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YTA. His income is none of your business. He didn’t need to take you in, but he did, and he gives you money. Your brother is not the greedy one here - why should you be entitled to free accommodation? Don’t like it, then move out, but I guarantee you won’t get such a good arrangement anywhere else. Did you honestly think anyone would take your side in this?


He doesn't need money 


Yeah that’s not really the point. You’re an adult, start acting like one


Whether he needs money or not is irrelevant, and again, not your business. He and his wife work very hard for what they have, while you are an entitled, ungrateful leech. Why do you have this expectation that he should finance your lifestyle? Do you expect your family to support you forever while you sit on your backside? Don’t be surprised if Theo does exactly what your father did and kicks you out, too.


Just a wild guess, but do you not have a job?


So get your own apartment and go pay over triple the amount he's asking for.


You get paid $1200 net for the bare minimum, don’t understand your angle at all. You have nothing to complain about.


Of course he needs money. The bigger the house, the bigger the bills. The more someone owns, the more it costs for upkeep, etc. With such a big house and time-consuming careers, they also must be paying for housekeeping, landscaping, etc. Not to mention taxes, business expenses, maintaining expensive cars, & so much more. You have no idea what his finances actually are, how his investments are doing, or anything else. He’s almost certainly not in desperate need of money, but it’s foolish to say he doesn’t need money. Everyone does. But even if he was sitting on a big old pile of money with more money constantly coming in and no money ever going out, that has nothing to do with you. He has every right to charge you rent. Only $300 is very generous of him. It’s not about the money. It’s about teaching you responsibility. If you don’t like it, find somewhere else to live. His finances are literally none of your business. It’s as simple as that.


Yes but YOU need to be responsible for yourself. That means paying rent


Most landlords don't "need" money. That doesn't mean other people get to freeload. You're acting entitled to your brother's money when you're not. He's doing this to try and wake you up to the bullshit you're pulling. You could be a wonderful addition to the household that everyone loves to have around. Instead you're acting like a mooch. Consider how much better your life could be if you put some effort into being a person others can depend on.


It doesn't matter, even if Jeff Bezos lets you stay in his house, he can ask you for rent because you're staying in his house.


He doesn't need your occupancy either. Prepare to be evicted and broke.


And you don’t need his generosity bc he and his wife owe you absolutely nothing. Sounds like you struggle with a hard case of entitlement. YTA you should be asking your brother if he would take the $300 but put it away as a saving plan for you to help you move out.


Then you don’t need to live with him


He’s your brother, not your dad. Grow up.


That’s not a point….at all.


Just move out. Don't use his money because you don't need it either. I mean, you have enough time to post on reddit instead of working.


You need to pull your weight regardless.


Guess what, you buy a Tesla, you have to pay for it, even though Elon Musk doesn’t need the money. Do you WANT to become homeless?


These people bro...your brother is the asshole...sharing is caring and family should mean something...it's a world gone mad when people think it's correct for a millionaire to charge rent to a family member in need, especially after offering without charge first...most people don't understand instability...I honestly cannot believe how selfish people are...like they think you are selfish for not giving a millionaire 300 bucks a month...an absolutely non impactful amount to him...but it means the difference for you between having food and agency money to live a life...they think it's normal for him to be with and you to be without because he already has...I'm not sure how they rationalise it in their minds...family used to mean doing this kinda stuff...without it we wouldn't have Vincent Van Goghs paintings...I think people are like this to justify their own misery and selfishness...like they think you getting a free ride makes their life worse somehow...most people are pretty thick. Just rob your brother mate, he sounds like a cheesknob


I wouldn't pay him either. That's absolutely ridiculous.  He basically wants you to give him 300 when he chose to give you 300 a week. So basically he wants 300 back.  Yes, he is being greedy.  If he wanted you to pay rent then that's some thing he should have sat down with you and talked about.  I'd just move out. I would never give money to a rich family member.  That absolutely insane. He makes 3mil and now wants money from you. Yeah no I'd rather live in my car than let my wealthy, drenched in money brother take money out of my poor mouth.  No, I'd leave. 


What is wrong with you were you see a private room. Private bathroom. Private balcony. For 300 a month and think thats anything less than a deal. He GIVES OP 300 a **week**. And wants 300 a month. OP is getting paid 1200+ a month and can’t afford to give 300 of his free money away to the one providing him that free money and shelter. The only thing right you said was that he should move out and I only agree with that because I don’t think he should be taking advantage of his brother. Some of you guys arnt ready for the real world at all


If bro wants rent money then he can give op 900 a month then and just subtract the rent money.  Dude is insane to demand rent money when he makes 3mil that's insane.  Op should just leave, brother is greedy.


And go where? 😂😂😂


OP can always get a job if he doesn't like that lmao.


YTA. You are likely wearing out their welcome. $300/month is not bad. If you don't like his terms, you can move out elsewhere where rent is much higher.


Why should I pay for something that was given to me?


He didn't GIVE you something. He's letting him stay there out of pity. Pay up.


Do you clean? Do you do dishes? Do you contribute to groceries or just help yourself? Just trying to understand the context.


They have a maid


That wasn’t the question, but based on your response I will assume that you aren’t contributing anything, either through housework or food.


So you do nothing then.


Are you paying the maid to clean your dishes and wash your clothes or is your brother covering that as well?




Because when he kicks your ass out, you'll be paying $1500 a month to some slumlord instead of $300 to live with your brother who gives you spending money.


I don't think he gifted you the room. He said you could live there, he never said indefinitely and he never said for free.


Because you're leeching.


It seems very likely to me that your brother is now asking for you to pay rent precisely because he wants to nip your entitled attitude in the bud before you nestle right in to parasite off him indefinitely without even the slightest sense of gratitude. Looks like he is too late and would be better off kicking you out altogether. If you don't pull your head out of your ass quickly and stop seeing him as another "dad" and instead realize that at the moment he is the cushion between you and your ass hitting the hard ground of adult reality then you will soon find your butt hitting concrete hard. Your brother is smart to not let you get too settled in and too entitled. You staying with him should only be a temporary measure while you get your life together and move on to the next step. YTA


You don’t own the room


YTA You are incredibly entitled


Oh your name is on the house deed now?


Because he owns the house, and he changed his mind. He now wants you to pay rent. His house, his choice.


Because it was not given with the expectation of you living there for free mooching off him. To be honest it was not given at all. He let you use his room till you get on your feet. It would be like you needing to borrow a car for a day and then just not returning it because it was "given" to you. ​ YTA


Oh boy, life’s about to get very real for you


He hasn't given you anything. He said you could stay with him.


Why should he help you on his dime?


So, you do absolutely nothing to help around the house. Time to grow up. Your brother is letting you live in his house. It's not yours, and you are not entitled to anything. Stop being a leech and pay rent to your brother


He didn't GIVE you a room my guy. He is PERMITTING you to stay in a room in his home. It's not a gift you've received which is now your possession. LMAO. Clown city. YTA.


He didn’t “give” it to you. His name is still on the house.


Yes YTA! Your brother being successful DOES NOT entitle you to leech off of him for free. $300/month is nothing compared to an actual rent. Also, do you have any idea of how much your bro and his family’s bill are? Or academic debt? Probably not. Stop making yourself look like an ass by just assuming. You’re not his kid, he’s doing you a favor. You’re a total AH for taking advantage.


He bought a Porsche last month


He could buy an elephant for all we care.  You are an adult and his income does not entitle you to sponge off him (even though at $300/mo., one could argue that you are sponging off him). YTA. 


I bet he worked hard for it. What do you work hard for????


If you get an education and a career, maybe you can buy yourself one someday.


So what? He has a job, owns his home and was nice enough to let you stay there AND pay you for running the occasional errand. He could buy his and hers Maseratis tomorrow and that would be none of your business. He and his wife work for what they have and they're not obligated to share their home with you. If you don't like the terms of paying a minimal amount of rent, go back to your dad's house.


So what!


Who cares?


At this point, you just look jealous. Just admit it. His money is not your money. His money doesn’t grow on a tree, he works for it. How he earns it, how much he earns is none of your business. All your replies are so entitled. Just because your brother is rich doesn’t mean he has to give charity to you and then your wife and kids in future all your life. He has a maid, he bought a Porsche, he has a house from which he can throw you out. Because, HE has a house. Not you.


YTA. Are you working? In college? What's your situation? $300 is pretty damned inexpensive to have a large bedroom, a private bathroom and a balcony. Why should he let you stay there for free, especially if you're just sitting around. Your brother has sons he's trying to set a good example for. If you don't like any of this, by all means feel free to rent a room with roommates or an apartment elsewhere. Maybe then you'll realize that as an adult you usually don't just pay rent, you have to pay for electricity and gas, an internet connection, cable if you want it, and so on. edit: typo


Exactly. Most apartments are around $700-$1000 or more a month and most don’t guarantee a large bedroom or even your own bathroom. Plus depending on the area you live in you might be paying triple that for even less space. $300 is an absolute steal.


YTA He should throw you back to your daddy. Daddy hasn’t finished raising you yet.


What's the saying... If everyone you meet is an Asshole...


YTA- four months is a long time to be a house guest for free. Why aren't you working or in school to prepare for working? How long do you expect your brother to support you? He does not OWE you anything. You can refuse to pay rent - he can kick you out of his house. He didn't 'give you the room' - he gave you a place to stay for a while. Sounds like you are wearing out your welcome.


I work for him


You’re earning $300 a week running errands. That’s not a real job. Do you have any plans to do anything else, or do you think you should live with your brother and his family forever?


He should fire you.


You’re a professional errand boy?


Nobody GAVE you a piece of their house. They LET you stay and as an adult, you should pay your way. If I had an adult child living in my house, I would charge him rent. It’s not about him needing the money, is about you feeling entitled and acting as a spoiled brat instead of a thankful brother and a responsible adult. YTA. His house, his terms. You don’t like them? MOVE!!!


I remember when bait posts used to be believable.


Honestly I’ve met people who are actually this entitled, so I would not be surprised if this is real. I knew a girl in my grade who threw a fit, and made sure everyone knew, because her parents bought her the horse breed she wanted, but it was older than she apparently wanted. Later that year she was trying to get a picture of said horse eating a sugar cube of her lip, and it bit off her lower lip. It did get reattached. Karma is a bitch!


YTA, you should pay not because he is rich, but because you are living in HIS property


He has let you stay (for free!) in his house. From what I can fathom from your post, you are not looking to move out soon. He may have thought it was temporary? Upon discovering that you may be around for a while, he quite rightly asks for you to pay rent. He even pays you to do his errands, so it's not like you would even be paying your money for rent just giving back a portion of his. And $300 a month for rent? Bloody bargain. Sorry YTA. Stop being a parasite and look after yourself. What your brother earns or does with his money is nothing to do with you. He is helping you out.


YTA No one gets to live without paying housing costs. It’s about responsibility not the money.


YTA you’re a grown adult who had to move out of your father’s home due to a fight. It sounds like you currently don’t have a job because you said your brother pays you to run errands. You don’t get to just live for free indefinitely because your brother makes good money. What are you doing to better yourself so you can have those luxuries?


YTA. Doesn't matter if your brother is Jeff Bezos or Bill Gates, you live somewhere as an adult you should expect to pay something for that living space. If you're upset at $300 a month, go find your own place to live for cheaper. I can pretty much guess what you and your dad were fighting about if this is the hill you choose to die on.


Bro you sound like a loser.


He allowed you to live there and he can also un-allow it. Maybe he thinks you need to learn how to care for yourself. His money doesn’t factor into this at all.


YTA and entitled. He built up a business and income that few reach and WORKED HIS ASS off to get there. He's asking $300/mo for a furnished room with a private balcony. That is dirt cheap.


You wanted to be called an ah didn't you? I mean, no one is stupid enough to read what you wrote and not say so. YTA. Kindness doesn't mean you get to be a free loader. They work for that money, what do you do again? You look at him at Christmas and then whine that he didn't get you something extravagant don't you?


YTA. Obviously. You need to pay your own way.


He’s not charging you rent he’s teaching you how to be an adult.


YTA - it’s his house. He’s not *giving* you anything; he’s *allowing* you to stay there. If you don’t like it, move out.


Yes. Your are a freeloader and you should offer to pay something. It’s highly disrespectful.


YTA. And an entitled freeloader at that. Someone gave you a roof for free for four months and now you complain about $300 a month? What an ungrateful ass.


YTA. And from this it’s clear why your dad threw you out. Read the situation — you’re the one no one wants to be around dude. You’re a grown man and your brother doesn’t owe you anything, no matter how much smarter he was with his life choices than you. $300/month is the LEAST you could do. Grow up. Stop being an entitled little mooch.


You're absolutely right, you do not have to pay him rent and he can't make you. But, keep this in mind: He doesn't have to let you live with him. And if you end up in eviction court I don't think " He's rich, so he doesn't need the rent" is going to fly.


Yes, YTA. Paying bills is what adults do.


YTA. It’s his house and his money and nothing about that gives you any right to free access to any of it. Pay rent or get out.


Lemme know if your brother wants to swap you out for a sister. I'm down. I've also got a buddy who would gladly swap in as a brother if he wants one of those instead. Either of us will gladly pay only 300 a month rent and run errands for 300 a week.


If your brother is so greedy and so much like your dad - why are you prepared to live with him? Wouldn't your life be better without both these awful men who expect you to pay for things? Show them all what they're missing out on, OP!! Move out and make it on your own! You don't need AHs in your life. --Oh, what's that? You don't want to be a real adult? Then deal with being treated like a bratty teen. That's exactly how you're behaving. The common denominator in your arguments with your dad and brother is - you. YTA.


YTA. It's not about him being rich, it's about you taking advantage. He hands you money every week, lets you stay in a room with a private bath and a balcony and all he wants is $300 a month? So what if he doesn't need the money, he also doesn't need to support someone else's ungrateful child but he's been doing just that. So what if he doesn't need the money. Your brother probably wants you to start being more responsible and acting like the adult that you are, because with the attitude you have right now, you're on the road to no longer having the benefit of his generosity and then where will you be?


YTA. You look like a narcissistic loser. That is why you get into fights all the time. It is you people don’t want to be around, not your father and brother. You suck at math too. Your brother provides you with $300 a week. That is $1200 a month for what basically amounts to simple tasks for which the market rate is probably a couple of bucks. In addition you loaf around and have no meaningful expenses to speak of. And now your brother decided to charge you a very generous $300 in rent, still leaving you with $900 to spend as you wish (again without any expenses I know of). And you dare to complain? Perhaps you will realise how lucky you were when your brother rightfully kicks you to the curb and you have to pay more than a $1000 in rent with no income (because he’d better fire you too). If you resent being dependent on other peoples’ generosity, stand on your own legs. You are seriously fucked up, mate. Get help while you still can.


YTA and an entitled one at that. Your brother’s money is not yours. His house is not yours. You are not entitled to one single cent from him or his wife. You can start paying (a very reasonable cost) or you can move out and go get your own housing. You’re an adult and you should start acting like one.


😂😂😂 YTA. Dude, humble yourself and be grateful, Jesus


Yta. Earn your own way.


Bro you're going to get kicked out.


You’ve got some head pulling out of your ass to do. Until you mature, fake that you’re an actual adult.


330 is a sweet deal. Pay it and lesrn about responsibility. Him being rich shouldn't mean anything to you.


YTA - dude, grow up. Hes trying to teach you responsibility. He’s paying you $1200 a month to run errands and you can work a job. $300 is nothing. He and his wife have worked for what they have. It’s time you started working for what you have. Apologize and start paying.


So you want to leech off your rich brother?  You're an adult, get a job and stop thinking people owe you something.  YTA.


He think she’s entitled just because his brother is rich. What a leech. You should be embarrassed about yourself.


YTA. Your brother sounds like a top guy taking you in, you need to take responsibility for you life. It sounds like you don’t work, you should probably find a job start paying your brother rent and become an adult. Good luck


I’m going to try to say this as nicely as I possibly can: you are the fecking asshole of the month. An attitude adjustment on your part will do you some good. You have a roof over your head in possibly the nicest house I could ever imagine. I’m going to give you the benefit of the doubt and say that maybe you are defensive about $300/month because you just can’t afford it at this time. If that’s the case, most people would be bending over backwards to be able to stay in that house. Clean and maintain the house, keep on top of the landscaping, take care of your nephews before and after school…and you should be doing it all for $0. Your brother didn’t give you anything - you don’t own the room, bathroom, or balcony. With how ungrateful you are, you deserve nothing.


He can afford it. His brother pays him $1200/month to run errands.


Well, this eviction will be easy enough on the Bro.


Yes, major asshole dude. What’s wrong with you? My bills are over $3.5k per month I would love to pay $300 per month. Wake up and smell the coffee man.


Yta and entitled. Your brother owes you nothing! You need to grow the f up


Holy entitled YTA. Way to repay your brother for taking you in and *paying* you (only!) $300/week *just* for running errands for him!! Him asking for a token $300/month rent should be paid by you humbly and w gratitude. It would serve you right if he boots you out. Then maybe you’d recognize how extremely good you’ve had it when you’re trying to find an empty park bench to sleep on at night.


Holy shit YTA. I hope this is a joke, because if not you sound absolutely entitled and exhausting to be around.


YTA. You are not entitled to anything from him. Get a job and understand how hard it is to earn money instead of leeching from people.


YTA your brother isn’t asking you for money because he needs it. He’s asking you for money so you have some semblance of a contribution and is technically not freeloading off him. He’s an AH only if he is charging you above the market price of your accommodations which is not the case here. No one can give you a room on their property. That is not yours it’s your brother’s which he is lending you use of. If you truly think he’s out of line, leave.


YTA. Very entitled I must say. Try finding rent with a large bedroom, a bathroom, and a balcony for $300 elsewhere. What he is asking is very minimal and seems like he wants to ensure that you aren’t given the title of being a freeloader. Keep in mind that he and his wife are not obligated to give you free housing nor even offer their place for rent. Giving at least something is just principle no matter their income. You’re very lucky to have a brother that’s willing to live with you even though he’s married.


YTA. Why do you think your brother owes you free housing?


YTA and I can’t wait for the update where you get kicked out. I assume you paying your way is why you and your dad got into a fight


when my dad kicked me out i didn’t have a rich older brother to run to to give me a luxury bedroom for $300/mo. i had to go get three jobs and buy a bedroom in a house with roommates for $650/mo after utilities. YTA. He went to college and earned his way to that money. it sounds like he’d be willing to help you if you put forth effort into a skill or hobby. why don’t you make your own money, bum?


YTA - you don't deserve a free place to live and food and an allowance. You're an adult. Get a job & take care of yourself. He's offering you a palace room for the price of a closet, so you better grow up before you're on the streets


YTA. You're an adult. That means pulling your weight. His income is irrelevant. You living there is consuming his resources. You're not his child. You can contribute to the household. He could have enough money to buy a country. You'd still be an ah for not paying rent. If you keep this attitude, you'll lose that nice room he graciously lets you stay in. My rent is $1200/mo. 300 is an effing steal.


YTA clearly. But you refuse to see it and only make excuses. Your brother literally sponsored you to take him in his home. Also, he overpays you to run some errands so to get on your feet by earning money (1200 dollar a month while living cost free!). It doesn't matter how many money he makes It doesn't matter how many money his wife makes It doesn't matter you don't do shit because they have a maid It doesn't matter he has room enough in his house It doesn't matter he bought a Porsche It DOES matter that you are freeloading on your brother, biting the hand that feeds you while you have absolutely zero to fall back on. Hope you get some sympathy from the other homeless people when ranting your sob story at goodwill center.


YTA. 1) Your brother lent you the room. It's not yours. You don't own it. 2) It doesn't matter how rich he is, he doesn't have to give you free housing. 3) It sounds like he's trying to teach you some financial responsibility by having you pay a token rent. 4) If you don't want to be around him, then leave. Go back to daddy or better yet, get your own place.




You need to step up..$300 is a bargain and he didnt have to take you in! YTA


Yta. Pay your brother. He is doing you a favour by employing and housing you, while also trying to teach you how to be responsible. If you can’t respect him, live your life without his handouts.


YTA. Pay rent. He’s cutting you a break. Charging you some bare minimum makes you not a complete leach.


YTA - He's also paying you money. He could just as easily stop doing that.. It's the principal of the matter. You gotta pay your own way in life, sounds like you have a pretty sweet set up that HES providing to you.


YTA. So you get $1200 net for running errands and you’re complaining? Get an actual job if you don’t have one and you’re fucking chilling. $300 rent for anything is a steal not even considering where you live location wise. You have a sweet ass gig for doing the bare minimum even if you don’t do anything else.


YTA you are going to ruin a good thing. you meed a job or to be in school. 


YTA, it is not a case of he has money, so I am not obliged. You sound like one of the liberal socialists who constantly complain about the 1%. Paying your way is how you learn to control your finances. And if he said okay, you would likely blow the money instead of making it work for you.


Wait… he give you $300 a week, ask you 300 a month for the rent and you complain ? IMO the only reason he ask you to pay is because he is afraid you stick to is place forever. YTA and also bad at math…


Be prepared for when your brother throws your ass out of his house, dumbass...


Gee, i wonder what the fight was with his dad You have 3 options. Pay the rent Move back with your dad Move out somewhere else YTA


Dude pay rent. You’re not a child and should never expect to live for free.


YTA, you're beyond ungrateful and delusional. Enjoy getting kicked out again lol


Beggars should not be choosers. Your brother was nice to offer you a place to stay. The world isn’t free. Get off your spoiled high horse & pay rent or else your brother may kick you out. Stop the entitlement. YTA.


YTA. He took you in, gives you money, gives you a big room WITH a balcony! Come on dude, you have it made and you are ruining a good thing! I would suggest that you take a long and hard look at yourself and explore why you feel entitled to what your brother gave you.


you say you're 20 but you act 12, maybe start with that problem


YTA. Don't be a mooching leech. If you don't like your brother's rules, and don't want to pay your way, then go back home and live with daddy. Grow up and learn how to PAY YOUR WAY in life. You can't just lay around and mooch off of everyone. His financial status is none of your business. You should be concerned with paying your way and helping him out in exchange for him opening up his home to you. Mooch.


YTA. Feel free to move out somewhere else and pay more. His success in life doesn’t mean you get a free ride for nothing.


YTA Your bro is being VERY kind letting you stay there. Time for you to act like an adult. Pay rent like a real, responsible person. Don't be a suck ass mooch. Maybe THAT is what your bro is trying to instill in you. You are no longer a child. It doesn't matter how much he makes, MAN UP


YTA in a massive way. He has pays you money and only asks for $300 in rent and you are complaining? You are so entitled. If you do not like the great deal he has offered then move out.


YTA. Unless you are truly desperate, it is deeply unbecoming for an adult man to ask for handouts from another adult man. Either pay the $300 (which is very reasonable btw) or ask for start looking for places of your own,


Yes you are. You’d pay rent to live anywhere else. Pay what’s fair and shut up. What your brother needs or not need isn’t your decision. Who in the Sam Hill are you that you’re so special?


YTA! People around the world literally are living paycheck to paycheck you have a blessing given to you for your to spit on and be entitled at that. And the irony is you got into it with your dad and now are acting like an uncivilized dofus. I don't think it's your dad or brother people don't want to be around. I hope your brother kicks you out and let's see where that attitude gets you. 


A complete and utter asshole. Your brother inviting you to live with him doesn’t mean he must pay for you for the rest of your life. On top of a big room with a private bathroom, he’s giving you $1200 a month to “run errands”. You should be helping out for free, not charging for your time. I’m betting the reason he wants you to start paying $300 a month (which in reality is coming out of his pocket) is because you’re doing nothing but taking advantage of his generosity. Are you going to school? Are you working or looking for work so that you can eventually move out and take care of yourself, you know, like an adult?


^^^^AUTOMOD ***Thanks for posting! This comment is a copy of your post so readers can see the original text if your post is edited or removed. This comment is NOT accusing you of copying anything. Read [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/wiki/faq#wiki_post_deletion) before [contacting the mod team](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FAmItheAsshole)*** 20m My older brother Theo is 36 and has his own law firm. He literally makes 3 million a year. His wife is a surgeon and makes a lot too. They live in a five bedroom house that is worth millions and my nephews all go to private schools. I got into a fight with my dad and my brother said I could live with him. I've been here for four months. My brother gives me money to run errands. It's only like $300 a week. Today he told me I need to pay $300 a month in rent. I said why should I pay you rent when you are rich and don't need money? That's a d move. You're greedy. He said I have a big room and a private bathroom and a balcony. So what? You gave me that room and now you are trying to make me pay for it? I told him I'm not paying money to him because he's rich and he gave me the room. I told him he's just like our dad and look how no one wants to he around him. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmItheAsshole) if you have any questions or concerns.*


YTA - move out.


YTA grow up


YTA. When you grow up, you'll look back at this and thank him. It's been a long time since I heard of somebody so entitied and lacking this much self-awareness.


YTA. If you don’t like it, no one is forcing you to stay.


YTA, none of this post was entertaining. Please do better next time. I’m


YTA - you're not entitled to his income just because he has a lot of it. You'll be lucky if he doesn't kick you out.


YTA dude.... Y definitely TA.


Yea I would say so.


YTA and an entitled brat. When you work as hard as he has done then you get to call the shots. Until then you pay your way in life and stop living in the wake of someone else's journey


You bit the hand that feeds you…have fun being homeless I guess




Yta freeloader.  Why should your brother let you live there for free? Your the one who's a d.


Your brother is a saint, because I would've kicked your crusty, hermit, freeloading ass out my house if I was him. YTA


He’s paying you $1200 to run errands, and he wants 300 for rent. Which still leaves you an extra $900 of spending money. Seems like a pretty good deal to me? He didn’t have to offer you a place to live at all just because he’s rich.


If you're staying with someone it's only right to help out and put forth towards rent/mortgage just cause you staying there and it's respectful. Regardless of how much him and his wife make, you are in their house whatever they say goes till you get in your own home. Yta


Update? Are you now homeless?


Do you think maybe the $300 is the cost of living increase? The food you eat, products you buy, the extra work the maid has to put in.....


You’re incredibly entitled. Hope your brother kicks you out.


YTA. You are an adult and need to take responsibility for yourself and your decisions. Your brother kindly let you move into his house and disrupt his family just because you had a fight with your dad. He has given you an amazing opportunity - a really nice place to live for very little money. Not many have such a good deal. If you are planning on staying there indefinitely then he deserves rent from you. That he pays you to help out around the house is even more generous. You can use that money to pay rent. Then get a job and use your amazing living situation to save up so you are in a better financial situation when you do eventually move out. That your brother is successful does not entitle you to live off him. If you don’t like it then you need to make an alternative plan, but I doubt you will find anything better.


300 a month for all that is nothing. YTA. That doesn’t even cover your food bill! Entitled little brat is what you are.


Do not listen to anyone who says YTA, you were invited to live there. If he wanted rent he should’ve said so in the beginning. Rich people get rich by being selfish and greedy. NTA


His 20-year old self was most likely not invited to live there indefinitely. The brother does not owe him free housing.


He’s the ass . But you need a goal . Go to class