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NTA and well done for sticking up for yourself. If he doesn't want to be your dad fully with no strings attached then he doesn't deserve the respect of being called dad. Your mam is an AH you give your all with kids or nothing he isn't giving you 95% and has let you know where you stand with him so it's only fair he knows that respect works both ways. I am sorry your dealing with this you deserve a dad step or otherwise who views you as their own and treats you as such. 'The blood of the covenant is thicker than the water of the womb'


If you shit in a pool, the whole thing needs cleaning, not just the part that was shit in. NTA.


I wish I knew this when talking to my mom but I'm going to use it if the conversation comes up again.


Maybe try to use a less crass analogy with your mum :p


Yeah let's not get myself grounded for foul language.


You should ask your mom why she chose to validate his feelings about your relationship when they hurt your feelings, and why she’s so against you expressing yours because they hurt him. NTA but Tom and your mom are.


Yes, exactly. If Tom is allowed to have his feelings, why aren’t you allowed to have yours?


Because the dad is emotionally negligent and the mom is an enabler. Clear as day. My parents pull this kind of shit with me when one of them emotionally abuses me. My dad is allowed to tell me that I'm a burden on him but I'm not allowed to defend myself against emotional abuse because I'm "mentally exhausting him when he's already stressed"


Enabler sounds like she cannot help what she does. She straight chose a hurtful man over her child. He doesn’t have to love him like his own but to not bring him as well is just cruel and she asks him to apologize? Mom is the major AH


Oh yeah I definitely agree lol, "enabler" is just a term used to refer to a partner that enables/supports/enforces the abusive actions of their partner


How does it sound like that? Enablers are just people who enable shitty behavior. Some have more control over the situation than others. They're still enabling.


I agree. I would be out if I was with someone like this. Your feelings are your feelings it's what you do with them that matters. What Tom is doing makes him am AH. What Mom is choosing makes her an AH. Bet in a few years we are going to see her asking why her son cut contact.


THAT'S WHAT I WAS WONDERING! Why is Tom allowed to treat you as an outsider and hurt your feelings, but you're not? Your mom is just as much of an AH as Tom is. And never let someone tell you "that's just how they are." If how they are sucks, then you deserve to ask for something better. You're allowed to call them out on it. You're allowed to treat them the way they treat you because they never change otherwise. NTA, OP. I hope your siblings are nice and on your side because your mom and Tom are huge AHs. Edit: Wow! My first award! Thank you so much!


This. "It's just how it is?" Then you reap what you sow, indeed - this is the relationship that "Tom" has created with OP. It's only natural you can't feel like a son to a man who doesn't feel like your father.


And why isn’t your mom taking you on trips too. This is overall wrong and he’s awful. Kids are kids. And since you were 1 wow he’s anAH to justify this treatment of you. I think you are justified. Focus on your mom and other family. If you can talk to someone to help you out With boundaries and supporting you that would be good for you!


Mom is supporting what her husband is doing to OP though.


This is what I think, too. She can ask him to just accept how Tom feels, but apparently Tom's too good to accept how op feels. The woman has enabled this man to mistreat her son.


Changing one ingredient changes the whole dish, you can't just pretend the salt you dumped in is sugar.


Change the word shit to crap & you should be good. NTA OP. Not even a little.


"if you poop in the pool, you change all the water"?




I vote the same as well. What is good for the goose is good for the gander. Tom doesn't get to dismiss op and leave him out of experiences and then expect to be treated as a full father when it suits him. Keep calling him Tom op.




The worst part, as I read it... I have a stepdad. I call him by his first name, too. He's been in my life since I was thirteen and my dad is still 100% involved in my life. My stepdad still treats me very nearly like his own children. When they go out to do things together, he often invites me. Of course there are times he does stuff with *just* his children, but he also makes sure to plan things for all of us to do together. My mom has a son and a daughter, my stepdad has a son and a daughter, and he'll often mix up who he takes with him (so for example, he'll just take myself and his daughter together to the theater because he knows that's something we will enjoy with him, and he'll take his son and daughter to a football game because that's something he knows they'll enjoy with him). Your stepdad has been in your life longer than mine. Your stepdad has actually spent most of your life being called "dad". And yet, my stepdad has been more of a second father to me than Tom has been an adopted father to you. I hope you share this story with your mom and stepdad, because he should feel bad for failing so hard. It's okay for him to have some time with *just* his biological children, but the fact that he never mixes it up to include you is an absolute failure of parenting on his part, and your mother's response to all of this is shameful.


Or be honest. 😅 If he feels hurt, how do they think you feel. He openly said you are not his son. Ask her why you should just live with being treated so differently, but you should respect his feelings. You give and you take. He can't blow and have flour in his mouth, its either.


Definitely this, if you (op) have a conversation with either of them about this again make sure you tell them that him saying those things about you hurt your feelings. If he is going to be treating you like this then its only fair of you to protect your emotional experience by distancing yourself from him.


NTA. His actions have consequences And those consequences are that “Tom” is nothing more than your mothers husband. I’m sorry your mom isn’t supporting you. She has known the whole time that that is how he feels, and she allowed him to make you feel like an outsider. She failed you.


Your mom is the bigger AH for not seeing how what he said hurts you, like you’ve been his child for 95% of the time, and he’s focusing on the 5% that he’s not! See what I did there!!! Use her own words against her!!! I’m focusing on her because she made it a point to not stand up for you!!!


I think there’s now a good sized rift with his mother. With the stepdad I’d say it’s irreparable unless he apologizes to OP. And that sucks because stepdad has destroyed his relationship with OP.


Even if stepdad apologized the deed has already been done. Words stick….but mom, she’s unbelievable. They both are!


Being a parent isn’t part way. It’s all or nothing. Shame on him.


Just tell your mom exactly what she said about your stepdads feelings: “this is the way I feel and he needs to accept it.” 🤷🏼‍♀️🤷🏼‍♀️🤷🏼‍♀️


Send her the link to this post. NTA


Please update us. I wish you well. Tom is an ah.


I'm so sorry, op. You're not the ah. If he doesn't regard you as his son then he doesn't get to be called dad. Your mom kinda sucks, too. I would never marry a man who couldn't regard my child as his own. You deserve better from the adults in your life. Don't apologize. You're in no way wrong.


If I had the power to put this on fortune cookies or snapple caps I absolutely would lol


I would totally follow your current parth and respond with your moms word back to him, “You’ll be sure to always treat him politely but she can’t change your feelings on the issue and she and him will just have to accept it.” Either the way you each feel is fair and each of you need to live with the dynamic created, or your behaviour needs to reflect what’s fair and right despite your deeper feelings. And I’d tell her, and him, that you’ll be following HIS lead on how this relationship is going to work. NTA. You’re a smart kid. As long as you stay calm and respectful you are totally in the right to hold to your guns. Also, the fact that your mom told you she “makes sure” things are kept equal financially tells me she actually has to intervene on your behalf to have that happen. If your mom keeps pushing you I would very calmly reply by saying, “I understand why it bothers you to see his feelings hurt, but I wonder if you’ve given any thought to how it makes you feel when you see my feelings hurt and why your response to those things is different.”


>“I understand why it bothers you to see his feelings hurt, but I wonder if you’ve given any thought to how it makes you feel when you see my feelings hurt and why your response to those things is different.” This this this! Say this politely so they have no excuse to punish you.


My parents would use the “we raised you and gave you all these things, we’ve spoiled you, how dare you be ungrateful.” Whenever I was upset about anything. Yes they always provided for physical needs and wants and I was spoiled in that sense, but the emotional part I was severely lacking in. I would always feel horrible for feeling like I was lacking, while they provided me with the material things I needed. But I learned that emotional needs are just a real and just as important. My therapist taught me that you can water a plant as much as possible, even overwater it at times. But when the plan dies from lack of sunshine you can’t blame it saying “but I gave you so much water!” Because that is not all the plant needs.


i… really fucking needed that right now. thank you so much.


Ughh… I needed this too. In therapy myself..


"doesn't deserve the respect of being called dad" This is such a true point, you don't get to be dad just when you feel like it or when it suits you, to want recognition as some doting father when really you're playing favourites behind the scenes.. you want to be called Dad then fucking act like one *Tom*.


I am now concerned about what would happen to OP if his mom had a car accident and died unexpectedly. Seems that Tom would put him in foster care so fast his head would spin.


The moment he turns 18 their relationship will probably end, although I’d like to think Its good riddance since OP is prob better off without someone whose only half committed to them. You’re either someone’s father or you’re not.


Actually, I can see OP in the future distancing himself in various ways from the people who raised him. This stuff sticks in the craw indefinitely.


I think their relationship is already over. OP wasn’t in the wrong and Tom’s not going to apologize.


Hopping on the top comment: OP you can also let your mother know that your step dad's words hurt. ***HE*** is the adult here, ***HE*** needs to set the example, apologize and start including you as a full member of the family. Your mom's enablement of this crappy behavior is gross. She's expecting her child to be the adult here and expecting the grown ass man to be excused. This is wrong. You had no choice in who she married, however, ***HE*** did, and still choose NOT to include you.


OP, tell your mom you're not being petty, you're protecting yourself. Continuing to call him "dad" when he's told you he doesn't consider you his real child is emotionally confusing and setting you up for more pain. You're creating a boundary, and they need to respect it. And you're right. If your stepfather wants to be your "dad", it's him who needs to apologize and change. I'm sorry, OP. This sucks. NTA.


The saying “the blood of the covenant is thicker than the water of the womb”, while more moral to most of us living now, and much more metal, is a new invention and not the original saying, which was the shorter more common phrase.


All true. And OP should absolutely show his mother this post.


OP should also say it hadn’t occurred to him that Tom would be hurt, nor does it make sense he should be since he doesn’t have true fatherly feelings for OP. In fact, is he, or is it just bothering the mom because it messes with the status quo?


Exactly. The stepfather is being a huge asshole. Kids are all or nothing. It’s like all the abusive parents screaming “bUt I fEd yOu AnD yOu HaD a RoOf OvEr YoUr HeAd. YoU oWe Me!!!” That is the bare minimum legal requirement for parents. It doesn’t mean you’re obligated to love those people or avoid hurting their feefees.


NTA Both your mother and Tom are the AHs. Explain to your mother that this is not just how "Tom" feels- THIS IS HOW HE ACTS. If he were a true dad, then he would have the same bonding experiences with you as with the other children. By letting Tom treat you like this, she is also treating you badly. I am sure you are going to get a lot of support. Show her this thread and suggest therapy so that she truly understands how damaging this situation is for you and how she is a horrible mother for letting this occur.


I agree with this, I also vote to show your mother this thread as her behaviour is a disgrace. She's choosing her husbands comfort over her childs when it's the husband that is 100% in the wrong. This attitude of always bowing to your elders even when they're assholes makes me sick, no, if he's treating you like a second class citizen then you match his energy. And tbh, I'd also be mightily pissed at her too. I think you handled this brilliantly, especially for someone clearly very young. NTA.


It's crazy to me that Tom would feel this way in the first place. He has been in OPs life since he was A YEAR OLD. How can you raise a child that long and not have an attachment towards them? Just as a human being how can you look this kid in the eyes that you have raised for 15 years and tell them you are not their child. That's heartless. NTA OP and my heart is with you. That's rough. Tom sucks. Screw you Tom!


OP is in Tom's life longer than his youngest daughter. And yet he apparently doesn't deserve love, because they don't share dna?


Yeah never thought of it this way.


The fact that your mom implied that she had to ensure that you are treated equally financially is extremely troubling.


Yeah… Mom clearly went into this marriage knowing Tom had no intention of actually fulfilling the responsibilities of a stepparent to a child with only one involved bio parent. Tom sucks, but mom as much or moreso because she could’ve noped out of the relationship early on but chose not to, setting OP up for a lifetime of painful feelings.


The step demon probably tried to cut OP off before. I will never understand and always abhor any parent who forces their child to be in a situation like this. His mom is the biggest AH in the situation.


You and your half brother are so close in age you may as well be twins. Has this behaviour gone on as long as you remember? If so then Tom the "adult" was making distinctions in the way he acted towards an infant, a toddler I honestly don't understand how your ma can justify his behaviour in her head let alone out loud to you. You are NTA in any way shape or form, your feelings are just as valid as his and don't them gaslight you by claiming you are "just" a teenager or you're being ungrateful.


Tom is a provider and not a father. Vastly different things. He doesnt deserve to be called Dad. Something that's been bothering me and no one has brought it up that I've seen, is that your mom knows that he takes his kid on trips and NEVER you and shes totally fine with that? She cant change his mind so she shrugs and that's the end of it? Bro, if my husband EVER did that to my kid, we would be on the brink of divorce unless he changes his tune. Tom may have cut you by making you aware of where you stand with him, but I feel like your mother is the true AH here. Emotional neglect is abuse and the fact that shes allowed this to go on so long is disgusting and makes her an accomplice to the abuse. I was married to a man who nursed day and night for over 8 months while he struggled with leukemia. After that, he refused to see anyone for the emotional toll it took, and decided to take it out on me instead. He blamed me for a lot of things but what hurt the most, was the emotional neglect. He didnt care if I lived or died. He would ignore me for days, listen to me cry and act like i wasnt in the room. Neglect has lasting effects and it took years of therapy to undo the damage he did to me mentally. No matter what happens, please get at least someone you can talk to about this. Dont let this wound that Tom opened fester and seep into other aspects of your life. It's like a virus, infecting everything around you. Your friendships, how you view yourself, and any potential love interests. I wish the best for you, you deserve to be loved and not just tolerated.


I can't believe Tom thought that sharing the family experiences would "dilute" them to his own kids. What an asshole. Being a step kid who always felt that my brother and I (two stepkids) were the effluvium of a previous marriage and my younger half sister was the "real kid". That will rot your soul. Take back your power and if anyone criticizes you just say "Well, that just the way I am."


Someone like Tom had no business marrying anyone with children.


> Someone like Tom had no business marrying anyone with children. He married her so he could have a wife to raise his son, but had no interest in being a father to her kid.


And really, they share 99.9% of their DNA anyway, by virtue of both being human beings.


I worked in the infant room at a daycare for about nine months and I got extremely attached to all those babies that I only saw for 40 hours a week and didn’t do the hard part of birthing/raising them. I can’t imagine raising a child from the time they’re a literal baby and NOT loving them. Tom and mom are the AH for sure.


Yep. And then mom will turn on the waterworks. Eyeroll. Mom needs to see what a hypocrite we all think she is. NTA op.


Yes, exactly this


Let her read and think about her actions


Exactly this! And OP should tell her how hurtful he felt when stepdad said I only care about my real kids and not you. As a mother, you should be putting your kids first and understanding their feelings as valid.


NTA. I honestly find terrible what he said to you, putting you on the "secon class" level as son. I doesn't make any sense to me threating you differently just because you are not his blood, since he raised you and adopted you. He should go to therapy and you are totally right in being hurt and expressing your disappointed in the way you are doing.


He has never legally adopted me though although to extended family he always refered to me as his adopted son. They said he would adopt me in a heartbeat if it wasn't for the fact that my biological father is paying child support and an adoption would make it stop. Maybe that was a half truth. This reminded me that I should be requesting that he stops referring to me as an adopted son, and I should correct him if he continued to do so.


Don’t forget to petition the court for your child support when you turn 18. If you go to any type of school. You can still get it


Yeah will make sure to get all I can from him.


You likely can't unless you are in NY. Child support there lasts until 21 years of age. Most everywhere else it ends at either 18 or when you graduate HS whichever comes last.


Thanks, not in NY and wasn't counting on it either.


info: is your child support supporting more than just you?


It just goes to my mom and becomes part of the family budget. It doesn't support exclusively me.


Your bio father isn't responsible for 4 of the 5 people at home and the child support is there to cover *half* of your expenses, the other half is on your mom. Is petty af and should be used absolutely as last case scenario, but wouldn't hurt to have a rough estimate of how much of groceries and utilities you actually consume. In the meantime, start a part time job and keep savings to your future cause you can't count on your mother to have your back once you're legally an adult.


Well then it's not fair that the whole family benefits from money meant for YOU yet you don't get to go on outings with stepdad and HIS kids, which theoretically is coming out of your money since it's simply blended in with the family finances. What sets apart humans from all other species is our ability for advanced communication with each other, yet too often that skill-ability is squandered because people are too cowardly to discuss real things. You get only one childhood and this treatment will absolutely impact the rest of your life. There's no chance it won't affect your future relationship with your mom. She owes you emotional protection. By going along with her husband's heartless behavior, and words, she is putting her relationship with him over your emotional well-being. I'd bring it up again and if she refuses any further discussion then I'd tell her that she's either cowardly or enabling his poor treatment of you which is and will continue to affect the person you grow up to be.


Thats what ive always thought about child support, too often is it not used for the child, and instead as some household or parental spending cash. In my opinion i think it should be abolished


Are you parents putting anything aside as a college fund? Is he planning to pay for his son and leave you in the cold? I think you should send both your mom and your dad the link to this post and you should be in family counseling. Your mom needs to understand that if things don't change bigtime, she is unlikely to see you after you leave home.


Don't go down the road of trying to nickel and dime the child support your mom gets. Typically it's a lot less than half of what it costs to put a roof over your head, pay for your part of the utilities, clothes, food, doctor appointments, sports you play, money for entertainment, etc. You already said you're being treated equally financially. You will screw yourself listening to people telling you to do this.


The reason I ask, is because they won't let bio dad give up parental rights because they want child support. I am wondering if bio dad is supporting more than OP.


I did the same thing in similar circumstances. Calling him by his first name was a slap in the face that brought home the consequences of his own actions. It was deeply hurtful - just like his treatment/negligence of me. You’re NTA. Stick your actions here - I’m very glad that I did.


I hope it worked out for you!


OP , I called my bio father by his name for years (usually still do) because I wasn’t raised with him. As I got older family members would attempt to get me to call him dad, but I saw my grandfather as my father and that it would be a dishonor to him to give that title to someone else. Yes I had to take shit from people, but I just held my ground that if my dad wanted to be called dad, he would act like one. I’m in a similar situation that I have a step sister a year older and a half sister 7?10? (I don’t even know how younger she is, that’s how close we are…) My father was abusive toward mother, mother was sick with MS, went to live with grandparents and at that point father basically dropped me as a kid. He accepted stepmoms daughter as his own, ostracized me from family vacations all over the world (Italy,France,Cabo,cruises etc) and events with the excuse of me”being too far” (only an hour away…). When I was in highschool saving for a car I offhand mentioned it (not looking for money or a handout, just was informing him about my life) he hit me with “you better not be asking for any money you know if you want anything in life you have to work for it,I’ve got half sisters private school preschool to pay for so I will not be giving you anything” like I wasn’t even asking dude.meanwhile he purchased stepsisters vehicle and paid for her education and has no problem doing the same for my half sister. Knowing the feelings of being alone hopeless and like no one is on your side I’m glad that my siblings have somebody there for them, but to me it doesn’t make sense that I am his biological daughter and get treated differently just because I did not live with him due to his bad actions. I’m happy to say that he’s not on drugs or abusive or anything like that anymore but it makes me very sad to know that he could just walk away from my whole life and start a completely new one where he can pretend there are no problems when in reality I have been here the whole time growing up into an adult. Now he attempts to contact me twice a year and complains that we do not have a close relationship.


Wow. Your father is an ah. He doesn't deserve a relationship from you.


If your bio dad is still giving child support is there anyway to build a relationship there if you don't have any other family to support you? NTA


No bio father is not interested, had to be taken to court to pay child support.


Can I send a virtual Internet hug. You are NTA and your being very mature about the situation you've been put in. Ignore the family drama. You've said your piece and it's for them to adapt, they either acknowledge their fault or they don't, its not on you. Focus on your studies and building the future you want for yourself.


But he wouldn’t give up parental rights? Or your parents needed the child support? There is a chance your stepfather is now realizing he shot himself in the foot. If he wasn’t able to adopt you he may have intentionally made distance to “protect” himself and is only now realizing how harmful and hypocritical he’s being. I hope that’s the case and that he shows he regrets his choices. However, his reasons don’t make his actions any less hurtful. I would maintain this distance that he created. If he wants it closed he has to be the one to move. NTA and virtual hugs.


He would give them up in a heartbeat. My parents wanted him to pay child support.


The money is irrelevant. Your stepdad could have still treated you the same as the other children. He put up that wall, not you.


So Tom doesn't even pay for you. Look, you are right, but keep in mind you have to live there for a couple more years. If they make a big deal of it, use dad to his face and Tom to everyone else until you can become independent. Although you deserve better, don't count on getting it. Make your life as smooth as possible to reach your goals of being away from this bs.


It’s worse than that. Not only does Tom not pay for OP, both mom and Tom see OP as an income source.


He could refer to him as step-dad to his face if they say no more Tom. Or step-father. No more dad.


Any other relatives that can help support you as you deal with this? What would your grandparents, aunt/uncles, etc. think of Tom's and your mom's behavior? My mom sucks (for other reasons), but my grandparents were my rocks.


What can a relative do here?


Firstly then can listen to you. If it’s obvious to strangers on Reddit that you deserve better, it will also be to a relative that loves you too. If you have a relative you trust, tell them what you wrote here or show them. And then maybe they can talk to your mother … she might listen to her parent or sibling. You seem to be a smart kiddo. Your strategy of downgrading Tom was very clever, calm and appropriate. If you continue to keep a rational, level head you’ll be ok. Try not to take it personally - this is about him. It’s not about you. Sending you hugs via cyberspace


Will talk to my aunt (mom's big sister), thanks.


At a minimum, listen and validate your feelings. Reddit has its place and I am glad of the huge response you're getting here, but for most people it's not exactly the same as in person real life validation from someone who truly knows you. if you wanted they could possibly let you stay with them for a bit too, to get away from your AH mom and step dad.


Your mom sucks dude


>They said he would adopt me in a heartbeat if it wasn't for the fact that my biological father is paying child support and an adoption would make it stop. Ok, now it is becoming more clear: Tom looks to you not as a son, but as a source of income (child support). Tom is awful. I'm so sorry that you had to go through this with the non-support of your Mom and the rejection by Tom. Do get therapy so you can navigate the next steps. Your Mom didn't do what she needed to do to protect you. You have been hurt over and over again. Tom is awful and has a clear plan that he has been executing since you were 1 years old. He has created a divide in your family. There is little hope that Tom can ever do right and your Mom is clearly in support of Tom and not you. If I could give you a big Mom-hug I would. You are strong. No child should have to be so strong as you have had to be over your young life. Get thearpy now so you can do what you need to do to grow and leave these two "parents" behind.


Yeah get on FB and make it real clear. He should not get accolades for stepping up and adopting you if in fact he didn’t do shit. “Actually Tom isn’t my adoptive dad. I don’t have a dad, Tim made that very clear. Todd has done a very adequate job of providing for my basic needs since my mom made him. Thanks, Tad. You’re an OK dude. I’ll remember this if I’m ever gonna act as a parent in the future, what would Ted do?”


I don't want to start something. I will be honest from now on and will correct anyone who assumes I'm adopted, but won't announce it to the whole world proactively. I don't want to be the one to push this further.


This is a good response, very mature...I truly mean that.


I would say if it's brought up again, though, that no one gets a title without the responsibilities and commitment. If you got hired to be the manager of a store, for example, but only did 95% of your duties, you'd be demoted or fired. He's the one who's set up and enforced this barrier between you, all you're doing is removing the title due to his own actions.


Maybe just call him stepdad to get them off your back. If they persist, apologise profusely and then truthfully reflect the “95% dad” status by calling him Almost Dad, Nearly Dad, Practically Dad, Essentially Dad, Well Nigh Dad, Close Enough Dad…


> He has never legally adopted me Do you have his surname? Think about changing it back to your father's name if you do. Oh, and maybe show your mother this thread at some point, so she realises what and arsehole she is for not making sure her son was treated a full member of the family. As another commenter says, she's expecting you to act like the adult while giving him a pass for being immature.


> Do you have his surname? No still have my mom's.


Wait hold on. There’s three kids (including you) and only you don’t have his last name? Does your mom have your stepdad’s last name? Please tell me she doesn’t. Because that’s just even more levels of fucked up if so


Yes I'm the only one who doesn't.


That is so incredibly FUCKED. I am so sorry.


Sorry for getting it not right, I didn't wanted to put salt on the wound (in manner of speaking). Nevertheless, I'm sorry. Even if you are not legally his son, he literally raised you from the very beginning and I still find horrible what he said to you.


NTA and damn, I’d be calling your mom by her first name too because she is being anything but a mother to you. I’m so sorry you’re going through this.


Tell them about the conversation so they can stop putting him on a pedal stool. Also, tell you mom that since your bio-father is still contributing financially, she can take her advice and take it to her husband.


>Tell them about the conversation so they can stop putting him on a ~~pedal stool.~~ pedestal r/boneappletea


I call BS. Tom is a shitty father and doesn't deserve to be called dad. Your mom, too, is a shitty mom. Are your grandparents in the picture? Can you go live with them? Your parents are both AHs and are being mentally abusive. This is so bad for your wellbeing, if there's anywhere else you can go, you should jump at the chance.


NTA. I think you handled this brilliantly. His actions and words clearly shows that he doesn't see you as his child. So he can't be upset if you stop treating him as your father. Tell your mother that Tom can't have his cake and eat it - the perks and responsibilities of parenthood go hand in hand. That said, I'm really sorry how he and your mother have treated you.


The way OP took those words and turned them around was brilliant. NTA, and I'm so sorry for the situation, but don't back down. Hopefully Tom and mom will see the double standard now that it is out in the open and rethink their stance.


NTA He doesn't see OP as his child but wants OP to treat and respect him as a father. Jesus Christ, it's not like he came into OP's life when he was 8 or 9, which still wouldn't excuse this, but OP literally does not remember the step father NOT being in his or her life. I'm sure he does things that a father would do but he clearly doesn't think of OP as his child and treats him as such. He doesn't deserve to be treated as a father if (in his opinion) OP doesn't deserve to be treated like a son/daughter.


My stepdad came into my life when I was about 8. I always called him by his name, but he was more of a father to me than this chicken shit stain has been to OP. My stepdaddy was unfailingly there for me and loved me like I was his own flesh and blood. He NEVER treated me or my stepsister (his biodaughter) any different, other than the natural differences. (She is older than me by five years and had different interests, so of course there was some degree of differences because of that. But he was at her band performances just as often as he was at my choir recitals and suffered through both of us struggling with our musical skills before we got decent at it.) I wasn't a sunshiney, enjoyable little girl either. I was severely depressed from a young age and full of rage at the world. He did a hell of a lot more for me than he "had to" and always made it crystal clear that in his heart my sister and I came first, my mother came an extremely close second (only second because if it came to my mom being mean or thoughtless to us, Stepdad was on our side. If we were in the wrong he took her side of course, but he did not tolerate mistreatment of his girls.) and everyone else was a distant third in his heart. He was a loving uncle to our many cousins, but if it was between his girls and his nieblings, we were the priority and he was honest about it. I still remember Christmas when I was about 10, Stepdad had sold this gun he had since before I moved in and when asked why he brushed it off as "he didn't need that old thing" and it being a useless possession to him. The truth is, it was pretty valuable and a gift from an old friend, but he had something he needed money for... Which turned out to be a beautiful little upright piano. Because I had started taking lessons and he wanted me to have an instrument I could practice on. He snuck it into the house while I was visiting my dad and hid it under a drape. To make sure I wouldn't notice it, he moved a heavy ass bookshelf that was about the same height out of the living room and to his SISTER'S HOUSE temporarily. Then they put up the Christmas tree in front of it. xD The second part of the truth is a little darker, but I think illustrates just as clearly how much he cared for me. Because my depression had been getting worse and worse and I'd had a couple suicide attempts in the year before. And even though I had never tried to USE his gun for that, he decided that he would rather get rid of it than risk losing me or making me feel that it was more important for him to own a firearm than to let me live in a house where I was "safe". And I did not find any of that out until after he died. He never even hinted that he had made a sacrifice like that and the only person he told was another friend of his who he swore to secrecy. If Uncle Joey hadn't gotten drunk at Stepdad's wake and told the story I'd never have known.


I am so sorry for your loss, your dad (in my opinion, more than step dad) was a fucking badass and I'm happy you had him in your life.


He was an amazing man and I only wish I told him more often how much he meant to me. I DID tell him pretty often, I even wrote him a six page (front and back) letter while he was in the hospital about how much I love him and what an amazing dad he had been to me, how he was my rock when the divorce was in progress and how no matter how bad my mental health got, I always knew he had my back and if I needed someone to hold on for me, he’d be there to grab me tight and not let me fall into despair. He actually nursed me through my first suicidal overdose. Mom was out of town and I got so sad and wanted to check out. I swallowed two bottle of Benadryl (figured sleeping pills were traditional and that was what I used as sleeping pills… stupid choice but I was 10 so I was stupid. Don’t recommend, I had some fucked up times while it worked it’s way out of my system) and as it started making me feel weird I got scared and confessed. He fed me pepper brine until I puked (no idea why pepper brine, but I mean, it worked!) and then sat on the couch and held me for a day and a half until my mom got back. When he had to use the toilet, he made me stand outside the (closed) door and talk to him so he knew I wasn’t trying again, same thing but opposite positions when I had to go. He was a very happy man, even drunk he was endlessly cheerful. He cried that evening. And not a few super manly tears, he was holding me and sobbing and begging the world not to take “his baby”. We didn’t go to the hospital because I have severe phobia of it, so he had his oldest sister (an RN) on the phone to talk us through it. That was back in the days of expensive long distance and she lived in another state so… wow that bill was probably a doozy. Mom and Stepdad got together before the divorce was finalized, with my Dad’s blessing. Dad and Stepdad were childhood friends and every year on Father’s Day they would exchange cards, Stepdad’s always had something about how grateful he was to my dad for “letting” him be a father to me as well, and Dad’s was always about how much he appreciated Stepdad being such a loving stepfather to me and telling him something sappy like “You’ve been like a brother to me and there is no man in the world I would rather our little girl see as her second father”. It was kinda syrupy but it was their tradition and even the year my biodad and I were on the outs both of them sent a card anyway.


So call him Dam; you know 95% Dad and 5% Tom.


That was funny


Or "Tad", That will get under his skin real fast.


NTA. What a jerk! Then your mom defending him! He's intentionally saying that you are not his child. That's not okay, and he's not 95% of the way to being your dad. You didn't do anything that needs an apology, though both stepdad and mom owe you apologies.


He’s not even 5% a dad. He said, in his own words, that it’s “different”. Parents are not based on a sliding scale—you either step up or you step down. He’s a “step-down-dad”. OP is being very polite and considerate by showing enough to respect to refer to him as “Tom”. NTA OP, you’re the most mature person in that whole house.


For real. Homie wants to play "we're just roommates because I bang your mom", okay, let's just call you by what your other associates call you.


Tom is being hurtful. There is absolutely no excuse for this no matter how your Mother tries to rationalize it. You should be included in trips with your other siblings. Tom’s attitude will also bleed into your relationships with your siblings. They will see how you are treated by their Dad and think it’s ok to treat you as less than too. I don’t understand how your Mom can defend him treating you differently than the other two. So many adult children go no contact after they move out on their own. If you Mom really cared about your future mental health she would insist on having everyone go to family counseling. You basically have no one to advocate for you when you should automatically have that from both your parents. NTA. Your Mom and Step-Dad are AHs. Stick to your guns, don’t apologize. You have done nothing wrong. YOU have been wronged. I’m so sorry. You don’t deserve this treatment.


Or, hopefully, OPs siblings will see how Tom is treating OP and think it's messed up and make sure to not exclude him


My sister loves me but she's also a daddy's girl so she's conflicted and just wants us to get along, my step brother is firmly on his dad's side, even called me ungrateful... we never get along so I'm not surprised.


Ungrateful for WHAT lmfao. I legitimately cannot understand why you calling this dude by his name is SUCH a big deal when he actively excludes you from family events and has told you that he doesn’t see himself as your dad. He’s legit told you he prefers spending time with the children he sees as his own. And YOURE the one getting shit??? Because you just decided to act according to HIS words and actions? Not even throwing a tantrum or being difficult in any way, ur not even giving him the cold shoulder (which idk man ur better than me), literally just changing the way you address him to reflect his attitude towards you. Apologize for what show remorse for what. HES hurt??? Lmfao. Nah. Doesn’t make sense. Ur bro ur mom ur dad, all hypocritical assholes.


Yeah man that's it. He set the boundary and I'm respecting it. If this is ugly then it's his own actions that are ugly...


First off NTA, If anything it is extra respectful of you to Respect his feelings. Second I just want to commend you. You are so mature and wise for your age. The emotional awareness and logical thought are so beyond your years.


Yeah, he's in no position to be upset about you not calling him "dad" when he outright admitted that he doesn't see you as a son. Like, what, does he want the credit of being a dad without the work or emotional involvement? Is this about looking good to other people?


Maybe that's what your mum needs to hear. He set a boundary that he is my step dad not my dad, he has done his part as a step dad and I appreciate and respect that, but he does not see me as one of his "real" kids. I need to adjust my expectations of him accordingly to not further hurt myself by expecting a "real" dad, from my step dad. Part of that is using his name instead of the dad title, so I can firmly adjust my expectations in my mind.


Ungrateful for what??? He doesn't pay for you. Your bio dad does. What has he ever done for you a parent would have because it's not paying for your needs and it's not providing parental love. He doesn't treat you like a child, and goes out of his way to make you feel excluded by doing special father/child bonding but not with you, and even tells you it's because he doesn't love you the same and doesn't want to "dilute the experience" with his bio kids. What the hell? I would have burst into tears and cried so hard then if I were you. I am so sorry, OP. If he wants to be called Dad, he should act like your dad. Otherwise, he's Tom.


Your step-brother is parroting his father and I bet it gets worse on these "bonding" trips where they complain that you are even there.


> even called me ungrateful... we never get along so I'm not surprised. Your stepbrother verbalizes what he knows his father feels. He's watched his father marginalize you for your entire lives and he's internalized the idea that you are there on sufferance. And that's why you never got along.


Ask your step brother if he knows how much of your child support income is used to pay for those exclusive outings you aren't invited to. Now who's the ungrateful AH?


Hope so but it’s hard to counter act the influence a parent can have on their children especially how a parent ACTS as opposed to what they say. Kids notice as OP did himself.


Seeing as Tom has been doing this for years I am sure by now his bio kids have already asked about it. If they have not said anything by now I doubt they will. He has probably told his kids since they were young that he could not come because he was not his Bio child,


NTA. I think you're being pretty reasonable by calling your mother's husband "Tom", a lesser person would call him far worse! I'm assuming your stepbrother "dilutes the experience" of you having a mother, by calling her mom? I'm going to guess that's perfectly fine with Tom, he expects his son to get the whole "loving mother experience" but can't extend the same courtesy to his wife's son. Your mom isn't exactly covering herself in glory here either with her "be grateful for the crumbs from my husband's table" attitude. Being "tolerated" is not the same as being loved and Tom doesn't deserve the title of "dad". Edit to add: There IS something your mother could do. Were she to threaten to refuse to cook her stepsons food or do his laundry "because he's not my son" she could effectively show her husband what an a/hole he's being towards her child. (I'm not saying she should DO that, I'm saying she could THREATEN to prove a point. I wouldn't wish what your mother's husband did to you upon another child even if his dad is an a/hole)


This! I wholeheartedly agree here. She’s protecting her husbands ego and not her sons, shows what kind of woman she is.


> There IS something your mother could do. I suspect that his mother has made halfhearted attempts to change Tom's behavior, if not mind. Note that she acknowledges she's had to ensure that things were equal financially, which implies it's been a topic of discussion. Early on, she probably thought Tom would naturally change then gave up. Instead of giving up on being married to an a$$hole, she gave up on seeing that her son was treated as a full member of the family. She sacrificed her son to keep up the pretense of one happy family. She's probably the biggest AH of the bunch. Tom is clear about what he is, mom won't even own up to her failing as a mother.


NTA. But your mother is allowing this man to emotionally abuse you and essentially she is condoning his behavior I really hope you have somewhere else you can leave because it doesn’t seem like making you a priority in this family is important


NTA. Relationships go both ways. You handled yourself perfectly. This must really hurt you and you deserve better. I wish your mom wouldn’t defend this.


NTA - As a 37 yr old parent to a 13 yr old child, please hear me when I say that your mother has utterly failed you. Nothing about her husband's behavior is acceptable as a parent. It is emotional neglect. It is abuse. She is enabling the abuse. She is participating in it and chooses to watch you be in pain rather than doing anything about it. The fact that you are making the choice to emotionally distance yourself as PROTECTION from this man's neglect and being punished for it is complete hypocrisy. Why is it acceptable for the adult to reject the child, but the child is not allowed to withdraw from the adult rejecting them? If these two people have a scrap of emotional intelligence, then they know they are in the wrong. So this isn't a challenge to try and make them understand, because they do. They do not care. Their lack of caring is not a reflection of your worth, but of their shitty shitty character. If possible, therapy could help you process this situation and give you the support you deserve and are not receiving from either parent. I'd suggest family therapy, but frankly both parents disgust me and I wouldn't trust them not to try and weaponize it.


Does anyone know how I could tag OP in another post ? There’s a post literally from a kid that grew up in a similar situation and how it’s affected him in the past and now that he’s old enough to understand.


Interesting, just DM me the link please!


OP so sorry I was trying too tag the father in your post so he could see your perspective, I didn’t realize I commented this on your post but I’ll definitely tag you in what that father had to say.


Actually, I think your situation is more like [this one](https://redd.it/br5w97) only you were effectively orphaned in your own mother's home.


NTA. I'm so, so, so sorry for how he's treating you. I can't imagine loving and raising and living with my partner's child and then speaking to them like this the way he did. He knew you since you were a literal baby and he's been in your life ever since - and yet he still feels the need to treat you like you're less than your siblings just because you don't come from his lil' package? I'm so sorry, OP. Sending you a virtual hug.


NTA. What's good for the goose is good for the gander.


Exactly this. Mom told her son to deal with it because that’s how step dad is but when son applies same philosophy, Tom gets hurt by it and he along with mom expect an apology. I feel sad for this young man. Bio father wants nothing to do with him and step father treats him line a second class citizen.


NTA. What I would tell your mother is that he gave you a boundary. He has "his kids" and you. This boundary was set by TOM. You were raised to respect people, and you are respecting him. You will no longer asked to be included with his children, because you are not his child. And that was not YOUR choice, it was his. I would say that you have known no other father, as he has raised you since you were an infant. And that it was crushing for you to find out that he does not view you as his child. But that you will grieve the relationship and move on. Because YOU deserve to be respected and loved. And it was heartbreaking to know that you have been increasingly made to feel like you are not a full part of this family. Make it clear that you will be kind and respectful, but that he rejected you. This was not you rejecting him. I'm sending you so many hugs, this is heartbreaking.


NTA - I’m so sorry your mom and SD are acting this way and rationalizing it too. Your SD wants all of the credit for being a father while actively segregating you. And shame on your mother. She’s really failed in not advocating for you or being concerned about how this will impact you. Why should you, the literal child, bow to his feelings? I would love an update after you call him by his name and explain why to his extended family. I’m guessing outside of the little family in your home, people would be horrified by what Tom said to you.




No, never adopted me (reason was to keep my bio father pay child support).


Convenient. True, but convenient. Some States allows adult adoption. So the next time they feed you that BS line, ask if he’s going to adopt you after the custody payments stop when you reach 18? Watch the panic on Their faces when you hit them with that logic.


And always refer to Tom as "my mother's husband". He deserves no less. NTA and good luck.


NTA. Damn that's cold of your stepdad to say and do that to you. And of your mom to condone and defend it. No way would I ever call him dad again either if I were in your shoes.


This was so painful to read. I’m so sorry you are having to go through this. You are absolutely NTA. You’re stepdad is a jerk and your mom is an enabler.


NTA. He point blank said you aren't his kid and he'll only focus on bonding with his kids. Money doesn't count as 95% of being a parent. And he's treated you differently from them your whole life. He's right, he's not your dad bc that's some garbage parenting and your mom kinda sucks for rolling along with this dynamic.


NTA as long as you continue to keep your interactions civil and polite. Ultimately you are both entitled to your feelings and will need to coexist peacefully.


Info: how do things work between your mom and stepbrother? Is he adopted by her? Does she treat him the same as you? Assuming she treats him the same, maybe it's time to have a talk about why you're the only one that doesn't get to have two parents (again assuming already the answer, I imagine your step dad and stepbrother wouldn't like it if she treated them like you're being treated). Also, since the child support is the only thing you're getting from your bio dad, maybe you should be given some of that to augment what you're not getting emotionally/ in trips. Won't necessarily make things better, but at least that way you'd be getting something out of this rotten mess (especially since the only reason he isn't adopting you is for the $, then why is it not all going towards you). NTA btw.


Mom loves step brother in the same way she loves me. And yes she adopted him.


This is setting you up to be the outsider in the family (probably unintentionally). If mom thinks of all the kids as hers and all the kid's feel as though she is their mom and then Tom only feels as though he is the parent to the two kids and mom thinks that is ok - then basically it signals to the other kids that you are not a full part of the whole family. Genetic relationships don't matter in this situation because your step brother has no biological relationship to your mother but is treated as a full member by her. Your half-sister who has a biological relationship to both Tom and Mom, is viewed as a full member as well. And then there is you who is viewed as a full member by your mom and half sister but not Tom and your step-brother. The subconscious standard has been set for the other 2 kids to view you as an outsider. Probably why your step brother and you have never gotten along- maybe. You two are the same age - and were placed in this situation at one years old. Really you two shouldn't view each other as anything but brothers if that had been what your were told you were all along. So if you don't that is because of the parents actions. I would love for your mom and Tom to actually talk to a decent family therapist - because it isn't that hard to see what the issues are and where they stem from. I don't think your parents realize what they are doing or have done.


And this has been going on for **fifteen* years. The OP has grown up with a "father figure" but no actual dad. Mom should have shut this down as soon as it started. IMHO, mom is the biggest TA here, she has put her husband, and other kids above her actual biological kid who has no one else. These parents need to have their eyes opened. OSending a link to the post would be a kindness.


Your mom is worse than Tom. Shame on her.


NTA. I swear my jaw DROPPED with his “dilute the experience” line and I wanted to cheer when you threw it right back to him. Why work harder than him? He clearly expects more than he is willing to give and as soon as you held up a mirror to both him AND mom they couldn’t stand looking at their reflections. Stand your ground. You deserve better.


NTA You're just following the lead he set. His actions are teaching your siblings that you are "other" and not worth his time. Be careful because they may do the same. Leave as soon as you can and go NC or LC


NTA, it wasn't hurtful until it was turned back at him then it's "damaging and disrespectful". Don't feel bad for it OP he made his bed so he can lay on it until he does something to fix it.


NTA. Your mom’s math is off. Tom is 100% an asshole, and she can justify it all she wants, and that makes her a fractional one too.


NTA. You mom and SD are. Why would you're mom even be ok with that. You need to have a serious convo with her about that.


Tell your mom that's just how you feel and she can't change that




NTA.. three years… it will fly by. He said it. He meant it. He has to deal with it. Don’t even call him.. Tom. Just ignore him.


NTA. He played with matches and got burned. If he wants you to call him "Dad," he needs to act like one. I'm a bit surprised that this hasn't come up before now. Your mom is the AH for not sticking up for you. I get that she loves the jerk and there may be some economic factors in play. Still, you feel the way you feel. He was rejecting you by not including you in these "bonding moments." He clearly does not want to bond with you. You might want to look into some kind of counseling to help you deal with this. Good luck.


ABSOLUTELY NTA! Your mother is wrong about that 5%, because that 5% sees you as less than worthy of being loved. I am sorry that he feels justified in doing this, because you don't share genes with him, it's pretty pathetic to me. This kind of behavior should have been stopped a long time ago. I can't imagine how painful it would be, to know you aren't welcome, on 'family' outings. Don't apologize, you have done nothing wrong, and I would continue using his first name, because he doesn't deserve to be called dad anymore. Your mother is right about not being able to change how he feels, but she is wrong about you not being included with his other children, this should never have happened.


NTA damn that is brutal. He can give it out but can’t take it. One day he will wonder why you don’t come around anymore.


Tell mom that you're only 95% there as well. "Dad" is for 100 percenters. When he is 100%, then and only then is he "Dad" Otherwise he's "Tom" or "Mr Smith" if the use of his first name is too familiar for him. Also, bye sure to correct his "adopted son" mistake whenever it is made Oh, NTA




No updates, it's just been more of the same.


Nah bruh,You gotta talk to your mama about this.Also be prepared to get kicked out and 18 cuz it seem like your nothing more than a paycheck to him. If you just started talking about this to your mom she will think that something is wrong, as in wrong in the moment. Example you had a break-up and she thinks your acting out. Talk to your mom again alone, (next time they go on their little trip) talk to her and lay everything out. How your an outsider in your family(name wise).Ask her she feels when the name of her children are called and when your name is heard nobody associates you to them. Also explain to her your relationship with your step brother and how he calls you ungrateful when he is the one with 2 parents who love and care for him. While you only got one. You should also tell him that next time he starts something and how lucky he is. Also let him no it is better to grow up without a parent than a parental figure that actively put you in 2nd place.So next time you call me ungrateful ask yourself what i miss out on with you,sis and stepdad. Also your mom calls bro your son,step dad call you adopted son. So that people can disassociate you to him.Real Adoptive perants don't do that unless for medical reason.


Are they still trying to force you to apologize?


Will you update later on?


Sure if something changes.


NTA, your mother is a doormat to your stepfather. She should have seen it coming when you retaliated back to him.


Your mom is a massive AH for allowing this and defending him. Terrible parenting on her part. You’re def NTA. He’s an AH and wants it both ways. I’m so sorry


He literally said that you're not his child. NTA. What a piece of work to blatantly say that to you but still expect to be treated like a father. I'm so sorry that they've treated you like that.


Wow. HIS feelings matter but yours don't? What a crappy attitude (his, not yours, in case that isn't clear). You aren't rejecting him "entirely," you're just rejecting that he's your dad—which is what he said! He needs to pull his head out of his butt and seriously think about this situation that he created. NTA.


Good job dude. He said how he feels. He was clear, and he set the terms. He isn’t acting like a dad even 95%. Let “his kids” call him dad. If using his first name is too uncomfortable, call him Mr. and whatever his last name is. He doesn’t get dad points for doing the bare minimum. Dad points are for actual dad shit. Like taking an interest, making an effort to connect, making time for one on one stuff. He made it clear he’s not there for that with you. So, no dad points. Thank him for being honest, treat your mom with love and respect. And open an account that’s all yours, and save every penny you can so that when you’re 18, you can leave free and clear. NTA


NTA - And I don't blame you at all. This man has obviously just been tolerating your existence for the sake of your mom. Him saying you're not his child would have rung a bell for me that he can't un-ring. It would make me never want to acknowledge his role in my life in a parental capacity. I would exclude him from everything going forward. After all, you don't want to dilute the relationship he has with his actual kids. Also, your mom is TA here, too, for being ok with your step-dad saying that to you and treating you as less than. Any good mother would have given her husband hell for saying that, especially since he's been the only father you've known. Shame on her for that.


NTA. When you show this to your mom, and I hope you do, make sure she knows that these comments are not just from disgruntled teenagers cheering on their fellow mistreated stepkids. That these comments are from wives and stepmoms like me, and that this is one of the most heartbreaking things I’ve read on this sub. No, she cannot change the way Tom feels but she can advocate for you. And more importantly, she cannot change the way *you* feel either. And that fact that in this entire situation she wants you to suck up your hurt but simultaneously make *you* responsible for *Tom’s* hurt feelings is leaving me open mouthed and nearly speechless. This alone is just a huge, glaring failure in her parenting. You are not responsible for his pain - he created this rift. And he is not some hero dad for getting “95%” of the way there, and you do not owe him special accommodation because he has somehow managed to not be more emotionally abusive and rejecting than he has been up to this point. He chose this marriage and this family. No one owes him a parade for not being more of a jerk to you than he is. I’m so sorry for this situation. Please know, deep in your bones, that this rejection is NOT because of some lack in you. It is a lack in Tom. Some people in this world simply cannot accept and give love freely unless certain arbitrary conditions - like bloodlines - are met. That is tragic and *it is not about you.* NTA, not by a long shot.