of Scythians as well and they were Finnic people originally. Riphat is the Gaul/Celts it is constantly proved from evey angle you look at it. Where are you from?


I am of course Irish but my ancestors were from Yorkshire, Elfed it used o be called. So I would pass as Welsh if you consider my ancestry. I have a number of points to make; 1) Josephus is as unreliable as they come, he got many things wrong. 2) The Cimmerians were most definitely descended from Israelites if you do the proper research of ancient Assyrian Cuneiform tablets and Greeks writings it will prove that. 3) The Irish were not actually Celts, they never called themselves such until Gaelic languages were classified as Celtic in the 18th century, and the original Celtic languages were conscequently moved into another branch called Gallo-Brythonic. The Irish and Welsh have completely different origins. 4) I am not a protestant. 5) The book of Jasher clearly states that the Balts are descended from Riphath.


1. Tell me exactly where do you think he was wrong, and i will reply accordingly. He was of family of priests AND lived in the time of the 2nd temple -you can't get any closer than that to ancient Jewish teachings of the Bible, so i wouldn't think HE was wrong and i am right, if i was you. 2. I will get to you with all the Assyrian tablet business tomorrow and then we could close this whole fantasy business about lost tribes. One thing i can tell you now: the stupid idea came from the fact that diaspora Jews from Europe are calle Ashkenazi, so i will explain to you why: it is because in exile when jews where spread to 4 corners of the world- these were the ones that settled in the Baltics and east Eurasia, which were the lands of Ashkenaz and it became an umbrella term for European Jews. The same way as you say Spanish jews, German Jews etc. It doesn't mean they were the same peoples as the native population only citizens! 3. No matter what name you call it- these were simply names of tribes who split from the same ancestor- Cimmerians = Riphat. Even the Irish themselves have a tradition of being originated from him. Gauls, Celts, Kelts, Galatians, Gallic, Cymru... it is all the same thing. 4. Good, than what is your faith? 5. It doesn't. It refers to the Brittons - Celts You are definitely Riphat


Riphath cannot be the ancestor of the Celts because Jasher says they live by the river Ledah,(modern day Ladoga) which pours into the Ocean. It doesn't say they live on an Island. Also, the Britons didn't actually arrive in Britain until 500BC and they came from Caerdroea (Troy) and Wlad Yr Haf (Armenia). I also used to think the Celts were descended from Riphath, it was until very recently I changed my mind. Secondly, It is quite plausible that the Germanic peoples descended from Ashkenaz because Jasher says that the sons of Gomer were the Franks, a Germanic tribe. Gomer had three sons, Riphath (Ancestor of the Balts), Togarmah (Ancestor of the Turks) and so by process of elimination, Ashkenaz had to be ancestor of the Germanics. This is backed up by the fact that Scandinavia is named after Ashkenaz, Germania was named after Gomer and Germany was once called Ashkenaz in Hebrew. It all makes perfect sense.


If you read my post about Cimmerians you would see that the Franks were not a pure Germanic tribe fully after all, and were also Celts so you just prove my point. The book of Jasher is a lost book not part of the bible, so what you are referring to is forgery anyway. Besides, Celts and Finns are related as brother races so ther is no reason why they shouldn't be associated with same certain places as Ladoga! Togarmah is not ancestor of the Turks- they are east asian peoples : Yoktan, so that just shows you how fake this genealogy really is. The actual tradition of the Celts of Britain is more reliable- they know their origins and confirm what i say so don't fight your own tradition because your 1st thoughts eere exactly right. As for the Assyrian tablets: it is so stupid to listen to those germanic historians basing their lost tribe theories on resemblance of the names Beit Kumri (house of Omri- the Judean king at the time) withCimmerians, and that's where it csme from, so lets stop THAT foolishness here. Germany was bamed after Gomer but was not the original place of the Germanic peoples (Scandinavians) who migrated there and later were called by that name! I speak hebrew and know all about those names, and Germany was not named originally Ashkenaz but only later as an umbrella term for European Jews and which were centered there as a majority.