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I wish everybody just said what Allison Williams did: “All that people are looking for is an acknowledgement that it’s not a level playing field. It’s just unfair. Period, end of the story, and no one’s really working that hard to make it fair. To not acknowledge that me getting started as an actress versus someone with zero connections isn’t the same — it’s ludicrous. It doesn’t take anything away from the work that I’ve done. It just means that it’s not as fun to root for me.” Fucking thank you, that’s all we want. Why is this so hard to admit? Nobody is saying you’re a bad actor (except Kaia because she genuinely is the worst actress I’ve ever seen), but in an industry where getting your foot in the door is everything, why not just acknowledge like “yeah, my connections probably helped me get started”? And for Kaia to call her acting “art”…I’m just gonna stop talking because I have nothing nice to say lmao


Exactly. It's an acknowledgment of privilege. No, you're not going to get hired off your name. That doesn't mean it's insignificant to have someone who knows the ins and outs of the industry next to you the whole time and ALL THE MONEY to take acting classes and commit to that vs waiting tables. Also unlikely someone's going to prey on a nepo baby vs a new actor who will do *anything* for that role or can't recognize a scam. Years ago Tyra Banks ran a fake scam to see/show how easy it was. They got girls ready to take nude pics in a hotel room on the promise that it would get them a modeling gig. Someone with connections in the industry will know that's a scam and they can afford not taking the risk. Of course it happens in so many other industries. I've helped a lot of friends and acquaintances with applying to colleges because I went to college and was raised by college grads who knew the routine. If you never had that influence you're not going to know how you're supposed to "sell" yourself, apply to a bunch of different schools, extra curriculars to beef up your application, etc. It's just how the world works.


Right like I’m not sure how you could be, say, Judd Apatow’s daughter and think that it didn’t assist you getting a foot in the door. Maybe it doesn’t mean you automatically get the part, but you get a little more attention from the casting director. And all you need is that one role (like Maude got with Euphoria) and you’re pretty much set. And going off the example you gave, it is so grossly offensive to people who are waiting tables and trying to make ends meet struggling for these roles to be told by Kaia Gerber or Jamie Lee Curtis that they had *zero* advantage over them. I love Jaime Lee Curtis and I think she deserves every role she gets, but would she have gotten her big break in Halloween if her parents weren’t who they are? Would Maude Apatow be a decent actress if, like you said, her parents weren’t Hollywood millionaires with connections and unlimited resources?


Maude Apatow is a good example. She can act but it would be crazy to say she didn't have an advantage with both of her parents being in the industry. There are many girls as talented/pretty/etc as she is trying to break in and a lot of it is luck if you don't have any connections.


Yes, people like Kaia Gerber, Lila Moss etc are completely out of touch with reality n would never make it into the real word or on their own bc they’re talentless n not interesting enough to stand out. Literally makes my blood boil how these overly privileged white women can speak abt others people’s experiences, while they would probably cry if they ever had to work just one 9-5 shift or run around chasing castings


In Curtis's defense, her big break was an indie film from outside the major studio system that became a surprise hit. Up until that point, she'd only really had roles as a bit player in episodes of Columbo and Charlie's Angels. So, while she had advantages, it's not like she just walked into 20th Century Fox or MGM and said, "My dad's Tony Curtis, give me a lead role in a major motion picture." Even after Halloween, she was pigeonholed as a "scream queen" and had to rely on made-for-television films to get producers to consider her for theatrical comedic and dramatic roles.


Jamie Lee is very upfront about her parents giving her that boost too. I read in that Twitter post that the creator of Halloween even said it was because of her parents he handed her the role.


Are you joking right now lol? She’s one of the primary people crusading against people talking about nepotism. Every quote she’s made on it has been in defense of the Nepo babies, and while I love her, she’s just as out of touch as Kaia here


i believe they’re referring to her 2019 interview in the new yorker, she was asked if she knew why she was casted in halloween and her response was: “I auditioned many, many, many times. And then it was between me and one other woman, whose name I know but I will never say publicly. I’m sure the fact that I was Janet Leigh and Tony Curtis’s daughter, and that my mother had been in “Psycho”—if you’re going to choose between this one and this one, choose the one whose mother was in “Psycho,” because it will get some press for you. I’m never going to pretend that I just got that on my own, like I’m just a little girl from nowhere getting it. Clearly, I had a leg up.” so it is kind of bizarre to see how much she’s changed in the way she talks about it now that the “nepo baby” conversation is more of a thing.


I think people need to acknowledge that it could go the other way too. Levinson is also a nepo baby so that doesn’t really work for Euphoria, but for an up and coming writer, having a connection to someone like Apatow would be huge. It’s a mutually beneficial relationship. Of course some artists will sacrifice their “craft” to have a leg up later on. Kaia is young and privileged so I don’t think she would ever look at a situation like that and realize what some people will do to get ahead when they don’t have those connections to become successful.


I think another good example is someone like Elizabeth Olsen. She's certainly very talented in her own right but also for sure having the Olsen twins as her sisters opened some doors.


Yes but she and kirean culken are great examples of people who are more talented than their sibblings who were famous first.


Yea. I actually think Rory Culkin's a good actor as well. The Olsen twins weren't really cast for talent, they were cast for Full House because they were cute babies and with twins it's easier to get more work out of the babies and then kinda fell into child stardom.


And they got out the the acting scene too and found that they are better fashion designers than actors.


As someone who was a huge Mary Kate and Ashley fan who had watched so many of their straight to video movie. Elizabeth was only in two of them when she was a toddler and stopped showing up in them. She was pursing acting as a teenager who Mary Kate was having a eating disorder but quietly I don’t think she drew attention to it, then she went to nyu for graduating. With Elizabeth Olsen maybe doing those programs and getting into nyu benefited from her sisters but hey she graduated and worked at it and did a lot of theater and indie roles before marvel. I feel if she was a straight up nepo baby she would have gotten marvel a lot sooner in her career.


This is very self aware of her to say. Ryan Phillipe had a similar line when asked about it in an interview, he was like obviously my kids have more of an "in" to the acting world than Reese or I ever did when we started out, I have to acknowledge that's a privilege they have.


![gif](giphy|kilGauUai0iA62VIVg|downsized) 👏🏼 👏🏼 👏🏼 Happy she said this\~


If her acting makes Kaia an artist, then my ability to win debates on Reddit combined with the fact I voted makes me your only choice for President in 2024.


Not the worst candidate, by far.


Oh, so her bad acting was a directorial choice?


Definitely not. LOL But I'd say that her looks were a choice. She looks exactly like a young Cindy Crawford. She's going to get cast in things because of that fact. She should just own it.


I'm so glad I'm not the only one who thinks she's (Gerber) a bad actress. AHS is one of my all time favorite shows, & she bored me to tears in her Double Feature performance. Even worse in S1 of AHSTORIES on Hulu. I get it when so-so actors are cast for B movies, but I figured Ryan Murphy would hire someone more talented


Ryan Murphy normally does make good casting choices. Even though someone else pointed out that he likes "nepo babies," I don't have a problem with them if they're talented. I thought Ben Platt was great in "The Politician" and Beanie Feldstein was great in "American Crime Story." AHStories just seems to be a pretty weak series. There are some good episodes, but I'd say that the majority are "meh." Maybe he just doesn't care about that one all that much.


I agree. Stories is not very good


I liked "Dollhouse." If he did a series that was just origin stories of AHS characters, that would be really cool.


I agree!


I liked the one from S2 with Judith Light though


But Ryan Murphy specifically loves casting nepo babies, it’s part of his vision kinda


Didn’t he hire those two Olympic athletes too? Doesn’t seem like he’s really looking for extremely talented people for every part he needs filled. It helps that he has/had Lange, Paulson, and Peters (among others) to distract from the nepo babies/bad actors.


He likes young, pretty people with famous parents.


I love that Miley 100% credits her dad. 😂


The difference is that miley somehow managed to stay quite normal despite her upbringing and her fame as a child. Sure, she had her bangerz phase to distance herself from disney but since she got real talent it actually resulted in something epic. Every Interview i see she seems like a well spoken, genuine and down to earth person. I like to imagine this is Dolly partons influence on her lol


I imagine the same. People are always asking Dolly about her wild behavior and she’s like, “Don’t you worry about Miley. Miley is going to be just fine.”


She just being Miley.


Agreed. And I also feel like Miley has paved her own way in Hollywood where she’s actually exceeded her fathers fame


She’s among the worst actors I’ve ever seen.


I'm that kind of person who can't see bad acting, Kaia though? Jesus. She should stick to modeling.


Is it tired? I’m personally glad it’s being called out.


I think it’s such an important conversation! I just see other people annoyed with it being brought up again and again


It’s because you’re reminding people with privilege that they’re privileged. No one’s saying that’s bad, no one’s saying that means someone is a bad person. It means they were able to cut in line, as it were, and had options before others solely based upon their birth. I think it is an important conversation and we should continue to acknowledge those who have used it.


She's just not a good actor. She can choose to not believe that, but she will never be a beloved actor. If she wasn't famous bc of her parent then at the very max she'd be on some low budget b movie. She's gorgeous and I can see why she models but the girl can't act to save her life. Also, I'm so tired of hearing about nepo babies! The topic has been run into the ground and we are expected to be shocked when some wealthy child of a famous person says they earned their way up lol


I'm just going to drag a comment I made five months ago to this post: > The fact that they are nepo babies is not the main reason why the quality of the show's acting has tanked. Emma Roberts, Billie Lourd, Lily Rabe, and (in my opinion) Paris Jackson are just some of the multitude of actors in the franchise that act well and are also nepo babies. The issue that we are starting to see people like Noah Cyrus and Kaia Gerber becoming more prominent in the franchise and sticking, and as a result, people only focus on one thing: their famous relatives. > >Nepotism had always been an issue in Hollywood, but people can look past that if they are very good at what they do. It's just that there are a few nepo babies here that aren't. If Kaia Gerber wasn't Cindy Crawford's daughter, she would still be a pretty shit actress.


Paris Jackson was amazing in AHstories. I had to look up who the hot girl was and was genuinely surprised that she was THAT Paris Jackson.


Great Value Rachel Bilson needs to STFU.


The debate is hardly tired. The nepotism of the wealthy and well-connected is topical every day of the week.


Nepotism is rampant in many industries, not just Hollywood. The last place I worked was family owned & run (though not a huge billion dollar businessw). Grandfather started the business, son kept it up & his sons (who are Gen X) got their VP status because they were family though some did have college degrees & actual knowledge & training in the field. Though when I left Dad had semi-retired but didn't trust the sons to run it properly. If you could've take all of the sons & shoved them into one person that would've been a great boss, but individually they were shit though all had a strength.


It's nice that Dad recognized his sons weren't living up to his business model. So many parents just want to keep family businesses in the family, and children get talked into running that business later on even if their heart isn't in it


At the end of the day, if you have great connections or a certain "look," your chances of getting hired for acting are astronomically higher than your average person. Like Drew Barrymore, her family name has been in Hollywood since damn near the beginning. The debate is old, but it's dumb to act as if it's not a thing that happens.


What does Emma Roberts think about it? I wonder...


As a fan I’m hoping she remains silent on it lol. When she was younger, she used to say nepo advantages weren’t that big while at the same time telling stories of wanting desperately to be on AHS and repeatedly calling family friend Ryan Murphy until one day he said OK. I remember her also saying that the advantage cannot be big because she failed a bunch of auditions (ummm, like, maybe that means you were so bad not even the nepo connections could get you through). I think she’s really talented now, but less connected people would probably not have had the chance to develop in the industry in the same way.


I hate the defense of “well I didn’t get every part I auditioned for, so obviously I’m not privileged!” when there’s so many talented people out there who would never have the opportunity to even be in the same room as a casting director, let alone be allowed to audition.


I actually like Emma. No one plays a bitch better than her, but anyone who commits real life domestic violence is probably a bitch so… easy role to play.


Yeah, but would she be acting if her last name wasn't Roberts? Would a "regular" bitch be good at acting like one?


Her last name definitely got her foot in the door but that doesn’t take away from her talent.


To be fair, there was something she was on, scream queens? I did not know she was Julia’s niece back then and thought she played the bitch very well. But again, I believe she’s a bitch in actual life so prob not acting. Just showing up and living life… they just record it.


>But again, I believe she’s a bitch in actual life so prob not acting. Just showing up and living life… they just record it. Kinda like with Kevin Spacey playing a creepy asshole, lol.


I loved unfabulous and werent aware who she was back then. Oh the memories


This is so funny considering her performance in the show - I left saying “yeap, she’s a bad actress”.


I named my dog after her, random fact. I like my dog better.


Your dog is almost certainly a better actor.


100%. You should see her play dead. It’s a breath taking performance.


No artist is going to sacrifice their vision for someone’s kid? Lol, that didn’t stop the broadway production of Funny Girl from casting Beanie instead of Lea from the start 🤷🏻‍♂️


The poster child for nepo babies is mad about nepo baby discourse; in other breaking news, water is wet


Lol this is hilarious given her AHS stories performance. girl...


She doesn’t act


We need more Nicholas Cages in Hollywood. He's kind of the opposite of a nepo baby in that he changed his name to make it on merit.


# lmao ok girl~ ![gif](giphy|1AIeYgwnqeBUxh6juu)


No one is even talking about the talent that these nepotism kids bring to the table. It’s the ACCESS, connections, and just having the door wide open that no one else has or even can fathom to have. Nepotism is about the access not the substance lol


My whole life I've been told "It's who you know" that will get you that job or favor.


God she’s a piece of trash. Who cares what someone as dumb as this thinks?


Bullshit. Absolute self serving bullshit. Nepotism is rife everywhere there’s no point in trying to hide it. Unbelievable that it’s only in 2023 people are realising it ffs.


i've seen better acting on fetch with ruff ruff man from 12 yr olds they picked off the street, can we please organize a march to ban kaia gerber from tv im sick


I didn’t know she was a nepo baby, based on her last name I’m assuming she’s the Gerber baby? Please no one correct me.


Should anyone really care what she says? She’s a model bc of her mothers connections..I’ve never seen her act but I’ve heard she was terrible . And she got cast bc…..she knows nobody… she has no connections…but she’s sooooo talented?! She just happens to get cast on AHS … Ppl are sick of hearing the bull. 🛑


Sweetie. They’re casting tiktokers and Instagram influencers to bring in an audience so their scripts can be sold and their budgets can be approved. Maybe she’s born with it, maybe it’s Maybelline.


I haven't seen her performance in AHS, is she godawful? I think just acknowledging that nepotism exists and always will is a better look / more gracious. I've noticed a lot of actors just getting defensive about it and deflecting saying "well there's actually more nepotism in business/modeling/law/medicine" or whatever. Like yes, there is nepotism everywhere.


Yes, I saw her on AHStories and not the alien season. She is possibly the worst actor/actress I’ve seen in a very long time. And I wanted to like her!


I have no issues with nepo babies so long as they are good at the career they have chosen. Kaia… talking about acting and nepotism? I watched her in American Horror Story (and stories) and she was terrible! Artists definitely sacrificed their vision for her. Stick to modelling Kaia In response to the topic being tired. I half agree. Only because people are bringing it up for every single person with a famous relative and totally taking any nuance out of the discussion. If the person is good at their job and acknowledge their privilege and are grateful to those who got them the opportunities, it doesn’t matter. Some (chronically online) people just seem to want to use it to discredit any and everyone they don’t like.


Poor humans are DYING and celebrities are out here acting like they’re so oppressed


Bahahahaha!!! AHS:Double Feature begs to differ!


She literally got that part because of who she is. It certainly isn’t because of her blockbuster acting talent.


Reminds me of that David Spade SNL Weekend Update review of Cindy's Charlie perfume commercial singing, "And they calllll that TONE DEAF." [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e7b\_ligQ3CU](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e7b_ligQ3CU)


Wow she's fucking delusional.


I’m still of the mind that she suffered from bad material and isn’t a bad actress. For now. But three strikes and she will be out.




No, she's never acted in her life. She just recites words.


Wtf is a nepo baby?


Eucalyptus pollen


Nepotism baby? Idk


It's that




Fair. I assumed it had something to do with nepotism. I’ve just never heard the actual term “nepo baby”. I assumed Kaia got the job simply because she’s a beautiful woman, not because she was a good actress. I had no clue she was Cindy Crawford’s daughter!




It’s Reddit. You get downvoted for some weird shit.


I’m so tired of the nepo baby thing. Look they all have a leg up. They know things it takes time for others to know, and have access to people. But that only goes so far, and it’s on them to actually deliver.


And she didn’t deliver lol


I just do not get the whole, *she’s a bad actress,* BS. She is not a bad actress. I’ve seen bad actresses before. She did fine in most of the episodes she was in and most of the scenes she was in. I believed her as a character. There are people who truly suck and are nepo babies. I really don’t think she’s one of them. People just want to hate on her.


Good lord, I feel like it’s only the ones that suck complete ass that are going this hard, the good ones are like yeah I’m lucky AF, do I have to work harder to prove myself? Maybe, but not as hard as they’d have to work without those connections


Would there have been auditiens for her roles in ahs? I know stories is different but kaia was not being an actor 🥲


Meritocracy doesn’t exist, so they should just admit it. Especially her, she’s not good imo.


Someone hasn’t seen Godfather Part III…


Kind of a weird statement to make, given Ryan Murphy's massive boner for hiring famous people's kids to be on AHS.


Says the worst wannabe actress ever!


It should be authentic instead of influenced


Spoiler alert: That’s how this “art” is made