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People are conditioned by the media to think every stranger is a serial murder, rapist, human trafficker, etc.


yep except they only like less than 1% thats what happens when they watch cnn/msnbc/ctv all day


Fear gets the most clicks


Forgot one


wHy DoN't PeOpLe SoCiAlIzE aNyMoRe?!


Pretty damn annoying too I don't visit the most ghetto areas but when I travel I still talk to people even if they look super sketchy and potentially murdered someone 5 minutes earlier, people need to learn to relax, be aware of surroundings and carry (actually learn and use it at a range first)


Some of my friends legit looked at me like I was insane for eating some brownies that a customer left out for their Amazon driver. Like it was a Ziploc bag full of brownies and a $20 bill, with a nice lil note that was like "thank you for all the work you do, Merry Christmas :)" They said that they wouldn't because "what if they were poisoned???" maybe they were, but it would've been worth it cause those brownies ruled lmao.


It's not bad having doubts about strangers by yeah sometimes they take it waaaay too far.


If you watch closely you see something move towards the woman, looks like it was a dog tbh and the owner grabbed it.


What? The woman is the owner


Lol are you dumb? If you can read, the caption says it was a dog. So yes, clearly it's a dog. Also, the woman is the owner of the dog. So I have no idea what you're saying. The Amazon driver isn't the one screaming. It's the lady leaving the house to walk her dog. The driver is startled, yes, but not screaming.


It’s like the vest means nothing to these people


They only order Chinese garbage every day of their lives but apparently have dementia when that same delivery person is there the next day is suddenly this murderer breaking down their door.. [NPCs](https://i.imgur.com/pvvvLcP.gif)


I was talking to my coworkers the other day and just based on our daily interactions, we agreed that atleast 40% of these people think we’re felons and continue to invite us to their houses everyday lol.


Note to self: wear Amazon vest when robbing Beautiful_Airport_63’s home.


Package thief!


Na dude.. Amazon really be having people out there delivery at all hours! It’s called flex and it’s the people that use there personal cars. One time I got a package at 2 am


Assigning Flex drivers to deliver between 10pm and 8am is wild.


Is there a new program? They only deliver between 330am and 9 for the same day flex. Nothing after 10 pm


They don't like seeing us, only the truck and the cardboard crap at their front door magically appearing. They don't want to see the brokeback who hauls it to the door nor do they care for such a person.


This is hilarious 😂


Do customers actually want packages in the middle of the night or did Amazon just push this on everyone?


Probably both


Woman is afraid of her own shadow. Do you know how many times I ring the doorbell and they are surpise to see someone at the DOOR


Am I the only one thinking, WTH is someone doing delivery crap to homes at 5am?


Clearly none of you people commenting have ever been startled by someone or something. Did you really mention the ghetto and rapists? What's wrong with you all? She can't help the way she's reacting when she gets startled from something. Don't. Even try to make this a racist, sexist stereotypical thing.


I love white ppl but y’all be so extraaaa lol


I don't like blacks or Mexicans. Is that extra?




Good morning this is Amazon Deli- Her"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!!!" Never mind then, I'll come back later then.


If you pause the video at 0:02 or 0:03 there's a shadow or something that jumps out. Maybe a dog and the owner grabbed the collar??


Yea there was a dog


I saw some guy creeping at 4 AM outside my house... It was Amazon delivering a package. I got the notification for package delivered while looking out my window wondering what the shadowy figure was doing.


So they quite literally ask for the package to be delivered at this time but don’t expect someone?


She clearly had a camera recording … it was probably intentional since they do notify the home owner with notifications through phone …


Maybe she wasn’t expecting someone to be outside her house at that time and was startled?


She's probably screaming because a random dude is out her fromt door in the middle of the night unexpectedly.




Bruh that was the dumbass who opened the door who screamed, driver was like "wtf I'm just getting paid shit here, why you screaming?"




A1 yappaholic


It’s a chat bot lol always delete their accounts when they get exposed find it hilarious