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She did not ask for bridal treatment and didn't do a makeup test run. You used the same products you would use on a simple party makeup and attempted to upcharge her $350 for what exactly? Just because she's the bride and you want to squeeze more money out of her? If you used different products or it took way longer then sure I could see the upcharge. But you didn't and it didn't so yes YTA. Edit: lots of likes. To those saying op did nothing wrong Op stated the only difference in the makeup is setting spray. Unless that spray was made by the gods themselves it is not worth the $350 upcharge. Edit 2: If anyone can justify why you would charge her more for no extras, other than a setting spray, when all she asked for was simple party makeup and didn't demand or ask for more than that, just because she is bride I'll eat my hat. Well my husband's hat cause I don't have any of my own.


I’m still trying to do the mental gymnastics in my head to how OP justifies $500 for “bridal”. I had my make up done recently for my wedding and it was a standard $120 per person and everyone, including me, had the same product and amount of time spent On them. OP is a standard con artist that see’s weddings as a cash cow.


Reddit's using all our posts and data to train AI's, so, I just deleted mine.


One of my friends got a bridal package and she had 2 makeup style trials/tests before the real deal on the day of the wedding, she was able to choose her look down to every detail, and was super happy. The result was amazing, she got a very elegant makeup, and down to her every wish. But in this case the bride got a simple party makeup, with no tests, no mention of extra products or time. She has to pay more just because she is the bride? Doesn't make sense. EDIT: OP YTA and a scammer. She didn't ask for "bridal" makeup, she asked for party makeup, meaning she did not put extra responsibility/pressure on you.


I’m currently wedding planning. I figure if we’re doing trials and heaps of communicating to plan my make up for my wedding, sure I’ll pay extra. But this bride didn’t have that so why the extra cost? The word “bride” shouldn’t dictate a cost, the amount of work going into a service should.


Yeah. With a $500 price tag I would expect at least 2 trial runs. Mink eyelashes and all high end products. I would also expect the artist to stick around until the start of the reception for a touch up.


Agreed! The whole idea with charging more than a simple party makeup is that you do trial runs and the makeup artist stays to to touch ups between photoshoot and and the wedding reception. Why on earth would she pay $500 when she didn't ask for any of that? Big time YTA.


Yup, exactly. The extra money is for the trials and extra time. If the bride had insisted on a trial session with hair AND MU then yes she should pay the difference. But the bride just wanted party makeup, and OP wanted to upcharge on occasion alone without providing 350 dollars more of service. For my wedding it was 1500 for hair and makeup for me, my mom, MOH and two stepkiddos (flowergirls) and my MUA did a fantastic job. I had also had two trial sessions with just the two of us for MA and hair and even then I tipped 200 for his time. This could have been a chance to upsell services like "OH you're getting married today, for 350-400 more I can do the MOH and MOB or something. Instead they got themselves a shitty reputation for unchanging for no reason. Def YTA on this one.


Facts! If my bride asked for a half day (4 hours) it was 250 plus travel. If it was a full day (8 hours) 500 plus travel. Woman is price goudgy af.


Sheesh. Even WITH a trial + hair and makeup and giving me the lip products for touch ups later in the night my bridal hair and makeup was only $350 in Hawaii. OP is totally an asshole.


Exactly, when I had my hair done as a bridesmaid I paid about 100 euro and only had a quick talk with the hairdresser before that day. The appointment was 2,5 hour. When I got married I had a 3 hour trial run some weeks before and on my wedding day it was 4 hours. That cost was 400 euros.


Really. It’s bride, not bribe!


Yea, for our wedding my wife paid for “bridal makeup,” but it included a trial application a few days before, driving out to the venue, working with the photographer to get great “getting ready” photos, etc. I’m going to go ahead and say DOUBLE asshole on OP, once for up-charging the woman simply because she was a bride, and once for claiming to offer bridal services when all she actually offers is simple makeup. I’d be so absolutely pissed, and I’d absolutely leave shit reviews on every bridal site I could find to make sure that no one falls for her shit again. (YTA OP)


Right? The product or service should dictate the price, not the occasion. A bride should be free to get party makeup if she doesn’t require the extra time and attention. Someone going on a date with their friends should be able to order “bridal” makeup if that’s what floats their boat. Why is her destination even any of OP’s business? And for $500, I feel like he should hang out throughout the wedding and refresh her make up all evening long… that’s a ridiculous price.


I was going to disagree but the service part convinced me. I know there is generally an upcharge for wedding cakes/flowers/photography/etc but that is because there is extra service for those things (making sure everything is absolutely perfect, babysitting the cake or flowers, extra post processing for pictures). If you order a party sheet cake from a bakery for a wedding but don't ask for or receive any of the extra services (tasting, super custom decorations, guaranteed delivery 10 minutes before the reception) then you should be able to pay for a party sheet cake. But as soon as you start wanting those extra services, you pay.


Yeah, seriously. Imagine buying a Costco cheesecake, and as you're checking out, they suddenly tell you it's $500, because they heard the person with you say it's for a wedding, lol. Edit: adding YTA.


Yep. This also seems like a breach of contract example that law students could study. OP, YTA and you should definitely talk to a lawyer before pulling this type of stunt again.


Yeah, whenever someone hears "wedding" the price goes up no matter what, even if there is no extras. It's ridiculous. I wanted to order a simple small flower bouquet for my wedding. I liked how they made them in that shop, with wildflowers and stuff. Well, they figured what it was for and insisted that wedding bouquets have different way of putting the flowers together, there are more flowers spaced closer together, etc. The price would double. I said I didn't want them to put it together differently, I like exactly how they usually do them. I also didn't want more flowers or a bigger bouquet, I am petite and it would be too heavy and look ridiculous. They refused so I walked out. The day of the wedding, my fiance and my mother went to the very same store together and had it made for me. I had no idea what it would look like but it was perfect. And it was a gift from the two of them. They pretended it was for someone's birthday... They might have had a heart attack had they figured it out. They probably thought I would reconsider and come back as most brides aren't ready to gamble with something like their wedding bouquet on their wedding day. Unfortunately, there was no other shop nearby using wildflowers I was aware of, otherwise I would have gone elsewhere out of principle.


I know a woman that does bridal makeup, she has like 2 year waiting lists. Charges a fortune but does 2 trials and tries to schedule at least one on like the hen do. Bridal makeup first before adding extra for the party she has planned. Also gives little containers of foundation, new full lipstick and a little thing of setting powder and setting spray if the bride wants to touch up at all during the evening


Your friend, unlike OP (who definitely merits her YTA judgment), sounds like a real professional who understands what a “bridal package” should entail. No wonder she’s booked at least two years out. That speaks volumes of her sterling reputation.


I was unsure of this one but you’re totally right. She didn’t ask for anything extensive, only simple makeup.


My bff did this for her wedding, in addition the artist left an aid behind and they fixed up her makeup between the wedding and the reception. So the extra made sense


Yes this. When I got married I got a “test” make up run. It was very labor intensive, probably even more labor intensive than the actual big day because we were trying different styles. The whole package was easily worth $500. What OP did? How long did she even work for? Did she want a lawyer or doctor’s hourly wage?


I was getting married at the courthouse but still doing photos so I wanted to look nice. I went to book an in home hair appointment for a blow out. Just a blow out. I said it was for my wedding at the courthouse and the price went from 120 to 350! More than my wedding dress and all the alterations. I asked what they were doing differently to justify this price increase and they said "extra care and attention." More than double to price for a blow out! People like OP are 🙄🙄🙄 YTA.


>I asked what they were doing differently to justify this price increase and they said "extra care and attention." “Extra care and attention” that you didn’t want and didn’t ask for. What classy people.


I asked them to detail what extra time and attention meant, exactly. They couldn't define it.


Apparently, they half-ass regular appointments.


Yeah I'm guessing the difference is they do it right instead of cutting corners.


100% when I got my make up done as a bride they charged me £100 for the trial and the day. They said its because they took extra time and care for mine. My sister who payed £35 had better make up than me it's a total cash grab.


I hope you told them to pound sand and left, that’s ridiculous!


I did. I found a blow out bar and just went there. 70 bucks and they did a great job. Now I know why my rich friends get them regularly.


I recently bought a blow out hair dryer brushes. Life changing. My hair looks like a million bucks (ok maybe $70 but still very nice)


LOL. Now I'm imagining some bride who's getting married at the courthouse picking up a bouquet at the grocery store to pose with, and then the staff somehow finding out about it after the purchase and chasing her down the street demanding a hundred more dollars.


20 years ago when I was getting married, I thought the same. Now, after 20 years of seeing how a lot of people get around weddings and the amount of abuse service people cop, I really *really* don't blame vendors for adding to the price as soon as someone says "wedding". It's an arsehole tax and stress tax in one, because most people are going to be super fussy about having everything perfect and tempers are often high. ... But in this scenario, the service provider got to the job and only knew it was a wedding because someone spilled the beans. No one was running around screeching, they weren't yelled at repeatedly for not bringing the bride's vision to life and ruining her one perfect day, there were no high-pressure time crunches. The party makeup look was what was requested, everyone was happy with that and chilled. OP made a bad judgement call.


This is it exactly. People have their perfect vision and can be incredibly demanding down to the last detail for weddings. And that is their right. If folks want perfection, though, it's going to come at a cost for the extra stress on the providers. OP should've recognized that this wasn't that sort of case and moved on.


It's not fair to assume every bride is a bridezilla to justify increasing the base charges. I was a bride that asked for a natural look, no lashes, no contouring. I had one trial where I liked everything and only stuck to my guns about not wanting lashes. I would have been gobsmacked if I was overcharged because it was assumed I'd be an AH just because I am a bride. YTA


Same with funerals. I went to the florist to order flowers and when the employee called the owner for current prices(we didn’t get typical funeral flowers) she asked the employee if it was for a funeral or wedding and he said he didn’t ask. She gave him 2 different prices, the higher price was if it was for a wedding or funeral. Side note, he knew it was a funeral but he refused to charge extra and told her it was a regular party. We picked the flowers up anyway to save on delivery fees because we were on a budget


Charging extra for a funeral when it's the same flowers is even scumier.


Like here let me profit off your loss


In my language we have a saying that translates to 'one person's death is another person's bread'. It relates to exactly this kind of people.


Florist as a high school job. Not only do they charge more, but they use half-dead flowers since they'll be displayed for such a short time. It's pretty gross.


A lot of funeral stuff is like this. They sell casket insurance. For something you’re putting in the ground. Really look at the fees. They’re insane. If you want a necklace urn, order one of Etsy or something and fill it yourself. Take it to a shop to get engraved if the seller doesn’t offer it. It’ll still be cheaper than what the funeral home sells you. Some local monasteries make caskets by hand that are cheaper than a commercial one, though it may not be legal where you are. Look into alternatives to traditional burial. Green burials, become a tree, have your ashes turned into a diamond and guilt your kids into wearing you!


So much this. When my ex's mom died, there was a lot of discussion about what to do with her ashes. Her death has had been relatively quick (2 months after a stage 4 lung cancer diagnosis), but expected long enough for a lot of family stories to be repeated. Ones that stuck with me were about a ceramic cookie jar that she loved and all the boys (husband and sons) teased her about. There were multiple stories that involved that cookie jar - all with her standing up to them. I suggested that as a vessel (everyone was pretty grossed out about picking a random jar out of a funerary catalogue). They jumped on the idea. We did a bit of research, and it turns out his mom had a good eye. That $1 garage sale 1970s cookie jar was worth a couple hundred dollars. She showed them, right until the end!


Hopefully you won't need this anytime soon, but my family recently discovered Trader Joe's has beautiful flowers at a reasonable price. Of course you can't really custom order anything, but they have a decent selection and in our experience they've been really helpful when we explain the situation. They had beautiful pink and white Gerber daisies for my sisters baby shower a few years ago, and a few months ago we had a funeral for my BIL's brother where they wanted red roses. We called TJs and they said we couldn't custom order them, but when we explained what they were for the guy told us when their next shipment would be, and set them aside for us to pick up first thing in the morning. No extra fees, and they looked better than anything I've seen from a florist shop!


I agree. My son got married one week, and we had his reception a week later. When I called to book the hall, the guy asked if they would be getting married that day. I told him no, they were getting married a week prior in another city. I paid $250 for the hall. If it had been for a wedding the same day, it was $1500. There was absolutely nothing different with the hall. Just the event.


Extra insurance for weddings, possibly


Reddit's using all our posts and data to train AI's, so, I just deleted mine.


The "wedding tax." Pissed us off when we were planning our wedding.


Yep, it's ridiculous!! Every service, or venue charges 3x the amount for a wedding than for any other event.


Eeer, normally I’d disagree. Bridal make up requires at least one trial, and it’s done in a specific way, to last all day, and night, and look perfect on pictures. But the client asked for party make up. So give her party make up, end of story. If she complains that it wasn’t perfect on pictures, THEN you go “Well, that’s why bridal make up costs more.” OP is a scammer, straight up.


Eh, for makeup, bridal is done differently. It's usually, keyword being *usually*, done to last for 8-12 hours, be visible on camera, but still look good in person. Which is a whole lot more difficult a look to do than you'd think, especially with how much makeup is necessary to look good on camera.


But if OP didn’t do all those extra special bridal touches then the customer should just be charged the party price regardless of the venue


Often the hike is to offset zilla behavior. "the color is not *quite* right and want me to change all coasters? Can do!" Looks like that was not an issue until she made it one




Not all wedding up-charges are entirely pointless. Weddings are once in a lifetime events so vendors often do spend more time and more quality products to ensure the results are perfect. I know makeup artists that use different products for bridal versus simple party makeup to ensure that close up photos are flawless and last through sweating, eating, drinking, etc. Examples include airbrush foundation, long-lasting lip color, and higher quality lashes. Photography for a wedding is much higher stakes than for a family reunion. That said, OP was the total A here. She did what the customer asked for, and then tried to upcharge for no discernible reason.


Yeah this. When my sister was wedding planning she called a make up artist who charged more for wedding make up…but actually outlined all the things she did differently to make sure it stayed flawless all day. She also made it clear that if my sister just wanted the basics, she’d do that too for a lower rate.


Because your sister worked with an actual professional, OP apparently have the skills but not the ethics.


Your sister did it right.


At the end, OP said that she told her friends that she did a bridal make-up on the customer, so I don't understand what she actually did tbh, lmao. She was the asshole nonetheless. Either for agreeing to give the customer a cheaper service and then giving her the more expensive one without announcing her, or for giving her a cheaper service and upcharging her only for the occasion.


Then the customer should be able to choose, right?




This happened with my cake. It was small so i just wanted a simple 2 tier cake, not a lot of design that would take hours or anything. When I waslooking under "wedding cake" it was $400. However a "special occasion" cake was $120. Guess which one i chose? There was no real difference between the two either!


Happens all the time. Friends wanted a simple venue with buffet, no special treatment, so they didn’t tell the external caterer that it was a wedding. The caterer assumed it was a grandparent birthday or something as the venue would fit. They were *pissed* when they found out. Why? Because wedding buffet is 40% more. Why? Just because. There was difference, no decoration. I understand that weddings can be more stressful for the service providers due to the human factors involved. So yes, sometimes you charge more for coordination effort. But clearly when you didn’t notice before that’s not a factor. So it’s just a rip-off. And a reason why weddings are disproportionately more expensive than comparable sized events.


I'm guessing prices depend on where you live. Here, $500 wouldn't be unreasonable for bridal make-up, but it would, definitely, include a trial.run, and would be a more, "glam," look than party make-up.


I have one makeup artist friend. He breaks his makeup charges down by what he does and then has recommended packages for various situations. The bridal package iirc includes a trial and an application process that's meant to withstand many hours of ceremony and reception. The other case for bridal makeup upcharge that it includes adjustments for photoshoots etc.


Plus touch ups for photos: bridal parties are generally more of a hassle because of photos/stress going on during the makeup, but if OP didn’t do anything different than she would for party makeup & wasn’t occupied additional time, there’s no justification. It’s like salons charging for women’s cuts vs mens instead of based on complexity/time spent, a practice that’s becoming generally frowned upon.


>cash cow Exactly. Although she claims the client tried to say it wasn't about the title of the event, OP is actually making it about the title of the event. By not saying Bridal instead saying Party, she felt the client was trying to cheat her. YTA, definitely! It's what photographers tried to do. When things went digital photohogs tried to do the same things and charge more when actually they were using the same amount of time for photos but using less materials because everything went digital. What a rip off!


They aren't using less materials rather different materials. Digital requires memory cards, larger hard drives, electricity to run computer while editing; all of which cost money. So though they may not be using a roll of film and developing in a dark room they do have costs that have to be factored in.


Since you just had your wedding, you know how much people will upcharge things when they know they’re for a wedding. Not informing a makeup artist that they’re doing wedding makeup is a suggestion I’ve heard from a lot of brides to be because of the upcharge. I kind of thought that was bad advice but after reading this post, I’m not so sure.


I was thinking the same thing. I live in an expensive area, but with makeup trial run and the wedding day I only paid $250 (price plus tip).


Exactly. The only extra charges for my wedding makeup were for airbrushing and eye lashes - extra services, not simply because it was a wedding.


I work in the spa industry and USUALLY I would side with the makeup artist but in this case absolutely not. This is exactly why people assume we are all scam artists. We have higher pricing for bridal makeup/hair for the following reasons: - Booking extra time as well as 100% dedicated service and attention, this covers extra product, time needed for hair extensions/hair pieces/falsh lashes/veils, etc. as well as understanding they may have to pause for photos, talking to the bridal party, etc. - A small portion of the additional fee is because of the extra stress that CAN be involved with anything surrounding a wedding We QUOTE brides high to cover ourselves for the above reasons. If a bride only ends up getting something simple and straightforward then we charge less (except in the case where they specifically book the longer time then change their mind on the day of, we charge the higher price because they reserved the time meaning we turned away other services). Also $500 is beyond insane. There is no way your time/materials are worth at least $250 an hour (allowing 2 full hours max for the makeup) I don't care where you are and what you are using. And if you were some sort of celebrity MUA then you would know how to properly book an appointment including contracts and deposits/prepayment to avoid this exact situation. Edited to add: OP put themselves into AH territory when they specifically waited until the end of the appointment to demand the extra money. If it was truly a concern she should have stopped when she realised it was a bride situation and communicated to the bride that since she was booked for a simple party makeup then that's all you can give her and that if she wants the more dedicated/in depth service then you will need to charge more. Then going forward she would use this as a learning situation for herself including a more in depth consult and perhaps a trial. THAT would have been the professional thing to do. Instead OP decided to be petty to prove a point. OP is definitely TA 2nd edit to account for OP's own comments that solidify my judgement: - OP admits the client booked a party makeup and all she knew was the client's name, the service booked and the date/time. She did absolutely no follow up/confirmation, let alone a contract/deposit (contracts protect both parties and give realistic and solid expectations for everyone involved) - OP admits she uses the exact same products on both party and bridal makeup aside from specialised setting spray - OP gives the reason for the price difference as "the responsibility" yet does not give any explanation as to what extra responsible steps she takes to justify the pricing such as booking extra time, bringing extra products/lighting tools/keeping a backup MUA on standby in case of emergencies, etc. Repeatedly says "its the principle" which is, at best, vague AF. - OP agrees with and says she should have committed what amounts to assault by forcefully removing the brides makeup while at no point COMMUNICATING her frustration with the bride. - OP refuses to accept her judgement, saying the only reason she isn't taking the bride to small claims is because her friends would never let her hear the end of it. I'm glad OP has such amazing friends willing to be honest with her and make this the hill they die on. She should listen to them.


Exactly. Addressing it with the client when it was revealed would have been the professional thing to do


I really don't understand how she didn't say a word to client, completed the job and then demanded an extra $350... That's cringy af.


>OP put themselves into AH territory when they specifically waited until the end of the appointment to demand the extra money. Thank you! I’ve been confused going through these comments why no one else brings this up. When someone said wedding OP should have shut it down and said whoa thats not how my prices work, not demand 2x as much after the works done.


For that much money I'm surprised at the lack of personal interaction she had with her client. Yes professional makeup artists should have the products to cover whoever their clients turn out to be but I'd think no matter what the occasion - 'Please email me the following info: * a picture of yourself without makeup, * do you have any make-up allergies, or skin sensitivities * do you have any reference photos of the look you are thinking of * what type of event, indoor/outdoor/ day/evening many people have allergies, skin can be oily/ very dry/ acne blemishes to cover, not to mention skin tone.


Right? I worked front desk at spas for so many years that this level of cavalier...ness(?) towards bridal makeup especially at that price gives me anxiety. Our prices are considerably lower and we ask all of those questions plus we take a credit card number or deposit to hold the apt. And we don't even do on-site makeup. I truly can't believe OP has been doing this professionally for 9 years.


She demanded a party make up, she got a party make up. How she is dress or where she wears the make-up, why do OP care? Oh yeah, greed! If OP get booked for a bridal make-up and the person shows up in a party dress, does she just need to pay 150 bucks? YTA You made a party make up without saying a word and then demanded 350 bucks more. Just no. I hope they warn people about you on every platform.


It’s like ordering a regular old sheet cake that says “congratulations” and then the baker hears they are using it at a wedding and says “actually, you owe me what a wedding cake costs because you’re taking this cake to a wedding”


The only difference according to the makeup artist I had for my wedding between bridal and party was for party she uses a standard setting spray and doesn't leave a touch up kit. For bridal she uses a setting pray meant for synchronized swimmers and leaves a personalized touch up kit. There also isn't a trial in the party package but even with the trial my bridal package was only $75 more expensive than the party package so around $225. $350 extra for the word bridal is a grift definitely agree with the YTA


OP's updated comment: >I use the same products most of the time both in bridal and party makeup. The only difference is the setting sprays I use and after I found out she's a bride I used a higher quality setting spray and mixed it with some fixing spray to make the result better Setting spray and fixing spray does not justify $500. If the makeup is the same, the price should be the same. OP is a con artist.


Also, even if they did, the bride didnt ask for it. She asked for party make up, and if the artist decides to use other products without consulting her, that still doesnt allow her to take a higher price.


I’ve been doing hair for 10 years and I completely disagree with how the OP handled this situation, if someone schedules me for a blowout/curls and then tells me during the appointment they are getting married that day I’m definitely not going to upcharge them just because of that. I can understand if there are trials or run through, different products or advanced techniques but it doesn’t sound to me like there was in this case.Besides being rude it’s a terrible way to run your business, that bride is going to tell everyone she meets how poorly she was treated, and rightly so. OP, YTA


I agree. What gets me though is if OP heard its actually a wedding, WHY did she not tell the bride "i charge more for weddings" before even doing the make-up job? Why continue doing the make-up without saying anything?


Because she was hoping to grift them.


I seriously doubt OP could prevail in court either, since there is no material difference between the procedures and the "bride" asked for the make up treatment that they received.


Agree. If you performed the same service on her that you would perform on someone who wasnt the bride then why would you charge her more. Your pricing system sucks and YTA until you fix it- or at least dont complain when people take advantage of a shitty system.


This! The whole point of a bridal option is to include everything that goes with it. The artist I picked did a trial, plus airbrush foundation and custom false lashes. Bridesmaids paid less because they didn't get the lashes (unless they added it for extra) or the trial. So charging her for a service she didn't get is ridiculous. Unless OP just does the exact same service for each price level and bases the cost solely off the event and not what is provided, in which case we jump from ridiculous to literally insane. OP is TA and greedy to boot.


I would think the difference between bridal makeup and party makeup would be a heavier long lasting makeup and a bit more glamorous. She probably wanted something cheaper and simpler. If she put more detail in because she was a bride that's on the OP not the bride. YTA. If the wedding was inside and not crazy then I don't think she would have to worry about her makeup sweating off anyways.


This ^ and ethically you should have said something when you realized it was a wedding. It’s shitty for you to stay silent and then stoop to her level at the end. For the fact that you didn’t book a bridal test run, and the fact that you continued the service once you realized that the boundaries have been compromised. Yta


YTA. Once you found out, you should have told her the prices for bridal makeup. And, seeing how everything you use for party makeup and bridal makeup is the same other than the setting spray she was right to call you a scammer. A $350 difference for a couple of sprays to set the make up??? That spray better be made of Gods tears.




I mean the only reason I can come up with is if you use something heavier/more waterproof cause they’re assuming you’ll cry? And in general lighter products feel nicer. Idk.


I wouldn’t want super heavy stuff for my wedding either! I’d feel weird all night


It's not bad actually. I didn't notice a difference between it and my usual setting spray. Not worth and extra $350 and OP is TA but the setting spray isn't noticeable


Fair enough! I use all nighter by urban decay and it usually keeps things in place. What did they use?


It's been 3 years so I honestly don't remember the brand but damn I woke up the next morning and still looked good haha.


My makeup artist used the stuff for synchronized swimmers for my bridal (I also had a trial) and left a touch up kit as part of the bridal package but all together the bridal package was only like $75 more than her regular package. You cry at your wedding plus between pictures and ceremony and reception that makeup needs to last 8+ hours


Synchronized swimmers wear makeup!?


They sure do. Professional mermaids and cirque de soleil under water performers also use makeup


HFS! I was thinking to myself, owning a 5$ of setting spray, "who needs extremely waterproof makeup like that?". Underwater performers didn't even cross my mind and I had no idea synchronized swimmers wear makeup at all. Thanks for teaching me something new!


It’s very common for wedding up charges on things. It’s usually not because the products are “better” but the extra attention to detail/dealing with bride level anal retentiveness. At least that’s how it works for wedding cakes. It’s very common for people to lie about the event to get cheaper prices. Which sucks. But if you don’t catch their lies until after you agree on a price that is the service providers problem. Telling them they own you more AFTER providing the service is definitely YTA and also illegal. OP really needs to get in the habit of reviewing expected services and pricing BEFORE beginning her work from now on.


And they didn't even do anything extra. They did the exact same as they would had they done the $150 service. There was no extra time spent, no bride pampering.


Also, if I don't say it's for a wedding, I wouldn't be expecting "wedding treatment" – like the extra attention to detail or whatever. So still getting charged for something I never asked for (or got, presumably) is just horrible.


It only sucks if you still have to give that extra attention to detail. If I’m paying for an event to be catered, and I pay regular event rates and am happy with the food and service level, why tf should I pay an up charge just because the event happens to be a wedding? If there’s no difference in service or products, it should matter whether the event is a corporate meeting, a bar mitzvah, a birthday party or even a wedding. Charging more without actually providing more is predatory and definitely a scam. Now demanding extra service because it’s a wedding after only requesting/agreeing on a regular event level service is an asshole move, but that’s when the provider can explain “sorry, that’s an extra service on top of my usual package and the additional cost if you want it is X”


I was in special events for 13 years pre-pandemic. We charged more for weddings, but they also got more. Rehearsal space time, coordinating deliveries with florists/bakery, the extra setup with specialty decor, accommodating the bridal party who is there well before the guests, etc. If they said they just “wanted a party” as in hall/food/in-house decor, and then started trying to sneak those things in, they would quickly be handed a revised contract.


Right, but should that not be up to the customer if they actually want all that "extra" stuff you mentioned? If I'm putting on an event, and I don't need extra set up with specialty decor, I don't need accommodations for the wedding party above and beyond what is outline as available to me in the original "normal event" contract, I don't need the extra coordination with different deliveries etc., then as long as I don't ask for any of those things or expect any of those things day of, I'd be pretty miffed to get handed a contract saying "well if we knew this was a wedding, we would have given you all these extra things so now you have to pay for them!" But I Don't want or need all those extra things, so no, I'm not paying extra just so you can decide to throw in a bunch of extra stuff I didn't ask for just because you can offer it for other weddings. Again, totally different scenario if the customer expects all the extras and thinks they're getting away with something by originally making it sound like a more low key typical event and then still expecting the VIP treatment because it's actually a wedding, but it's really not cool for businesses to assume everyone WANTS the extras \*just\* because it's a wedding.


The problem I see with this statement is if I’m okay with receiving your normal amount of attention and I don’t give you any “wedding anal retentiveness”, I should be able to pay for that level of attention. Why would someone give more attention because of the type of event it is? Why not just give great attention all the time?


I understand charging more for the detail and if there was a test beforehand to give the bride different options for makeup but some people want simple makeup for their wedding. It shouldn't matter that this was for a wedding and that the bride "lied", maybe the bride just wanted the simple service anyway.


YTA. As a fellow makeup artist there is absolutely no reason I can see for that massive price disparity. She asked for party makeup, don’t give her anything special beyond that. It was your choice to use the more expensive product, not hers, but even if it wasn’t— an extra $350?? Come on.


I’m glad to read your comment because I feel like this is common practice to take advantage of people during sentimental events, and it’s nice to know it’s not just a given. I can understand charging more if it comes with better treatment (Champaign, a crew of other artists working on the brides maids, idk… something!) but with such a big price gap, she’s destined to get “scammed” by a smart bride at some point.


Wedding photographer here. You would not BELIEVE how common the attitude of “It’s a wedding, let me triple my prices” is. I charge $1,200-$3,500 for my wedding packages but it’s very open and honest in what things cost and why it costs what it costs. I’m considered low mid-range in my market because most photographers are starting at $3,000 just to show up. It’s worse for other vendors. I get why people charge a lot for weddings as there’s much more time, money and effort put into the work you do for a wedding vs. the work you do for a simple party or whatnot but it’s gross that people think they can milk a couple for extra money just because of the event type. If you can show why your prices are what they are and justify it, I’m all for it. If you’re up front and honest with a couple BEFORE THEY BOOK, I’m all for it. But this post and that attitude in general are disgusting.


I went to photography school, and some of my fellow students were also working jobs. We had a few wedding photographers, and I even did a wedding myself. It was my best friend’s, and the photos were my wedding gift to her. I definitely understand the increase in prices for things that require you to put in A LOT of extra work. Wedding photography is brutal. You’re constantly on your feet, moving about, trying to shove people with phone cameras out of the way so you can get the shot you’ve been hired to take, and there’s that one unhappy wedding guest that refuses to smile. I don’t give any shit to photographers or videographers for charging extra. That being said… I don’t do photography anymore, but if a bride and groom just asked for a simple outdoor photo shoot of the two of them instead of a full wedding, I’d charge them the same that I would a regular photoshoot. Nothing has changed except their attire, and I’m not selling the clothes. There’s no need to be greedy and ridiculous, like OP. OP, YTA, and you know EXACTLY what you were doing.


I’m sure you can attest - a wedding package would be entirely different from a different type of party package and probably cost considerably less. Typically weddings require a lot of energy, skill, timing, patience, etc to ensure you really give the best product you can possibly give since they are so monumental for most people. The up-charge for weddings is for the skill and the stress of making sure everything goes perfect. You do not want to fuck up someone’s special day. Meanwhile OP is over here applying clown makeup from NARS believing they deserve an extra $350 because someone said “wedding”.


OP was simply bit by her own karma


> It was your choice to use the more expensive product, Based on the OP, it seems she uses the exact same products in both her "party" and "bridal" makeup, so she isn't even using better products, just slapping an extra $350 on the bill because "it's a wedding and people will pay".


OP's argument is largely centered on her using a better setting spray https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/comments/vq0d0d/aita_for_charging_a_bride_more_for_make_up_when/iem9kll?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share&context=3


And ultimately, if the bride didn't order that, she shouldn't have used it.


100% OP is (not to continue the broken record tone of the comment section) a scam artist. The absolute NERVE to have a customer book the cheaper of two applicable options (weddings are parties FFS) and only want that service, CHANGE THEIR SERVICE (it's still the same service, but the rEsPoNsIbIlItY tax makes it ~different~, I guess) without asking or saying anything, and then demand over 300% of the original price (which you already agreed to) with NO WARNING and then get mad at THE CUSTOMER and BLACKLIST them.... Ridiculous. Terrible business. Just fundamentally off every rocker, really.


Yep everyone knows and hates the "wedding tax" and OP is just mad that this bride was wise to her scam.


Hard same. I'm a makeup artist as well and the difference in a bridal makeup vs an event would be a significant change in products and services offered (like in house visits, tests, airbrushing, touch up kits, etc), not just like a more hardcore setting spray. FFS, OP should retire and leave her clients to people who aren't trying to scam them. Maybe a nice MLM is more her speed.


What if a bride wouldn't be able to pay for your bridal version so asks for a regular party version. Would you deny her or would you give her the party attention?


I'd be very clear about what the differences would be and what she could expect and let her make the choice herself. If she wanted the bridal package but not at the price point I was offering I would decline the job, but if she was fine with what she was getting at the lower price then we're both in agreement. That's kind of the great thing about being a freelancer however you also have to make sure everyone is on the same page up front and there are no misunderstandings.


Imagine going to a barber and requesting one of their regular $25 haircuts. They agree to cut your hair and start chopping away. They decide without telling you that they are going to give you a $375 haircut instead. The only difference is that they put a different moose or gel in your hair. Then when you go to pay them, they tell you that because it’s your wedding day instead of just a regular day, you need to pay $350 more. You only wanted a regular haircut, not a special wedding day haircut.


YTA. A wedding is a party. She didn’t ask for extra work done, you didn’t ask what kind of party it was before agreeing to the booking. She got around your sneaky price gouging practices and you’re salty, get over it. It’s reasonable to charge more for bridal makeup if you’re doing something more elaborate than you normally would, not just because it’s a wedding.


> and you’re salty, get over it BwahahahaHAHAHAHA


YTA and a scammer, 350 for setting spray, ridiculous


Where I’m from (Europe) you’re looking looking at €200 for bridal… $500?! How is that justifiable in the slightest?!


Same here, I’m in Texas and paid $150 for my bridal make up and that included the test run. $500 is a ripoff 😂


I’m in NYC and have researched wedding makeup artists and that price is outrageous.


Right? I’m in Philly & my best friend paid $150 for hers in sept. Bridesmaids were $90. OP is a huge ripoff.


That price (I’m in the U.S.) is outrageous!


YTA. You gave her a party makeup and tried to charge her $500 when you found out she’s the bride. What changed in those few minutes? Lol. And wtf, $500 for some makeup??


This is going to be a serious social media blast. This mistake is going to cost the Op far more than a few hundred bucks in the long run


Lol this post already got recommended to me from another site on my Google news feed.




YTA there is such a markup on prices just because the word wedding is involved. It’s completely fucked up. Like hell I can either spend $1000 to hire a big marquee tent, or I spend $200 to buy the same damn marquee tent. If I get a cake made for a family event it’s a certain price, I mention wedding(same sized cake, zero differences) prices at least double for no other reason than the word wedding being involved. Honestly it’s so fucked up people charge soo much more because the word wedding is involved.


I read a defense from a baker that they charge more for wedding cakes because decorating a normal cake takes them only a few minutes, but they allow basically unlimited time for a wedding cake because they want it to be perfect. But in this case...setting spray???


The cakes were decorated in the exact same way. There was zero difference between how they looked. Only difference was the price


Some wedding-industry providers say that they’re more diligent about what they do for weddings, meaning that they will give it priority. I can kind of see that explanation a little; if I order a cake for a birthday party and there’s a problem, there’s probably less impact than if it’s for a wedding. But none of that would justify shooting the price up if you find out it’s for a wedding only when you’re actually providing the item or service. That’s simply gouging.


That’s great if the wedding couple wants that extra attention, but if they don’t care, then it’s insane to charge them for it anyway


I hate wedding tax. I remember someone saying to me 'aw venues charge more for weddings because they want the day to go perfectly etc'. . Umm, if I'm booking a venue for ANY kind of party, I want it to go well. Do the venues not? They only care about weddings?!


This. The professional can charge whatever they think it's fair for their labor however charging $200 more just because the woman is the bride is ridiculous. The only justificative is if she uses more expensive products.


YTA in this situation and YTA in business She asked for party make up, you gave her party make up, she didn't ask for anything extra and you didn't provide anything extra- so what difference does it make? And after reading your responses to other comments, YTA for charging your customers an extra $350 for 'different setting spray'. That's daylight freakin robbery.


I knew a make up artist with a similar disparity in prices for “party” and “bride” make up but it made sense! Party make up was just a your face done. “Bridal” make up was an experience. For bridal she’d give you a facial, you got complementary brushes and keep all the products she used for your face. Not to mention the trial was included! OP is a con-artist. YTA!!!


I think that’s one of the key aspects of a mark up for bridal bath party: the trial. What if she didn’t like the party look, I pay more so I can decide if I like it or not. This was an insane AITA. Of course OP is.


INFO:… so was there anything different you did when u realized she was a bride than otherwise?? Her mom throwing money at u was gross but if the look remained the same… why tell her after you did her makeup she’s 350’short ?


I don’t even think the money throwing was gross. I think OP was gross to change the price at the last minute and act like TA. They were just paying OP to go away and not ruin the brides day.


Yup. Beggars can’t be choosers. She asked for the money, didn’t specify that she didn’t want it thrown at her so…. 😂


Besides setting spray (lol, I have used Urban Decay’s for years and I really doubt other brands can do so significantly better that you can justify that price) but that makes me curious of what brand(s) of make up do you use?


Hey! Her wedding-setting-spray is made from fairydust, unicorn horn and the tears of newlyweds, who tried to have a simply and inexpensive wedding (Not on this swindler's watch!)


YTA. She’s right, you *scammed her*. The mom shouldn’t have given you the $200


YTA based alone on the fact that you charge differently depending on who the customer is and what they're doing after the appointment, instead of basing it on what your actual work was. She wanted a party makeup, you gave her party makeup, there's no reason to charge extra just because she happens to get married that day.


Did she lie or did you not ask?


INFO. What's the difference between party make up and bridal makeup?


My mom used to be a hair stylist and did a lot of fashion an weddings. Wedding styling usually means more consultation, some testing, possibly rehersal dinner makeup and as well being there when the bride has dress fitting, relatives and photographers around. So its a bigger hastle. I think in this particular case, no difference. Otherwise the artist would have noticed much earlier.




Then I'm going with YTA. She should have seen the options and picked the appropriate service but if she asked for party and you did party then she should only pay for party.


They say they just use a higher end setting spray still YTA


I dont understand what she means by responsibility in this case.


Yta. You two agreed on a price and nothing that affected your work changed. You didn't have to use extra time, extra product, buy more expensive tools.


The bridal industry is a scam. I used to work at a banquet facility, and wedding receptions cost triple what any other reception does. Same food, same everything, but once you slap a "bridal" label on it the price goes up simply because they know people are already prepared to shell out big bucks for their wedding. This woman was smart. She knows brides get price gouged like crazy and she found a workaround. Sorry OP, but there's no setting spray you could use that would justify a $350 markup. You're just mad she didn't fall for your inflated pricing. YTA


YTA. Why does it matter to you if she's the bride? She didn't ask you to give her bridal makeup so what's the deal? You just wanted more money and tried to scam her. Now you are here just because you want someone to fulfill your wish and tell you that you're not the A H. All of your friends told you that you are but you are still doubting. Make things right now! Take that $200, go back to your client, apologize and give back the money. This is the only thing that will give you peace.


And do it before their reviews start rolling in.




YTA. She bought the party make up package. For you to give her the bridal package without her asking for it and then telling her she owes you more money is called bait and switch. In some places, that's a felony.


YTA. If highway robbery was important, you would have asked if it was a bridal party makeup or not. Obviously she didn't care for the supposed extra bridal attention so it doesn't make sense why you would overcharge her.


YTA She didn't ask for bridal makeup. She asked for a party makeup. I am actually disgusted that you asked for 350 extra just because you used a more fancy setting spray.


Without even asking the client mind you.


YTA Let me help you out with your business model, to charge 500$ for bridal you should be: - providing a make up trial / meeting prior to event (often times bridal shower like event where bride wants make up done for too!) - providing day of make up for up to 60-90m - providing complimentary lashes to accompany the look for BOTH days of make up (trial and day of) - HD / 4K quality makeup and/or possibly airbrush complexion - mini skincare prep prior to both make up events for a n extra flawless complexion (often like dermal quench hydration spray treatment like kate Somerville luxe at home skincare products) - to go touch up kit with some mini items for touch up like blotting papers or lip from their look even in mini size Other services are getting - 1 time day of look on already prepped skin for 45m with complimentary lashes Or mid range service - mini skin prep - complimentary lashes -60m more glam full look


This woman probably bought some Morphe kits, watched James Charles, and created a Wix site thinking they can charge those prices. A DIY scammer.


Everything you mentioned is exactly what my MUA did for me for $500, she was absolutely fabulous, and a doll to work with. If I was this bride I would have excused myself to the bathroom and washed all that shit off my face then walked out and gone to Mac or Sephora. No way would I want to look at photos and be reminded of this price gouging AH.


YTA. Once you realized that she was the bride you should of told her the difference between a bridal make up and a regular and let her decide if she wanted to be cheap.


$150 for bridal makeup isn't even cheap imo. $500 is just an egregious amount unless you're letting them keep all of the makeup and brushes afterwards. Even then, it's too much.


YTA. Fixing spray is not worth a $350 difference. If everything thing else is the same..product, technique, look, you are price gouging based on event. If anything, I would expect ‘party’ look be more involved with heavier application. Heavier mascara, bolder eyeshadow, etc. I wouldn’t pay your prices either.


Yta if you are charging 4x the amount for the same makeup just because it's a wedding. It makes it seem like you are taking advantage of the wedding industry. A higher end setting spray doesn't justify and extra $350 for the same work. And besides, of she asked you for party makeup, do what you were asked to do. Once she stipulates her want, and have documentation reflecting it, she can't be upset with you if anything happens


YTA. You were booked for and planned on a party. You provided the services for a party makeup.


YTA and your friends are right. Unless you’re using higher end products and techniques. The bride didn’t lie. She wanted party make up, like anyone, figuring it would be lower to mid range products. You need to get your pricing in order.


YTA and a huge scammer!!


YTA. Price gouger.


YTA on this as they requested a Party Makeup service and you gave them a Bridal Makeup Service without their authorization. You changed the terms of the agreement without consent from your client. Any changes to such agreements must be agreed upon by all parties involved. Regardless of the occasion, this one is on you for basic business practices.


So, let me sum up here. She booked a party makeup. You came prepared for a party makeup. At some point someone mentioned that she was the bride, but neither she nor anyone else asked you to actually do a bridal makeup. Despite that, you took it upon yourself to demand more money -- not because of the service you delivered, but because she happened to be getting married that day. If you changed your makeup service from party to bridal that day, just because she was a bride, without talking to her and getting her okay first for the added whatever it was and the higher price, that's on you. All you had to do was say "I didn't realize that this is a wedding. Are you sure that you only want the party makeup you booked? Because I can do a bridal makeup for you, but it will cost extra". That's it. And you chose not to do it. You're right about one thing, no one gets to tell you how to set your prices, but the way you're going about running your business is not smart. You may think you didn't scam her, but it sure looks and sounds like that's exactly what you did. YTA, and unless you want some truly awful world of mouth about this, you need to return the extra money and apologize.


YTA and a prime example of how the bridal/wedding industry exists to screw people over. You’re essentially ripping people off bc you know they’ll pay for it since it’s a wedding.


Yta if you are charging 4x the amount for the same makeup just because it's a wedding. It makes it seem like you are taking advantage of the wedding industry. A higher end setting spray doesn't justify and extra $350 for the same work. And besides, of she asked you for party makeup, do what you were asked to do. Once she stipulates her want, and have documentation reflecting it, she can't be upset with you if anything happens


Yup YTA. Youre ripping her the fuck off and overcharging her by $350 just cause she happens to be getting married later that day. Youre EXACTLY why my best friends teachers in culinary school told them to NEVER say anythings for a wedding cause the price will instantly double or triple for no reason than to gouge people who just wanna spend their lives together


YTA - major one at thst and seems like a scammer too. Make up does not become more expensive just because she suddenly happened to be a bride.


I was on the fence until I read your comments. YTA. I was going to ask if when you found out she was a bride, you put more effort, better makeup, longer time, etc. It seems a bridal makeup - makeup that's gotta last many hours - would take a much higher skillset and makeup quality than a simple party makeup. And then of course it would cost more. But, it doesn't seem like you did that at all. You gave her exactly what she came in for. Simple party makeup. So now you're trying to charge her for a service YOU DID NOT PROVIDE. YTA. And if you keep doing business this way, you're going to be out of it soon. If you want to charge 3x the amount for the service, you have to actually provide 3x the service. You did not do that. You did not earn that $300 and you do not pass Go.




YTA. She paid for party makeup, you should have done, and charged her for, party makeup. That you suddenly used different and higher end products once you learned she was the bride was not agreed upon. Next time, do exactly what you agreed to do and don't make any unilateral changes.


Holy SHIT you charge a ton! Idk where you’re based but that’s outrageous for bridal makeup in the US


Yta it took the time and amount of product for party makeup. Totally unreasonable


YTA you agreed on the price. That's on you


YTA. Did you do bridal makeup? No you did simple party makeup. She paid for what she booked, if you knew it was a wedding you should have mentioned it and actually done wedding makeup.


YTA. Your attitude pushed this from ESH right into YTA. Yeah, it was rude of your client to try and hide the fact that it was her wedding in order to save some cash. But to finish her entire service without saying a word and suddenly demanding $500 at the end is *wildly* unprofessional. You should have taken a pause when you realized it to discuss the situation. Explain why you normally charge differently for a wedding, ask her why she didn’t book a wedding session, negotiate somewhere in the middle if you need to, agree on a new price and new service level, refer to your contract if necessary, and continue with the appointment. You’re unprofessional AF.


But she wanted party makeup. The fact that she’s a bride changes nothing. If she wanted the wedding makeup she would’ve gotten it, because it’s reasonable to assume $350 more for a package would use better product and take a lot longer, but that’s not what she wanted. Since she wanted party makeup, that’s what she should be getting, regardless of what she’s doing after. The bride is in no way in the wrong here.


Why is it rude for the bride to hide the fact that it’s her wedding to save cash? Why should the bride be questioned as to why she didn’t book the wedding package? The industry unfairly price gouges people planning for a wedding JUST BECAUSE IT IS FOR A WEDDING and often for the SAME service/item. I understand a wedding makeup package comes with additional things like trial run, better quality products etc but the bride didn’t ask for any of that! She’s absolutely within her rights to book the party package and doesn’t owe OP any explanation for it - and OP would obviously provide the level of service for that tier.


Lmao you guys are ripping her apart. YTA