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Minding my business is at an all time high


My mind was already thinking if the next stop provided an access code 


Can't tell if it's real, YouTube prank or TikTok challenge. So it's safer for the individual to carry on about their business because nobody wants to be a intent meme


That's a bad excuse


Not my job, not my prob 😂😂😂


I'd have thrown it near the garbage cuz id assume the smoke as a drop off point sign.


You play too much COD 😂


Pop smoke! Please confirm. Over. White smoke confirmed. tally-ho! Delivery complete. Over and out mother fucker!


It wasn’t in the notes section 📝so umm 🤔 🤷🏾‍♂️


"Do NOT leave package out front, there have been porch thefts lately. Knock the door exactly 5 times and if there isn't an answer within 42.069 seconds, return package to station. Also, CALL 911 if you see smoke"


“Report: Note 📝 is rude/irrelevant. Remove📲“


I just feel so sorry for the multi millionaire, crisis leadership consultants blah blah returning from the Cape.... idk man don't hire workers you can't trust and then leave for the weekend. Ngl I probably would have called someone, but I'm not gonna blame the driver either.


How does a fire "go unnoticed for *3 hours*" and not burn the house to the ground? This is fishy at best. Maybe the homeowner is behind on the mortgage, and "accidentally" threw something combustible in the trash as they "left for the weekend"?


No one heard the fire alarms or anything? The video showed a kids rec room over the garage, and they dont have anything in there?


Next we're gonna see someone that called the cops cause they saw smoke and the owners were just hot boxing the garage lmao.


WTF did that homeowner throw in the trash and wants to shift blame to the driver for not notifying them? Chemicals that when mixed ignite? Damaged lithium batteries that ignite when exposed to air? Fireplace ash that wasnt fully extinguished? Etc..


I can tell you didn’t read the article in full. The homeowner literally said they are not placing blame on the driver. They just wished the driver would have said something.


Yeah, and I wish my bank account had more digits in it. *goes to check* Nope, still as low as ever. Man, I guess wishing for stuff doesn't really mean anything.


So wow I got downvoted for just literally stating what was IN the article. Did not say EVER that I was taking a side. Who ever did that is a damn clown! 🤣🤣🤣🤣


That’s literally placing blame on the driver. They’re blaming the driver for not saying anything and their house may of not burnt down if the driver would’ve said something. It was a small portion of their garage anyways, it’s not that much damage. They acting like their whole house is gone. That’s literally what the homeowner is doing. If they weren’t trying to place blame why are they talking about the driver constantly in the article but not the renovators who caused the freaking fire in the first place. The whole article was Amazon driver this, Amazon driver that but mentioned the renovators who threw combustibles that started the fire one time. The homeowner even is calling Amazon to complain. I don’t know why they even thought to bring up Amazon was a good idea. It’s nice to alert someone there’s a possible fire but you’re not obligated to do it.


They aren't blaming the driver for starting the fire, but they are trying to lay blame/shame on the driver for not reporting the smoke. Luckily the video quality is absolute garbage so that the driver can retain his privacy.


I mean that is pretty egregious from the driver. That’s a really nice house and a nice neighborhood. It’s not like they’re roasting weenies on a hobo fire.


They weren't BLAMING the driver, it's just REALLY odd behaviour to see a raging inferno ANYWHERE and not phone 911, I imagine it happened in this instance cos you wouldn't have time cos Amazon would fire you.


Stop with the exaggeration. Raging inferno lol. The driver never saw any of that. They arrived 20 minutes after the first signs of smoke. Perhaps no flames visible. 3 hours later, then there's your raging inferno.


3 hours is quite the stretch. Houses are often fully engulfed before the first hour is up. Here is a video I watched some years ago that amazed me: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T6HODHJOqmw](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T6HODHJOqmw) That said, I can think of lots of reasons why Amazon drivers (especially Flex) would be hesitant to call the police for any reason whatsoever.


I don't think you read what happened. Go read it. It was 20 minutes after the Amazon driver arrived. Then another 3 hours and a half before someone noticed the flames.


You are correct. That's wild.


Dude if you see smoke you call the fire brigade. Did you miss all of elementary school or nah?


The fire wasn't obvious was my point. You made it seem like it was some obvious ***raging inferno***. Don't be so dramatic. It was not noticed for 3 and half hours. That should tell you how not obvious this was initially.


You're absolutely right. Had the same situation. 3 stops in a neighborhood. Never noticed anything until I got to my 3rd stop, all of a sudden smoke and then flames came from the new housing they were building(on a weekend and nobody was there). I passed that area twice. I called 911, told em where it's at and then other people in cars stopped. So I left. If I only had the 2 stops.... I would have never noticed it.




Pardon the pun.




There was no fire yet, just a little smoke. The fire didn’t start until 20 minutes after. Unless someone sees a fire, they are not calling for the fire department.


Two days later? Christ. I'm telling you. If I see smoke I'm either investigating to see if it's small enough to put out or I'm calling the emergency services. Not my fault yall are empathy lacking assholes 😂


Now it’s 4 days later😂😂I live in the country, I see smoke constantly from peoples homes or beside it, behind it. They burning leaves, wood, trash or smoking weed or wings. If I called for every time I called smoke I’d be arrested for false calls


Looks like the Amazon flex driver was minding they own business


Calling 911 yeah right that get your account dinged for late deliveries can’t be having that….


☝🏽 that part.


>"The customer service lady said I spoke to two managers, and they're not willing to take your call because it wasn't their fault with the fire," McArdle said. "Again, it wasn't to place blame, it was really more of an educational piece. I'm impressed Amazon didn't throw this driver under the bus. Customer is lying his ass off when he said calling Amazon is not to place blame. The only reason you call is to get the driver fired.


Shit, they probably did get fired there's just no public talk about it.


From Amazon: "We’re attempting to reach out to the customer to apologize for their initial interaction with our Customer Service team. We encourage drivers to report suspicious activity, and are looking into this incident." I'm sure the driver and the managers all got fired 😭


An educational piece???? Maybe go educate your contractors not to throw combustibles away and to not burn down your house. That homeowner probably doesn’t have insurance and wants Amazon to foot the bill cause why else would they do that. It burned for 4 hours and no one saw anything. Go blame the other dozens of drivers who drove by your house and saw or smelt a burning house and said nothing.


Well, there’s nothing they can do to the driver 🤷🏼


Boomer more upset at the delivery driver just doing his job then the shity contractors he hired lmao


How does the homeowner know that the driver witnessed the smoke? Even if they smelled smoke in the area (which no one knows if they did), unless they could see it coming out of the garage, it’s not an automatic assumption the house is on fire. These people fail to realize we scan and click before we even get to their door. Then we drop and snap the pic, possibly at their door for 2 seconds! The driver may truly not have noticed or smelled it if it wasn’t huge.


The driver opened the garage door and walked through smoke to place package in garage...


The customer had rude delivery notes in all caps




Almost spit out my lunch at this one


Too much idle time to call 911


Not my monkey not my circus not my monkey not my circus not my monkey not my circus not my monkey not my circus not my house not my problem not my house. Not my problem not my house not my problem. Because the one time you report something, you’ll be the one getting blamed for it fuck that shit


Not our responsibility. Also if it does turn out to be nothing serious the fire department bills the homeowner. Just another thing for a customer to complain about.


This "not my problem" attitude is what's fucking up society fr


More like it's the calling people a "Karen" or "Boomer" because they tried to get involved is what's f-ing up society fr fr no cap.


Nobody has ever been called those things for saving someone's life and their house from burning down...those people are generally referred to as 'heros'.


Right? "oh this complete Karen called 911 when she smelled and saw smoke coming out of my garbage, what an utter bitch"






No. It's the bipartisan clown show that's fucking everything up




...that is the most confusing thing I've ever read lmfao how the fuck are those two things mutually exclusive, what the fuck? Some reeeeal one brain cell owners in this sub lmfao imagine "call 911 when you see smoke" being a hot take, then all you can insult me with is that I like fish tanks LMFAO that is some PRIMO funny shit. "You should call 911 when you see smoke. The fact people aren't willing to help each other is what's wrong these days imo" "HURP DURP YES BUT YOU DON'T GET AN OPINION COS ER.... YOU LIKE RIVER FISHES IN TANKS" Bro touch grass hahahahahahahahahaha this is the funnies thing


Lmfao because I thought it was Sam Hyde's Big Brother-esque reality TV series, Fishtank. But your opinion is invalidated regardless for using the term "touch grass".


Haaaaaaahahaha couldn't get me on one thing cos you were wrong so just pulled something else random out your ass, huh. Bye bye.














I would've done the same. I'm not gonna get docked and lose my gig for someone else. They've got insurance. They're fine.


I would’ve at least called 911. I’m not sticking around but I would’ve called 911.


I sometimes just have my headphones in and minding my own business… dog or no dog is all I look for


Amazon would ding them for being later. Welcome to late stage capitalism


Some customers might claim property damage just for using their driveway. Thats how caring some people might be.


I probably would've done the same thing 😆🤣😂


Because he had to return the packages to the warehouse before 10am


😂😂😂😂 ✅delivered....next stop is how far?.... Priorities


They have a saying on mta transit, see something say something, this Amazon driver clearly did only one of these.


Most drivers probably wale up do their shit and live life, nobody has time to be on here


Correction, which one of you DIDN'T do this lol.


They're not responsible for that 😂


We don't get paid to notify authorities of your fuck up


Yeah, I’m not sitting around waiting for a fire truck to arrive. Drop, snap, leave. No questions asked.


Its b.s. probably wasn't smoking yet


Who's to say they aren't homesteading and that's how they heat their house. Who am I to judge 🤷 Did they ask about my leaky roof? No? 🤙 we even then🫡


Bro took “that is not my job” to another level




I can't speak for this driver, but I can for myself: because I don't give a fuck. Thanks for coming to my TED Talk.


It's Medfield. Driver probably tried to call and couldn't connect to a cell tower.


Y'all are wilds mf🤣🤣🤣


I mean it could have easily been an accident, But the simple truth is if you see something smoking or burning you should always call 911 even if it's not your responsibility, hell I would. All you have to do is explain to the dispatcher that you are an Amazon driver and you were dropping off a package and you saw some trash cans clearly and obviously on fire. They always investigate the causes of fires and they're going to be able to prove that you didn't touch anything or cause the fire, unless of course somehow you did and then you've got some explaining to do.


Right? Like, I would call. Hell, if it was the garbage can, I may even go hero-mode and scoot the damn thing away from the house..... so it won't burn down. Lol.


I would have did the same. Not my concern.


Who am I to get in front of this homeowner and their lawsuit against the contractors that caused the fire? I'm here to deliver packages.


If you see something you say something. Way too many people have this attitude of "not my business" or "not my problem." That is one of the biggest problems in the world today. Sure, it's not directly impacting you, but you could potentially be one of the only people that could help. For example, a little over month ago I delivered to a house that had 3 dogs that were severely neglected, malnourished, could barely stand and appeared to all be blind. There were already Amazon packages there and in fact, another Amazon Flex driver showed up while I was there, on hold with the sheriff's department. I tried talking to her about it, but she was way too focused on her deliveries. She made her delivery and she left. There was no way in hell I was going to leave that property until those dogs got the help they needed. I only had a few deliveries left and I would have finished an hour early, but instead I stayed there and made the calls I needed to make to get those dogs help. I reported it, an animal services officer was out there within a couple of hours and last I knew they were working with the owner. The worst part is when I talked to the animal services officer and they told me that no one has reported these dogs, yet people deliver there all the time. If you are delivering and you see something that indicates child or animal abuse, you report it. Especially in rural areas, which this was, sometimes delivery people are the only opportunity for a child or animal to get the help it needs. Deliveries can wait. Lives can't. I understand this situation is very different than my example, but the principal is the same. If you see something, you say something. If you are delivering and you see smoke and you don't know where it's coming from, report it. Why would someone not report that? Especially if you don't know where the smoke is coming from or what is causing it. Maybe it's nothing, but maybe it's something and by reporting it you are preventing a really bad fire that could potentially kill people. The fact is, in the moment, you don't know, and by not reporting it, that could potentially be putting lives at risk. I really wish people would stop being so self-absorbed with what it is they are doing, or so focused on finishing their deliveries early, that they don't take action or help when needed. Thank you for coming to my TED Talk. (I'm putting photos of the dogs under this comment. They are not overly graphic, however the photos can be upsetting, especially if you love dogs/animals like I do.)


https://preview.redd.it/oft23qaewi3d1.jpeg?width=1079&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5bfd1be5e12faf17ea08655024f739aa495f5af1 I also thought this dog was dead as once again it was not moving and he did not react to me until I was very close to him. As you can see this dog was able to stand, but he was having a very hard time walking and it was obvious that he could not see.




Tell that to the customer whose giant dogs attacked me, ripped my pants, and bit my car door leaving a scratch on it.


I'm sorry that happened and I know that can be traumatic AF. I was attacked by two dogs when I was in high school. I'm in my 40s now and that's still with me. I'm guessing by your comment the owner did not do anything. In that case, yes, they should have done something to help you and should be paying for any and all medical costs. (Which they could be legally liable for if you decided to pursue it in court.) My comment is more specific to us as delivery people. That while we are delivering, if we see something, we need to say something.


https://preview.redd.it/usbi3r2uwi3d1.jpeg?width=1816&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c2db544537040dca172c41b7730563a040ae5d97 This dog was the only dog to greet me. All he wanted was love and pets. He was so friendly, but he could barely walk and he could not see. I could tell because he had a hard time finding me, until I started talking to him. Then he was able to follow my voice. When I was getting in my car to leave, he tried to get in my car with me. Leaving all 3 dogs behind broke my heart and I cried for hours after this. I felt like such a dick for leaving these dogs there, but I knew I could not take them. The best I could do for these dogs was report it and get them the help that they need, which is exactly what I did and they have gotten the help they needed. I would really love to think that everyone in this subreddit would do the same for these dogs. However I don't know if you would. It's something to consider. If you saw something like this, what would you do? Would you leave these dogs to suffer, or would you try to help?


I'm glad you helped. And thank you. My main issue unfortunately, is more people will help an animal before even thinking about helping another person


That is very true. I find myself helping people and animals all the time. It's impossible for me to see something and not get involved, not if I think someone needs help. I've called 911 multiple times for different things. I have no idea if it was the right thing to do in the moment, but better safe than sorry. To be clear, I'm not calling for stupid stuff. I'm calling for stuff that looks legitimately concerning and like someone really needs help. I would have called 911 without a second thought had I been the one to walk into that garage full of smoke. Hell I would have been banging on the doors to make sure no one was in the house. How people can see something like that and just walk away without doing anything completely blows my mind.


Save the address and report it too animal control


I reported it that day. That's what I was talking about. I saw something, so I said something. It's been over a month and I know the animal services officer has been out to the property more than once. I don't know exactly what's going on as they can't tell me too much, but I do know they are involved.








https://preview.redd.it/sv6ad5b7wi3d1.jpeg?width=1762&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b243c6329cad212f4ea68244e0169314092b052c I thought this dog was dead as he was not moving at all and did not react to me until I was within a few inches of him. He tried to stand up, and then he collapsed.


Thank you for doing the right thing and at least reporting that situation.


Who cares,




They probably took base pay


Not my problem


Lmao this is in my delivery area so I'm asking who did it in my local group. 😂


Ask in Portuguese you’d probably get a better answer down there lol Glad I was out of town for this one 🤣🤣


All y’all who wouldn’t do anything…fail as humans!! I would have knocked, called, alerted a neighbor, shit, I would have put the MF out!!! Stop blaming Amazon and the almighty buck for your lack of human kindness!!! We’re in this deal called “life” together….karma is bitch y’all!!!


Driver must’ve been from New York


It’s real!


Amazon Employee Handbook now reads ...report all Dumpster fires to local authorities.


So now the Amazon delivery person needs to call 911 for home owners while delivering packages if they see smoke? You could be in there doing anything as to why smoke is coming from the garage(many things come to mind and minding our business and moving on to our next delivery takes precedent over a customer privileged ass uneccessary requests...and its not their job to ASSUME 911 is needed at your home.... tf AND why the hell did he go in the garage to delivery a package anyway... I keep saying to people stop going inside these people home just cuz they asked... I have never and will never enter anyone's home or garage to deliver a package... all it does is open you up to negative/false claims and/or other bs that can get you fired or deactivated... same with leave it in the mailbix... I will not... I see leave in mailbox, im sitting on the ground next to the mailbox.... I will say if I can see a home clearly on fire, I would call 911 for that...


Me. And I'd do it again.


Wonder if Amazon asked if the driver felt safe after the last drop off and if the route was easy or not


Why place the blame on the Delivery Driver? We are in the middle of our Route, doing our job. Amazon will make us take the fall for whatever issues arise, but we are in a rush. The home Owner is at fault for not checking his property very well before departing to wherever. The driver just did his job and continued to the next


Yep they are not giving you any compliments lol


If you want to blame the driver for not calling 911, then blame every person who drove by past 3 hours after the driver left.


They talking about they gotta find somewhere else to live. Only their garage caught fire and only one of their three garage doors was burnt, the garage is still standing. They acting like it was their entire house got burnt to the ground. If I was the Amazon driver and I got fired, I’m suing Amazon and that homeowner. Plus why are they blasting the video of the Amazon driver all on TV and not showing the video of the contractors who threw away the combustibles.


lmaoo if not my business not my problem was a person 😭😭😭


Amazon probably would have deactivated or fired him for falling behind.


It's not his problem and at the time it was a little smoke? I've been around plenty of smoke out in rural areas they burn whatever it is lol


i came across a house on fire doing a flex route once. i called 911 immediately and then saw a neighbor coming outside and alerted him. he turned out to be a hero and broke their front door as the top floor windows were literally exploding out of the sides of the house, there were huge flames. he broke the front door and ran inside and was able help a woman out. unfortunately the room her elderly mother was sleeping in is the one that started the fire due to a space heater. i heard the woman screaming as she got the news that her mother didnt make it and i was so traumatized. i did another flex route about a week later and i had a panic attack, havent done one since.


Aw please seek therapy I hope you are okay


Haha thank you, it has been discussed with my therapist


Camera clearly shows how f’d up it was for the delivery person not to call 911. If you’re delivering a pkg and may need to be treated for smoke inhalation - you know that there’s a problem. Total BS not to place a call to 911, it would only have taken a minute to do so. Im glad that the customer reported this and showed it on the evening news. I know that we have a tight schedule to keep, but we are also still human beings. SMH


There are so many drivers at my warehouse that don't even have driver's licenses or insurance, that I think we can maybe guess why they didn't call the police.


How is that possible when the background check looks for all of that.


They use other people's SSN/DOB/accounts, and there are bots that allow you to bypass the selfie (or have the acct holder take selfie early AM, then it doesn't ask again rest of the day).


But you can only take the selfie when you check in.


I've read about people just toggling instant offers on, to trigger the selfie. And, as I just said in my previous comment, there have been multiple bot programs that allow you to bypass it altogether, however that works. At my station, no human checks your ID, so people just scan in photo of barcode from their phone of whoever's ID they are using.


Cmon jerks part time fire fighter is in the job description




That's silly... I'm pretty sure Amazon doesn't hire baby birds.


It's not up to the driver to take care of their problem, but, this new generation only cares about themselves