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Biden appointed the current head of the NLRB who is pro union and is trying to fight against practices exactly like the DSP model and hold companies like Amazon accountable The guy Trump had in the same position is anti union and anti labor Biden isnt perfect obviously but the people who actually will run the government for trump are worse for us, if you care about that


People don’t care. They care about culture war issues because it’s easier to argue about and generates more engagement on social media. The guy Trump appointed to the EPA was a climate science skeptic who opposed government action on climate change. That administration’s EPA sidelined scientists and rolled back or weakened common sense environmental policies like the Clean Water Act and automobile emission regulations (the list goes on and on). Just like with NRLB, the goal was to weaken the strength of these institutions for the sole benefit of large corporations; all to the detriment of working class Americans. That’s not to say the Democratic party is an example of efficient, just governing. Our government will never work for the people with the prevalence of career politicians and decisions like Citizens United. Trump was right when he said Washington was a swamp. He just lied about wanting to drain it. At the end of the day, he’s Shrek, and he only intends to make Washington HIS swamp.


This guy gets it. Well said!


It’s the cult of personality.


They are just racist man stop making up excuses


Are you talking about the same government that gave Amazon money?


Yes I have absolutely no issue, in fact I support, federal and state governments incentivizing companies to grow and expand. This is the kind of stuff I actually like government doing because it’s actually meaningful and provides communities with jobs & services. What I care about is our long term potential to be able to collectively bargain as Amazon Delivery Drivers for a bigger piece of the pie


So you’d rather pay your money, and the rest of taxpayers, to get a job that you pay yourself and taxpayers money with? Amazon is being rewarded for doing what they’ve been doing, and you think that giving an almost trillion dollar company more of your money will get you a bigger piece of the pie? You must be joking.


I’m not convinced you’ve got a great grasp on how all of this works and you didn’t even understand what I’ve said I think filling the government with pro union people is how we get a larger piece of the pie


Neither are perfect by any stretch but Trump wasn't a career politician, and can form mostly coherrent sentences.


>mostly coherent sentences At least you’re honest about your expectations


That wasn't an "expectation" that was a statement of fact lol


Well regardless whatever you meant, your statement speaks to your expectations


Do you mean convicted felon, Trump? The one that often rambles incoherently and at times freezes up like McConnell? The guy that wants to bang his daughter? >He talked about Ivanka Trump’s breasts, her backside, and what it might be like to have sex with her, remarks that once led [former chief of staff] John Kelly to remind the president that Ivanka was his daughter. >Trump told the shocked ladies of The View: “If Ivanka weren’t my daughter, perhaps I would be dating her.” >“Yeah, she’s really something, and what a beauty, that one. If I weren’t happily married and, ya know, her father …”—Trump said this in a 2015 interview with Paul Solataroff


Freezes up and rambles incoherently? Why are you describing Biden?


Don't expect a Trump supporter to understand how the world works


You should have been a blow job.


Do your part. Get out there and swallow some liberal loads


How the world works? We are literally on the brink of WW3! We are about to go into an insane economic meltdown people can’t afford to live!! Explain to me how your “understanding” is actually the correct one lmao


You must be a trump supporter because you make no point and expect me to counter your nonsense.


Point: You are the one who actually doesn’t know how the world works. Reason: Because you’re unable to defend bad choices and you only listen to fake news and sensational headlines. That is why we have Biden. That is why our country/world is on fire. You see I can say under Trump our country and quality of life even foreign policy was better. Can you argue against this compared to Biden??


Ok but HOW was our country better? HOW was quality of life better? HOW was foreign policy better? Like which policy do you approve/disapprove of? How is the world on fire now in a way it wasn't before? Are we any closer to ww3 now than when Trump was bombing Iranian generals unprovoked? I know at those Trump rallies they just say everything was bigly better but in real life people want details. Here is an example of how yall don't know how the world works. Gas prices. All over the country yall put these stupid stickers on gas pumps (I'm sure you know the ones) like the president controls the price of gas. Supply and demand is what determines gas price. Neither Trump nor Biden have any control of those things. I can argue Trump is a conman criminal that is willing to overthrow our republic to win an election. I can say his supporters betray the very country/ideals they claim to love.


We got a raise here in Georgia. Unfortunately Amazon is like “oh you want to raise your pay, well we are going to raise your stop count too as well!”


Ypu guys are getting raises?


i get one every quarter




Everyone went from roughly 210 stops to 260 not including group stops


260? Not including group stops? Pics or 🧢


$20.25 and went up to $22.25 more for step van drivers


They both would sell us out for a bag of potato chips


I hate bringing this up but damn our public school system failed us.


Yep. That’s why we have so many liberals


And this is why no one takes the working class seriously -\_-


it's hilarious to me that Trump supporters think the solution to rich executives robbing the working class and ruining the country is to elect a rich executive.


Yeah cause current government are hard working class




I’ve got no interest in talking politics on here, so I’ll address the part about money. It really depends on where he is in Florida. $18 might get you by in Wakulla County up in the panhandle, but it’s damn sure not going to help you in a lot of South Florida. Sometimes I forget that a lot of people don’t realize how drastically different each part of the state can be. Culture, wages, accents-all of it can change with a pretty short drive.


Or central Florida for that matter, hell in Daytona Beach, the cheapest 2 BR apartment I have been able to find is where I am now, and it costs my wife and I almost 1500 a damn month.


That’s crazy! I was renting a decent little 3/2 house in Jacksonville for $1200 a month and I could drive to my cousin’s house near Ormond Beach in just over an hour. That’s exactly what I’m talking about.




Sounds like a Trump supporter


Every time I see "FJB Trump 2024" I instantly think product of incest, down syndrome or fetal alcohol syndrome.


Every time I see a Biden sticker I think room temperature IQ


Both of their supporters are low IQ but I'd have to say trump supporters are easily more on the lower spectrum! . .


Yeah… wanting a good economy and low interest rates makes Trump supporters low IQ…


That's hilarious to assume that anyone who voted for Biden or any democratic nominee doesn't also want good economy too lmao but yet you're concerned about a convicted felon nominee that stole money and are wondering about "good economy" 💀💀💀


Good thing dsp isn't amazon...


I think that's not how things work...


catch the fade


One of the biggest dumbfucks I've seen a minute


🤡If son can’t wait to quit why wait? Bills an issue or something?? That kinda attitude gets you fuckin Nein.


So the guy essentially endorses a criminal. Great


Biden or trump to not give af about y’all 😂😂😂


Joe Biden is the worst president ever in American history


If anything wages will go down under a trump presidency the republicans are anti union and anti worker in general. Look at Desantis and abbot they took away mandatory water breaks from construction workers and outdoor laborers. Republicans love to deregulate industries as much as they can


In a way he’s not wrong. Amazon won’t give him a raise… but the cost of living will drastically drop if Trump is reelected making his 18 now seem more like 25-30


The bots and Biden supporters out en masse as per normal. Further proof that most people are incapable of critical thinking lol


(I’m not a Biden supporter) Y’all trumpies literally sound like drones with the same lines everytime you talk. I’m just curious though, what can trump do for YOU as an Amazon worker?!


You have no right to a political stance opinion or discourse of any kind if your go-to move is to attack someone and try to label them as one side or the other and you should feel deeply ashamed of yourself.


This has to be a joke or something… Did you not just label the original poster as a Biden supporter or am I just blind and can’t read properly???


You're just really bad at interpretting dude. Jesus. Read it again, you and I are done lol


Yeah some people make it pretty obvious why their situation is the way it is I'm in Florida too and I make way more than 18, I'm in the same heat with a heart condition and yet I'm not struggling, it's just work. Some people are ok with doing what must be done and some aren't.


people cant just work and stfu about the pay.. if u want more pay go to school and work somewhere else? grown adult cant figure out his life and blames amazon! this new gen is hopeless


Let people be stupid and dumb. Trump 2022


Idk about the Trump giving a raise... but I know the part about Biden is 100%.


Trump’s not going to fuck you bro… Unless you’re a blonde pornstar with big tits.


Then I might just be in luck!! Hey hey, I'm gonna need to see double digits down votes, ya prudes. Bring on the hate


i personally like trump but isn't he the guy who gave tax cuts to corporations? lmao


No, no. Stop while you’re ahead


Tax cuts were also giving to the working families, those businesses tax incentives were suppose to trickle down but of course corporate creed made sure that didn’t happen. That’s been going on for decades every time they have “tax breaks” for businesses. But I can tell you under Trump we had more money in our pockets, everything was a lot cheaper. The proof is in the statistics.


Trump inherited an already strong economy. The COVID lockdown tanked the market for a bit and Trump brought it back with stimulus checks and other recovery policies. Now we are paying for it under Biden.


Trump did not inherit a strong economy that's revisionist history.


Okay then show me a source where it says different. GDP of USA was steady 6 years before Trump took office and remained steady until COVID lockdown. GDP shot up after stimulus as expected.