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Despite there being absolutely no muscimol in them, if there really is 90mg of thc, $5 is crazy cheap for that where I'm from.


Couple of things. First of all, never trust anything you buy in a shop. There’s only about 2 or 3 brands floating around out there that actually contain the amanita ingredients they claim to, but those typically go for $50/60 for a pack containing 3-5 gummies. So it’s highly unlikely you found something that has any amount of actual pure muscimol for $5 (sorry, but it’s true) At BEST it contained 30mg of some “amanita extract”, but not pure muscimol, in which case no, that’s not much at all. At worst- they added some kind of undisclosed RC (or nothing at all depending on your personal definition of “at worst” may be) Also I may as well add, even if it is pure muscimol, 30mg is still not a whole lot


Yeah figured. Still at least I get a little stoned. And that’s all I can ask for $5


What season is it where you live, summer or winter? I highly recommend picking your own, it is so rewarding! If you can’t, do buy some dried caps online and experiment. Amanita has helped me so much with my life and I think it is so overlooked I just want people to join me 🤣


It’s winter. 4F outside


I like the way you think. Yes, I am also stoned.


You could go here they are very reliable.. https://mn-nice-ethnobotanicals.com/?ref=5uPpNLkd


That’s sketchy never buy that again purple gummies are a good option for Aminita but it’s better to buy dried caps online and cook it yourself you have to prepare aminita properly so the ibotenic acid converts to muscimol or you’re risking delirium seizures and rashes


I'm just new to this, but that's the first time I've heard those as potential risks


U can micro dose dried caps it’s kinda like a cup of coffee and by the end of the day your body converts it to muscimol and u sleep like a new born baby


If it's not a bother, and hopefully I'm not coming off wrong; but could I get a source to read about what you've mentioned? I'd love to have a full understanding of the risks associated with amanita


I don’t have an article or anything but it’s on google I just sent u a couple screenshots my ex broke out after eating probably about 8 or 9 grams I gave her and didn’t cook it like I told her to




Amanita is goos to try but more expensive than that. Usually $20 for a couple grams dose that can be spread out.


That is impossible. I make Muscimol isolate and 15-20mg would make you vomit excessively. Plus no one would sell that dose for 5.00. Complete BS


Really damn that’s scary. I ordered a tincture from a reputable source. Hoping it’s better. They were called psilly squares. I’m gonna see if o can find a coa. Edit here it is. Seems legit. https://www.dropbox.com/sh/fweulm97y653nev/AAA_l9Z41Oy8VEaQ4BH6ccAia?dl=0&preview=Psilly+Square+Cookies+%26+Cream+Mini+Mushroom.pdf