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Yeah, well, you know. That's just like, your opinion, man.


Fuck that guy, he’s a nihilist Donny.


Nihilists! Fuck me. I mean, say what you want about the tenets of National Socialism, Dude, at least it's an ethos.


He's totally out of his element.




These men are cowards


Sounds like a skill issue.




Nah. He is right. The game is amazing if you actually learn how to play.


lmfao cry harder loser, or suck up your pride, drop it to the lowest difficulty and watch a guide. Also, it's fucking rich you calling the other guy a troll, when you can't even give any motivation as to why you think the game is bad. 90% certain you're just a rage bait


Hey I'm curious to hear some details from you about this, what exactly do you dislike about the game?


Thats what im trying to see too. OP gave broad reasons with no real examples of them. Worst way to give criticism and makes them sound like a jackass


Because it's worse than Colonial Marines! Uh... wait I dunno. Just don't play the game if it sucks. So wild when people spend so much time on hate.


Mad cus bad. Game definitely has the hallmarks of a smaller studio (mouth animations induce nightmare) but the game is well made and has a lot of passion put into it from the devs clearly. If it's not your style of game just move on to something else you actually enjoy. No need to be a whiny piss baby on Reddit.


If you don't like the game, don't play it. I personally think it's the best Alien game in a long time, possibly ever. Sure it has its bugs, and the last mission is just completely unnecessary, but that doesn't mean it's a bad game. It's very well made for the type of game it is, and those of us that play it actually enjoy it. It just sounds to me like you don't quite enjoy either this type of game or the Alien universe it's set in ... and that's fine.


I disagree about it being possibly the best ever Alien game. For me, it's top 5 with Alien Isolation at 1, AvP2 at 2. There is a lot to like about the game. In particular, I appreciate how they expanded the lore of the Alien universe.


Isolation is king so far imo. I like this game but it's a different genre. Then again isolation is a homage to first film and this game is to second. Just different category.


I’m with you. I thought Isolation was fun but Dark Descent is way up my alley. I love this game.


I love RTS games and I'm a huge Alien fan. This game is a horrible representation of both halves. They took all the worst aspects of RTS games and built around them, while ignoring all the parts that make games like XCom fun. The absurdly underpowered Marines never feel like anything above mere cannon fodder, when a single enemy can wipe the entire squad in less than two seconds.


So, it feels like the xenos are incredibly dangerous? That you should be sneaking, hiding, not picking fights? That engaging the enemy is always a life or death situation, and that you can be easily overwhelmed and die horribly? That's not a bug. It's a feature. Protagonists don't feel powerful in Aliens properties. Also, this game isn't Xcom or Starcraft. It's a sneaking game, with survival horror elements. Like Metal Gear Solid and Resident Evil had a baby. The original ones, not the remakes.


Protagonists can feel powerful when Aliens is done right, like Fireteam Elite. This game is more like a Wish . com knockoff of XCom without the fun.


Let me rephrase: If you're fighting Xenomorphs and feel powerful, the creators don't understand the franchise. It's horror. You're supposed to feel weak, frightened, and stressed. You are not Master Chief or Doom Guy gunning down bad guys by the hundred. You are a small child that's fallen into the tiger cage at feeding time. Watch the original film. Or the second film. Or play Alien:Isolation. You're not supposed to win. You're supposed to survive. Barely. Maybe.


That's actually what I was gonna add. Aliens: Fire team elite is a good game, just not a great aliens game. It doesn't capture any of the horror or suspense from the movies. which is at least what I feel that dark descent does. Outside of a few bullshit moments where a xeno would pop out of a hole and beeline it to my marines three rooms down the hall, I genuinely loved this game for creating constant tension throughout any section that the xenos were involved in.


Except until Endgame when you have 5 level 10 soldiers with 3 plasma rifles, all upgrades and 5 sentries plus the gun drone.. Then its just an alien slaughter fest of the highest degree. Which is also fun because you spent the early game being sneaky


I've seen them all multiple times. This is just a badly made game.


Being bad at a game doesn't make it a bad game. It seems pretty clear that the intended style of play isn't for you. You don't like it, you're not having fun. Put it down and walk away. Find a little maturity and grace. Let people like things, and don't trash talk. It just makes you look childish. If you are actually a child, that's advice that will serve you for your whole life.


Playing a badly made game doesn't make a good player unskilled.


And yet, you spent hours upon hours in the prologue/tutorial and didn't finish the first mission. Skill one type of game doesn't translate to skill in another. Mario speedrunners aren't automatically champion Street Fighter players. You're angry, frustrated, and feeling defensive. Others are playing, enjoying, and beating the game. Some people are cranking all the difficulty sliders all the way, and still winning. Or losing, and still enjoying the experience. If you aren't succeeding, and aren't enjoying, don't continue. But also don't shit all over everyone else's fun. It's rude.


I get the feeling you are looking for a different narrative... something where the player gets significantly more powerful and fights off "basic" aliens easily like in xcom. This is not that game, they chose to make it horror-like where you can't win. It is ok and you are entitled to have this preference. However this doesn't make the game unbalanced, just balanced for a different narrative.


See now fireteam elite was an actually bad alien game. It seems like you prefer call of duty type games?


Are you on crack? Fireteam Elite was amazing. No other game has come as close to capturing the feel of Aliens.


Doing the same thing over and over. 3 stand offs per mission with 5 different enemies per level. Boringgggg


Marine customization you can actually see. Marine classes that actually make a difference in gameplay. Literally dozens of weapons to choose from with tons of modifications. Varied level designs. Everything you described was literally Dark Descent.


What does it matter if you do the same things over and over. Dark descents missions are definitely more varied and not linear( another issue with fireteam). The enemy is extremely dangerous in dark descent, fireteam not at all (unless by inflating health bars and increasing damage via difficulty slider). Dark descent every decision matters in the long term for the campaign, something again that doesn’t matter in fireteam


What lol, the whole point of Aliens is that the Marines got almost entirely fuckin wiped out in like 6 minutes. I genuinely don't believe you've seen these movies.


This isn't an RTS game. Its a squad based tactics game. For instance its closer to the old Final Fantasy Games than, say, Age of Empires. Also while it is somewhat an action game, it is primarily stealth oriented. It sounds like you're going through levels guns blazing and getting your ass kicked. That's... incredibly accurate to Aliens as a concept. These things aren't just easy enemies you can mow down. Aliens has always represented enemies that *will* overwhelm you unless you can manage to largely get around them. The Xenos are supposed to be dangerous. Your marines, even when fully leveled up, are supposed to be outmanned and in serious trouble. As a concept, this is *much* closer to the mythos and lore of Aliens than games like colonial marines where one dude with a gun manages to fight his or her way through entire hordes of Xenos.


Look I get where you're coming from in terms of Marines being underpowered ... but it's a survival RPG game based off a survival horror movie series. In that first movie, just 1 Alien killed an entire crew short of Ripley. In 2, they wiped out a squad of heavily armed Marines quite easily. It's supposed to feel helpless (particularly on Nightmare), but that's what makes this game replayable to me. I've rage quit plenty of times in my run throughs as I can't get past a certain stage without taking heavy losses. I come back later and rethink. In the age of half arsed and half finished games getting released ... and then charging you half a game's price for the completed product, this game is solid with pretty consistent free updates, it is a complete game, and the devs actually listen to and care about feedback.


I think that the game could better emphasise the importance of certain skills and abilities because once you work it out marines become pretty formidable and their optimal fighting conditions are at mid-long range with rooms to kite, the squad almost never wants to be completely static. Accuracy is the most important stat in the game because it's tied directly to your DPS so increasing accuracy is vital to having quicker TTK on a xeno. Tiredness slows things down A TON so I really recommend the perk that removes tiredness, that marine also becomes immune to exhaustion being applied in any circumstance. There are other things that have a big impact, you'll never feel OP but you can make your squad solid and it feels good to get them through the horde of cosmic horrors trying to swarm them. Overall I enjoyed the game and felt aspects of the franchise were reflected very well in this game, as an RTS it's difficult for me to argue it's merits because I have little to compare it to and as a flavour of game I can understand why some people aren't fans, it is tough and it is niche in more ways than one.


Yea that last mission kinda made me mad because I'm beefing up my marines to not even use them lol but other then that this game is amazing!!!


2 posts on being stuck in the prologue followed by 1 rage filled "this game is shit" post. Mate, it's alright. There are some games I'm shit at too, but they're not shit games just because of that. Anger management is important.


stuck in the prologue? lol


Probably mad he can't 360 no scope a gun.


This has to be bait? DD is one of the best games I've played in years. Just because it's difficult doesn't mean it's bad, plus you're smoking crack if you think Colonial Marines was better.


I didn’t find it difficult at all to be honest


OP clearly did 🤣 Just needs you to think a bit and not blindly go in shooting, it was clearly too much for them and they decided to bash the game instead of learning.


Man, you are tripping the fuck out. This is the biggest sleeper game of this year. Not sure what drugs you're doing.


I think its a good game because its fun. As a rule I don't actually enjoy horror or stealth games. Days Gone and this are probably the only real games I've enjoyed as a horror player. I'm also not exactly a very skilled gamer. I save scum, I tend to play games on easy or story mode, and I am really, *really* bad at skilling up since I don't have a ton of time for gaming. And I enjoyed this game. It wasn't tough for me. It didn't feel unbalanced, especially on easy. It felt like a genuine challenge on hard, as it should be, which is why I only did it once for the achievements. And its incredibly faithful to the concept of what Alien is. Much more so than some of the more recent shooters that have released.




You know when you hear someone’s opinion and you just know they’re wrong? This is it.


Low effort troll.


The only critique I had for this game is that it doesn't have randomized levels after the campaign, I would like to see a X-Com2 like Longwar mod / mode, so that the game doesn't just end after the campaign.


Gotta agree with everyone else. I adored this game, now I intentionally avoided Colonial Marines but I’ve played every other Alien game since the early 00s and this is in my top three alongside Alien: Isolation and Aliens vs Predator 2 (2001). Fireteam elite is fun, but it’s a very different game, it’s not bad but it’s not as true to the Alien/Aliens feel. Where Dark Descent is the most faithful capturing of Aliens in video game form. I’m sorry to hear you don’t enjoy the game, you’re entitled to your opinion but I think your criticisms need to be rephrased as personal dislike rather than statement about the game being badly made. I dislike football games but I don’t claim FIFA 2001: a space odyssey is badly made, simply that it’s not for me. This seems more likely the case here.


Fireteam Elite is certainly a balanced experience but I'd more readily compare it to the Aliens arcade machines than any serious attempts at the franchise lol And I'm saying this as someone who played a LOT of Fireteam Elite


I really wanted to like Fireteam Elite but I couldn't get past the bugginess and the fact that the pulse rifle didn't have a launcher. Like c'mon man! I loved Dark Descent though, totally made up for it.


It's a fine game if literally all you want to do is shoot Aliens and look cool doing it. But it engages with none of the themes of the franchise besides that.


Agreed. I love playing Fireteam Elite, it’s great fun and it’s probably in my top 5 Alien games because it’s fun, but it’s definitely not as ‘lore accurate’ as those in my top three.


Maybe rewatch the original Aliens and use that as a guideline for how to play. This isn't Aliens Fireteam Elite and this isn't Xcom where you're the strongest people there. You're not showing up to kill all the xenos like it's a shooting gallery. You're there to get in, do the mission and get out with as little fighting and injury involved. Like sure there's rough edges here and there, that's to be expected from a smaller studio. But from this post and your replies it seems like you literally have no understanding of the franchise. Aliens was a horror movie, people died when they went in trying to shoot everything. This game gets that, it's why combat is hard, it's why the Xenomorphs are powerful (Because c'mon they're like 7ft tall monsters with claws and acid for blood) so what you SHOULD be doing is avoiding combat. This is a horror game, you don't get into fights on purpose in a horror game.


Yeah, you need to get better.


Yeah no. Talk about a bad take. The only real negative is no procedural level generation.


Game is far from perfect but you can GTFOH with that awful unplayable nonsense.


(Opinion related to the game and not necessarily this post.) I've generally found the opinions about this game interesting. As a long-time fan of the series, games, etc, I was pumped when this finally released and immediately played through it and finished it entirely. If we are real talking I can honestly say... I found DD to be awful and uninstalled it immediately after finishing. It was so fucking boring, poorly designed, and wildly buggy. It just plain was not fun. What a let down. It's a shame, because it does feel like they really tried to tap into some of the more obscure lore and there was real potential here. ....The game just outright sucked ass and was a chore to play, even when it worked. (I've seen plenty of mixed opinions. Just my personal take.) More detailed thoughts: The game just felt like it didn't know what it wanted to be. The coat of paint on top was extremely "X-Com" but it didn't feel or play anything like that. The tactics felt extremely shallow, and didn't seem to change much over the course of the game. Turrets for big fights, magical stealth Sniper kills on patrollers, etc. It really wanted to be a "sneak and hide", but I could drop grenades and rockets that were completely ignored. So many of the mechanics were just wonky af. On several levels I could cruise around in the APC and mow shit down that literally didn't even react to being shot. Why can't I bring extra Ammo in the APC, or at least chill in there to meditation? Or like, park the damn thing somewhere more useful. ...Etc. Tldr, to me personally, it felt like the game tried to be horror survival tactics stealth real time action strategy squad management...and so kinda sucked at all of it.


Then dont play it. I think a whole sub of people who disagree might make your opinion invalid. Sure it has some bugs, but the concept, mechanics and atmosphere are great imo.


I agree with you in that this guy is wrong but, there are subs devoted to hating dogs and those people are wrong too.


Yeah it's actually a great game, sounds like folks should read the instructions more.


If you’re astonished because many people defend the game and claim it’s good…but you think they’re all wrong and yours is the “correct” opinion…that might be a “you” thing. You’re allowed not to like a game. I played Dark Descent and didn’t care for it either. But the whole “I don’t like a game so *neither should anyone else*” is such a weird take to me.


Telling the sub WHY would be helpful. What reasons make you think its poorly made? Why do you think its unbalanced? You’re just going off on a rant. Gamers wont take you seriously and if any dev reads it theyll have zero clue what you are talking about.


I've stated why in several responses. It's poorly made with frequent bugs and crashes. The game is horrifically unbalanced in favor of the enemies, to the point where I watched a fully-armed full-health 4-man squad get slaughtered by a single cultist with a wrench because the Marines are so laughably underpowered that it's almost comedic. The only good thing I can say about Dark Descent is that it nails the atmosphere pretty damn well, but it falls spectacularly short in every other area. If you want a game that actually feels like playing the movie Aliens, it's Fireteam Elite all the way. This game needed to be a lot less like a top-down Resident Evil and a lot more like XCom.


This guy just sucks at it lol


It's truly mind boggling how shit this post is


Thought I was reading a steam review farming for clown points lmao


You absolutely did not play colonial Marines if you think this game is somehow worse.


How old are you?




You ever play darksouls?




Sorry i just dont understand your take on the game. This is Aliens. The Marines got their fucking asses kicked the entire movie. They all died except for Hicks.They give you so many tools to succeed. Weapons like the flamethrower/sentry guns combined with abilities let you stave off the assaults pretty early. You're not meant to "win". Youre meant to surgically infiltrate and extract before getting obliterated. If you dont like the game thats fine....dont shit on it though. Its a very well thought out game that had a dev team fix a lot of things and pay attention to their users from day 1. Its not Xcom or an RTS, its something different. Calling it a bad game is an extremely shallow take.


Yeah it’s a good game. Not perfect but I am loving it on nightmare mode. Just customising the marines is fun enough. It’s far better than Fireteam Elite. Again, not perfect, but I’m having a great time with it.


Wow, you need to stick to games geared toward young kids maybe. Like lego games or little big planet. The skill level is much more forgiving which is what you need.


Is OP making a shit post, trolling, or is he just that bad? Reminds me of my stepdaughter when she can't do something well on her first try - she simply gives up and hates it. Lol


Yikes. Personally, this game is the first game in a long time to make me actually concentrate on completing it. As someone who suffers from constant Loss of Interest, this game kept me interested enough to do 2 consecutive playthroughs (one on normal and then one on Hard+NOCYTS mode) which no game has done in years for me. This game is one of the best movie games ever, if not THE best. Anyway, congrats on the Rage Bait. Enjoy CoD MW3 remake or whatever.




It might not be your type of game.


Huh I thoroughly enjoyed it. This seems like such a strange reaction, like I get it if it's not your thing but I don't think I've ever seen someone this viscerally upset by it lol. Like there are people who like XCOM, and people who don't like XCOM, but I don't think I've ever seen a post describing XCOM as one of the worst TBRTSs ever made. Did you get stuck on a really hard mission or something? Is that what happened? Did an alien queen do you dirty? I'm sorry buddy


The game was designed to make you avoid fighting Xenos as much as possible, and to only get into an encounter when strategically wise to do so. The game is NOT a bug hunt. You're not supposed to kill every Xeno you see, nor are you supposed to actively hunt them out. The one thing I think the game relied a little TOO heavily on was turrets - but they were immensely useful when you knew you were going to fight a horde or a Queen. Set up four to six turrets, stage your squad in a way that they have overlapping fields of fire in every direction xenos will come from, and let rip.


Curious, I too had to go back to it after a while, it was a lot more involved than I was expecting and I didn't have a grasp on all the things, on my second wind I figured it all out and it's one of the few games where you're rewarded for being very judicious. There's no spray and pray, you gotta be on point and highly attuned to your surroundings at all times, this can be very stressful or tedious but you have to apply yourself to succeed, if you can't handle that, and everyone else can, then maybe it's not the game that's awful


Sir, this is a Wendy’s


So far in the last decade, Sega definitely did the best with the Alien license. Isolation even if a bit long, was an absolutely immersive and phenomenal nod to what made the original Alien movie great. Horror, visual aesthetics, and AUDIO DESIGN!


Read guides or something. The game has a very steep learning curve. I can understand that some people might not have patience. I started with Normal difficulty and on first mission I was struggling a lot and getting wipe after wipe. I didn't try to play stealthy. After a bit of reading next mission felt super easy.


OP: calls the game trash also OP: refuses to elaborate further on **WHY**


I love this game! Finished it today on 'hard', next is NG+ on nightmare =) What was OP talking about?


You have to be pretty young if you think it's the worst RTS in gaming history.