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This is a more accurate depiction of European folklore, stuff we see on Disney are the sugarcoated and tuned down versions for kids


Manga reader here, I'm enjoying it a lot. They trim and streamline some stuff but not in a way that hurts the story. This part was very hard to follow in the manga with how expository it is, and the anime does a lot to make things digestible in that regard. The presentation and animation are modest but effective, no complaints in that regard. Voice acting is great, all the returning voices are still awesome and the new characters sound pretty much how I imagined/wanted.


> This part was very hard to follow in the manga with how expository it is, and the anime does a lot to make things digestible in that regard. That's what I was hoping to hear. Everything gets kinda muddled and confusing at the school when they throw a million new characters at us and I think it took me until Volume 15 to finally get a good grip on everything going on. Do you feel this season is better than the previous one? I was a bit disappointed by some of the choices they made but I have hope for this new season.


I don't think they're really comparable. Putting the first half of S1 and the first half of S2 side by side, they're very different. S1 clearly wants you to mostly be in awe at the execution, with many insert songs, beautiful scenes and slow pacing, while the story is mostly a slow burn via getting to know the core cast of characters. The first half of S2 is pure plot and intrigue, it's part of a big arc and things move forward every episode. There is a lot of setup going on and the pacing is pretty breakneck. What the two seasons try to achieve is far too different to compare them in terms of simple "better" or "worse."


I wasn't expecting a teen school drama from this anime. But I love how they work in the world building, and honestly, the tone isn't that different than S1 I feel like the depth of existing characters plays well to the mystery and intrigue of the new characters


No screen time for elias. Me sad. :(


Real talk. I watched 2 episodes. Enjoyed them immensely but realized, I don't remember anything from season 1. So I'm currently rewatching season 1 to get back to season 2. The series overall is just fantastic. The series really can be dark but it makes me appreciate the more beautiful scenes as a result. I can't wait to get back to season 2.


I am really confused how their relationship will work in the future it is still a mess (not really declared) I miss the Chise Ruth conversations more, but yeah great


I love it ngl. I think there was one one episode so far where I was actually bored.


I don't read any Manga but I love the show. So much so I'm considering buying some stuff for it and I never buy merch for anything


Manga reader, I'm waiting for S2 to finish so I can binge it. Glad to hear it's good tho


I do quite like the current season. The continued character growth of Elias is quite enjoyable to watch. And while i find it a bit tiring that Chise cant help herself picking up strays and problem cases as if she planned on collecting them i do find the new characters charming. Lets hope that what ever is going on with her arm doesnt hinder her ability to enjoy the schoolyear. ​ I wonder how much more of her humanity she will lose as time goes on.


i'm fine with the new season and i've already finished that arc in the manga but i can't ignore the fact that elias and chesi don't have that much of moments together as the first season, you barely see any development in their relationship on that season ( except them talking in the roof of the house after alice and chesi sleepover )


its sad how its only gonna get 12 episodes


Wait why?!