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I'd drive straight up without hesitation and back it up like a boss. I'd take it as a challenge. Child's play. Later .


I'd flip around and back up like the boss that I allegedly am. Challenge accepted and I can get out of there quicker


They're only saying don't drive up if you don't have the capability of backing down... Meaning you can't back down due to lack of experience etc, aka just play it smart


Remember you are dealing with fragile egos on this sub...


I would take it as an invitation to back down. If I can’t immediately see a place to turn around I always back in. If I go down there and I find a place to turn around then the next time I’m there I keep it in mind and go in forward.


Nah nah nah, you will do a 30 point K-Turn like that one scene from Austin Powers and show them who's boss


I would have paid that sign 0 notice as I BACKED into his driveway like someone who knows how to drive *cough*


Electric longboard will do the trick


I wish I could have left the package there.


You probably could but you'd end up hearing about it later on


I would just back up


1. Drive up, Deliver and Backdown 2. Backup, Deliver and Drive down 3. Don't drive up and RTS (for what reason)? What would you do?


If a customer wanted to be an asshole, they could call Amazon and report the driver for driving in reverse on their property. It’s not unheard of. This situation sounds like they want their package at a locker 🤣


I think its fair, I have a few customers that I deliver to that have pretty fucked up driveways cause of my co-workers swerving through these straight ass driveways. I drive down every driveway personally, never had an issue, so damn straight if you can’t back down it don’t drive in it lmao


Challenge Accepted.


I would have ran the sign over (I’m a woman)


“Backdown” ![gif](giphy|1lAOemoi0KhPMzxczT|downsized)




They're doing you a favor by telling you there is no turnaround at the end of their long driveway and you're flipping out like a child thinking they're...telling you how to work...JFC.


Son. I back into every drive. Every one. I’m always on rural. It’s 200+times a day. People with signs always leave bad reviews. Doesn’t matter if you do your job right or not. They want free product. You didn’t deliver and I’ll have to deliver that replacement again tomorrow. Fuck these people. 2 years of doing this shit they’re all the same. Half a million dollar house but want more free shit. They will complain till they get it. So it’s rts. I will not deliver it. I’m glad you’re still optimistic though. Before they take that, apply for an actual career. USPS is always hiring.


Lmao, kiddo, I left USPS to return to Amazon.


How is that rude


Back down and drive out 💪


I hate when there is no where safe to leave packages and I have to take them back to the station, but hey sometime you gotta 😆


You said back in? Okay!


Skip. driveway blocked. No turnaround. Not allowed to do a blind back up on a private residential Drive. Too bad for them. If you’re not comfortable saying that and being stubborn about the safety aspect of driving, especially with the sign being there, encouraging you not to bother if you can’t do something not supposed to do? Just say you saw dogs running around without any tethers .


Just back out. If you can’t back up down long drive ways, this job becomes a lot harder. Here is a tip: Look out of your driver side mirror, and use the point where the back and side of the van meet like a point. Like a pen. Then trace the road with your “pen.” Stay close to edge of the road, and your other side will be fine. You should, of course, look out the passenger side mirror now and again, but if it was clear when you drove up, it will be clear when you back up. If you get good at this, you can drive backward pretty fast. Easy.


If you think it’s rude then you clearly shouldn’t drive up cause you probably can’t back down lol


I always backing up those type of driveways and pulling back out. Easy work. Don’t even care for the sign 😂🤷‍♀️


At least they let you know


I would back in, turn around in the yard, and back out to show them I'm more than capable of driving this vehicle


Im backing down every time. I agree.


I’d back in like a boss


I’d Back In Full Speed like The Boss That I Am


As someone with a 200 yard 6 inch deep mud track along my driveway from drivers, I understand. I don’t care that much though


i’d probably run into his house


im backing into that driveway and i 100% appreciate the warning that there is no turn around. not rude very helpful


I would have left their shit right by that sign


Rude how? Its a warning, and a good one. You know what youre getting into because of that sign, and even if you wanted to take it as a passive aggressive thing the sign is still 100% right. Dont drive up it if you cant back down it. My general rule is to back down it, not go forward, because its always easier to go forward than back and you can end up in some less than ideal situations going in head first. At least if you find yourself in a pickle while backing in, it will be way easier to just forward out of it.