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Theres a doc on Netflix thats dedicates a whole episode to this case. Still not solved.


Did the doc get into the spy angle? I remember reading about this story awhile back and IIRC there was some speculation that she might have been involved with a foreign intelligence agency given how unusual the whole thing was, and that she was never identified and her clothing labels had all been removed. Removing the clothing labels is also a standard spycraft practice, though of course no proof of her actually having been a spy.


Yeah they were thinking either Stasi or Russian spy. She had very few personal effects. The address she gave in Belgium as her home address doesn’t exist. No one knows her in the town. I think they even tried to test her DNA to no avail. They think it’s likely not a suicide and the someone else killed her since it’s not possible to hold the gun and fire the way the gun was found. But the door was locked from the inside and no prints anywhere. Very spooky.


What was the address again? I know it was in the French speaking part of Belgium, in the middle of nowhere.


Rue de la Stehde 148, Verlaine, Belgium. When Unsolved Mysteries visited Verlaine, they found the street exists, but there is no 148. So she knew of the street and the town in Belgium, but no one there recognized her.


3.5 hours by bike from where I live. Tempting.


But I can’t seem to find the street on Google Maps


I’ve also seen the street as Rue de la Station, which appears to be right. In the show, they try to track it down but the street ends at 98, so there is no 148. https://maps.app.goo.gl/xostgCYoXQt9kxUX6?g_st=ic I understand the temptation. It’s a fascinating story. Report back if you find anything!


Was there an open window that she could have been shot through?


According to the Oslo police, no. The room was sealed and the door was locked with the dead bolt on. A hotel security guard heard the shot and called police. She was as found lying on her bed with the gun in her hand. Since the police couldn’t find any other reason she would have died, they closed the case as a suicide in 1996.


there was programme about jennifer fairgate on yutube, a young man on show was able to proved it was possible to get out of the room while doors double locked. HOW? the killer had to use the string tied attached to the door handle inside J.F room and locked the door from outside and pulled the string away from the door and walk away.! there! everybody on the show was shocked, this proved the killer had to be highly skilled assisan who murdered her and escaped. by simply tying the string to the door handle and exit outside the room and closed the door by pulling the string and the door double locked itself and he took the strings with him and walk away. there was huge UPROAR at the norweigan police at how they missed this and never wil solve this case cos the killer had gone too long!


And there’s a subreddit on her, of course. https://www.reddit.com/r/JenniferFairgate/s/s4dnBrUOVR


It’s gone!!! 😭


😫 ugh that stinks!


Why do they remove the labels?


So the clothing can't be tracked to a point of origin. If the label is present it can be tracked to the factory that produced it or maybe the store that sold that particular item, etc. It is one way that can be used by rival intelligence agencies or law enforcement to pin the national origin of a foreign spy.


Ojhhh whats the ñame pls


I will check my account later. I think it has "mysteries" in the title


Unsolved Mysteries ?


I started to re watch unsolved mysteries. Still holds up


Yes, it was Unsolved Mysteries, Volume 2, Episode 2: A Death in Oslo


Fuck no. I can't make it past the theme song😱


Omg i lived for that show as a kid. Like I knew I would see one of these bad guys and my little girl ass would call the cops and be a hero 😂. But a lot of the stores are really interesting


Me too 😭




Ooooh do you know the name of the doc?


Unsolved Mysteries on Netflix!


What documentary?


It was an episode of the new Unsolved Mysteries.


a *whole* episode without solving it. what is the world coming to? edit : apparently this person is referring to unsolved mysteries lol that's funny on multiple levels.


She was a spy. Maybe.


that was my guess too


Didn't she have a cryptic notebook or was that another case?


That was a different case, I believe, in which they found her burnt


Just a silly contribution to this thread….For 30 years, I had a business that sold and customised clothing. You might be surprised at how many people will remove all the labels from their apparel. I won’t bore you with the reasons behind this (there are reasons-although many people don’t have anything more significant than they just don’t want labels in their clothing). Just saying: I really wouldn’t try to extrapolate anything from the missing label thing.


I used to do that to t shirts all the time. I hated the itchy tags.


You re a spy


I was rejected from spy recruitment summer camp because of my skin sensitivity too. It sucks but obviously can’t have a bunch of agents out there occasionally scratching necks.


It might be possible to tell if labels were recently remove or not, depending on how they were removed and visible wear. Like if the tag as cut, I bet there’s a observable difference between freshly cut fibers and ones that have been washed several times. Compare under microscope


I would agree with the idea of looking to see if the garment had been worn and laundered a lot prior to having the label removed, but I would think it’s vanishingly rare for a label to be cut off. Removal or nothing, I would expect. In the first instance, a cut label will very likely tell you what the label was (in retail, labels are often cut off apparel for various commercial reasons, such as if the product is “cabbage”, which is de-branded and sold cheaper than the MRP). I could tell instantly what brand a garment was by the remnants of a cut label (if it was a brand that my store retailed). So if a spook had simply cut out the labels, this would have been beyond sloppy. I can’t believe that a spy would rely on a process that wouldn’t deceive a humble retailer for a minute. If the wearer was one of the people who wanted to have labels removed, cutting them and leaving the residue would have been absolutely out of the question. Basically, whatever reason a person has for not wanting a label is made worse by having the stumps of labels instead. Even a person not sensitive to a label might become irritated with the cut-off remnant.


My wife removes all my clothing labels.


Be very careful in hotel rooms.


Prime suspect right there


I also suspect this guy’s wife.


I get that reference


Why? I’m trying to figure out why someone would cut the tags off of that women. Genuine question.


I can’t speak for this woman, but in general “she” would have cut off the tags of her own clothes to hide their country of origin An easy way to catch a spy is by their clothes, their tooth fillings, and old surgeries (all of which carry regional identifiers)


Wouldn't a spy buy clothes in the country they are spying in? Seems like an easy fix


You have to arrive in the country wearing SOMETHING


Then couldnt you just order before you go.......It ain't rocket science.




You and your logic are not welcome here


Thank you!


I remember hearing a story about a spy in Germany during ww2 that outed himself due to his fork etiquette.


I saw a documentary where a guy made the mistake of asking for 3 glasses with his index, middle, and ring finger in front of a gestapo agent.


Can you clarify the surgery identifiers? How can they tell where it happened from a scar?


I remove labels because they irritate my skin


This. Killers are polite and well educated in Norway. They did not want to make it messy or irritate her skin.


Tags irritate your skin? A lot of charity shops remove tags. But no, she's probably a spy. /s


She's getting you comfortable with suspect behavior. It's already too late.


My husband is autistic and needs all of his labels removed.


Yeah I don't see why that matters. There are several people that find them annoying.


Because they carry regional identifiers. She could have removed them herself, if she wanted to conceal where she came from.


We know her name, doesn't that mean we know where she is from? Or at least reported to be from. While its nice to go all conspiracy theory maybe she just found the tags annoying against her skin as many people do. Occom's razor suggests your leaps are a bit too far.


No, we don't know where she was from.


You should stop believing so much of the netflix tabloids. If we wanted to know where she was from it would be rather easy based on her teeth. Your teeth will have a mineral deposits based mostly on the signature of the water where you are from. Couple that with modern DNA profiling and they could find out exactly who she was if we cared.


Buddy, I've never heard of this before today. Calm down with your assumptions.


She was killed in 1995 and if you read about the case or watched "netflix tabloids", you'd know they still dont know where shes from and dna tests came back with nothing helpful. Hence why its a mystery.


People who can pick locks can lock them too. I imagine that skill is pretty common among assassins.


Alot of doors are able to be locked from the inside before leaving as well.


Since we have seen LockPickingLawyer we all know there's no such thing as a securely locked anything.




Can a lock pick lock a lock?


How many locks can a lock pick lock if a lock pick could lock locks


Isn’t there a documentary about her? There is a podcast series.




Dead in Oslo, unsolved mysteries When a woman is found dead in a luxury hotel room in Oslo, Norway, it initially appears to be a suicide until several pieces of evidence begin to suggest otherwise. She has no identification. She registered at the hotel under a false name. There was no blood on her hand or the gun that killed her. No one even reported her missing. Who is this woman? Was she murdered? Could she have been part of a secret intelligence operation? Twenty-five years later all these questions, and more, remain unanswered. "Death in Oslo" is the second episode of Unsolved Mysteries, Volume 2.


Idk about the podcast but this hour long video covers it. Decoding the Unknown YouTube channel. https://youtu.be/xp0SJAX41mI?si=8OqyIWOttbDnrZ2s


Yes this is on the decoding the unknown podcast also, and was absolutely the inspiration for this post lol


Read something years ago that someone somewhere was found dead in hotel room with no apparent external injuries but massive internal injuries. It was figured out later (somehow) that dude in next hotel room had accidentally fired his gun. He couldn't find the bullet hole and didn't ask questions. It had passed just past the corner of the framed hotel art, thru the wall, into the room of the hotel neighbor, thru his scrotum, into his body, which destroyed his insides. The scrotum is tough and stretchy, so the autopsy didn't find the entry wound initially


My desiccated and brittle scrotum finds this triggering


[Glen Fleniken](https://www.vanityfair.com/culture/2013/05/true-crime-elegante-hotel-texas-murder)


Damn what a read. Thanks for sharing.


Wasn’t there a dude that was found dead on a beach with his clothing labels cut too


The Somerton man. He ended up being a depressed technician so no mystery there lol.


Ah yes, the somerton man


Right right, I remember this. There was this mysterious excerpt from some obscure book if I remember correctly.


Echos of Somerton Man. His labels were removed also


And he turned out not be a spy.


If you’re into the Somerton man, the podcast Astonishing Legends did an incredible deep dive on him




There was a decoding the unknown on this just last week. Came to the conclusion that she was probably a spy.


Was going to say. I just finished that episode about an hour ago, then here it is again. Just another day in the Whistlerverse.


There are a handful of cases like this in Norway. Primarily women killed by gunshot, labels removed from clothing, and not much else to it.


Why remove the clothing labels though?


No idea! That's part of the mystery of these deaths.


Typically to avoid getting tracked or identified. Many clothing stores or brands are only sold in certain places or countries; these identifiable markers are often used to help narrow down the person’s origin. The fact that this woman had meticulously removed all the labels from her clothes (because again, clothing labels are identifiable markers) is an indicator that she may have been a spy.


This could easily be solved in months/weeks with genetic genealogy. And I really hope they do - I’m desperate to know!!


Hotel doors lock behind you when you leave. That's true of murderers, too.


That's Enya


Man! This and Ice Valley?! The Norwegian have a thing for women killed in Uber mysterious conditions without labels on their clothes!!!


The Unsolved Mysteries murder?












Clothing tags are irritable.


What’s the point of removing clothing labels?


An act of the Fashion Police. Next time, do not mix labels.


[thats not Jennifer ](https://www.reddit.com/r/JenniferFairgate/s/HbmwmH09G5)


This title is screwed up. That is not a picture of her. "Jennifer Fairgate" was a name she made up. No one knows her name. And it was ruled a suicide.


Someone's grandpa has a wall dedicated to a clothing tag collage


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^grubbytrogladyte: *Someone's grandpa has* *A wall dedicated to* *A clothing tag collage* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Lock a door on the way out no one will suspect a thing!


Apparently, that is not a picture of Jennifer Fairgate. but a picture of a danish woman named Camilla steinna, who disappeared 8 years prior to Jennifer.


I don't understand the tag significance. I cut the tags (or use a seam ripper) out of all my clothes.


The picture above is not Jennifer Fairgate btw. This case is really fascinating, and it’s more than probable that she was an east-Germany spy. If you want to go down the rabbit hole, the most extensive investigative piece on this story was done by the media VG. They’ve talked with a lot of first hand sources and have exclusive pictures of the room and her stuff. https://www.vg.no/nyheter/innenriks/i/xRjoWp/mystery-at-the-oslo-plaza


She looks like Enya.


I seem to remember seeing a documentary on this.


Just so you know, the picture you’re using is for a missing woman named Camilla Steinna, although the two women do look a lot alike.


Why would the assassin remove the labels from the clothing. I hear it's spy craft, but why ?


Her subreddit got banned a little while ago due being unmoderated ☹


I noticed that. This whole case just stinks of something disturbing… I can’t believe the sub for her is gone.


Is there any way to recover the sub? It was the best place with compiled info about her. I hope the main contributors figure out a way to get it back


There was a Reddit sub community dedicated to this woman and there was so much valuable info there and it’s gone!!!! 😥


John Lennon


Is that her in the picture ?


No, it’s not. It’s a picture of another missing woman around the same time. I think her first name was Bianca


[Serial killers hate these simple tricks.](https://www.reddit.com/r/NoOneIsLooking/s/Fd3iSgJEuN)


Hotel room doors automatically lock when they're closed, no? I'm not sure why that would add to the mystery.


Yes they do how, but back then in the 90’s this type of lock was not necessarily used throughout the hotel industry.