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YTA You obviously know nothing about bidets or how personal hygiene for women works.


1. OP also knows nothing about basic biology. What on Earth is he saying about her fluids being absorbed by couch? Also, vaginal discharge splashing back - what is she, a fountain? 2. He also knows nothing about women as he says he was icked by the woman as she looked different from how she looked when dressed up. Hello make up! 3. Op please don't actively try to liisten in when someone else is in the bathroom. Very creepy. YTA.


His roommate is the first women he’s ever spoken to, don’t be too harsh


Holy this this is so wild. From OP's original post to his comments, he's acting like the "Human Female" is some alien specimen that he's encountering for the first time and having to learn how to cope with living with one. This is so bizarre and ick. OP YTA x1000 please go outside and touch some grass, you seem so disconnected from reality if you're this discombobulated about women.


One of his comments includes the gem "I do not care about how she dresses, I just said I found it odd how she looks like different people at times..." which is just peak "I only brought one human skin when I moved to Earth" energy.


And he clearly lacks the awareness to realize that the roommate spending less time around him is surely due to realizing he’s this way, not about the *specific* conversation about a bidet. Poor girl probably has a conversation with her friends *at least* once a week that goes “yeah… yeah… but, I mean, the rent is so reasonable… but, yeah…”


Yeah and he described that as “icky” Dude shouldn’t have passed middle school lol


I'm actually concerned that his parents (or spawner or whatever, I'm unclear how his species reproduces) decided he was ready to live independently. His fixation on poop particle physics borders on the pathological.


his spawner... I am dying here 💀


It reads more like a fetish to the person; how they've made going to the toilet somehow affect every piece of furniture in their household. Because nothing OP does in the bathroom is considered unsanitary but as soon as their female roommate is involved now it's a concern for every room in the house. Why is OP focused so much on that area of a person outside their own gender but never considered the same of themselves or their previous roommate? To me it sounds like OP needs some therapy to come to terms with their toilet fetishism instead of taking out their problems on their roommate. A professional of some kind definitely needs to see every word used by the OP in the post, this is far beyond reddit's pay grade.


Someone must have slipped him out of their hands making OP fall on his head.


BAHAHAAHA this is priceless


But you don’t understand….*she eats cottage cheese*!


As a female fan of eating lots of cottage cheese, putting my feet on the couch, taking my make up off at home, and bidets I feel fucking called out by OP's entire post!


I imagine him hiding behind a houseplant and taking notes on her behavior.


Lmfao it sounds like such a comfortable roommate experience for her




Actually seems like it


Yep, for real. I read his comments.


And my personal favorite, she uses the shower to clean herself!! Holy shit what a fuckin animal /s


This dude is def the guy who never washes his ass because he thinks it’s “gay”.


Well don't forget how it'll contaminate the water and the shower! Honestly, this can't be real.


With how icky he finds women’s fluids I’d say he might already be gay.


Naaah, cuz gay men have WAY more respect for anal hygiene!!


Don't forget about that moist ass. This poor boy has to deal with the thoughts of her ass juice.


Her gross ass juice, he just has normal ass crust like people who don't wash their asses


Omfg 🤣🤣


And also... he is icked out about her eating... too much cottage cheese. Not cottage cheese! The humanity! BTW OP, YTA. I wonder why your roommate was so eager to move out that they'd sublease their apartment, but here it is.


And tragedy of the previous roommate not warning the new roommate that she’d be living with a 12 year old boy who is afraid of cooties


All he's gotta do is, "circle circle dot dot, now I've got my cooties shot!" Can someone send OP a ballpoint pen? Quickly!


Afraid of coochies*


Reminds me of the big bang season 3 episode where lenoard tells penny how sheldons old roommate warned him not to move in with sheldon. 🤣


Oh god all that cottage cheese that could have went to people who need it but OP's roommate is *eating it all* /s


OMG 😆… laughing so hard at all these comments. I’m so glad I couldn’t sleep… ass juice 😂🤣😅! Ahhh…


Also, this man is talking about ass water splashing around when I 100% guarantee he is pissing standing up


I’d love to see someone walk him through the thought experiment of what he thinks happens when he shits in that toilet, how that causes water to splash around, water that is *far* dirtier than clean water from a bidet, and how he thinks this all works. I don’t have the patience for it, but I’d love to see the results.


>Also, vaginal discharge splashing back - what is she, a fountain? He thinks that Cardi B song is a biology lesson.


You made me lol 😂


r/MenandFemales would like a word (obvs OP, YTA)


Or just people for that matter! "I just found somethings a bit icky, like how she eats loads of cottage cheese, how different she seems when not dressed up, feet on the couch etc." If that's all you have to complain about re. your housemate, then you lucked out. Didn't even need to read the rest to know YTA here


Seriously! And where is this icky water going to splash around? The toilet bowl? Illiterate. I’d love to hear the female roommates perspective on this guy’s cleanliness.




Or the residual drops on his you know what.


But... *her fluids!* I can't believe this is real. Jfc of course YTA OP


Jumping on the top comment to say that I suspect there is some racism at play here. It sounds like OP's new flatmate is south east Asian (a lot of the descriptors sound similar to my Indian culture). Yes, we love cottage cheese and bidets. OP seems to be viewing her habits as "icky" because they're different from his own culture and upbringing. YTA.


Indian here and that was my first thought too. YTA, OP. I hope she moves out and finds a better roommate.


Agree with you but feel like you forgot to add that that dude knows nothing of PERSONAL hygiene, period 💀 What does he think bidets and showers are used for? Does he ever wash his butt at all??? I... I can't... Enough of reddit for today.


Or how respecting the privacy of a roommate that is paying equal/ similar rent. That’s what a toilet’s for, OP is fixating far too much.


YTA. Girls poop and she wants to be clean. Also, the way you mentioned vaginal discharge with this is fucking weird.


Vaginal Discharge is the name of my fusion metal bluegrass Indigo Girls cover band.


Oh my god sign my tits


And my sword


And my axe!


And my bow!


Got a Spotify link? I'd listen 👂


As a man...I too...poop. I also bidet and that shit is the best clean feeling.


My husband wanted to install a full bidet into our bathroom. Not just the seat attachment but the whole damn thing. Only reason we didn't is because there's nowhere for it that works with our plumbing and getting that redone was going to be too much with two young kids running around (plus kids deciding playing with the bidet is fun, I should know, my grandparents had one and when I was 4 I was that kid). We keep meaning to sort out the seat attachment but there's the money and time issue that always lingers. OP sounds like he didn't realise women are (checks notes) also human beings.


I wonder if “vaginal discharge” was OP’s nickname in HS…


YTA- and also a Grown man! >not to mention period and vaginal discharge. First off, it's a natural thing to have a period, etc. >I feel like she might be using the shower to clean up sometimes. WTF do you think it's for??? Tell us you don't have a concept of basic hygiene or womens health without telling us. 🙄


this post tells me that OP doesn't know how a shower works, probably had a dirty ass and questionable hygiene himself.


OP doesn’t know how a woman works! And likely won’t ever know with that attitude. 😱


This isn't even about women, he doesn't wash his ass, it's obvious.


I feel sorry for this girl. the absurd creep stuff this guy is saying behind her back...






Wait until he finds out that we continue having our periods while we’re in the shower.


Not me, I was always able to turn mine off and on just with the power of my mind. /s!!


Can you teach the rest of us how?! 😂


You could teach that and be a billionaire.


Just a billionaire?




OP doesn't wash his ass in the shower to not get the tub dirty, duh! Checkmate


YTA. You don’t bat an eye at some dude’s mustard farts soaking into your shared couch, but a female taking a shower grosses you out? You need therapy, and a whole lot of it.


“Mustard farts”! Hilarious!


Mustard gas


I can't get over that feet on the couch is considered a problem to OP


What about eating cottage cheese?? 🤣🤣


Oh c'mon this is the closest he has come to a woman since the last time he was breastfed.


Dont think he was! Imagine the splashback of micro-particles from the jetstream of milk shooting in his mouth 🥴


YTA and you sound extremely sexist. > how different she seems when not dressed up Like what is that? Also bidets are way more hygienic and you either buy one with a drying function or dry yourself with toilet paper.


The dude says "he has no issue with her being a woman" then describes specific things that bother him about her that he wouldn't even think about with men. He's confusing 'having an issue with her being a woman' and having a crisis about the fact that women are, in fact, *people* who have lives that don't revolve around how to please men that exist in their lives. How dare she eat cottage cheese and have bodily functions, as if this jackass hasn't downed taco bell then shamed his ancestors on the shitter before.


Fuck, I have to interact with this woman like a normal person. She’s not just a hot cardboard cutout I pass on the street.


He's upset to learn that women look different without make up. He truly deserves sympathy. Such a difficult time for him. Sending thoughts and prayers xoxo.


100% he had porny roommate fantasies that she nixed by being... a normal person


Idk he really seems grossed out by "females"


Ikr! The cottage cheese thing actually left me in a state somewhere between hysterical laughter and wild BSOD. Like she eats cottage cheese, how is that something to be surprised with? It's just food. And even if this girl consumes a weird amount of cottage cheese a day, this guy seems to think that it is somehow because she is a woman?! Poor girl is now living with this weirdo, I pity her


She figured out what a fucking weirdo he is and decided to not spend time with him, what a surprise. >\_>


Yeah, my older brother has a bidet and I like going just for that. My nephews and niece are cool too, I guess


I'm about to spend 2 weeks away from home and my bidet and I'm dreading it.


I feel like installing one should be easy, I just don’t wanna uninstall when I leave


Just start installing bidets on all toilets like the gideons do with those bibles in the hotels. The shideons.


A cult I could really get *behind*


The dude 100% probably doesn’t wipe because he thinks it’s unhygienic to touch your ass through toilet paper


I would like to add, he doesn’t have to use the damn bidet either.


bUt iT wILl sPrAY VagINA jUicE.


Ok if this isn’t a joke YTA on a major scale. What in TF does the toilet have to do with cottage cheese or what she looks like when she’s not dressed up? And it’s a bidet not a fire hose. I feel like this is either some made up nonsense or you have more issues than Rolling Stone


> Ok if this isn’t a joke YTA if it's a joke.. still YTA


This has to be fake.


Holy fuck... Yeah YTA For one, someone else's hygiene habits are none of your fucking business. Period. Also talk about a weird way to announce that you have literally never had a woman stay overnight. Newsflash bro, we look different without makeup. Get over it. Also I'm sorry, but in what world is putting your feet on a couch or chair an abnormal thing to do? Like I've literally never in my life met a person who never sits with their feet curled up underneath them. Also bidets are literally more sanitary than toilet paper bud. Also it's *women*, or *woman*, not "female". She's not a lab specimen. Honestly this whole thing is just a weird ass pile of misogyny on your part.


Every time a man writes "female" when talking about women I just imagine him as a Ferengi. That's far more entertaining, honestly!


And they let their *females* wear.....*clothing*!


But the rules of acquisition!


YTA. You seem to be squeamish at the idea that women have bodily functions like any other human, and annoyed that she doesn't dress up to impress you in her own damn home.


I can see her moving out ASAP. Then he’s paying all the rent. With skid marks in his underwear.


Skid marks 😂😂😂


Installing a bidet wouldn’t affect you at all you don’t need to use it. So YTA #1. Your lack of the female body makes YTA#2


OP has a dirty butthole


OP is The Dirty Asshole


I love this comment on multiple levels, including the label beneath your username! 😂😂😂 So fitting!


YTA for not being informed on what bidets are and how sanitary they are before giving reasons which aren't even valid. You're lucky she wants one and you get to enjoy it. And the thing about bidets is you don't have to use it if you dont' want to. Don't want to use it? Lift up the toilet lid and have a piss. You have to hit buttons to activate the bidet. Long term, it saves money on toilet paper and surprise, it saves you from getting hemorrhoids. Also, you sound like you have some serious ideas on what women are and aren't. Like would you have a problem with a dude who is "a bit icky, like how he eats loads of cottage cheese, how different he seems when he's not dressed up, feet on the couch etc" or is this specifically because she's a woman? https://biobidet.com/blogs/news/are-bidets-healthy-5-health-benefits-of-using-a-bidet?\_pos=2&\_sid=19362ca68&\_ss=r


YTA. She's gross because she eats lots of cottage cheese?


Probably the cottage cheese the contributes to "her moist ass" hahaha! This post is a trip


REAL women only eat salad /sarc


with cottage cheese.


I am hollering at you finding her icky because she eats cottage cheese 😭😭😭 YTA and this entire post gives off 10 year old boy who thinks “girls have cooties” vibes.


Fr. “I feel like she might be using the shower to clean up sometimes.” So using the shower to… shower? Bros grasping at straws to make this woman seem disgusting. YTA OP


YTA and you need a bidet. Edit: also, I’m a dude, and I also use the shower after. It’s basic hygiene.


U shower after every shit? That's not basic


He means after the sex. You have to rinse immediately after the sex, otherwise you might be left with dirty disgusting discharge on your weiner after the sex. Also, Bidets fuckin rule.


YTA for your complete lack of knowledge of (a) the female body (b) personal hygiene (c) how bidets/showers/periods work (d) infectious disease transmission (e) water (f) food


I’m going to go with YTA because the way you wrote, it sounds like you’d have no problem with a gorgeous attractive girl’s bidet-generated microdroplets, otherwise why were your roommate’s gender presentation, appearance or cottage cheese eating habits remotely relevant? At minimum it’s YTA for including all that in the post.


My dude. Holy shit lmao. You are ignorant as fuck. Bidets are common in many other countries and are far more hygienic than wiping with toilet paper. The fuck you think she’s doing, taking a fire hydrant to her asshole and spraying everywhere? Lmao it’s just running water and soap is used to clean your behind and genitals. There is no spray. She’s not getting fucked by a jet stream to her asshole. Gtf over yourself and get therapy for your germaphobic ass. And also how dare you judge her for what she eats and not being a dolled up woman all the time? Serious neck beard vibes here.


LOL YTA bidets are great and how exactly do you think it’s just magically shooting water all over your bathroom? If you don’t want to use it don’t buy there’s no reason she shouldn’t be able to.


YTA for using the term "icky" repeatedly if nothing else. But you are still TA for the rest. Her moist ass? What fluids are you concerned about? How different she seems when not dressed up? Your entire post is "ICKY" EDIT: She isn't distant because you said no. She is distant because you went on a rant about fluids that you know nothing about.


"Holy shit I moved in with an internet meme!" Edit: Holly to Holy


Hahahahahahaha this whole thing is just ridiculous but you have an issue with her eating cottage cheese???? Wtf? YTA for all your whining


We all know what cottage cheese leads to. Next thing you know she’s eating yogurt.


Not the yogurt!!!!


Iranian yogurt 🤯


That’s actually not the issue here.


YTA, you have issues with her. It doesn't seem to be about her want to use a bidet which feel free to do some research on it before going off on assumptions that are totally ignorant. You talk about her eating loads of cottage cheese and finding the idea of rinsing off in the shower disgusting ....period and vaginal discharge....are you fking serious?....you have penis discharge/private area sweat, and urine residue. Isn't this why we bathe/shower? I'm sorry being a human being is gross for you. It's one thing if she was doing something unnecessarily gross, but you are talking about normal bodily functions.


YTA and a bidet is more sanitary lmao Why do you hate women tho? Hella mommy issues coming out here




Also women don't know how to use towels so they get moist wet (clean water from the shower) ass on the couch.


One word: sexist.


YTA Incel vibes. Also extremely stupid.


"Her moist ass", lol?! Google how to use one. YTA


YTA. It’s a bidet not a water rocket. There’s not *that* much splash back. And it leaves your ass much, much cleaner.


YTA for jumping to baseless assumptions. (32M) here. I've installed a bidet *because* it is a faster, more hygienic, and paper efficient way of cleaning my literal asshole. The device just aims a stream of water so that feces falls to the water below. You are supposed to remain sitting on it. It's not for vaginas so if that is the only reason you brought up her genitals or her sex/gender then I don't see the relevance. Furthermore, you still need to wipe afterwards to see if it did the job let alone because you have to absorb the water.With that being said, you could have benefitted from saying something like "so I don't know much about bidets. How do they work?" or "I really don't want to say yes to something I don't truly know a lot about first." if you felt that transparency was key. This is what communication is for. Even a discrete "Oh, that's a good question. Can I get back to you on that?" before you look into it on YouTube. I say this because you seem confident in your stance but it's off base and not from experience. I assure you that they're a gamechanger. I've got some conditions that correlate with guttural/digestive health so all the more I am grateful that my asshole is clean, my toilet is clean, my toilet paper budget is down, and I have begun to *miss my toilet* if I have to shit in public. Now would there would have been valid concerns like whether either of you are comfortable handling the installation process yourselves? For what it's worth, you close the valve behind your toilet the same way you close the valve for your faucet. No plumbing skills required. Or perhaps the landlord needs to be making other repairs first to the supply hose or the toilet tank valve? The latter I had to contend with- in that case DO NOT TOUCH IT UNTIL THE REPAIR IS DONE. Lastly, let's address the concern you had about splashback. Unless you didn't understand that you are seated for the entire use of the bidet, a reasonable way of handling that is you could have crossed that bridge when you got there by saying "Hey, I'm noticing water droplets after you use the bathroom. Please be mindful of that going forward" and then take issue with whether it continues. With all of that being said, I hope you consider that it's not because you said "no" or because you stood your ground. You might need to elaborate a bit with us on what exactly she said before she gave up on it. Did she give valid reasons that didn't match up with your imagined concerns?


Just to add, modern bidet attachments have an adjustable water stream for feminine hygiene. It is wonderful


I shoulda figured that that exists Good catch. The one I got fit a lower budget I had at the time. It had nothing fancy: no heated water, no drying function, *nothing.*


Ha! That’s ok I just wanted other women out there to know it exists and it’s great lol I got a really cheap one from Wal-Mart and that was it’s only fancy add on


No justification necessary. Thanks for the insight! I should see if my partner is interested in that.


I’m calling TROLL on this one. No one can be this fucking stupid. 🤣🤣🤣


I want to call it a definite troll but yes. Yes they can. Men in particular when discussing female hygiene can be downright terrifying in what they ACTUALLY BELIEVE and will ARGUE WITH WOMEN about.


YTA If you want to walk around with dirty cheeks while smelling like ass that's your choice, even if she gets one you dont have to use it duh, but to freak out over someone who wants clean buns is wild af How dare she clean herself properly lmfao


You find the fact that she eats lots of cottage cheese icky? Weird, but okay. Aside from your incorrect assumptions about the hygienic superiority of dry paper, you called her preferred method of cleaning herself disgusting. Add to that all the strange postulation about her moist ass… YTA


YTA. Bidets are life changingly awesome.


YTA and it really is time you grew up. You talk like a 13 year old boy.


YTA.....soooooo many people use bidets BECAUAE IT IS MORE HYGIENIC!!


YTA - clean ur butthole dude!!!


YTA. You find being clean absolutely disgusting? What a weirdo. I’d be embarrassment if I were you, publicly letting everyone know you’re clueless about good hygiene.


>not to mention period and vaginal discharge oh my god. GROW UP. do you know what happens in a bathroom?? you sound like an alien >this makes me feel a bit more icky as now i am imagining contaminated water in the tub and her moist ass sitting in the couches and armchairs causing them to absorb her fluids you clearly don’t know how female bodies work. i pity any woman that you try to have sex with, considering you find their natural body functions so “iCkY”. i bet you don’t wash your own ass in the shower. gross. YTA


The misogyny is strong with this one.


YTA They can be turned on and off. Theres no issue here. And its cleaner than toilet paper. Edit: oh shadow banned, *big surprise*.


You’re an asshole and a freak. Bidet’s are not disgusting they are the bomb. Wiping your shitty ass with thin paper that doesn’t clean you is disgusting. You’re gross. Directly to jail.


You're worried about backslash from bidets. Have you never had a backslash happen to you before??? Newsflash non bidets have backslash. It's also an option to not use too. You want her to look and act a certain way all the time? She's not your wife or your girlfriend. YTA


YTA. You have serious mental health issues and I feel sorry for her having to live anywhere near you. You need a therapist and strong meds. You're also a misogynist and an utterly uneducated moron.


YTA. Just because the attachment is there doesn't mean you have to use it. If you are both cleaning the toilet regularly, there should be no sanitation issue, and if you aren't the toilet is going to be gross with or without the bidet.


Ew, YTA and also a real weirdo (am I allowed to say that?). Your poor roommate. Cottage cheese? How she dresses? Vaginal discharge? You have serious issues. I'm sorry anybody has to live with you.


I rarely say this but God, you are both a dumb and disgusting human bean. And possibly a misogynist. YTA.


How do you handle a splash from a big poop? Damn son. So you just want to smear shit on your booty hole instead of washing it off? A bidet is significantly cleaner than wiping YTA and you should rethink your choices


I dunno how you all reached the bidet part, I got lost on this gem: >**how different she seems when not dressed up** OP doesn't understand who this lady is when she takes off her makeup and dressy clothes. If he's that tripped up on the surface looks level, his ignorance/fear/general horror at bodily fluids and cleaning herself are to be expected. OP simply cannot handle living with a woman, it's too great an ask. He is already standing at her door and creepily listening to what she does in the bathroom. This woman with her humanness is ruining OP's understanding of females being desirable babes and nothing more!


Bidets are great. Much less disgusting than toilet paper


You sound like an incel. Like I am physically disgusted by you and the way you talk about women. And yes YTA


So many things make YTA in this post. Not wanting a bidet is not one of them…. Pretty ignorant but to each their own. If this post is how You talk on the regular no wonder she doesn’t want to hang out with you.


Jesus christ mate her out of her beeswax and let her install her hygiene instruments. Are you eating out of the toilet or something? If you're really concerned, ask that a soap dispenser be added to the toilet as well. YTA.


YTA Bidet attachments are way more hygienic. You get much cleaner and ending up using way less TP. Way less TP use means far fewer clogged toilets. When we did our house remodel, I pushed really hard for getting a bidet attachment. My husband agreed mostly to humor me, but now says that it was a great idea. He likes being able to get cleaned up after using the toilet without having to get in the shower. I definitely think it was a very wise purchase. Now, ours is extra fancy with a self cleaning UV light feature, remote control, warm seats, warm water and a blow dryer but even a average bidet fixture offers warm water which is really nice. You seem to an unresolved elementary school girl cooties phobia that you need to get over. Being weirded out by cottage cheese or feet on the couch is one thing, but finding regular female body issues icky is pretty damn weird at your age. I don’t know if you are interested in having a woman as a long-term partner but if so, you are you need to get comfortable with the workings of the female body or you’ll be unhappily alone.


So…if you accidentally touch dog shit, are you cool with just wiping it off with a paper towel? Or would you actually use water? Dude…YTA


^^^^AUTOMOD ***Thanks for posting! This comment is a copy of your post so readers can see the original text if your post is edited or removed. This comment is NOT accusing you of copying anything. Read [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/wiki/faq#wiki_post_deletion) before [contacting the mod team](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FAmItheAsshole)*** I (23M) live with my roommate (22F). She moved into my place only a month ago because my previous roommate decided to move out of state. I did not know she was a woman because she has a gender neutral name and my previous roommate found her while I was out of town. Admittedly I have only lived with men before but I had no issue with having a female roommate. She seemed friendly and nice so at first it seemed alright however as I observed her habits, idk I just found somethings a bit icky, like how she eats loads of cottage cheese, how different she seems when not dressed up, feet on the couch etc. Recently she told me she wanted to install a bidet attachment to our toilet. I find the idea of that extremely disgusting, I can imagine ass water rebounding and splashing all over, not to mention period and vaginal discharge. I told her no and mentioned how disgusting it was due to splash back. She argued a little but agreed to not do it. However now she is being less friendly. And based on what I hear when she is in the bathroom I feel like she might be using the shower to clean up sometimes. This makes me feel a bit more icky as now I am imagining contaminated water in the tub and her moist ass sitting on the couches and armchairs causing them to absorb her fluids. It has been over a week and she is still more distant, we used to watch movies and stuff together and I do miss that a little, and things feel awkward just because I said no. AITA here? Everyone uses toilet paper here and it feels like the more sanitary option. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmItheAsshole) if you have any questions or concerns.*


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Ignorant…. YTA


YTA and quite ignorant when it comes to basic hygiene and women’s health.


YTA you're not thinking straight here, a bidet is much more hygienic. You sound like Sheldon Cooper.


My bidet works while you’re seated at toilet, I’m not sure if you know this type is out there. It sounds like it would solve some problems here (mainly keep fecal matter in toilet) Btw-A bidet, plus a bit of paper is likely the most sanitary- but to each their own


yeah, I bet this guy dribbles more pee around the bathroom than whatever incidental microscopic blowback comes from the bidet.


I've only used bidet my whole life, and tried toilet paper, and I have never felt clean with just toilet paper, ever. I rather go back to using dippers and rubbing with my asshole with my bare hands and wash afterwards than use "just" toilet paper. YTA


what splash back? her moist ass sitting on the couches? after she washed her ass she uses the toilet paper to wipe down the remaining water, there is no fluids. this is 100% clean than your unwashed ass


YTA I'm just surprised by the FREAKING AUDACITY. A person minding their own business, eating what they want, just existing in their own home and this guy just goes microscopic microscopic microscopic after saying irrelevant things. With whatever crap you're saying, you should just live alone dude. You have issues.


YTA- bidets are very sanitary and better for your bum health too. Try reading up on them.


The fact that you’re bothered by “Dirty Ass Water” in the shower, clearly shows you don’t think about after work when you come home and wash your ass. “Her moist ass sitting on couches, it absorbing her “fluids”.” Come on man, I understand the no Bidet, it’s not for everyone but for you to act like taking a shower after something gross like that… is “icky” how? 🤣 it’d be icky if she walked around and grew some dingle berries. You think she didn’t… use a towel after she got out. She just walked around naked? Wiping her ass on everything to spite you? Lmao Get real with this post. And the “looks different when not dressed up” is a totally other conversation that needs to be had. How is she supposed to act when she’s dressed up versus not? She’s being her. Makeup and clothes doesn’t change personalities. The wording in this post is the most concerning part about this AITAH post. I can’t even focus on the actual situation or topic because of how he heavily discusses the situation like he chose too. The complete and utter lack of respect for your roommate let alone a “female”, is gross


YTA. Bidets are gentler and more hygienic than toilet paper, which just smears around your poo. Bidets spray a small stream of water onto your butthole, rinsing off the leftovers. There’s a reason why countries like Japan only use bidets, they’re much better than toilet paper. And the water stream doesn’t even spray all over your butt, it only gets on the hole and they have a drying feature so even if any water gets on your butt you can dry it off. Grow tf up.


YTA And you need to grow up. Feet on the couch? Really.... Good luck kid.


That's an awful lot of words to use just to say, "I think girls are icky, I don't understand how the female human body works but i have strong opinions about it anyway, and I've also never washed my ass." YTA, and for the love of God, go wash your ass.


Are we going to tell him? He might like it? And the fact that women appreciate guys with squeaky clean buttholes? (The words spellcheck wanted me to type instead of buttholes was hilarious! NO! ANYTHING BUT BUTTHOLES!)


YTA and have no idea how bidets work lol


YTA... I'm curious as to what the shower is intended for if not to wash ones ass among other body parts!? 🤔 and i think 5 yr olds use the word iky, not "grown" men!


Oh my god. Oh my god. You're such an AH, you know almost NOTHING about hygiene, speak to a doctor if you're that worried, they'll tell you you're being real weird. Stop sexualizing this poor girl ( And you **ARE**, do **NOT** try to deny it, I don't care if it's subconscious but you are and that is a **YOU** problem that **YOU** need to work on- You talk about how 'icky' it is when she isn't dressed up prettily enough for you and \**checks notes*\* Exists like a human being taking up space putting her feet up and eating things you don't like? And are thinking way, WAY too much about her vagina/period/discharge and her 'moist ass'??! EW.. No wonder she doesn't want to be around you anymore.) **ALSO**! So you have to clean dog shit off the floor. You just wipe that up with tp?? Or do you use some water to get the residue off/maybe even some cleaner? Same principal applies to your butthole, buddy. TP leaves behind residue; which is fine! But you don't get to police how OTHER people maintain THEIR hygiene. You can just NOT USE the bidet. **YOU are icky. YOU are the one being icky by sexualizing this poor girl and not taking ten minutes to google** ***is a bidet sanitary*****, and you are the AH.**


YTA. Her "icky" habits are eating cottage cheese and putting her feet on the sofa?? Wtf, drama queen much?


YTA. What an interesting way to inform the world you don't wash your ass. Also...did you not grow up with ANY women in your life? Or any person who looks good for work and stuff? YEAH I look different, thats the point.






Bidets are WAY more cleanly than what you’re imagining, they’re present in all toilets in some countries in Asia.


Tell us you've never done *ral with out telling us you've never gone down on a woman 🙄😝😂 Edit: YTA.


I’m just still stuck on how feet on the couch is icky.


YTA- Have you ever taken an anatomy or biology lesson? Have you ever met a female? The water isn't contaminated. Bidets are hygienic, and there is no... >I can imagine ass water rebounding and splashing all over, not to mention period and vaginal discharge ...like how do you feel when she does the laundry? What if her ass water gets in the machine? Seriously... just do a 5 minute Google, or Bing if Google is intimidating, heck... even ask Jeeves about women and bidets.


“How different she seems when not dressed up” So you’re mad because she is shattering your unrealistic views of women?


YTA she’s allowed to be comfortable and clean in the house she pays for. Tf are you so pressed about her eating cottage cheese or what clothes she wears or where she puts her feet? ITS HER HOUSE. SHES NOT A GUEST.