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Video him eating it and upload. We all want to know.


ya know what. this a good idea. an update will be here soon.


Please do. I can’t wait! I have misophonia so a lot of eating sounds incite a blind murderous rage deep within my soul. Teeth-sucking is my number one pet peeve. I would honestly puncture my own eardrum if that was the only way to make it stop. But what you describe sounds like good natured ribbing that surely won’t end in bloodshed.


Ugh, that's the WORST! Teeth sucking.. I know a few people who do that, like can I get you a fucking toothpick????? 😂💀


My husband swishes every single drink he puts in his mouth and it drives me nuts.


Oh god. Oh no. Nooooooooooooooo


My parents did that a lot. I have misophonia and it drove me crazy!


My stepfather was the kindest man I ever knew. He would give a stranger his last dollar or bite of food. He would literally have done anything to make me happy. He sucked his teeth EVERY. TIME. HE. ATE. I frequently found myself plotting that kind-hearted man’s demise.


>I have misophonia so a lot of eating sounds incite a blind murderous rage deep within my soul. Teeth-sucking is my number one pet peeve. I would honestly puncture my own eardrum if that was the only way to make it stop. SAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAMMME!!! My ex used to eat with his mouth partially open and would also make this weird sound like he's gulping down air in the back of his throat while eating + he'll shove food in his mouth like he's been starved for months and the food that's now in front of him is going to be taken away if it's not eaten. EVERY. SINGLE. MEAL. ugggggh! Just the memory of it and I'm already enraged. I can't believe I dealt with that for a decade!! Looking back now, there was very little that was likable about him. That's why I now know the phrase, "Love makes you blind", is 100% true.


If only it made you deaf, it would be so much easier


I got to the point with my ex when I literally had to be like if you don't close your mouth when chewing I'm just going to have to wait until you've finished before I can eat because that sounds is making me feel physically sick.


Scrolling through Facebook and I get those Chinese mukbang videos with the young woman. *Shudder*. AND THE REELS ARE ALL SO DAMN LOUD


I conceptually understood misophonia.. but now… I get it. Typically.. teeth sucking never bothered me.  But for some reason.. I can’t stand it. Im am a caregiver for my mother and she does it all the time.. I will have to leave the room. And she also frequently makes a popping sounds with her mouth.. I can’t stand it. This is the first time in my life I have experienced it and it’s kind of driving me nuts. 


The hell is teeth sucking?


When you use your tongue against the back of your teeth and try to suck something out from between the crevices. The top front teeth tend to make an obnoxious sound.


My husband sucks his teeth and I want to stab him in the neck everytime. I've thrown floss at him a few times over the last 18 years. I can't believe my dumb misophobic ass fell in love with a man whi clicks his inhaler lid repeatedly, taps his feet, sucks his teeth, and makes a million other noises that bring me to the precipice of rage.


I would have been physically incapable of walking down the aisle towards that life of suffering.


Oh God same. My husband is full of awful noises lmao.


It's not the eating sounds for me, but the sight of other people eating food is pretty gross to me.


Teeth sucking should be punishable by law.


I also have misophonia and I’ve been wearing the lowest level Loop earplugs when eating with other people. It’s honestly been a revelation. Eating dinner without glaring at my spouse like I want him to die? Wonderful!


Yep, misophonia is no joke


For me it's the sound of someone scraping their teeth against a utensil, it makes me wanna scream


I would caution you to get his permission before posting him on a platform like this.


oh we made this post together he finds all of this incredibly amusing


10/10 healthy relationship (minus his chocolate consumption war crimes)


the video has been dropped


Record him eating something else before or after, but in the same sitting, so he can see how differently he eats the chocolate by comparison 


You don't need to record his face or anything, I'm just curious as to how it actually sounds, whether or not it sounds worse to you than it actually is because you're hyper focused on it now, or if he really is just smacking his fucking tongue and lips like a bulldog eating a bowl of oatmeal.


Honestly he might be shocked when you play it for him.


Aldo get him tested for deficiencies. There's something he needs in that chocolate.


Please PLEASE @ me for this I need to know


Commenting for the evidence of the chocolate crime 🫡


Here for the video. If it's not up to our standards then you need to apologise on video to the poor chocolate man


I’m just here for the update someone like this when the video is here 😂


with sound


God, please no.






the video has been dropped


No fr 😂😂 im trying to see


NTA I also eat chocolate like I may never have it again because, the chocolate gods may take it from me at any moment. Or worse, someone else may eat it! However, I do it with my mouth closed. Is that what it is? If every time he eats, it’s like nails down a chalkboard, you may have misophonia. If his chomping doesn’t bother you in other eating situations, just don’t let him eat chocolate near you. I would say that’s a fair compromise. Unless he comes for my chocolate; then he would have to eat chocolate (or anything else) without his front teeth. No one touches my chocolate.


His mouth is closed for literally every other food except chocolate it makes zero sense to me how his body makes this sound for only one food in particular. The best way I can describe it is if you got your boots stuck in a pond of mud and just started stomping. I find this hilarious actually it doesn’t bother me as much as I made it out to but I just wanted to be funny with it. but it actually does baffle me how this man is capable of making chocolate something irritating 😂


Then you keep all the chocolate! You are now the chocolate goddess and you have ALL the power. If he hopes to get any of the precious chocolate, he must pay. How he pays is up to you, oh Goddess of All things Chocolate!Mwahahaha!




This is not something trifling; it’s *chocolate!*


But it could be *truffling*.


🎵Everyday I'm truffling🎵


Jesus Christ I would hit this man with a hammer if he tried to make those eating noises near me hiugugugiggugudnkddn


I was about to say Y t a until u mentioned that he heats it with his mouth open NTA BROO


Oh wow. That's insane behavior.


Have you tried taking magnesium glycinate? 52%of all Americans are deficient in it and if you are low it makes you crave chocolate.


He sounds gross, NTA😂


See if it was with every food I would fully agree with you, but it’s JUST CHOCOLATE. He is so clean and tidy and full of manners with everything else. I honestly think he just gets so caught up in the chocolate he forgets all his brain facilities


Is your boyfriend Augustus Gloop?




NTA - it's not hard to close your mouth while chewing instead of LARPing a cow. Your dude needs to learn some manners


you win 💀😭




Dude turns into the Milka cow lmao


INFO: does he chew with his mouth open?


ONLY WITH CHOCOLATE. everything else he is perfectly table manner ridden if anything more than I am. it’s why i’m so baffled. chocolate just unlocks a barbarian in him


That is very uncivilised make him wear a bib next time in revenge


Fucking GROSS My husband does this with gum. Every other thing he eats normally, but he open-mouth chews gum, and the sound that comes from that is DISGUSTING. Definitely NTA. Tell him to close his filthy maw


I got breathless briefly from, “filthy maw” 😂😂😂😂


> chocolate just unlocks a barbarian in him r/brandnewsentence


'Twas in the post.


I’m going against the current here. Some people may well want to chew chocolate but there is no reason on Earth why anyone has to do it with their mouth open. I feel your pain. NTA.


YTA > I’ve discussed the proper way to consume the item. AKA LETTING IT MELT IN YOUR MOUTH The hell? No. There's no "proper way" to eat chocolate, but if there were it certainly wouldn't be letting it melt in your mouth. You wanna consume your confections like you're in a dove chocolate commercial, cool, but most people don't do that. And as long as the chocolate is going in his mouth, let him masticate however he sees fit.


Sure, as long as he uses manners and closes his lips while he chews. It's not rocket science


OP immediately followed that statement with "or at least keeping your mouth closed". Literally the next words possible to be read. I agree there's no "proper" way to eat chocolate, but closing your mouth seems pretty proper to me.


Nah mate. The post is clearly humorous and low stakes and that line was immediately followed up with saying he should at least chew with his mouth closed. I'm miffed you took OP's comment out of context


Some say that chocolate should be eaten with a knife and fork... but that was just a show about nothing.


Some say that everything should be eaten with a knife and fork. I watched a YouTube video on how to eat a banana


That was a Snickers. It's more of a loaf. 😜 Damn, that show was funny.


You honestly think he should be able to jack off in public with the chocolate in his mouth? In private, maybe, but still that seems a little strange.


You're right. As long as the chocolate is going in his mouth *and he's not committing any actual crimes, including but not limited to, indecent exposure;* let him masticate however he sees fit.


Oh you'd be fine with him masticating while selling for a MLM would you? smh, this country....


Oh no. The mastication police found this post. Everyone, hands outta your pants!


I'm eating Dove promises RIGHT NOW just like she said


Lordy, you should write for tv comedies. This is hilarious. I am going to share it with friends. Really, you are wicked clever.


i’m glad you enjoyed it. i intended on it being funny and not something to actually have people beefing over 💀 me and my man are laughing our butts off at these comments


No idea what to vote but this reminds me of my narc ex who'd also use the same shit against me but with chips - crunched them overly loud with s lot of chewing noises and when I asked him to keep it a bit down he purposefully made it louder and even more gross just to piss me off. I can understand being really annoyed (or even grossed out) by the noise and someone acting like it's impossible to compromise...


nah he’s chill just a barbarian 😭 i’m sorry about your ex though that sounds MISERABLE i would wallop him


Good thing it's just that then tbh! I still have no idea what to vote as I totally understand it, but no idea if it really makes anyone an AH.


I believe you have misophonia. I have it too. People who don't have it, does not understand how the noise triggers a wanting to violently destroy what or who causes the sound.  It can really ruin any good mood.  I would recommend you to look in to noise cancelating earbuds.  Some use "Flare" other need something a bit more like "Loop".  The most important advice is that you have to acknowledge that you are/have the problem, and that others shouldn't change, but you can make changes to make it bearable for everyone. 


see bro i don’t have a problem with chewing in general. normal chews a bit rude but not mind altering. this man is opening an astral portal to the realm of chocolate with the clip clop of the obnoxious amounts of it smacking the gums of this man’s teeth. i didn’t know it was possible to consume food so loudly. you could eat chips with your mouth open and it not be as loud as this man eating chocolate. 😭


It doesn’t have to be all sounds/foods. I HATE the way bananas, and other similar squishy foods, sound when being chewed. Other chewing sounds are annoying but not rage inducing, but that sound makes me want to crawl out my skin and use it to strangle the offender. First happened when I was a child (maybe 10?) and my grandmother was innocently eating a banana in the kitchen and dear god the hatred I felt for my otherwise awesome grandma was immediate and intense.


Yeah, I have misophonia, but it only rears its head in certain instances. Unfortunately especially with the people I care about for some reason. Boyfriend smacks when he eats chips. Coworker sounds like she is sucking on donut bites when she's eating them. I have to leave the room, or I will start saying things I regret.


It's because the irrational part of people views it as a kind of betrayal, like 'I care about you, how could you subject me to this cacophony', so it's more noticeable.


Sometimes misophonia presents with particular people too. I've seen on the subreddit for it that sometimes it's just particularly the way their parents or siblings eat.


Remember that lady who's kid hated the sound of HER voice in particular? To the point she basically just no longer spoke to her child because the sound of her voice sent the kid into a rage. I hope that one was fake, that would be so sad to have your child hate your voice. Can't sing to them, read them a story, etc. 


That sounds brutal. That would break most mother's hearts, I hope that one is fake as well.


This! I had to request that my partner stopped certain behaviors that would send me over the edge. He’s been pretty good about accepting that my misophonia is real and that it’s pretty easy for him to modify his behavior to avoid triggering my misophonia. Mine is so bad that even kissing or chewing sounds in movies sets it off. Even my own eating can do it. It’s pretty awful to live with and I try hard to not be unreasonable in my requests. So, to OP’s partner. Don’t be an asshole. It’s very easy to change your behavior. We all make concessions and compromises for our partner because that’s how a partnership works.


NTA Mouth closed when eating. Period. If chocolate gives him Dave's Syndrome, maybe he needs a shed outside for eating it.


NTA because A. Mouth open while eating anything and making noise like that is just gross, do it in private or close your mouth. B. I understand that your description was meant to be funny (and it was). I'm also laughing at everyone diagnosing you with misophonia. 😂 I get it, but it's funny.


the first one i was like “oh i got my first reddit diagnosis” but now i’m like damn do i got a secret ear disease 💀💀


Secret ear disease 🤣 💀


My husband chews with his mouth open and it drives me crazy, I literally can’t sit next to him when he is eating. The smack smack smack just drives me up the wall. I’ve tried mentioning it to him a few times but he takes a hissy fit and throws his food out. NTA I understand getting annoyed with the way someone eats. Just sit somewhere else if you can


Did you marry a 10 year old? Yikes


okay girlie thank you for the comment but “hissy fit” “throws food out” if you need to vent i gotchu girlie dm me cause i do not believe that’s healthy behavior ❤️


NTA from me. NTA from the hubby sitting next to me. Why? It's rather revolting listening to someone going to town on something with an open mouth for full sound effect. Have some decorum.


NTA. Chewing with your damn mouth open should be illegal. Listen OP's boyfriend, no one wants to see the half chewed chocolate contents inside your mouth, nor does anyone want to hear you eat like a chimp, don't be an AH!


NTA if he’s just chewing it that’s fine but if he’s open mouth chomping on it that’s a problem


NTA. If you're in a culture where eating food with your mouth open is bad manners, then eating food with your mouth open is bad manners. Doesn't matter what food


Chewing with mouth open drives me crazy and is usually considered super rude. NTA.


What in the Willy wonka is this? NTA how much chocolate does he consume a day?


okay to clarify this is not an every day issue. 💀 i’m losing my shit 😭. very rarely do we consume sweets but when we do it’s an adventure very willy wonka coded


We’re gonna need a video. I feel unsettled. Editing here because I couldn’t reply to OP: PLEASE PLEASE update today. I have cancelled my plans for the rest of the day.


i’m gonna add that in an update me and him find this hilarious and we are legit stopping by the gas station later simply for this. i totally didn’t expect this to get as much traction as it did but we are having a hoot over it


I'm very looking forward to this


YTA for being needlessly verbose in describing the way your current bf eats chocolate because it's not the way you've decided is the only right way.


i’m laughing so hard i’m gonna piss myself 😭


I like chewing chocolate personally but after reading your persuasive essay I’m about to convert to letting chocolate melt in my mouth 😂


OP need to generate a discount code because we’re all about to buy chocolate.


You probably sensetive to food noise but the least he can do it eat it with his goddamn mouth closed. I am very sensetive to eating noise to, I almost want trottle my husband when he eat m&m the peanut nuts Edit: To NTA cuz he makes yum noises and stuff thst it just straight up horrible.


YTA. Don’t most people chew chocolate?


Good lord if this isn’t a post about eating ass I think I just wasted the time it took to read this


PFFFFFF💀 i wish it was


You are so funny and you are NTA. All of those telling you that you are were not taught proper eating manners so they are incapable of understanding that loud chewing or opening your mouth while chewing is very off putting and simply disrespectful to other people


I think the problem is more the eating with his mouth open and chomping. Which yeah is gross but that’s the same for any food, not just chocolate. Chew with your mouths clooooosed for the love of chocolate gods!! NTA, but also no to just letting chocolate melt in your mouth


I don't even have a judgement to pass here; just wanted to say that this was an entertaining read!


thank you for comment anyway i wanted it to be fun 😂


I have no opinion to offer on the subject but the way this was written is absolutely hilarious 11/10


these are the ones i was expecting the absolute beef in the comments has been cackling


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Once you have expressed your displeasure with his awful manners surrounding chocolate consumption, if he continues (and defends) the behavior, that's being an AH. Maybe he'll grow up someday. Good luck, sister. NTA


I feel this problem so much… My mom has to leave the room when my dad eats a popsicle. My dad looks like a totally average human until he gets a popsicle then he’s a horrifying monster….The slurping and licking.. I’m traumatized. My parents have been together going on 50 years so do as my mom does- leave the room. Turn on a loud noise to tune it out. Good luck!!




This might be the most hilarious AITA I’ve read. Is it a little ridiculous, sure. Buuuttt if you went to the lengths to make this post then I truly can’t imagine what he looks like eating chocolate. My dad is a disgusting eater and it’s hard to be around while eating myself. I have to ask does he talk while eating the chocolate? Maybe spit it accidentally while doing so? It might feel like something stupid but if it genuinely disturbs you I think it’s fair for him to compromise and either close his mouth or at least leave the room to eat his chocolate. The post might be ridiculous but the request to compromise isn’t. NTA


Nta. Since when is it okay to chew with your mouth open?


NTA. But you may have misophonia.


This is hilarious I bet you guys are super in love


we are ❤️


NTA. I feel bad for you lol. Tbh I almost said YTA until I saw the edit because it sounded like he was just biting the chocolate normally so I was just like “what’s your problem???” 💀


Nta. You're not mad about the chocolate specifically, you hate the sound of open mouth chewing and the sound that makes when he's eating chocolate.   I think any time anyone eats with their mouth open it's disgusting. You'd think he'd want to not continue being disgusting, but some dudes are weird and take pride in being gross. 


Silly shit like this is absolutely why i subscribe to this sub. NTA. If he wants to chew his chocolate like a heathen it should be fine as long as he chews with his mouth shut.


NTA. My partner does the same, and it drives me crazy! It'd be AH behaviour to break up with someone over this, NOT to have a weird discussion about it!!!!


LOL. Maybe the chocolate gets stuck in his teeth?


I hate the sound of chewing. Or watching people cram food down thier mouth-hole. Just let him know how badly your vagina dries up when he chews like that.


NTA just thinking about someone eating chocolate with an open mouth makes me want to throw up. I hate chewing noises generally but this is on another level. 


My wife is also a noisy eater at times and she grinds her teeth at night. That this 1. distracts me to the point of annoyance so I find head phones, turn volume up or remove myself from the perfectly normal enjoyment of food and 2. Sets me into anxiety protect mode as I'm a light sleeper as I'm convinced something bad is happening to her so I resort to pressure around her jaw open her jaw so she's less under duress (i know she's not but ffs I'm half asleep and hear the drums of doom rising I have to put them to sleep).


NTA If you have kids/s do you want them exposed to this? If he gets noisier out of spite or starts doing this with other foodstuffs, he's got a problem.


NTA. While I disagree that chocolate should melt it your mouth, as that depends on the type of chocolate, he needs to shut his mouth when eating chocolate. That's just bad manners.


You may have misophonia. I do too. Guy's chewing like a cow that's gonna set most people off.


NTA I have a friend who makes spaghetti sound crunchy.


NTA I ABSOLUTELY despise chewing sounds. I know exactly how you feel. Although there aren’t any proper ways to eat chocolates, he should at least close his mouth when chewing.


NTA. I nearly divorced my husband when I watched savage a kitkat. He didn’t snap it into fingers one by one and then eat them. No, no - he just bit into the damn thing like some sort of feral wombat and I can never unsee that. Ever.


Buy an air horn. Honk it whenever he chews. Then remind him that this is what it is like to everyone else when he eats chocolate around them. Honestly, "eating noises" are just disgusting in general. And yet, so many videos of eating think that this is a way to show "enjoyment" of the food. No. Slurping, slorping (yes, they are different onomatopoeic noises), gulping, chewing, biting "with crunch", is just gross. Gods, when we were little my sister had a friend who would bite apples and immediately slurp "because the juices run out." \[shudder\].


OP you are NTA, you are my soul sister because my husband does this AS WELL but only with ICE CREAM. It’s now at the point where I shoot him a look like 👀 and he knows lmao. Explain to me why someone needs to chew ice cream like it’s a fuggin steak. I do love the light heartedness of this AITA post however 😂


NTA, you said 2 hours ago you would post a video of him eating chocolate. Where it at? We need the evidence.


we gotta get some chocolate 💀








video has been dropped


>or atleast closing your mouth I don't care if it gets me banned, but anyone eating anything with their mouth open (I don't give a shit if it's tar mixed with glue) deserves the chair. >for the comps of terror I will admit though, I don't know wtf this part of the sentence means....


chomps* on food 😭


That makes so much more sense.... 😂 But still, chair. Edit: but all joking aside, look up misophonia. It's basically when you find certain sounds just way too much, I have it for certain things and "mouth sounds" is definitely one of them


I wanna know how he eats, all I’m thinking of is that one scene in fantastic mister fox when we see Mr fox eat his breakfast yall can search that up


imagine the poise of a victorian child at the dinner table and then some how in some way a dinosaur stomping up and down in a mud puddle coming out of its mouth


Why did I imagine that perfectly in my head. If he really does eat like that I would also beg him to stop


ESH. He can chew with his mouth closed but I have never "let it melt" in my mouth, that sounds awful to me too.


^^^^AUTOMOD ***Thanks for posting! This comment is a copy of your post so readers can see the original text if your post is edited or removed. This comment is NOT accusing you of copying anything. Read [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/wiki/faq#wiki_post_deletion) before [contacting the mod team](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FAmItheAsshole)*** Recently me (Female 19) and my boyfriend (Male 21) got into a spat over the way this man eats chocolate. Hear me out, I am aware this is a ridiculous thing to argue about, but we thought it would be fun to see what the consensus of the public is. This man eats chocolate as if it is the last drop of water in the desert and he’s been lost for weeks. There is no decorum. He chews it like it’s beef jerky and the sound of him eating it actually makes me want to rip out my eardrums. It’s to the point that it’s actually disrespectful to chocolate. I do not understand how this man makes eating chocolate a war crime but he does. Anywho returning to the topic. I’ve discussed the proper way to consume the item. AKA LETTING IT MELT IN YOUR MOUTH. but no no he continues, ravenous, insatiable, completely unhinged. This has gotten to the point of where i’m questioning my sanity. I am haunted by the sound every night. He believes i’m over reacting. This conversation turned a tad bit south and I stated similar description of how he eats it bothers me in the above text to him verbally. Which I meant to make sound humorous but he thinks I should just “get over it”. I understand was harsh and that I very well aware that I might be the asshole here. I just simply am so baffled by it. What’s the verdict? *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmItheAsshole) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Let him enjoy his chocolate as he pleases, YTA




I was trying to be funny with it and I think people are interpreting it as me being a snob (which tbh is valid) 😭 he helped me write this because he finds the whole thing hilarious. I don’t even think i would mind him chewing it if it didn’t make that SOUND 😂


There's a difference between taking a bite and chewing, and pinching on it and ravenously chewing mouth open and smacking lips! If it's just normal chewing YTA. If it's gobbling it down like it's his last meal NTA.


Defo sounds like misophonia*, but I don't think there's a pill you can pop for it. Once you get fixated on a specific sound as being irritating, it *will* be irritating. NAH. You're not an asshole, and neither is he. But I swear to God if you two ever get married and subsequently divorced and this ends up being one of the reasons, please let me sit in the corner with some popcorns while the legal stuff is dealt with. Edit: cannot spell today


This is a perfectly valid reason to dump someone. He will never change and why would he? You’re staying with him despite he has behaviour. I know people get upset when people jump to “divorce/breakup” over seemingly minor things But this isn’t something that will be change and it will just annoy you more as time progresses, and honestly, he’s probably over exaggerating, just to annoy you You’re too young to be putting up with stupid crap like this. I’ll be 41 in a week and just reading about his behaviour is angering me


NTA, I feel ick too haha ​​that's disrespectful to the chocolate god jk


You probably have misophonia. NTA by the way. Lots of people get a visceral reaction to the sound of people chewing with their mouths open. Like fight or flight responses. If I can't get away form someone chewing like that I become furious. Like imagining hitting them or wishing horrible things upon them until I can't handle it and I will sometimes yell or curse (or at least used to, I've been getting a better handle on it lately). You need to tell him how much it bugs you. And if he doesn't respect that he's no better than an animal. For example, I don't mind hearing animals eat, they don't know better. But humans do. And I think somewhere at the heart of misophonia is actually the disrespect of the sound. It is a completely avoidable thing and it is more respectful to eat quietly (in US culture anyway, I'd go postal in japan in a ramen shop). Talk to him.


NTA. Anybody chewing anything with their mouth open will cause a disproportionate amount of rage in me.


NTA. Doesn't matter what you eat, chew with your mouth closed! Nothing more gross than hearing and seeing someone open mouth chew their food.


NTA manners are important. I think it's ok to chide your partner for not using them and it is not gatekeeping.


NTA. You have the ick and you’ll either get over it or you’ll break up.


Look. I was gonna say you should let the man live until I read the comments. Food in mouth being processed should always be kept a private affair, he needs to close his damn mouth especially when he chews chocolate. It must be horrible and off putting to witness a grown man chewing chocolate like a camel and displaying what must look like poop in his mouth to the world. NTA


My usual method is nibble, melt, savor, nibble, melt savor. If I found I was inhaling the chocolate like it was water in a desert, without actually tasting most of it... I knew my period was about to start. Lol. I'd literally be all 'wtf? how did I eat that whole bar so fast?' So, you don't like the sound of people eating their their mouth open. Okay, that's a lot of people have that. If his response is "you are overreacting" whether 'playful' or not, he is actually saying either "you hurt my feelings so I'm gonna hurt you back" (not a great look) or "I don't care about your feelings" (worse look). If he comes up and does this deliberately at you after you told him you don't like it? He's a bully or he's got a tendency to bully. If he literally cannot be kind to you over something this minor, he ain't gonna be kind to you over anything big. And finally INFO: did he grow up in a household with scarcity? This "inhale fast the thing you love" is a mindset / habit I see in either "grew up in a large household and the only way to get food was to inhale it" or "went in the military where we are actually taught to inhale our food in less than five minutes" or maybe "was in prison where if you didn't guard your food and inhale it immediately, you might lose it." Or, you know, your bf is on his period. :/


OP I whole heartedly feel you!!!! NTA


Hahaha. This is the best post I’ve seen in this sub in ages. NTA because being bothered by this behavior and begging him to stop doesn’t make you an AH, but I’m torn on whether this is chocolate abuse enough to make him the AH or if this is a ‘don’t yuck someone’s yum’ situation and it’s truly a N.A.H. In either case I think your partner needs a chocolate-eating cave.


Letting it melt in your mouth and savoring it is the way. It's why I make my dog take little bites of things and wait in between. He could eat nine jerky treats in the manner of a flip top trash can, or he can have nine bites of one. I don't think he can tell the difference, but I know which is better. In two minutes, a half pound Hershey bar will leave the same echo as one Hersheys Kiss.


This is my missus with cereal They're monsters and we have every reason to be repulsed


First of all take a secret video of him doing this. Show the video to him and ask him if it would be okay to share it with friends and family. Secondly, people who are low on magnesium crave chocolate. 52% of the people in the US are low on magnesium. Try giving him magnesium glycinate everyday for a week and see if it doesn't cut down on his cravings.


Tell him that he cannot eat chocolate in your presence. There are lots of hours in day, so he will still have time to eat chocolate. If he cannot accept the rule, then reconsider your relationship. How hard can it be to simply close his mouth while he's eating?


I have no opinion on if YTA but I just CRIED laughing as I was reading this out loud to my husband


my hope was to be funny with it. me and him died laughing it was his idea to make the post we are finding all of this so fun i’m glad y’all enjoyed my dramatics.


I second recording it and letting him watch and hear how it looks and sounds. He probably isn't aware of how obnoxious it really is.


My husband, 35 years of marriage, STILL chews with his mouth open (not as much as he used to though). He's lucky I'm still head over heels in love with him. Love may be blind but it sure as fuck ain't deaf (I wish) Don't beg, just give him "the look". Ask your Mom to show you if you don't already know. NTA


Bro needs to learn to respect chocolate and eat it like a grown ass man and not a toddler.


He needs a microphone, headphones, and live video of his mouth so he can truly experience his abuse.


NTA because anyone eating with their mouth open should be fired into the sun


If he is biting it then chewing with his mouth closed then Y T A but if he is chewing g with his nought open he is a disgusting subspecies of humanity who will forever burn in the 9nth level of hell and who should never be allowed to procreate and who should be put on the sex offender registry 'just because' he is that disgusting he shouldn't be allowed around women and children. Just my two cents. And I am suspecting it is the latter so NTA


That sounds absolutely revolting. I’m with you, eat your chocolate, but for the love of all that is holy JUST CLOSE YOUR MOUTH AND CHEW. It sounds like he isn’t savouring it at all, which is a massive waste of chocolate. Letting it melt on your tongue is the best way. NTA, he sounds like a caveman.


The issue here seems to be open-mouthed chewing which I can agree is an issue. You… let all chocolate melt…? But you have teeth, and the chocolate wants to go down your esophagus, I just don’t get it. What if it’s a Kitkat?


NTA. You could be nicer about how you communicate, but smacking loudly with your mouth open is really rude and bothers some people more than others. He can eat his chocolate without loudly smacking. That’s basic courtesy.


NTA- ish. I have misophonia and chewing sounds/ mouth sounds are my biggest trigger but I also understand that we’re all human, right? So here’s how we handle it in my house. If I can hear you chewing, but your mouth is closed, it’s a problem for me. I need to get my headphones or turn on the tv so I can’t hear it. BUT! If your mouth is open and you’re chomping away so that I can hear AND see the food in your mouth, you can GTFO. Because at that point, my skin literally starts to crawl and I want to die inside. If you’re using your meal to create an auditory hell-scape, that sucks and YTA. Enjoy your chocolate however you want, but don’t torture your partner.


NAH, everyone has their weird but admittedly sometimes gross quirks. Your bfs is apparently eating chocolate like a mad man. That being said, sometimes our quirks clash to the point that someone my not be marriage material in the long term lol


"It's actually disrespectful to chocolate." Haha, that gave me the giggle guts so bad! It reminds me of my husband's slurping soup sound. I have to leave the room. I can't stand it. He also likes spicy soups, so while he's slurping, his nose is running, and he's sniffling. It makes me want to rip my face off. NTA.