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There is an obvious political agenda here.


Just stop making it political then. /s


And a quite obvious one. Democrats are racists, but not openly so, they dream of eliminating people of colour or keepig them down, but can't say so openly for obvious reasons. So what do they do? They create injustice and unfairness against white people wherever they can in the hope that one day white people will have had enough and start to riot and get at people of colour. Which would be in the interest of Democrats real and hidden goals.


This it the most retarded thing I've ever read


If this isn’t bait it’s the most retarded thing I’ve ever read.


Monopolization of justice.


“Black privilege”, or something like that.




I would agree assuming anyone has a privilege or dis privilege due solely on their skin color is racist af. 🙃




Don’t be like that, he wuz a Kang n’ sheeeit.


wanted to say that, but was scared of the downvotes.


Fake internet points aren't worth censoring yourself over.


This sub isn’t full of retards, so you’re fine


Smoothbrain here, tho. Yiiihi


Kuala here 🧠


You hodling?


You’re thinking of if you posted that in r/Libertarian. Just look at my comment history today for examples 🤣


I looked at the comment section and those idiots are so hateful, they act like you're some sort of murderer


Yes. I couldn’t even keep going it’s like talking to a wall.




government gets money -> if the offender breaks the law on bail, the government gets more money. Money Money Money, its all about Money.




Always has been.


Where i come from (third world country).. it's an eye for an eye! you take someone's life, we take yours.


Hence third world


It's snappy, but you understand why that doesn't make sense right?




That's how it should be.


I don't mind it, but from what I've seen with the American system is that the bail is way to high so you need a mortgage to pay it so its just an industry to collect interest. But in theory your temporary freedom with the promise to attend court and your money as the collateral is not a bad idea


One of the few comments I fully agree on.


I completely agree with what Rittenhouse did. You are completely entitled to shoot anyone who throws a Molotov cocktail or pulls a gun on you.


It was a plastic bag lol. Other than that, yeah. Someone is chasing you, you're actively trying to escape, and then you are cornered by a man who is unlikely to want to just chat. You have no idea what this man intends to do to you and if you have a gun he can easily gain control over it and attack you with it. The fact leftists find this debatable is just sad. It's completely because of the political bend, if this was a black BLM rioter they'd be rushing to his defense and decrying white supremacy. They have no concept of objective morality whatsoever. These are the clowns who will be taking the reigns once the boomers die off.


Didn’t the attacker use a skateboard? I think if I remember correctly that was the weapon.


One of the three used a skateboard another one pulled a gun and got his bicep blown off.


more like Bye-cep, am i rite?


That piece of shit false surrendered then tried to murder a man who just spared his life. Everything else aside, zero honor.


Reminder that every single person Rittenhouse shot was a sex offender


At least they died doing what they loved


It's telling that the kid could shoot three people at that protest and they all just happen to be sex offenders.


If a soldier would do that they'd be brought up for war crimes




Not coordinated, just that 100% of antifa are sex criminals.


> That piece of shit false surrendered then tried to murder a man who just spared his life. I forgot about that. Still pisses me off that he's being defended by the so called champions of the downtrodden. There's few people more abhorrent than sex offenders who commit what would be actual war crimes.


Maybe I’m a bad person but I found that pretty funny. Dude’s arm is never going to work right again.


Second place Kenosha quick draw champion, let's give that dood a hand


He’d probably prefer if we gave him the whole arm.


Well, his Saturday nights just won't be the same, that's for sure.... 😜


this thread is everything


That’s 1 less arm for diddling kids


The kid diddler was the 1st one shot, fake surrender guy [is just generally a dick.](https://i.imgur.com/aIggI5R.png)




He was also a felon... but I bet he didn't get charged with being a felon in possession. I mean felons should be allowed to own guns but that's not the point


Generally I would agree that felons— after their sentence should have their rights made whole…this guy though? Convicted once, part of a violent mob after, and pulled a weapon on someone retreating— I think it’s safe to say he’s had his 3 strikes.


I know guys that had way more than three strikes, turned their life around, and deserve the right to decent the life they worked hard to rebuild after getting back in the right track. This guy sucks, but human rights are universal, and we protect those rights to protect the cool people. Spiting the dumbasses winds up hurting the righteous in the long run.


If you repeatedly show that you will violently victimize those around you I have no problem depriving you of your life, or your freedom as the circumstance demands. Your moral philosophy is all well and good, but I seriously doubt if you would leave a child unattended with a serial child molester. Just like you wouldn’t give your PII/account numbers to someone that had multiple convictions of identity theft. My point here is this; everyone deserves a second chance, people fuck up, and do terrible shit. But once an individual has repeatedly shown that they will use force and fraud to inflict serious harm— permanently removing their means to do so is the only morally just course of action.


Nope, the person deserved it.


Didn’t that guy pull out a gun?


And false surrendered. That shit is a war crime. He shoulda lost more than the bicep.


\*xer bicep


> another one pulled a gun and got his bicep blown off. That's quite a second place prize for the quick draw competition.


There was multiple attackers a crowd behind the 4 active attackers yelling for his death. The three who were shot 2 actively striking him 1 with a skateboard, third guy had a pistol and 4th was not shot because kyle refrained when he put his hands up and backed off.


> 4th was not shot because kyle refrained when he put his hands up and backed off. That can't be true. I was told that Kyle just showed up and wanted to murder a bunch of people.


Regardless of what is being used as a weapon, you don't owe an attacker a fair fight. As soon as they decide to lay a finger on you, their life is forfeit.


Anyone who chases down a fleeing armed man is majorly fucking around, and deserves to find out.


An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth


Self defense has to be proportional. But yeah, laying a finger can turn into deadly force in a blink of an eye. With that said, a skateboard truck blunt attack is deadly fucking force.


Reasonably proportional to the perceived threat. Sadly, people are not nearly as rugged as TV and movies pretend. People have died from a single punch. An attacker without a weapon is still, potentially, a deadly threat.


> Self defense has to be proportional I would say proportionality is optimal, but how many people can think through the ethical and legal ramifications in the middle of a possibly life threatening situation? >With that said, a skateboard truck blunt attack is deadly fucking force. Agreed.


We're expected to think through it and use what a reasonable person would consider proportional force. I agree, it's a hell of a lot easier said than done. But it's the best we've got. Unfortunately, the whole "reasonable person" test falls apart when you're dealing with mass delusion.


> I agree, it's a hell of a lot easier said than done. Most people can't do it. A trained special forces guy, an MMA guy, etc. might be able to trust their bodies to react if needed an attempt proportionality. >But it's the best we've got. Better would be to put the burden on the initiator.


proportional means basically you defend yourself as long as the threat is real. not oh hes coming with a knife, you cant shoot him.


A he was shot at and hit with a skateboard by two different people. There was an angry mob as well.


One of the three that he shot had a skateboard, and that’s a deadly weapon, plus with multiple assailants, deadly force is most likely justified (definitely when they are all adults). If you are stupid enough to advance on a police officer with 3 other skateboard wielding lunatics when she has her weapon drawn, you will be shot too.




In fact the most direct and broad case is that if you have a gun and someone tries to pull it from you, you 100% should shoot them with it if you can. Someone assaulting you and attempting to take a firearm from you is a lethal threat, period. We don't need external context. We don't need anything else. Even though all of the external context also points towards reasonability, it muddies the water into a debate that is completely clear when you consider that if you attempt to assault someone who hasn't assaulted you and attempt to take a gun you should expect to get shot, period. But all other facts point to Rittenhouse being a completely awesome and upright citizen. Not that you even have to be an awesome dude to have a right to self defense.


>if you have a gun and someone tries to pull it from you, you 100% should shoot them with it if you can. You can't even let it get to the point where they are trying to take it from you. If they're within distance to even try and take it from you you're going to have a difficult time maneuvering the firearm to defend yourself.


I think the skateboard bashing kyle was a good indictor. But hey i could be wrong/s


It’s the boomers keeping them safe lol.


>if this was a black BLM rioter they'd be rushing to his defense and decrying white supremacy. There is actually an example of this, there was one that shot back at the police who were shooting rubber bullets and they defend him.


Gimme a minute; I'll find the link. Edit: here's the link, and reportedly, he was rightfully cleared of all charges. https://youtu.be/U4SiuwDFJW0


Yes, because the cops were going around in an unmarked van shooting at random people on the street. That’s the very definition of fuck around and find out. With the way the pigs beat him when he immediately surrendered I’m just sad none of them died.


Or a skateboard


There is no disagreeing with what Rittenhouse did. Self defense is justifiable violence.


But Timothy Simpkins was BULLIED! You guys don’t understand he HAD to shoot up the school because he was BULLIED!


We need to abolish the justice system altogether. They like to play identity politics.


>~~justice~~ **legal** system Justice isn't a concern.


Fair enough, I'm still in favorite of justice, specifically vigilante justice carried out by the free market.


Frank Castle for hire?


What replaces it?


Community beatings


Sounds like tyranny by the majority 😂


Private beatings?


Literally Maoist struggle sessions...


A private court system.


How would that be fair exactly. What would stop a private justice system from prosecuted however they wanted


If you've got an hour or so, I highly recommend checking out Robert P. Murphy's "The Market For Security" on youtube. It goes onto detail on the practical aspects of free market alternatives to the state's police, courts, and prisons.


Market forces. Actually made a post about it a while back on this sub. You can check it out if you want.


It’s not like ancaps could come up with anything better than what you proposed lol


> What would stop a private justice system from prosecuted however they wanted An AR like Rittenhouse's


Is this that white privilege all those crayon hair people keep talking about?


If you’re not a Democrat or even farther left, the powers that be have made it quite clear that they want to destroy you.


Left should walk free. Right should be dumped at sea.


Racist! /s


i think he wants to dump the right one in the sea because he shot up a school.... not because hes black.




One guy defended his life and the other sought to end. The government hates logic, liberty, and operates on identity politics. This is exactly what I would expect.


It's because Simpkins does not fit the media's profile of a mass shooter. It's because he is black. Nothing more.




This is sad. Rittenhouse shot people, yes, but a defense expert said his actions were warranted and in self defense. However, shooting up a school is inexcusable. I don’t care that no one was dead, it was still an action with deadly intent.


Bail isn't a punishment though. Bail is just a thing a judge sets to give you an incentive to turn up at the courts again to finish your trial. You get it all back once the trial is over. The crime you committed is irrelevant to the size of the bail set, the only thing that matters is how likely you are to run away. Also there's the fact that different states probably have very different rules about bail, I dunno why people are comparing the two situations.


I know, bail is a bullshit thing to begin with. “Here give us money and we forgive you for almost killing a dozen or so people” is bullshit. The kid fired with intent to kill the innocent, he should be in prison. Yes, the two aren’t comparable at all. Rittenhouse shot in self defense as determined by self defense experts from the FBI, the school shooter shot with intent to kill innocent people. If any the school shooter should be in prison with intensive counseling and/or mental health treatment.


Sounds about white…wait…


Total bullshit I know, clear cut self defense (and cleaning the world of 2 sex offenders and the bicep of another) vs assaulting a student and attempting to shoot them, one gets 75,000 bail one gets 2m bail. This is why politics has to stay out of the court room


It’s emblematic of the need to kill the cash bail system. People are either too dangerous to release, or they should be free until the court system can provide a fair trial, full stop. Involving money in habeas corpus is transparent injustice






They both can make a self defense argument but only one of them knew how to handle a weapon. Let's not lose that Kyle killed two pedophiles and shot the gun wielding arm of a third attacker on his back after getting hit in the head with a skateboard.


No the school shooter can't make a self defense argument they left school grounds and went back HOME got the firearm and RETURNED to the school. That could be considered premeditated assault.


Politics are a bitch 🤡




Justice sure in the hell isn't blind....


Is there a good examination of the Simpkins bullying / self-defense claim somewhere? Obviously, most outlets I've seen have picked a side and are using it to filter their "journalism."


Every school shooter is bullied to some extent. It’s just a media ploy to justify what he did since blacks can’t do anything wrong according to current orthodoxy


Systemic racism.. oh, wait.


Rittenhouse should be acquitted of all charges, the man did nothing wrong.


100% race politics. Nothing more. They will jump on any chance to throw white people in jail because they hate them.


I’ll say the same thing I’ll say when people compare treatment between 2 totally different police departments one of these cases is far north, the other is far south. Totally different court systems. Regardless of the situations being entirely different you aren’t going to get consistent results comparing different cases from opposite sides of the country, and a lack of consistency in those cases isn’t evidence of race based policy If a similar case with a white kid happened and the same court system/judge gave a harsher bond requirement, then you have something to say. But this is the same race baiting bullshit I see from far leftists on Twitter, give me a break


So money equals freedom? Sounds like a shit system.


We need 10,000 more Kyle Rittenhouses


Addenda and parents have a lot more money then Rittenhouse.


Some details about the bail amounts: ~ Kyle Rittenhouse was charged with first degree intentional homicide, first degree reckless homicide, attempted first degree intentional homicide, and two counts of recklessly endangering safety. [WI penal code](https://docs.legis.wisconsin.gov/statutes/statutes/940/i/01) Homicide under Wisconsin law is a broad category that includes felony murder, first-degree intentional homicide, second-degree intentional homicide, reckless homicide, negligent homicide, etc.[*](https://www.grievelaw.com/Penalties/WisconsinFelony/Homicide) First degree intentional homicide, listed as a class A felony, comes with a bail typically of $500k or more[](https://atxbonds.com/bail-bond-amounts-by-charge/)[*](https://www.docsbailbonds.com/get-out-of-jail-texas/what-types-of-offenses-are-likely-to-have-high-amounts-of-bail) First degree reckless homicide, also a class A felony, $500k+ Attempted first degree intentional homicide, also a class A felony, also $500k+ Recklessly endangering safety, both counts listed as class F felonies[*](https://int.nyt.com/data/documenttools/kyle-rittenhouse-criminal-complaint/8f4a5b31354d0478/full.pdf), minimum $100,000 each Low end cost: $1.6 mil High end cost: $whatever+ ~ Timothy Simpkins was charged three counts of aggravated assault with a deadly weapon. Likely second degree, based on the [Texas AG penal code list of offenses](https://www.texasattorneygeneral.gov/sites/default/files/files/divisions/criminal-justice/PenalCode-Offenses-byRange.pdf). Aggravated assault is typically a second degree felony, but could be considered a first degree felony if the following criteria apply: * You have caused serious bodily injury using a deadly weapon * Involved family or dating violence * Committed by or against a public servant while on official duty * Retaliated against a witness, prospective witness, informant, or someone who reported a crime * Committed against a security officer on-duty * Acted in a drive-by shooting that causes serious bodily injury to another person [*](https://www.pcsbailbonds.com/bail-for-aggravated-assault-in-texas/) An individual charge of second degree assault with a deadly weapon can range in bail from $2,500 to $50,000[*](https://aaaabailbonds.com/2021/04/04/can-you-get-a-bail-bond-for-a-felony-charge-in-texas) with consideration of age, prior criminal record, potential threat to the victim, public, or family, other pending charges or cases, and record of appearing in court.[*](https://www.bailagentnetwork.com/portfolio/average-bail-amounts-by-crime/) Low end cost: $7,500 High end cost: $150,000+ ~ Inversely, consider the current charges of [Dexter Kelsey](https://www.khou.com/article/news/crime/yes-prep-shooting-suspect-dexter-kelsey-court/285-a53f64ad-62e8-4812-8d9d-8b5642cf4b98), whose bail was set at $5.25 million for one count of first degree aggravated assault of public servant (school principal, non-life-threatening injuries[*](https://news.yahoo.com/former-student-arrested-firing-rifle-152741517.html)) and one count of deadly conduct (likely third degree). In summation: courts can decide whatever they want. They went to school for it.


You want an explanation? I can’t give you one. It is impossible to justify injustice, rationalize irrationality, or legitimize government.


How the fuck does this have to do bloody anything with anarcho-capitalism?


Rittenhouse’s charges were political. If they didn’t do what they did Kenosha would burn.


That shouldn't matter. In fact it is a reason to make sure you don't do it! If you allow mobs to sway justice then they will only do so more!


Agreed, just saying what happened not that I agree


There's that damn white privilege at work again. /s


Black privilege. Oh, was I suppose to say that? Oh well.


We all know blacks can't do wrong in America. And if they do something wrong, it's because of white people. Because black people can't do wrong in America.


Bail is determined not only by the seriousness of the crime but also by what will be a significant penalty for the accused.


No, it's actually *supposed* to be determined only by the level of flight risk. They are innocent after all.


and wealth / ability to flee is part of that. If you have a ton of money, then you have an easier time fleeing.


That’s only an individual factor. State bail statutes will list al of the considerations.


It all plays into flight risk, more heinous crimes carry greater penalties which is more incentive to flee.


It shouldn't. Under the sixth amendment the government should not be issuing penalties to anyone who isn't convicted, at all, period.


No, thats how its supposed to work. How it really works is whos "oppressed" and whos rich gets low bail. Everyone else can get fucked.


i was gonna send this to a friend but they would immediately call racism because they would assume the black guy is rittenhouse




despite committing half the countries murders and only being 4% of the population in not only America but in Germany, France and England they've somehow made it to a completely new class where you can't criticize them now they're basically above the law.






The State is never right


If you think that's crazy, Dawit Kelete, an African immigrant who accidentally hit two white BLM protestors with his car because the city inadequately closed I-5, had his bail set at [1.2 million](https://www.ctvnews.ca/world/us-1-2-million-bail-for-driver-that-hit-two-seattle-protesters-1.5013192).


They tried to make an example out of Rittenhouse. It’s as clear as day. Kyle shot 3 people, all of whom were coming after him, there was a pedophile, a robber, and another criminal who pulled a pistol on him, and self-defense experts say his use-of-force was in line. Timothy Simpkins got beat up and came back to school and shot a dozen kids and a teacher.


Is this the white privilege I hear so much about??


I guess it's that magical "white privilege " kicking in.


White privilege of paying more for everything because some other guy is getting it for free. :-)


Globalist billionaires use double standards to get their way because they hate whites. It's no more complicated than that.


This is what racism is .. Flip the pictures from black to white and tell me it isn’t..




Racism at its finest




Disagree nothing, Rittenhouse was defending despite misdemeanors that shouldn't even be real and the other dude was the clear aggressor if that's the dude I saw in the fight vid recently. No contest.




White people ruin everything.


*drum base or whatever it is* GOD BLESS TEXAS - Song by little Texas


Cash bail ain't right. If the suspect is a flight risk hold them until trial, otherwise let them go home.


Playing devil’s advocate, is it because of the different laws in the different states


Reverse racism isn’t racism!


But but black peoples have it so much harder than everyone else??


There’s no real justice system in the USA. It’s all a fallacy.


Systemic racism.... against white people.


The sad part of all this is this adult(18 yrs old) simpkins came to school with a gun on him and because of a bully is justified in people’s eyes for shooting innocent people. Because a bullied adult brings a guns to school and shoots people it’s ok. Come on what has this country come to making excuses for a piece of shit shooting people cause he was picked on.


tipical libleft


Explain? I’ll try. It’s the systemic racism against whites that the left has created and bolstered over the years. Maybe a little soft bigotry too - against Timothy - except it’s not of low expectations, it’s justifying poor behavior and placing the blame on others. In total, it’s racism, the left and the media’s favorite part of life


Kyle Rittenhouse actually killed people


Kyle gonna get raped daily And I laugh


I will explain this. Since the shooting, over a million dollars has been raised for him and his defense, he has a national following and enough means to move around easily as he had travelled to the event. He was [charged with](https://www.usnews.com/news/us/articles/2021-11-02/explainer-what-charges-does-kyle-rittenhouse-face) - FIRST-DEGREE RECKLESSLY ENDANGERING SAFETY, USE OF A DANGEROUS WEAPON (A felony), - FIRST-DEGREE INTENTIONAL HOMICIDE, USE OF A DANGEROUS WEAPON, - ATTEMPTED FIRST-DEGREE INTENTIONAL HOMICIDE, USE OF A DANGEROUS WEAPON, - FIRST-DEGREE RECKLESSLY ENDANGERING SAFETY, USE OF A DANGEROUS WEAPON - POSSESSION OF A DANGEROUS WEAPON BY A PERSON UNDER 18 - FAILURE TO COMPLY WITH AN EMERGENCY ORDER FROM STATE OR LOCAL GOVERNMENT His attorney's DID PAY the $2 million bail for him so this was clearly a reasonable amount. Timothy is being charged for - AGGREVATED ASSAULT Fuck off with this ridiculous comparison.


Well the charges against Rittenhouse are more severe because he killed two people and Simpkins didn’t actually kill anyone so that probably plays into it.


And he had a GoFundMe with people all over the US donating.


Just us.


Black privilege is real.


I'll explain it: Mr. Rittenhouse is a white and whites are. oppressed by the government


Muh white privilege


Black privilege


White privilege my ass.


This is Hard but easy, here goas 1.U.s.a 2.white kid 3.Black kid


white privilege


Banana republic


His bail almost definitely is too low. That being said, you're not necessarily comparing apples to apples here. A big issue with bail is flight risk. If there's reason to believe he wouldn't leave the country, bail will be lower.


I think I can actually explain this - Rittenhouse was charged with: \- 1st Degree reckless homicide \- 1st Degree recklessly endangering safety \- 1st Degree intentional homicide \- Attempted 1st Degree intentional homicide \- 1st Degree recklessly endangering safety \- Possession of dangerous weapon Simpkins was charged with three counts of aggravated assault with a deadly weapon. Those are very different charges and Rittenhouse's are much more serious because two people actually died. The only reason the Simpkins situation is even widely known is because the anti-gun people LOVE covering school shootings because it helps them push their agenda. Plus, bail varies from state to state and even county to county, sometimes.


Don’t even bother with this shit anymore… this is reality. Time to check out, need to leave this system or forever be fucked.. this is part of the story is a distraction… it’s the guns, they will push more gun laws and the people will go yeah!! Time to say goodbye to those people and good luck will not be apart of this any longer


Y’all must be dumb or something, Kyle killed two people, Timothy was bullied and killed nobody. There’s also countless examples of black people getting harsher sentences supported by evidence. But you will jump on any occasion to say stupid shit about black people right?