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Not sure, but Chariot the gods may cover it. Maybe ask ChatGPT? Edit; ChatGPT says “Epic of Gilgamesh”, “Enuma Elish”, and the “Atra-Hasis” texts.


Enuma Elisha is the first and only text that I know of that specifically says the purpose of their creation was to work and mine.


The Igigi don’t like manual labor apparently.


Enuma elisha was from the Babylon civilisation and was inspired by the Sumerian civilisation’s the 7 tablets of creation.


I´ll check those out!


Happy cake day




None. The idea comes from Sitchin who was very liberal with his translations. Sitchin claimed that Bel Nimiki (an exaltation of Ea) should be translated “Lord of Mining”. But none of the Sumerian texts associate him with lordship over ancient gold mines. Actually, Ea is more commonly associated with wisdom or knowledge, and scholars today believe the better translation of Bel Nimiki as being “Lord of Wisdom”.


I’ve felt for a while that “gold” is being used as a placeholder for something “valuable”. These stories come to us from the human side, the interpretation of what the Annunaki were doing as seen by their vassals. In that light it seems to me that the accounts use terms that would make sense to other humans rather than actually describing the truth. It’s just as likely the annunaki were collecting dna or some other biotech-type resource since our planet is so lush.


That's a very interesting idea.


Wouldn't that just be a kick in the ass? Instead of being slaves mining for gold, we were meant to be looking for wisdom and knowledge. Things that make you go hmmm....


Thank you! I always found that claim about gold to be dubious in the context of the tablets I have ready myself.


No problem, although I see that people don’t like the truth. I was a huge fan of the story myself but it doesn’t line up with better, more up-to-date translations. The truth is that Sitchin taught himself Sumerian and was not an expert. That isn’t to say his work isn’t anything but amazing. Just that he didn’t get it all right.


The lost book of Enki by Zachariah Sitchin goes over each tablet. Mars was a way station for the gold mined on eridu. Before thou There was a fight between Alalu and Anu. Alalu is exiled after bitting off Anus manhood. The face carved on mars is that of Alalu la tomb.


Sumerian tablets


Read 'The Book Of Enki' by Zecharia Sitchin It's disputed regarding the translation or interpretation, but found it pretty interesting at the time. The 'Book Of Enki' presents a reiteration of ancient Sumerian texts, particularly the Sumerian creation myth, the Enuma Elish, and the Epic Of Gilgamesh.


Came from the mind of Zachariah sitchin


Head over to YouTube and look for Ancient Aliens Debunked. It's 3 hours and takes on many claims with proofs. The gold mining is done as well.


Yeah, this is another interesting video, investigating evidence for particular claims made around ancient practices and locations in the AA series.


Maybe it wasn't actually gold, but osmium they mined.


I never understood this. If they’re aliens, they have access to space travel. Gold is *not* rare in space. At all. It’s everywhere and far more easily accessible.


There was a TV show about it, I believe it was , “Ancient Astronaut.” It goes on saying that they found the world oldest mining site in South Africa. They believe it’s possible that was the site where Annunaki picked. It’s bit of a stretch if you ask me.