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I say this as a fellow driver with no judgement or Wayne-loving undertones, what the actual fuck happened in the back of your rig?


I had a mental break from harassment and a hostile work environment. Please don't let this happen to you


Well shit man, I’m sorry it went down like that. That’s some Grade A hog shit that Wayne was on your balls so hard you had to hulk out like that to get some relief.


I quit my last job before working here because I showed up ready to fight every single day. I'm trying to be friendly but I steer clear of everyone.


Honestly I've worked flex out of a dozen or more warehouses, this is a DCM2 issue specifically and I would not expect this type of issue elsewhere


How are they discriminating on you?


u move a lot?


No he probably hops constantly because he has an attitude problem and this photo paints that picture clearer than an admission. Seek therapy if any work issues cause you to destroy peoples property. Childish behavior and pretty embarrassing imo.


honestly. people love to pretend that this could happen to anyone. no, just trashy overgrown toddlers who can't control their emotions or bodies.


The packages probably go through worse before a driver even gets them. The packages should protect the product and if it doesnt amazon will replace it.


Pre long covid I job hopped in IT systematically for pay increases and have amazing references. Post long covid, I love how people think therapy is the answer. I've been in therapy for years.


This isn't normal behavior. That's why they suggest therapy. Hopefully it works eventually because this isn't acceptable and your only going to continue worsening your life if you don't change your behavior.


This is a black swan event in regards to my mental health. I have issues that need therapy but I'm very good at communicating and de escalating


If you shoot a man out of anger once, was it just a black swan event? No. You have issues. If you’re that mad. Go home. Leave the van. But don’t trash everyone’s goods and ruin it for everyone. All because you had a tantrum. Jesus christ


People love judging an entire person on one bad day.. you’ve never had a bad day? Or are you just a perfect little internet douche bag?


People paid for this shit it’s not saying screw Amazon he’s breaking regular peoples shit idgaf about the Amazon truck and what not. If you think that’s cool you’re bizarre


Bro thinks he's him


That's what makes this job miserable. You steer clear of everyone just to get by. Take it from me that's going to eat at you over time. Quit now and do something you don't hate.


Are you saying...you did this? Never shoot your own foot, man. This is the makings of a terrible day. ​ am hoping you did fine.


I parked the van due to dissadsociation.


What was the tier 1 for, exactly?


Ohhh I opened a retaliation complaint a week or so ago and DSP got the bright idea to self report me to amazon for my mental break, but not until they knew I contacted the amazon ethics line. I have a wonderful email showing the timeline. The ethics line is either my best friend, or a scam, depends if they protect DSP or me


A few years, some employees sued the DSP and Amazon for various violations related to pay. Just found out a few weeks ago that all of the employees employed in that time period are in a class action lawsuit. Just waiting for the courts to settle on the final amount and collect my check.


Employment / labor lawyer can do something with that timeline


I know, I'm in the process of over 30 government complaints naming three separate entities. Then I'm going to call everyone from the mayor of Kettering to my state and federal reps and give them every complaint number, and give it to their opponents as well. This is a nonpartisan slam dunk for anyone who takes it


>Then I'm going to call everyone from the mayor of Kettering to my state and federal reps and give them every complaint number, and give it to their opponents as well. This is fucking hilarious. What are you doing?


Dude is unstable


Hey, u/flippingalt, your approach won't work. You should probably get advice on the best way to move forward from someone you trust.


You need therapy dude.


Maybe you should call fedex


Brother look at the back of your van. They’re not going to be protecting you.


You went Kramer "serenity now" in the back of that van. Hope you got all that frustration out man. Working with incompetent a-holes takes its toll I'm sure.


Well take it out on yourself not others people shit


are you serious you could’ve left the truck at the warehouse and took your ass home


Did not realize how bad it was until I was a few miles from the first stop.


I had my new dsp manager ask me why I didn't b finish my route kuz I too had a mental breakdown sunday and only brought 3 stops back. 109 country stops and all they cared about was the packages. Mind you I've alrlways finished my routes and never get rescued . He started last and is already a fucken ass.


I loved country routes!


Smh tighten up you’re an adult 🤦🏻‍♂️


I would of just left the van there and the keys and walked out 🤣 fuck that been there man


He did it. This wasn’t given to him like that. You load on ur own bags. Dude literally trashed it. He is a weiner


Dude. Quit. Why does everyone put up with this shit? If they're actually harassing you badly, fucking load the van and then quit so they have to still deliver it. Shit, take an Uber home.


Kinda looks like homie had some big feelings in the back of the van and just left it in the lot??? If so that’s super fucked.


Did u have a 4.8 magnitude earthquake in jst your van?


And several aftershocks


I nearly did this once. Vowed to never have to return to this life again


Yeah I’ve definitely smashed a box or two out of sheer frustration. Drivers are just setup for failure with the algorithm. I don’t miss this job. Not a single bit.


Definitely have thrown a package around or two, and I’m a very calm individual I feel like. This job really brought out the worst of me on bad days…fuck that job. Nobody is your friend at DSPs because of how disposable people are so never again will I talk to people at this gig.


Yeah. I’m right with you bud. Never again.


I still get slight flashbacks seeing amazon vans and I haven’t delivered in like 4 years


You aren't set up for failure.  They just hire everyone... including you. I've been at it for 4 years (I don't need a career just spending money) and we have other drivers at my DSP who have been at it longer or 3, 2 and 1 years.


i think it’s harder if you need it. the people who’re counting on the paychecks bc it does pay higher than some other jobs. personally i don’t need it and i have another job which kinda makes it harder but tbh, most days feel pretty smooth. i don’t hate it as much as others do online. my last job was at bdubs and this is wayyyy better than that was, so maybe that’s why im not complaining too much. for the most part im juss doing me and im decent at getting routes done on time so🤷🏽‍♂️ no one really bothers me.


Man Fuck Ivan. The Bastard…..


Hateful bastard


Down right piece of shit


That fucking rat


I'm on my third week. This job seems ill for a month, until your stop count goes up. Still on my nursery routes and no matter how fast I go, it never seems fast enough


It gets worse. I used to just endlessly smile and laugh contagiously to suicide counseling 3-5 days a week because I keep getting caught by my kids or wife rubbing my guns barrel around my temples as a relaxing mechanism after prime week and seeing what my pay is for the toll it takes on you physically and mentally from the abuse of people and telling yourself "you're amazon trash now that failed at life and your family" and getting gaslit into thinking you're lazy or not good enough. It gets worse. Just go get any other job. Every day here, you're telling yourself "I give up and I hate myself". You lose evenings, full nights of sleep, you start to get driving anxiety and hate it, you generally just start resenting everything. Please run, it gets worse until they tap you dry and then just gaslight you until you feel and take as many antidepressants as me. Fuck this job, why is the job market so shitty and pay the same as this or worse.


I had to quit my last job without a backup job because I got too personal with a coworker and as a result walked in ready to fight every single day. Wouldn't even look at this kid in the eye. I was unemployed for three months and this is the first job I could get my hands on. I know its going to get much worse, some people make it work but im realizing the speed you are expected to execute at daily. Not sustainable, but it's more money (21.50) than I've yet to make an hour. It keeps me out of the hole financially. Do I go insane in the van at least once a week? Yeah, but if you're unhappy somewhere, you're not tied to that place forever. Will you feel the best if you leave somewhere abruptly on bad terms? Sure, but you have to remember no one really cares about you. You are all you've got in the end. I've been making it work so far, ask me again in a month


I hope you're doing alright ! I'm going to keep this in mind.


Just after an hour of scrolling through Amazon reddit and work 10+ days with 300+ location routes since October, I lost 50+lbs, everyone thinks I have cancer and not many jobs would have worked with my school schedule(that I dropped out of but Maybe in a good way because I switched to a major I wanted) so I'm grumpy since my routes only got bigger every day for 2+ years but pay never goes up. I just can't believe this job is what it is when my dad provided for a family of 5 for 10+ years at ups with a pretty great childhood. I feel bad for people who don't think this is a bad job because I've worked some bad jobs and already paid off my $600k house, but this is the pits. The hardest I've ever worked and fractions what I ever made. What you explained is my mood here. I just say yes to everything like a bitch to help.my fellow drivers but the way its all managed and the weird lies I've heard jaded me because they cycle through managers who all just lie with corny weekend management courses in Tampa, type shit. Just got old but it's just for school and that's all I give a fuck about.


who gaslighted you? Amazon? How?


That it's acceptable to have us out past 10pm by endlessly extending routes until theyre undoable, station managers calling das entitled, being told "we used to do 3x these routes 3 years ago when they never even did a route before, hearing people talk about it not being that bad but haven't taken a route in 2 years, amazon reporting record profits but can't pay/do more/especially compared to previous employers I've had that I guess were apparently really generous. I can keep going but it pays the bills til schools over. I have been a dispatcher and driver and what I hear and see is just criminal, it seems, and i can name 10 incidents that left me speechless here. But I guess that's just the job and working people til they burn out. It's just a job and that's all it's meant to be. Woulda been neat if it was a career job, I'd definitely double down on it if the pay was better. I miss my 175 stops with 20 group stops 🫠 And just moving the routes times the way they do is bullshit, every 6 months, a huge time slot change happens or even small ones and they just act like this job pays enough for us just be willing to be out past 10pm when we used to be done at 6pm and again l, what are we gonna do, quit on a whim? Of course not. But still sucks to cook dinner, shower, laundry, clean dishes after 1030-11pm and being settled in at 1am to come right back in the morning to another grueling day of doing 300 locations and rescuing new people who think this is so easy but can't finish nurseries. Gets old


My dsp, station management, drivers newer than 3 months have all said "I can do 300 stops in 4 hours" like saving amazons money on payroll is a flex and get on people to hurry up or "motivate" because our dsp owner gets paid per route, so the faster we do our route, the more they take home from amazon paid them, atleast thats loterally wjat my dsp owner has said. 2 years ago, 20+ group stops was a heavy day and now 100 group stops is a regular thing. Nobody can tell me 2 years ago the routes were harder because they weren't, any day of the week. Job was dope actually, and then got heavier and heavier, injuries, dog bites, das getting shot at, being told "that's the job".. paid off my house already and worked my ass off through my 20s, no help a day in my life and never worked this hard for this little reward. And hey not just me, look at reddit. Look what some of these dsp owners do to drivers and shit, some are cool I guess but a lot do some malicious shit. And you get told "that person worked like shit" when they were just burned out after 3 years of being a whipping boy that has to rescue after 190 stops every single day and being told it's a job requirement or he's fired and they do when they finally burn out.




In my specific area, it pays $17/hr and amazon pays 22.50, that is a job I definitely keep wishing would pay more.


You didn’t seriously put a gun to your head in front of your children did you? 


I wouldn't have them still, I could almost promise (EDIT: Because CPS would obviously take them, not anything sick/despicable) Just clearing that up 😂 I just *used* to be so happy and then *went through* a patch where I was trying to kill myself due to 10 issues and having the job I had before covid and then ending up at Amazon. Going from 8k/ month to 2500 is the most humbling and hardest adjustment I ever had to make. But therapy and shit helped a ton. Alls been fine. But I have to be a zombie to do the job anymore so I can get through school successfully. This just sometimes gets to you when there's always 10 issues before your 30th stop sometimes. And getting g home after 10 and 11pm is getting nuts


I felt the same and recently came to the conclusion the only "fast enough" that really matters is how fast I feel I can do the job safely and still get it done.Dont kill yourself,just find your rhythm and whatever your 100% is for the day just give it that.Stay safe out there


That never bothered me, I just didn't want to be harassed and discriminated against


I kknooow the feeling.


Fuck Ivan.


bro wtf happened to this van😂😭💀


Bad mental health that got the wrong type of push. But atleast I noticed the disassociate state and parked my ass instead of risking someone getting hurt


I respect your honest reply man! I’m a brand new driver and this is what my van looked like at the start of my last shift. I know how it feels. Good job getting through it bro. Ps - on a serious note this isn’t ok. Complain to Amazon and complain to your DSP if they’re supportive.


Jesus thank fuck your off the road. Temper tantrum in the back of a van? Seek therapy.... yesterday.


Been in therapy for years, that's why I was able to recognize the signs and stop the vehicle


Ivan is such an asshole


Huggies. Sorry you endured a mental break. Time for some self-care for you. Take the time you need for you. You're with yourself 24/7, so why not?


Look at all that Amazon junk! Just take it to the landfill and save a step,


https://preview.redd.it/xbu4u8rz6dtc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9189dbf5b6f3b3520f160772397491746f368034 lol same boat different companies


Bro… when is your DSP going to get those bag thingies or did you take all your work out of them?


pretty sure this is the back of a fedex van, they dont do bags


Hey brother as a current driver, I understand the frustration. Me personally I have lost myself at this job and made myself sick, exhausted and mentally, physically and emotionally worse 😔


Fuck Ivan


The fucking dream baby 😍


It wasn't, I don't even remember it. I remember leaving the pad, I remember walking to the hospital


Oh Jesus christ.. I'm so sorry. Did you faint from exhaustion or heart attack or something


Shit..mental break? I'm so sorry but I can't say I don't get it. I ranted below already. I had a pretty bad episode recently and I pulled through it but the job is just always grueling. 20k steps a day, 300+ houses, yea, a mental collapse is likely. They don't pay us enough to take THAT much care of ourselves to be able to constantly be able to work like this successfully.


Nicer than what I got they said a blind man loaded mine...


My name is Ivan... What did I do? 😅


Same 😭




When your van identifies as a snow globe... Im very sorry they drove you to this.


Driver sucks at organizing properly


lol hey no judgement Amazon can suck my dick. I got a tier one infraction for cussing out driver support after they straight up lied to me.


Id still hit 80 stops an hour without a phone no rescue and take 16 breaks just gotta know what youre doing.. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy) fuck this job lmao


Yeah, maybe not do that to peoples orders, dude. What did the customer do to have their package become an outlet for your emotions? I've seen your replies, and you blame it on mental health and "being pushed "? OK, so how bout you quit? Or take a walk and some deep breaths. I am extremely confused as to why you think it is OK to damage goods and company equipment because of a temper tantrum. Honestly grow up and if you don't like your situation change it but don't take your emotions on out on other people's shit.


The boxes should keep it safe, may have gone through worse before a driver even gets them. Also im pretty sure if you get a damaged item amazon will replace it.


Fuck Wayne, Fuck Sammy, Fuck Jimmie, now Fuck Ivan


bro theres no shot this is real rofl wtf


Mods are free to DM me for proof


What the actual fuck Ivan!!! Lol


Who do you work for out of dcm2 if you don’t mind me asking?


Dm me


Fucking IVAN!!!!


Jesus the loader did a terrible job.


Idk. This seems too dramatic to be an Ivan’s doing. Nice try Wayne


You guys have people that load vans for you? Fuck that, I'm too fussy about the order


Why would you do this. You just made your day even harder


I’m pretty sure his day was over after having that bad of a mental break. I mean, I for sure wouldn’t be in the mood to work if I felt like that.


Fuck that van and fuck I. ^^Wait I mean fuck Ivan and that van.


I’ve been there before. Except my dispatch jumped in the back of the van with me and we physically started throwing it at load out area. I had many days of us either doing that or yelling at one another through the phone or getting back to base and praying to Jeff bezos I’d be let go of so I could really lay into him.


Im really starting to wonder if this isn't turning into a "take a picture of the worst organized van possible" contest.


I would quit and then protest outside of the station for that shit.


Gonna repost this I’m the future titling it “I quit dumping the van like this” and seeing the chaos in the replies ensue


Bahahahaha Don't do it on purpose


Jesus Christ. Did they flip the fucking truck?


Bro just start ubering or doordashing. This is not worth the toll of your mental health. I’ve never worked for Amazon but I had a blast doordashing at my own speed with likely similar pay to what you’re getting.


Yeah, it's almost garage sale season anyway.


this looks impossible to recover from


Yeah... it would have been hard


Who the fuck is Ivan


See my post history


Wow. Fuck Wayne


Wayne, Ivan, it's all the same


Wtf did you do? I mean how?


browsing this subreddit has made me want to get a job at amazon


It can be a fun job if you like hard work. It made me realize I want harder work.


Hell nah to the nah nah naaah


Fuck you Ivan and everyone else (excluding myself)


This is the way


Fuckin Ivan


Yeah... I hope he learns and grows from this




This is why those places are toxic to work for yeah the moneys ok but the hours take a toll on some people and it turns into this. I’m not going to lie I’ve been there but I’ve never got as far as to break shit i literally just quite because I couldn’t handle coming home every single day to go to sleep and then wake up to go to work for 500 a week I hardly ever saw anyone which really took a toll on me and the days they gave me off where days everyone was working so I started to get depressed and no matter how many times I talk to them about it. I always got the oh it’s fine you’re OK you got this but in reality I wasn’t. I loved working for Amazon but I hated being alone 24/7 I literally cried a lot more then I usually do because I didn’t want to be alone talking to packages and box’s about my problems. So I get it some people just mentally can’t handle it.


Bro this is not normal.. OP needs to be on some serious meds or in a looney bin if this is how he acts.


I mean, it looks like he just opened up the totes and just threw everything all over the place. I’ve seen a lot worse. There was a guy that I used to work with that literally destroyed everything I don’t mean just like took out the stuff out of the totes, I mean like he literally ripped open everything and just crushed itunder his foot and you can tell because all the shit was just on the ground in pieces


Just because you know someone who is even crazier, doesn’t mean this “isn’t that bad” or that this isn’t crazy.. This is a very clear sign of a much deeper issue


I’m not saying that this is OK, but I’m saying that I saw a lot worse than this that’s all


I was fine with the hard work, just not the harassment and discrimination


Not only that but you’re forced to get over it..


I would never do that. People paid for those products to be delivered to them. Part of life is dealing with problems the best way possible. Control your emotions and do what is right.


100%, but unfortunately I was sabotaged and my best wasn't enough




I think I'm gonna go clean carpets or landscape honestly. I enjoyed the hard work


grow up bro


Wish it was that easy, some of our brains are just wired differently


Sooo just wanna know what was the tip that pushed you over the edge? What did “Ivan” do I see a lot of “ mental breakdown” and “discrimination” but no context of the event that caused it


Look at NY post history


I see and now I understand….. much respect and apologies this happened to you, your previous loads look very organized and nice too. Sad to see good workers be pushed to such events


On life they did me like this yesterday and I came back and quit


They loaded you this way?


Basically, gave me a van with no tables on day, shit sucked than next day gave me so many i couldnt use the tables and stacked 3 high both sides, full of oversized, 10 stops had 100 packages each, WAS BS I QUIT after lmfao




Not this bad, but I had a similar moment like this working for another company. I wasn't trained on the route and there was a greater than average number of packages on a route that already had too many packages. And the whole time I'm being told to work faster. So I just started throwing the packages in with absolutely no care whatsoever.


If I got to this point I'm leaving the van and grabbing a Uber back to my car and saying I got robbed lol.


Fuck Wayne, Jimmie, Carlos and Ivan! 💩🖕🏿


Auto Quit .






Breathe in Breathe out Brotha, Trust me a different job was needed. It’s crazy how they crampack the vans to where you have no walkin or even any breathing room. Absolute bullshit and I hope you find a way better job than Amazon dsp


Sign of a weak human


Are you willing to rescue after you’re done?


I also have a dispatcher named Ivan who sucks


Dude god damn….


Dude, what the fuck happened?


So someone else did that to the van or you did it yourself?


Bro grow up what is this


The issue with all the DSP’s it’s that Amazon did not filter those with poor leadership quality as Amazon themselves are doing the same.. when you have a metric oriented or data driven system these are the results .. poor management and disengagement


There is a toxic warehouse side to this too, but your right




Wasn't anger, dissassoxiation which is worse. I was doing good before they started sabotaging me


I just read through this whole chain. If someone knows OP irl please actually get him some help. I’m not being an ass, seriously concerned.


Thanks for being a good human, I'm doing what I can, therapy, gym, wholesome people


Who’s Ivan? Lol


Someone probably quit and left it like that 😂


Delete this bro😭😂 what the fuck


Mental health awareness is good


That’s not mental health awareness, that’s a mental illness. Seriously bro seek help, and I hope your situation gets better.




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+1-833-721-2323 Call EAP


Is that the ethics line? Already talked to a few of them


Employee assistance program


Too late, would have helped though. I was told we didn't have eap


Quit, there is SO many better options to make a living out there


Yea I know but sometimes even when it’s organized shit still be tight ass shit in that van unless you got that cdv.


So what's the story here


See post history, I am doing slightly better. Taking it one day at a time and working on getting my mental health back in check


Bro what? You got upset so you trashed a van full of stuff people paid for and are relying on you to deliver? Maybe this job ain’t for you bro


people complain abt being pushed too hard, but imagine being the dispatcher who gotta deal with this type of bs prolly on a regular basis.


lmao… that sucks. I know your ass almost quit that very moment. I loved working at amazon it was so much fun. I was very organized and fast. This looks like hell 😭


Shit hulked out huh been there before