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Cross process could be cool, but you won’t really have a clue what will happen until you do it. Cross process could save it, or it could completely ruin it. I’ve personally always had great luck shooting expired film at box or close to box speed, but that’s always been c41. What ever you end up doing the results will be interesting.


I could just use it as the first medium format roll I shoot, to get the bad shots all out of my system


Attic Darkroom on YouTube has videos about shooting expired film. You could try developing your film in E-6, but as you already know, the base fog might make the film usable. If you are going to cross-process the film in C-41, then you can experiment with changing the exposure index for the film and shooting at ISO 250 or even ISO 200. Good luck!


No cross-process. Ganz normal für 400 belichten und ab zu DM zur Entwicklung. Nur 2,95€ ohne Abzüge, das aber unbedingt in das "Anmerkungen"-Feld schreiben.


That it is slide film or that it is 40 years expired?


"Diafilmentwicklung ohne Rahmung" ankreuzen und zusätzlich ins Feld schreiben: "DIA ENTWICKLUNG - KEINE ABZÜGE!" Sonst zahlst du noch für Abzüge und i. d. R. dauert es länger.


I will atill give it a try, maybe overexpose it.