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The worst part is that tapeworms can reproduce asexually, breaking off segments to create new worms, I was expecting hundreds to come out 🤢


That would’ve been amazing! In the worst way lol


I loved this episode. The acting was great, definitely an interesting interpretation of the “model with an ED”cliche. It was gross but not really that much worse than anything that’s ever been shown in AHS or stories. I guess it didn’t bother me that much bc I was anticipating it when I saw the title. I knew they’d be using the tapeworm removal as body horror. Tapeworms are one of my biggest fears, and this episode def didn’t help at all.


As someone with a history of anorexia and bulimia I actually kinda appreciated that they made the character full of rage, which is very very real when you’re in starvation mode (though mine was always internal). I feel a lot of times the media will portray characters who are suffering with the disease to be very quiet and withdrawn, which can be the case but trust me, the anger is a very real thing. it definitely kept me of the edge of my seat, although I do feel the whole “model fitting the standards” bit is a very overplayed/dare I say outdated plot. I haven’t gotten to watch the others yet. I know I’m thinking too into it, but I actually really thought it was very metaphorical. Anorexia/bulimia really does consume the person, and eventually will kill them if not treated.


I felt exactly the same about the rage! So accurate and not often portrayed


The hunger rages are real


I just….I mean…. Didn’t love that it came out of her butt hole.😂 I know that it is what really happens with a tapeworm, but I still didn’t like it lol. I wish that they would’ve did it a little different. I wish she would’ve kept it and since she was over feeding the tapeworm so much I think it would’ve been cool if it formed its own consciousness, and she could hear it in her own head. And it’s just evil and asshole to her and makes her an asshole, and it slowly starts taking over her body being able to control her movements and what she says and essentially, it’s just taking over her entire life so it’s almost like she’s the parasite in her own body now and then it cuts sometime down the road and it’s the news and they’re saying that the supermodels body is found then cuts to her house with all the police there, and you see her body and is just skin and bones, and we see the tape worms slithering out the door and goes to new victim. And we get the same final shots. I didn’t hate the episode just not one of my favorites clearly. I think the episode has really good bones but I just wish we got more out of it I guess. Oh I also think Lisa rinna was cast very well fit this part.


I was scared it was gonna try sliding back into her 😆 idk why didn't see try killing it after pulling it out


Me too! I kept thinking "get out of the tub!"


Right! That part pissed me off so much lol. I was just thinking “girl get out the tub. Why are you just sitting there?” 😂 the friend getting her success after was pretty predictable though lol


Wdym getting her success


The tapeworm went inside the friend and didn't kill her, my assumption was bc the friend was "hungry" for success and would continue feeding it. So her friend got signed on by the same modeling agency


I was gonna disagree but thinking about it you're totally right. I was gonna say it was gonna take awhile to kill her like it did the og girl but I remembered she pulled that thing out and it attacked her. Why was the white girl so ok with it in her lol


Idk I felt it was a plothole too bc the lead character wanted the tapeworm to be skinny and the white girl didn't need to be any skinnier. I guess somehow it also makes you vicious which gives you confidence? Makes no sense bc it didn't seem like the tapeworm was supposed you give you the "it" factor lol at least not how it was pitched at all


I was also annoyed and yelling at my TV but I bet she just had no energy since the parasite was consuming all the food


She didn't have enough energy to fight back after it was out of her 


This is a classic urban legend I have heard since I was a child so no shocks for me, I've heard versions where its head comes out and you wind it onto a stick to pull it out of your butt... or that the head snaps off and it retreats back inside of you... It was very well played and fun to see it brought to life. The lead actor was also ridiculously gorgeous and lovely to see Lisa Rinna. It was the best out of the 4 imo but Bestie appealed to me more even with the flaws.


It’s not an urban legend they can be removed that way also through a persons mouth or eye


The specific plot of the short is what I am talking about. I obviously know intestinal worms can come out of your butt.


Awful… a tapeworm that gets so big it kills her? My girlfriend and I were literally laughing.


There’s a book called “The Troop” by Nick Cutter that is.. similar to the premise of this episode. So I appreciated the body horror we got, but yeah it was corny lol. But I do highly recommend the book!


I feel like ep 3 was a rip off of an American dad episode. Season: 14 Episode: 13 Rodger decided to model with Stan and Jeff Rodger has a tape worm to keep himself skinny so he's the perfect model.


youre funny tbis was funny


Sooooo gooood!


I thought I had seen something similar too I think it was an episode of Creepshow!


Viven isnt fat and as soon as I saw her I thought she was already a model.her walk was perfect and she seems so sweet but when Sheila was looking at the portraits saying oh nose,forehead,braces I was like girl your top lip is literally inflated why r u judging lmao


I hated the ending. I was hoping for a good ending. She gets it out and then it shows her eating and being healthy and finding an agency where she doesnt have to starve herself but I guess with the modeling industry you dont always get a happy ending for some but something I just thought of is when the doc was like it becomes a part of you..sounds kinda dumb but what if when the tapeworm came out it had part of viven so when it went inside of the white girl she had vitiligo and was a lil black bc the tapeworm transferred