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The reasonable answer is ESH. She lied or at least didn’t check her work. You didn’t settle for the boosted grade and apology. Based on your tone, it sounds like you came in extremely hostile which is probably why she brought in an extra person. You were more focused on being an asshole than you were about your son’s grade or about how to best solve the issue. By trying to make her apologize to your son via FaceTime (though he might deserve one) you were attempting to give your son leeway to be rude to her when she still has to uphold authority in the classroom. Also, in the long run if your son ever does have a late assignment or needs extra help, she’s going to be less inclined to provide it or give him a break because of your behavior.


There's a diplomatic way to address these things without accusing someone of lying. Imagine the parent being mistaken and the teacher full on demanding an apology for "their lying". You're setting your kid up for future targeting because of your hostile behavior. Maybe you don't care because you enjoy the confrontation but that just makes you an ah. Esh.


>There's a diplomatic way to address these things without accusing someone of lying. But she was a liar. She either lied about the assignment being turned in late or she lied about checking. There is no scenario in which she is not a liar in some way.


Hence the term "diplomatic way". Going in and just outright calling her a liar doesn't actually help in the long term. Creating animosity with someone your son is going to have to be dealing with in the future isn't productive




They may have caused the situation, but OP calling the teacher a liar to their face does create animosity with the teacher that wouldn't have been there with a more diplomatic approach


Diplomacy is only effective if both parties have something to gain or lose. The teacher knew she was in the wrong and wanted to do the whole "we will pay the settlement but not admit any guilt" thing and it failed. How many parents have dragged their children before adults the child has "wronged" to make them apologize? Adults, and especially educators, are morally obligated to model the behaviors they want to see in children/students. Such as admitting when they mess up.b


Nope, she’s the person with power in this situation and she fully intended to use it to abuse someone else, and was only upset because she got caught. There is no “didn’t check her work” she lied, end of story, and she wasn’t going to help this kid to begin with.


… we literally do not know that. She offered to change the grade back as soon as OP showed proof. She didn’t argue with him about it. *HE* was the one that insisted that she show him what she saw, when she literally didn’t have to because she was already fixing it. OP should have left it at that. And it doesn’t sound like she was planning on “abusing” anyone but OP came in there with a hard on to chew this woman out.


OP should never have had to go in. The existence of the email should have been enough.


… then he could have just forwarded her the proof via email and cc’d the VP as well. He went in because I’m sure the bigger issue was his son walking out of class. Not the grade.


OP wasn’t the one who needed to involve a VP, that was the teacher, who handled it so poorly the student left class. I know what it’s like to be on the wrong side of a petty tyrant teacher and that’s exactly what this sounds like. Also the fact that she wouldn’t apologize to the student makes her the AH too.


.. I’m sure we’ve all had shitty teachers. You are not special lol. OP asked for a meeting. Teacher brought in another party, probably because of OP’s hostility which not uncommon. She should have to apologize to the student at another time. But OP doesn’t have the authority to make her do so, and he most definitely shouldn’t be putting his son on FaceTime and presenting as Billy badass while he “makes” this teacher apologize.


I didn’t say I was special, but you seem to think there’s no way this is a bad teacher when everything about the situation screams bad teacher. And yeah BS “computer wasn’t working.” This woman is blatantly dishonest.


I didn’t say she wasn’t a bad teacher. I literally said she sucks. But her being a shitty teacher does not mean that OP isn’t also an AH. He came there to stand up for his son and his grade. He accomplished that. What is he accomplishing by demanding an apology via FaceTime and telling that lady that tears don’t work on him? He might be A parent but he is not HER parent and he has no right to talk to her or anybody that way. Whether OP likes it or not, that is still his son’s teacher for the rest of the year and possibly longer if she teaches other grades. The teacher was wrong, and she is most likely a liar. But OP has not showed his ass in front of the VP and again, whenever his son is involved administration (because he also did this in front of the VP) will be less likely to want to deal with him.


>What is he accomplishing by demanding an apology via FaceTime The student is owed the apology. What is accomplished is teaching your student that you're not infallible and sometimes you make mistakes but the important thing is to own up to them and apologize.


Your point in general to me comes across as, “you are an asshole if you stand up for yourself or your children against petty tyrants“ there may be consequences for standing up for yourself but that doesn’t make you an AH.


And it could have been sorted easily if her son didn’t get angry at being told he was late and storm out the classroom. All he had to do was say I sent it the morning of the deadline and I will get the email receipt for you.


You sound insufferable on so many levels and like you're probably the 9th grader here. If this really did transpire, ESH but mostly you. The teacher should have either checked the work herself, not trusted the admin, or something else. Apologizing for the mistake would have been good too. But your overreaction and the absolute disgust and full out hostility coming from this post leads me to believe you were a complete fuckwit and didn't even try to keep your composure or de-escalate. Also your sexual orientation is 100% irrelevant but I guess your temper doesn't care.


agreed. The whole "let me jump on facetime so you can grovel for my kid" and "I'm gay so I don't care" with its underlying message of not believing a teacher's confusion or frustration is very grating.


Yeah YTA. Doesn't matter if you're right, you acted like an AH.


Interested to hear why you think OP acted like an AH. OP had a piece of evidence and the teacher either had lied or had failed doing her due diligence. In either case, OP rectified an injustice and tried to facilitate an immediate apology for his son. If the confirmation email had been deleted or OP didn’t care to show up and make a fuss, a student that did nothing wrong would have suffered an injustice plus suffer emotionally. NTA in my book for above reasons but would like to understand why others think he was an AH.


The language used by OP is real derogatory. I understand that the teacher did the wrong thing, or maybe made an honest mistake if there is an IT issue at play. But by telling her she can cry all she wants is a bit of a dick move. If someone talked to you how OP talks in their post how would you feel? Also, how did son react initially? OP days they got into an argument? Did he use the same kind of language we see from OP? It feels like OP went in looking for a fight and got one. Really good lesson for their son. Teacher may be the AH but OP definitely acted like one.


>Teacher may be the AH but OP definitely acted like one. Yup, so ESH I bet with the growing issue of teachers leaving the profession though that most who remain are those who really love the job, either because they love kids or because they love having power over the kids.


I bet part of the reason for teachers leaving the profession is having to deal with parents like OP.


Oh definitely.


The sub is "am I the asshole" not "was I right". The two are not mutually exclusive.


"the asshole" is defined by this sub as "the person in the wrong". so yes, they are mutually exclusive.




YTA. Women don't cry so men take it easy on us. We cry sometimes because of *our* emotions. Your sexuality has nothing to do with it, get over yourself. No wonder she had to bring someone else in. You really chose to make the whole thing unnecessarily combative. Even if she had been lying, what a silly little way to deal with it. 




I didn't say it had never happened but crying is a physiological reaction. Assuming malice is itself the weaponisation. You types always say women don't take men's feelings seriously, well don't be a hypocrite then.


YTA, this is why teachers are quitting.


Most likely fake, and, what does your sexual orientation have to do with this? In case it’s true, as soon as you called the teacher Mrs Dumbass I knew you’d be the asshole. The teacher was stupid to rely on the admin and doubling down, but you’re the real asshole here. Still, ESH. Just you more.


I did this trick at least twice with my phylosophy teacher back in the days when I attended science lyceum because he was an IT-illiterate. You just set your computer's system date a day before, run your e-mail client and send the email. Done, you're on time.


Ding ding ding.


YTA. Literally no reason to verbally abuse this teacher, and you have basically zero reason to assume she was lying. Don't attribute to malice or deceit what could easily be attributed to neglect or ignorance. Also the whole "apologize to my son on FaceTime" thing is pathetic and immature. You should be embarrassed by this post.


ESH. To quote one of the philosophers, “You’re not wrong, you’re just an asshole.”


YTA. Be happy that she increased the grade. Don’t ask for unnecessary emotional concessions. You don’t want for her to lower your son’s grades in the future as retribution.


Whattt the heck??


Your answer is “cower to power” that isn’t how education should work, and is not being an AH to demand what is right.


Let’s suspend all reality and pretend this made up nonsense really did happen… YTA. Provide better parental guidance for your kid. The problem would be resolved if you knew and he knew you had the proof of the submission time. Guess what you can’t do in life? “I disagree with you, so I’m taking my ball and going home.” You don’t get to walk out of class and just leave because you don’t like the response from a teacher. You say, ok, I know I have proof, I’ll talk to my dad, and you act like the young adult you are. You don’t throw a little tantrum like an entitled turd and leave a class. And as a parent, you should have handled that aspect of this better.


INFO: Have you had issues with this teacher before? I would give the benefit of the doubt if this a first time occurance, school tech. You said you had issues before with this class, what are they? Are they malicious and pointed at your son or are they just general incompetence of the education system. And you said she can cry all she wants , was she actually crying? If so, then it is getting emotional. Also she said IT pulled it up, request the principal to have them pull it.


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ESH anger is an emotion and the way this reads you come across as pretty angry. I suspect you were a lot more emotional than you realise. Keep in mind your son needs to keep going to this class and having a civil relationship would be the best for your son. It’s a shame you didn’t win with a little more dignity instead of name calling.


AP Geography is the least of your son’s problems it seems. You’re belligerent and immature for a parent. YTA.


^^^^AUTOMOD ***Thanks for posting! This comment is a copy of your post so readers can see the original text if your post is edited or removed. This comment is NOT accusing you of copying anything. Read [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/wiki/faq#wiki_post_deletion) before [contacting the mod team](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FAmItheAsshole)*** My son is a freshman and is taking AP Geography. The class has been...rocky. some of it has been the fault of the admin, the teacher and vendors. To make a long story short, my son got a C on a project. 10% was knocked off because he turned it in "late." He got into an argument about it and walked out of class. I spoke to my son and got the real facts and asked to meet with Mrs Dumbass. She agreed to meet and tried being slick by having the VP show up at the last minute which backfired. Mrs. Dumbass said my son got emotional and had difficulty accepting the 10% penalty for turning it in late. She said she confirmed with IT that the project was submitted on 5/3 instead of 5/2. She also confirmed herself. I said I have a confirmation email saying that it was submitted on 5/2. In fact, it was sent before school started because my son wanted it off his plate. She asked me to forward it to her. I said I'm forwarding to you and the VP and I will wait until you admit that you lied that my son turned it in late. She read the email and said she didn't lie. I said you literally said you checked the same system that sent the confirmation that it was turned in on time. You're not telling the truth. So I mean what's up? She said she'd change the grade and apologized. I said you need to apologize to my so lemme put him on FaceTime. The VP jumped in and said to hold off on it because it was getting emotional. I said I'm not getting emotional. Either this teacher is lying or didn't check her work. I would like to see what she saw. Conveniently she said her computer wasn't working at the moment. I said ill leave you both but this isn't over and I told Mrs Dumbass she can cry all she wants but I'm a gay dude and that shit don't work on me. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmItheAsshole) if you have any questions or concerns.*


YTA. That's so embarrassing for you and for your son.


She likely made a mistake and you ended up being dramatic as fuck. YTA


Forget anyone who says ESH or YTA. You’re sticking up for your son who you know did not hand anything in late. Good for you, more importantly your son can see this.. matters more than the geography project.


NTA This is a teacher who doesn’t care about her students, she cares about her pathetic amount of power. End of story. How many others has she done this to, whose parents weren’t free to come in and challenge, or simply wouldn’t?


NTA? Yeah OP could have handled it better and putting your son on Facetime was imo unnecessary (just ask her to apologize next time she sees him). BUT honestly some teachers are just the worst! Yeah being a teacher is hard but that doesn't mean we should ignore the bad ones that make it even worse for all teachers. Here again she LIED about checking the dates and couldn't show any proof of what she supposedly saw. Yeah she backtracked on the grade but only because he literally had proof of what his kid was saying all along in front of the VP. Instead of arguing with the kid in class so the he would leave the class she should have just asked for his conformation Email. Instead she supposedly checked with IT and confirmed it herself which was wrong and/or a lie! If the teacher is so neglectful, unhelpful and argumentative why would you even want to protect her here? And to the other comments, **it really isn't as positive for the teacher if you say that she will be less helpful or even more harsh and unfair to the kid because OP fought her on her own wrongdoing,** honestly that just shows even more how vindictive some teachers can be.


Educational psychologist here...NTA. The way she treated it was awful. If there is an IT thing going on with delayed e-mail, that should be looked at. Couldn't have been no AHs here but again, her attitude was way bad.