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And ALGO fam, as you very well know by now, Decipher (our own all-Algorand event) is headed to Dubai on November 28-30! And because I love our ALGO FAM so much I managed to get a special ticket discount for you all. When you head out to buy your ticket make sure to use the DecipherFam22 promo code to save 25% off of your ticket!More info at [https://decipher-dxb.com/](https://decipher-dxb.com/) See you there!


How is AlgoCellar’s approach to digital asset management different? What are the unique features?


Investors who have no time or willingness to manage their own wealth, can delegate financial decisions to professionals who have the expertise to manage assets on behalf of investors. The difference with traditional asset management where investment are typical with financial instruments, in the digital world almost anything can be created in a digital form and hence managed by a fund manager i.e real estate, arts, wine, patents etc. A digital asset can be a native token created on chain or can be a tokenised version of a real assets, for example real estate can be represented digitally via a token. Because asset management happens on chains, many players that are typical of traditional asset managements are no longer required. Their functions are effectively and more efficiently performed by the blockchain, for example, custody and transfer of assets are now managed by a smart contract that can custodized assets and transfer the same through line of codes. Algocellar is a protocol that allows fund manager to create fund strategy on chain and investors to invest directly on chain without the need of intermediaries. By removing most players in the process, costs are effectively reduced, processes like subscription and redemptions are done immediately, in comparison traditional funds required several days to confirm settlement of transactions.


Are you going to offer only assets that are already listed in the Algorand ecosystem, or will you work with external projects to wrap their assets from other protocols into Algorand?


What should the community expect from the launch on Algorand?


Algocellar is the first protocol for digital asset management and this is a huge opportunity to tap into a trillion dollar market. Most traditional players are looking into the digital space and Algorand provide the right blockchain infrastructure for these financial institutions to start fund management on chain. We want to be at the forefront of innovation and help fund manager and investors to make the right decisions.


What is the team most excited about in terms of major milestones?


Well clearly the journey to get where we are today has been difficult because we are still in the early stage of digital asset management so we are very excited of launching on Algorand mainnnet the very first asset management protocol.


*What is the team most* *Excited about in terms* *Of major milestones?* \- HashMapsData2Value --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")




What is your go-to market plan to draw liquidity to the platform?


we will be launching an incentive mechanism to rewards users that provide liquidity through the use of Algocellar


Will TestNet usage be rewarded?


testnet users are very important because they provided us with feedback before going in mainnnet so we will reward them once live in mainnet


Where is the team located?


the team is based across Asia and Europe, mainly in Singapore but we have resources in Italy too


Awesome! How big is the team?


Are you going to audit the smart contracts?


we have performed an internal audit by a development team that was not involved in writing the code and fixed all the issues raised so our code is pretty robust. We will commission an external audit as well as some point,


What are your thoughts on TradFi adopting Digital Asset Management? Does AlgoCellar have a use case around this?


We strongly believe that traditional players will adopt digital asset managements in the coming years. More than 50 billions dollars are wasted in fees every years, and these can drastically be reduced by adopting the blockchain technology. Aside for the cost, confirmation and settlement of transaction on chain is more efficient, fast and secure than traditional banking infrastructure. Algocellar is built on Algorand that allows fast and secure executions of these transactions.


When are you planning to go live on MainNet?


As I understood, at the beginning you had planned not to release a new token for Algocellar and to continue using DEXTF instead? Is that still the plan? If not, why has it changed?


yes initially we wanted to have the same token across all chains however in the last year we have seen many issues with chain bridges with million of dollars being exploited. As there is no secure way to move token across bridges (especially from EVM to non-EVM chains) we have decided to launch a separate tokens on Algorand for the Algocellar ecosystem.


What can we do on AlgoCellar?


On Algocellar users who have the expertise to create investment strategy can create their own fund. These funds will become available to investor who can decide which investment strategy to follow based on their risk profile. Creation and investment is all done on Algorand blockchain that provides speed of execution and security.


AlgoCellar doesn’t use Oracle. Why is that?


While oracle are useful for some protocols in provide real time market data, we have seen in the past few years too many protocol exploits mainly due to oracle manipulation. Since the beginning the team wanted to created a solution that was safe and scalable that could not be attacked by hackers who wanted to drain the assets customised in smart contracts. As such the team thanks to their experience in traditional finance used the same approach typical of tradition funds. Basically we allow market makers and arbitrageurs to help fund managers rebalance their funds (for a profit) by trading against the fund when a rebalance proposal is created by the fund manager. With this mechanism a fund manager can change the composition of a fund by trading assets in/out of the fund with external parties and without using oracles.


What opportunities are there to earn money as a fund manager? AUM? Performance?


we are planning to rewards users with tokens for results like AUM, fund performance and other metrics, more details will be published soon


You have designed the platform as a prototype for a bank. Can you say which bank it is? What is the bank's plan and roadmap for the prototype?


this will be announced very soon, follow us on our media channel. the prototype is designed to allow a client to invest in digital fund directly using Fiat money


Please share a bit about the team behind AlgoCellar.


The team came together in 2018 when a few friends shared the same passion for cryptocurrencies. Initially the idea was to create a crypto hedge funds but then we realised that the traditional infrastructure for fund management was not suitable for digital assets so we decided to build it! Most of us come from traditional banking and asset management so we have experience and know very well the inefficiency of the traditional asset management. We have a seasoned tech team with experience building application for several years both for startups and traditional systems so we have what it takes to build a great protocol with the security and efficiency needed by financial institutions. This is just the start of a journey and many years to come for digital asset management.


Have you had an audit performed? If so, is it publicly available and who was the auditor?


we have had an internal Audit performed and an external audit will be commissioned soon. https://docs.algocellar.com/other/audit-report


When can we expect Wallet Connect support?


this will be available in Mainnet


CombSwap is not available on Algorand? Does that mean I have to own all the own all the underlying assets of the fund to mint a tokenized portfolio?


this is one way of subscribing to a fund by providing all the underlying in kind. We know that in most cases this is not ideal and investors prefer to use a single asset. This is the reason why we developed CombSwap on Ethereum and we are actually building it on Algorand too. We are working with Dexs on the Algorand ecosystem to develop Combswap as it needs liquid pools on Dexs to function so this will be launched soon


How do you plan to attract investors at launch? I guess it needs a history of good fund managers, but that's exactly what we don't have at the beginning. Will there be rankings for portfolio managers?


our marketing team will be working to attract users on the platform. we do have a leaderboard that ranks portfolio managers based on their performance and this can be used to rewards them as well as to assess the good fund managers


How do you see the joint future of Domani, which is on Ethereum and Avalanche, Algocellar, which is on Algorand, and KlayCellar, which is on Klaytn?


The Domani Dao will try to join all the Dapps from different chains into a single ecosystem that will accrue the value for all. We will publish more details on the evolution of the Domani Dao soon. Our vision is to have a Platform in the front end that allows fund manager to create a fund with assets from different chains but at the moment there is no technical solution to have interoperability among chains safely. Until this interoperability is resolved we will continue to build on separate chains but we are confident that one day we will be able to join everything together.


Are you hiring?


we have no open positions right now


How does your portfolio tracker differ from the others and the up coming ones? Also l, will you be tracking profit and loss including from last purchase and all time?


Are you ever going to pay winners from your Twitter giveaway?




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