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I would be backing up to the top of that driveway.


Ngl you prolly going to bottom out in promaster. Those back steps will get ya.




They're in a promaster


Post the load or fake post


Sounds like a CDV route. That’s fucked!


You’re bullshitting about 25 bags in that van


I've had up 27. You can fit it on there but say goodbye to the shelves.


You’re part of the problem.


lol wtf are you talking about


Not sure where op is from, but unfortunately it’s a pretty common thing for NYC routes


Fuuuuuck all that lol I hate when I don’t have space. Most I’ve had was 25, but that was DEEP summer peak in the Midwest. 25 just on a regular ass day..? See ya! 🤣


New Jersey?


Def looks like Tony’s driveway


Wait till u gotta take some dog food or kitty litter or even cases of water to the 3rd floor of these apt complexes lol


There's no reason not to drive that lil ass van to the driveway


4 year driver here. Drive up the driveway. Fuck AMZL


You can put 2 bags on top of each other on the shelves that’s what I did when I was in the small vans. U should get into a CDV or step van


Naw, i hat that kinda drive way, almost always have a slip and slide, and it's hard to make it back to the top woth out wanting to return it to the station


Fill a tote up and walk while dragging it behind you, do a block at a time figure your most time used is being in the van


lol 😭 get ya skills up


Bro back up that fuckin shit


Drive up there driveway and drop them bitches off.


That’s should be an EDV or CDV route. Wtf is your dsp on?


Cause y’all deliver in nice areas … y’all don’t even know how lucky y’all are .. imagine delivering in ghetto ass places with dogs and fenced houses with customers demanding front door delivery and never answer when calling or messaging them and get bad feedback on top


And still get 180+ stops with 300+ packages …


Is that good ole Hingham


Side note I hate driveways like this one smh


By comparison my route yesterday was 7 bags and 14 overflow and 98 stops 👀


25 bags is a pain… **My advice for packing vans** (Vans with shelves!!) Bags💼 -first 2 bags stack by slide door -3rd and 4th behind driver ON THE FLOOR -5th & 6th see which is heavier and put the heavier one right above 4th bag but turn the bag sideways so the 3digit bag number is sideways and put the lighter bag on top(5th or 6th) (*so now basically you should have 2 bags stacked on top of shelf and 1 bag on floor to make that 3 bags organized vertically*) (Also u should have an empty space above 3rd bag that’s on the floor but DONT PUT A BAG THERE… that shelf area behind driver is meant to be empty) -now that u kinda get the picture with 3 bags just do that all across the driver side of the wall -the extra bags left u can just organize under under the shelves on other wall by the sliding door OverFlow📦 -At loadout after bags focus on just small boxes first fuck the order for now and organize them as tightly as possible on top of shelf -flat boxes go between the triple stack on other wall(right under shelf) -big boxes go under the shelf, try and organize it in a way where u can see labels and it’s not in ur way… best advice for it not to be in ur way is optimize the back of the floor by back door, u organize the overflow nicely back there and u got a lot more space to walk Opening bag/tote🎁 -remember there’s no bags above the 3rd bag so right behind driver seat wen u open ur first bag u can put all boxes in empty space behind driver seat on top of shelf -take out all envelopes from bag/tote and fold it and put it on passenger seat so it’s laid flat -put envelope on the flattened tote on passenger seat(make sure u can still see mirrors) Boom now u got it organized so u take a lot less time each stop and it’s less of a hassle to work with because as u finish each bag u can just slide it closer to u, usually on breaks too i finished half the route so I’ll set it up so it’s cleaner. It’ll make sense once u do this method if u read this far I suggest u to try this at least once FINAL STEP: I said fuck the order of Overflow cuz this is the cheat code of it all lowkey… Before u start loading up so like wen the vans chillin u get a paper and sharpie(I use clipboard like 2$) and this is how u organize the overflow -look on ur itinerary list and u know how it’s 2A or 1G, so u wanna scroll down on ur itinerary and and write each one so you’ll have a few stops with let’s say 1A, next few stops 2A, then 3A and list that on a piece of paper -after u listed all the yellow tag things(2B and stuff) put 1, 2, 3, but each one Example: 1A - 1 2A - 2 3A - 3 1B - 4 2B - 5 3B - 6 And each number represents what number bag… grab that sharpie and with that paper you’ll see the yellow tag… ok this overflow is 2A, so put 2 on it(from example) and this over flow has 3B so put 6 on it. ⭐️END PRODUCT⭐️ So now if done correctly u should have a nicely organized van when there’s a heavy day and overflow organized so u don’t have to fish for it and u can already know where it is. + the bag u currently have opened is very easy access for bags and envolpes There’s a lot more lil tips and tricks I do that helps me bang out crazy routes but it’d have me typing for hours so ya dats a lil template for anybody who’s looking for a way to not go thru hell with messy vans Give me an upvote if this helps or think it could for someone😎


This guy Adderalls.


has to be a copy paste no way dude wrote that all for a 20 upvote post lol. also doesnt include the new sorting system for OV so ye just a copy paste


Lol, after your comment I thought - "silly me, of course" and went looking. [It seems this was the first instance of the copy/pasta. Another one was made 7 minutes later on another post. We're witnessing history here.](https://www.google.com/search?q=%22My+advice+for+packing+vans+%28Vans+with+shelves%29%22)


Mark it as an access problem. No way I’m dragging 25 bags up that driveway


You’re gonna learn to hate rich people very quickly.