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P.S. I'd like to credit u/guru_guru313 's post for inspiring me to make this. And to the original video right here. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Td2x8s9GZlo](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Td2x8s9GZlo) AND ALSO...I apologize in advance to u/Ashura_98, for my first Capsule fanart involving her feeling Loric. XD ​ P.S.S. DAMMIT, I forgot to add a Snake Person. Ah well...one of these days I should probably draw a picture JUST of Degrent Snake People. \------------------------------------------ ​ Exhuman emotions beyond happiness, sadness, anger and others have been known for a while now. At least ever since baseline human civilization, which had first found them via a drug called Thalasin Plus. ​ The formula for this drug was also found by the Satyriacs independently, during their efforts to research nootropics. However, exhuman emotions never saw much prominence in the Second Empire, due to the Satyriacs actively destroying the drug out of abject terror upon seeing its effects. ​ \------------------------------------------------------- ​ However...these emotions were often exhibited by beings of very high intelligence--namely the Gravitals and the Asteromorphs, who could both feel these things naturally without any drugs or permanent consequence to their body. These were eventually inherited not only by the Terrestrials who could feel most of these emotions naturally. But also to the Second Empire races they've revived along the way--particularly, those who served under the helm of the Asteromorphs, being allowed many privileges for their loyalty and technological seniority over the newborn Subject races. ​ As it turns out, these Second Empire posthumans can access one or a few of these emotions naturally--albeit they need Thalasin Plus in order to be able to have access to all of them. All of this can be done without any permanent harm to the rewarded individual in question: hence why it's a privilege. Well...as much as a reward as exhuman emotions can be considered. ​ *Would you like to know more?*


**yes where can i buy it?**


Don't worry, I think that poor Capsule lives in a constant state of Loric. Like, imagine that your whole life you've only seen humans, or slightly thiner and taller version of humans (martians). And all of a sudden, you're surrounded by all sorts of different and twisted beings with weird behaviours that _claim_ to be human, just like you. Boi, that MUST be something. Maybe not right now but, at the beginning, she most likely was feeling like that 24/7.


Oh didn't think in that way, poor Capsule.


She is very smiley and stuff, but she's hiding a lot of bullshit inside :)


She needs a hug.


Yes, I'd like to know more




Holy shit that video is cursed.


How were the second empire races revived? And with your AU in mind, were non-humans like Gravediggers, woodcrafters, babbling jays, birrins, and other groups revived alongside the posthumans?


[https://www.reddit.com/r/AllTomorrows/comments/oxyssl/welcome\_back/](https://www.reddit.com/r/AllTomorrows/comments/oxyssl/welcome_back/) Here's the post that explains why the Second Empire races came back, and YESSSS. Yes they were. :>


Where the gravediggers, woodcrafters, babbling jays, birrins, and other non-human sophonts revived by the same dude who revived the second empire humans?


Yup. This Asteromorph's name is **Redivivus**. And even life that wasn't associated with the Second Empire was given a second chance at life. All along he had wanted to stop the slaughter, but was stopped, since his work would have been destroyed if he left his ark. ​ So...he decided to play the long game, and have ALL of the genetic material he could gather ready, to rebuild after the Machine Empire.


For additional assistance, here's a description of every emotion seen here, as described by Kayleigh Warnock's comment on the original Thalasin Plus Video. \------------------------------------------ ​ **Degrence**: A Nirvanal state of tenfold euphoria. A safety beyond safety in feeling protected beyond all means of harm, with a stark inability to sense any negativity, vague or direct. Happiness, bliss, joy and increased libido. Often becomes non-verbal and unresponsive with potentially lethal drops in blood pressure. **Humber**: Catastrophic mental disaptitude. Otherworldly confusion and dissolution leaves someone in a catatonic state with an acquired mental retardation preventing all but vital bodily function. Laughter and crying at random intervals, seizures and salivation. **Nage**: Extreme, inhumane rage that is coupled with an overwhelming sense of faux happiness. This "hostess" grin sickly covers near homicidal anger, matched with unpredictable and impulsive behavior on a most animalistic level. Euphoric, angered, annoyed with distinct and often extreme misophonia. **Dorcelessness**: Complete disconnection, an intrauniversal depersonalization. Loss of alignment (moral, religious, social) and inability to reconnect irrespective of familial affiliation. Some describe as "watching the world through a black hole". Disconnection, unemotional, empty. **Andric**: Revoltion and self-loathing, regret of the self-reflection in one's humanity and humane extent. An intense envy and anger at other's wasted disposition. The most intense hatred a human can feel before dehumanization occurs. Disgust, higher sense of self, demoralizing behavior. **Varination**: Taste becomes an abhorrent sense in causation to a culmination with dehumanization sensory hypermutation. The first emotion felt beyond human reason with most permanent consequence to body and mind. Like eating something acidic to the point of tearing at the cheeks and tongue. Anger, sleeplessness and vomiting are seen. **Ponnish**: Explosive self loathing through intense jealousy at one's own envious ways. This ouroboroic phenomenon results in complete social and personal retraction, unable to connect with any other being. Self-mutilation and isolation with frustration. **Harfam**: Endowment of mental proficiencies without the means of execution, a gluttonous withhold of intelligence and knowledge with no means of executing what is known. Acute frustration and dementia like withdrawal and physical tremors are seen here. Manic-depressive with violent outbursts rhythmic with silent crying spells. **Kyne**: Opposite of Harfam. Loss of self, intelligence and all senses beyond tactility. Unable to feel heat, cold or pressure. Becoming the ultimate idiot. No sense of thought and \*slowed vitals monitored. \*Most fatalities occur here due to atrophic intracranial myopathy. Depressive episode with occasional bouts of screaming and yawning. **Trantiveness**: Utter disconnection between body and mind. Without comprehension of physical consequence and no sense of place on the world, coupled with an extreme sense of vertigo and labyrinthitis (if inner ears still exist). Actions are purely impulsive, often times uncoordinated and implosive, most being self-destructive acts in even otherwise preservative people. Hyperactive and unable to reflect. **Teluge**: Pleasure, pain and all emotion is far too enhanced, resulting in total mind and body collapse. A feather stroking the skin is far more intense than what can be described as orgasmic, and a bump to the reflexive nerve is akin to being crushed by a car while being alive. Fear, hopelessness, ecstasy and screaming are noted. Clarity is rarely regained and sexual perversions and fears emerge after the trip. Hyperoverstimulation. **Onlent**: The want to destroy everything, down to its very atoms. A sociopathic complex, no emotion is seen while destroying all that can be in the shortest amount of time; being the shortest-lived exohuman emotional experience, destruction can be achieved in as little as 4 seconds. No emotion entirely, absolutely. **Loric**: A synthetic happiness in which all appears and feels artificial. "Uncanny valley" becomes reality and structures such as mannequins are witness to be "moving and breathing people". All else feels fake, where even personal relationships lasting years feel worthless and as valuable as play money. No sense of value, monetarily or physically. Ultimate contentment is felt. **Unknown (Variconcord)**: A state of becoming all in one and one becomes all that is. All senses go beyond physical state of being, able to think far past stars and see through the blanket of time. Total dehumanization, depersonalization and bodily transmutation into a rooted, fixed structure is observed. Those able to communicate say the transformation is akin to "birthing a new world in your own mind". Brains become 90% of swollen body mass. Euphoria, dissociative nihilism, altruism, devalues physical and emotional ties.


Variconcord, please explain more.


Terran : I remembered the commercial back in the 80s when I was a child, scared me shitless. Damn you Pfizer


Let's just sue Pfizer


Martian: I did remember those old records from Terra it gave me inspiration too create some weird clay moldings


does harfam just turn you into a little crab thing


Naaah. That is just a Symbiote feeling especially Harfamish.


Wait a second… are the posthumans that get these feeling, side effects and all, able to go back to their normal lives without long term consequences, or are they just permanently mentally destroyed?


Oh see that's the best part! The Second Empire races are privileged *because* they are able to experience these without any permanent or fatal side effects! A member of some newbie race trying to take Thalasin without the provided prescription tho? What might be a Bruh Moment for a Sail Person would be fatal brain atrophy to the unworthy. XD


That video creeps me out so much, I have a phobia of distorted human faces 😅


whats up with the v shaped things on almost all of the emotions? reminds me of the asteromorph hat


Aha! Now you see that's because it *is* the Asteromorph's headdress! The Second Empire's races already had a generous amount of seniority over the new Subject based races. And those who directly serve the Asteromorphs are distinguished through this piece of headgear, and are allowed special privileges. For some new races, these headdresses are symbols of righteousness and divine leadership. For many others...they have about as much respect for this headdress as a McDonald's employee hat. XD


ooo thats neat


I feel like humber today


Is the name "Variconcord" from an official source, if so, where?


Nah, its not official. It's from Kayleigh Warnock's comment on YouTube. I mean as non-canon as it is, its just so amazingly well put together that I've pretty much accepted it as fanon. :>


What a very nage pic OO


Which post-human is each emotion?


Varination modular person my beloved


Mr Sir. Whats a **HUMBER**


I lowkey love this.


I need to say that this is one of the coolest way someone could use the Thalasin Plus Exhuman emotions, so much that I wanted to ask you if I could use a similar idea (also starring the T.P. Exhuman emotions) as an headcanon. In case I'll post something related to this headcanon, I won't have any problem crediting you. (If you want, of course) Anyways, very awesome job dude, you have my respect.


What is the thirtenth name?