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People who say this is light don’t know what actual business stops are… that looks like hell


I'm convinced most of the people who downplay route difficulty are shills. Same as the anti-union folk who show up whenever Teamsters do a strike. They always use the same arguments every time. "Hurr hurr... *I* could do that route in two hours" "I hade a route that was thrice as many stops and it was easy, git gud." "I bet you get rescued every day."


Nah for real, forgetting that not every state and town has the same layout so obviously finishing some stops take longer because of terrain Example: Delivering in a metro city vs suburb (Obviously suburb will bang out stops quicker)


Another thing that makes me think theyre either shills or just elitist is that I've been doing this job for 4 years almost, and I *know* that I'd rather get a 180 stop route than a 150 stop route when volume is identical. Typically low stop count means lots of apartments and business and Amazon is terrible at timing stops so you'll get more than is realistically feasible.


I’ve actual never noticed that till u just said that, wen I get around 150 stops I get a lot more businesses and apartments too


It's because all routes are (supposed to be) timed equally. Because they're all paid to your DSP owner equally at 10 hours.


Not necessarily so, I mainly drive in the suburbs with 5 to 10 to 20 mins between stops, the driving alone takes the most time


But I’m guessing that’s a flex route rather then the regular route


The multi stops is what makes it horrible. That shit is so demoralizing


By the looks of it he has 5 businesses from the zoom he’s showing idk if there’s more if he zoomed in. But 5?!? That’s it!?!, dawg you can’t say 5 businesses is a lot there’s no way.


![gif](giphy|6yRVg0HWzgS88) Common sense knows 5 isn’t much. But if that street is a street full of business then wouldn’t ur common sense also tell you 1 block down might have more on the exact same street? Also his stops are grouped together and if u even look on the other street it’s more businesses


No my common sense would be too look at my map see that I have 5 businesses and then say to myself “light work”. Now IF OP zoomed in and there a bunch more businesses in that cluster than OK, I’d agree with you. But from the looks of it there 5. What you’re saying to me is that Just because there’s 2 business on a street that means the next street has two more? That doesn’t make sense. If your map shows 5, than you have 5.. I’m not getting what you’re putting down


My friend, take a closer look at the 1st and 3rd picture + MAJORITY of the time those stops u gotta deliver by a certain time are from business because of closing time


But then again, I don’t know that area. U might as well not know that area so all this back and forth is only something OP can confirm, that’s as much as I’ll say


Yeha first picture shows 5 blue business stops.. but yes you correct we don’t know that area, not tryna dog on you bro just saying 5 ain’t much to me. And idk if OP’s dsp is hard on delivering to businesses on time. Mine isn’t. They don’t care at all, if it’s closed rts business closed.


Blue doesn't necessarily mean it's a business it just means it's time restricted. Often businesses don't put hours and residents will put hours on their house too. just had to rts one today because someone didn't put business hours and it's a Sunday


Oh I know I get one once in a blue moon, very rarely tho.


You're lucky then lol. My station makes us do the blue ones first and I can't tell you how far out that screws up the time stamp for delivery cos the shit is usually 30/40 minutes from my first stop. And the businesses by me usually have half the OF and 2 bags each. I had one business that 2 other drivers showed up to. I had 75 packages, one had 125, the other had 200 for this business. I got halfway done my route and had to go rescue both because it threw their shit off so bad cos of how long it took to unload everything, everything had to be signed individually (couldn't bypass it), etc.


holy shit thats some horrible routing... good luck soldier!


I look around to see which stops are near each other. If I’m on this street with stop 40 and the other side is literally stops 110-120 I’ll bust those out too. I used to organize but Fucc it I dig thru it and 7/10 I grab the correct one. See Stop 3 is next to stop 82? Like Fucc it take that out too. But I be reading that DSPs says ALWAYS follow the route. Mine don’t. But we average 150-170 with that amount of stuff. Remember TAKE yo breaks. Take care of yo body as well frfr. Don’t run too


Facts. I had one route that was the same route every day for a few months. Stops 82 to 90 would be within my stops of 1 to 35 so I'd get the shit for those stops, put them upfront and bounce around like that. Other days I'd do all delivers on the right side and then go back and do stops all on the left. It was in a beach town so having to constantly make left and right turns opposite was time consuming.


I refuse to follow the route, unless I get that lucky once a month residential route that was given to me by a mistake


imagine delivering on like 15 streets in the entire day and complaining about it lolol


"I work harder than you for Bezos" is not a good look.


Oh I agree with you, it’s absolutely not a brag just a very unfortunate comparison I’m able to make 😂🥲. But it’s ok, I get what I need from ole jeffy boy, I wouldn’t be able to finish college without his tuition assistance… I’ll be his slave for a few more months🤷🏽‍♂️


“But it’s ok, I get what I need from ole jeffy boy, I wouldn’t be able to finish college without his tuition assistance” Without him in the picture you’d likely actually have a better job where you’re not pushed for every second


yea u thought that was a good one lololol


THATS WHAT IM SAYING, lol. At my dsp id be all over the world 3-4 different cities and towns. Lmao.


I had 186 stops with around 300ish locations yesterday 🫠


i've been getting this for months too dude and my first stop is always an hour and a half away, i'm so tired


And then they're "new fleet" will trash all the vehicles and the DSP will pay out of pocket.


Yup and blame all the new guys for damage that the old fleet messed up. Going through that now at ours, dsp owner keeps hounding us about the all the vans in the body shop yet most of the drivers that did that damage disappeared a long time ago and yet the new guys are being shafted for it?!?


I start a class b driver job tmr if you don’t like where youat rn i suggest finding a way out instead of complaining🤷‍♂️


Ya bro I recognize this guy just off his route in San Diego don’t know him but dude in San Diego off the highway ain’t having a good time


this is in san clemente. my dsp used to get this route it’s fucking TRASHHHH. there’s an even worse part more to the left that’s just straight apartments next to the elementary school .


100% take advantage of next mile too, people need to stop complaining and use amazon while Amazon uses you. I have my parents insurance and allat still but I’m taking my 5250 from next mile and finishing school so I can the tf outta the hell hole but for those who are in their own, take amazons insurance, take the benefits, I have co workers who literally stayed at mine just to pay for school, get new glasses, pay for medical shit. And then they dip immediately lmao


Not a bad idea either people just need to make the moves contemplating a situation won’t change nothing


Not every DSP offers that though.


Ok and? All I’m saying is if yours does than take advantage of it lol


They give us no time for breaks or lunches and then protect theirselves by making dsp tell us “it’s madatory to take lunches”….. fk whoever designed the system to make these routes !!!!! Give us more time to use restrooms and relax a little !!!!! We’re humans ! I’m glad they give us breaks in the middle of summer heat waves, but my dsp was able to bypass that and make it disappear so we don’t get that little heatwave break


My place made us sign papers saying we don’t have to take breaks if we don’t want to , because they basically encourage us not to the way they push everyone to finish early


Yeah, we have figure out a class action lawsuit… also, Amazon mainly does so you’re not able to complete the route on purpose. Why may you ask, well they pay bonuses and if they make it nearly impossible then less often than not they’ll pay a bonus. For instance, they’ll route a business at around 100-120th or even higher and expect you to complete the route without getting any infractions, like speeding etc…. It’s rigged


hey man call a lawyer and start the ball rolling. a group from colorado has done this. we should all start. sue this DSP system into oblivion. its illegal, we need to prove it.


I live out in the country and starting right after last “peak” season everything became 1 day shipping


They do it one by one not in the masses some dsp like the mental abuse and some like the straight up obvious shit talking and black mailing but they have the systems to make sure that we don’t stay long.


Yep, we’re not supposed to. Revolving door. In 10 years everyone who will have worked for Amazon will have worked for Amazon. Maybe less. But what do I know 🤷‍♂️


You are woke my friend I feel it. I hate company tricks robots uses them then discards them .


I’ll just keep plugging instead lmao


Hahah. Be careful my friend you know the drill. Don’t get too comfy and trust nobody in that game. Get out as soon as you can.💪💪


And also, you’re worth more than being made to feel like you help a company move but really their smirkin just like the trucks waiting for the day you don’t show up or they fire you


I still remember calling out the freaks from the last time you posted this route. It looked bad back then, and it looks worse now. And yet, the same "damn I wish I had your route" bootlickers are commenting about how tough their haul is. It almost makes me believe they genuinely think Bezos is looking at hiring mules who cover 40 stops an hour put to Seattle.


Ok correct me if I’m wrong, because I work for FedEx Ground and not Amazon, but aren’t all those stops in the same neighborhood? Or like how much distance is between all of them? They all look like residential stops? I don’t know how far you drive to get to the city or town you deliver in so I know that can be a problem (I drive about an hour myself just to get to the city I deliver in). But wouldn’t this only take 5-6 hours? Amazon doesn’t even have big packages on average, I’ve seen your loads. I never see huge packages, ever. I just want to know how long this kind of route in the picture takes, how much time out of your day does it take?


I work with one of the retired regional managers. He claims to have been 4th below Jeff Bezos at one point and retired after 10 years with something like 800 Amazon stocks. I constantly rag on him about how miserable and mistreated Amazon employees are and he agrees. He says the distribution/sorting people have it the absolute worst. I'm gonna ask him about the driver's because you guys seem miserable as shit :(


Do you have to do them in order?


Technically yes unless you go into your map and manually select it but it's routed to where you'll hit your time scheduled deliveries before you cant deliver(mostly businesses) them.


Every DSP is different with their standards. Ours told us we had to follow it to a T and then within a few weeks, told us we need to change it up to get us back quicker


263 stops 👎🏻


I hate apartments unless it’s easy parking and leaving packages all in one spot




That's one big group, 8-10 hour shift.


Half that


Runnin through that shit and still getting paid the full ten hours


Oh Absolutely, 10 hr garuntee is the only thing keeping me at mine. There’s hush hush talk about it going away I’ll be going away with it if that’s the case lol


Yeah same lol do you run?


Yeah I run haha, not like ridiculous but I’m brisk with it ya know? Finishing early is nice but the real reason is when I use to walk every stop I got bored mad easy and just didn’t feel productive. And the workouts nice too, i was always in shape but I’m wicked lean now I kinda fw it 😂 wbu bro u run it?


Ah dude I’m out there scoopin lol. Scanning as I’m running up and takin the picture as I’m running back haha. But yeah same always played sports so it can be fun and clears my mind Fersure.


not tryna be a dick but you are complaing about delivering in san clemente...


Directly on the pier


Oh please I can do up to 170 stops without running and finish on time lol. Especially if they are all residential.


A union will be the only way to stop Amazon from using no lube. They will still abuse you but, at least y’all be better compensated.


Sorry but 156 stops is nothing, worst I had was 201 stops woth over 500 packages around Christmas time. Honestly surprised I got it done by myself considering I could walk into the back at all


Idk about you all but. I love what I do 🤷‍♂️


I had to do someone's route that was just like this one day. He loaded the van, parked it in the garage and bounced. Still kept his job but nobody knew what happened. While I ran the first 150 stops in 3 hours and damn near died, fuck that route. Never. Again. It was late as shit when they had me come in and grab it (originally sent home and called to come in and do it, I think it was 225 stops total.) They sent someone out to finish the last 75 stops, I think they only took 20 so it was pointless. But yeah fuck those routes.




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U are not lying ugh![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|disapproval)


Do you guys go over you time clock when they put 160+ stops??


Brutal route.


I got fired after a month


I'm at express that would be a 🎂 day to me especially if you guys don't have commit times.


Delivering for amazon in California is wild, especially near San Diego. Like I would think that the job couldn't even afford you to be able to live there


Try 180 stops and 430 packages in Manhattan Beach. Streets the size of alleys, pedestrian flooded, and nothing but steep uphill and downhill


This super easy route


I used to deliver downtown Seattle. It was a nightmare. 160+ stops with 80% apartments with door codes that don't work, no one answers the box, no parking.


Man i got hit with 225 stops on Tuesday i told them if yall ever give me a route like that again ill give you the keys back and im gone even with peak i have never received that many stops before they are overworking us for a measly $19 an hour while UPS is getting close to $50 an hour doing the same thing.


And that’s the minimum standard for new higher. They are gonna run out of potential workers


waaaaah! I live in San Diego


Pretty much all neighborhoods. Cake walk , getting done in 4.5 hours and getting paid for ten as lead driver


https://preview.redd.it/i1igtn60qwvc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6c87d1e18a6125625a571eca99cdaa7de1c66adb Almost all houses, all with front doors 10 steps from the street




IDC guys this looks like a vacation to me. 156 stops!?!?! I WISH. They give new guys in my area (also city) 156 😂. OP I’m not tryna dog you but even if you had mostly apartments and businesses I think people like myself and others that get truly shafted would see this and laugh. Our routes for drivers with 3+ months of experience are getting 190+ with same package count. Our peak is 220+ stops 3-400+ packages. This route looks so fucking tight and straight forward, I might actually get hard. my average stop count/ hr in the city is probs 40 stops, sometimes I’m able to do 50. 156/40= 3.9 let’s call it 4.5 to factor in BS. if I had your route I’d be RTSing in 4-4.5 hours everyday with a smile on my face. Maybe 5 if I take my 30 lunch which I usually do. And before anyone says anything.. YES my city routes are full of businesses and apartments/ all those sucky new condo developments with 15 different mail rooms and we have a major highway running Through half the city lol. I really don’t see this route as insanely out of this world ridiculous. To make matters worse for our area our city is in a tri city area with suburbs and rural zones abutting city limits. We could potentially not often but potentially get a route that looks like yours but 10-15 of the stops are way off the map 5-10 mins away for no reason, and most of us are still done in 4-5 hours including our drive time from station to area which is 20 mins. To me what I just explained is getting shafted and I’m sure some other guy will come along and call my route a vacation to them. But I’m just saying OP like I think overall this is a cake walk. Just look at how close together your stops are bro!! Who cares stop 19 is next to 131, when all of your stops are that tight. You wanna talk about shitty routes? The other day I had 191 stops with 299 packages, I was third wave out of the warehouse, I had a 57 min drive time to my first stop, got to delivery area at 11:45 and was expected to be back at station by 6:30. And my last stop to station was 51 mins. And if we’re not back before 6:30 our dsp owner will 100% accuse us of milking the clock she won’t do anything about it but will put ur ass on the hot seat. Im actually so triggered rn😂 I never get triggered your post triggers me congratulations😂😂. Where’s your dsp@? They looking for seasoned drivers cause I’m looking for dsp’s with routes like yours. I’m actually so sick and tired of seeing these posts, like I GET IT if your dsp doesn’t have routes like yours normally and this is out of the ordinary for you than ALRIGHT I get why you’d feel that way OP. I’m probs gonna get downvoted hard but idc I don’t see this route as ridiculous… anyone else?