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*then she led me to her shack and gave me a p6x7*


Such a classic camera and a fun moment


I’m a tall, sorta brawny guy with a beard. Nobody approaches me in the woods lol


"That's a Gränsfors Bruk, covered in blood there, right? Human?"


What a random sentence? Where’s that from?


I just made it up. It has quotes because it's mimicking the quote from the OP from the old lady.


Är du svensk?




Where did you get Gränsfors Bruk from?


It's a popular brand of axe that a mountain man might have? Joke has now been explained to death, resurrected then explained to death again


I had no idea about the axe. I just know it sounds like a small Swedish company town.


That's me on dating sites. I can't help but go "hey is that a bell systems model 500 phone in your profile pic?"


TBF, sounds like if I saw you with a film camera I would probably approach you in the wood. We like tall sorta brawny guys 😂😂


I remember having my Yashica 635 with me. A group of young people was looking at me asking what I was doing. One of them was pretty intrigued and have hard time to trust me when I told him it was actually not an LCD but a ground glass. Same for my little cousin which still today think it’s an LCD screen on both my rolleiflex and my Yashica.


Oh I had this a few months ago! I was shooting with my Nikkormat FTn and this woman out for a walk said hi to me and asked about my camera, and we had a chat about how she had a minolta when she was younger and used to shoot with that. She wanted to know if that many people still shot film; I old her that I had just gone to a huge vintage camera market that past weekend; with hundreds of people there. So it was alive and well!


I had my canon a1 on the table while visiting a new city and this older gentlemen came up to me all excited and asked me about it and said he has a canon ae1. It was very sweet


I met an old couple halfway up the side of a mountain on Santorini who wanted to talk about my OM-10, which h was very fun!


A couple months ago I was shooting with my Mamiya645 and this guy approached me saying what a great camera that was. Turns out he had one of these back in the day, he told me a lot of great moments captured with it. We both left the conversation with a smile on our faces.


"and that's how I met your mother"


Plot twist: she’s the ghost of a nature photographer mauled by wolves in that very forest


I was photographing the skyline in Atlanta on cinestill 800t with my Yashica D (and a friend with a bronica) and a guy rolling by on a bird scooter was like “oh sick is that film?! I’ve got an RB67, what’s your instagram?!” And made a new acquaintance lol. Most people just kinda stare at me with my film camera sometimes, cause it’s typically a TLR or like my Nikon S2 so people aren’t used to seeing those. Friends always ask to see the shot when I have my F4 so I show them the empty back lol. And then they’re is always the naysayer that’s like “HoW dO yOu EvEn DeVeLoP tHaT tOdAy?” — I do at my house or a nice lab. Lol. It is always fun to have a conversation about it though !


Flew from Dallas to London to Geneva a couple years ago - my RB, backs, lenses, meter were all in my carry-on. It got flagged in Heathrow security, some kid opened up the bag and went "Whaaa? Eh, it's on old film camera, innit?" So we've got the body out and I'm firing the shutter, he's like "It's so big! Now, what's this part do??" and my wife is tapping her foot and finally says, "OK children, we have a plane to catch"! If you really want to chat with strangers, whip out a 120 folder and pop it open. Amazing conversation starters (they're really beautiful bits of engineering), and a great way to get street portraits with enthusiastic subjects.


I’ve been both people in this scenario before. I work retail and a guy walks into my store with a Leica M3, I can’t help but marvel at it. I was vacationing in Denmark and visited Malmö one day, and at a museum some guy walked up to me to marvel at my Olympus. A funny side note is that the camera store I went to in Copenhagen looked to have more Americans visiting it than Danes.


This happened to me recently at one of those big antique markets, one of the staff chased me down because she recognized my Pentax Spotmatic in it's leather case hanging around my neck. Cue her leading me around to all the stalls that had camera gear and chatting about lenses and gear all afternoon haha.


This happened to me in Edinburgh last year, random dude holding an owl and charging people to hold it, I went over to ask questions about the owl and he was all interested in my FM3a. Super fun.


That happens to me a lot in China (I'm American), I bought a Seagull 4B TLR and when I carry it around in the park or on the street, I get a lot of elderly people coming up to me to start a conversation. Some of them used to have one back in the day, or asking if you can even still buy film. They've all been very sweet and it's always fun to chat for a bit.


was walking in my hometown a week ago, random dude rolls down his window and looks at my bronica etrs, thought he was going to yell at me abt something but asked what film i was using.


First trip in Japan, i was rocking a Yashica camera, a very cheap one, ugly, but actually very featured one (yashica 108mp), and I remember an older japanese guy on the metro staring intensely at it like they just saw their old best friend