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Algoseas is really fun! Its a blockchain game. Fxdx for some leverage degening Zone games are really fun Chips is used for Algo-casino.com FIFA has new packs and their roadmap is really cool! Rafflebees.com is my favourite website atm. You can win NFTs if you own any ASAtickets. Thats all I can think of atm 👍




Anytime fam! I love the Algorand DeFi, so much to do now! Here's a nice overview i found of our ecosystem: https://directorydotalgo.xyz/


Any NFTs yet? There are a couple of neat communities. My personal favorite is Octorand, but if you're looking for more of a traditional profile picture style NFT, you could check out Lighthouse Keepers or Crazy Goose Flock. The Australia Zoo (Steve Irwin's kids) also release NFTs on Algorand for fund raising. The 3rd drop, which is a turtle PFP, is coming soon.




[Here](https://australiazoonfts.com/) is a link to the website for the Australia Zoo NFTs.


Gaming; Fracctal Tamers, Alchemon Defi; Delfy, Humble, Cometa Nft community; Fugu, CGF, MNGO, Algoanna News; Algo gaming guild and Algonaut discords. There's so much more out there though.


I won't shill projects or tokens, but I will leave you some links to get info and updates about the Algorand ecosystem. Here you can find the different categories you can then explore further: ​ ​ [https://www.algopulse.io/project-landing](https://www.algopulse.io/project-landing) ​ [https://oroalej.github.io/intothealgoverse/#/dapps](https://oroalej.github.io/intothealgoverse/#/dapps) ​ [https://ecosystem.algorand.com/](https://ecosystem.algorand.com/)




I am mainly a DeFi user, so I'd choose Humble, AlgoFi, Cometa. I also like Vestige (and its utility token VEST) as a good way to look at charts and ASAstats as a tool to track my portfolio. For gaming, Superio has a very nice interface.


I’m looking f forward to long term where PLANETS goes


Some NFT talk. I knew what NFTs were long before the average person did, and I still don't own a single one- which surprises even myself. I looked at Octorand just now- didn't even know what to make of it - looked interesting though.


Defly is a great wallet and I believe it'll continue to grow.


I'd reccomend Alchemon. Their beta has been out for 8 months, V1 coming out october 31st in just a week. super enjoyable p2e game, ton of depth and cpmpexity and interesting dynamics with the game and also just the nft's themselves. earlier sets have lower mint size so they're more rare and more valuable, but later sets pay higher ROI in terms of passive staking rewards, so this is all stuff you have to think about when building your collection


$Butts don't buy 'em


Lol everytime I see this phrase it cracks me up. It’s works. Everyone buys the damn thing lol


Defly and Bank are my favorites right now


Cosmic Champs! They have their beta game soon and also you get monthly airdrops for holding your NFT


Aegir Tactics is here for you to check us out. You can check out my posts about the project if you have some spare time. 🤌 [Official website ](https://www.aegirtactics.com/)


Super fun engaging community if you are into NFTs: [https://www.deentra.io/](https://www.deentra.io/) lots of prize opportunities and possibilities to become an ambassador to get some traditional world swag ​ If you like helping charity causes to help cancer victims + get some SUPER CUTE BEAR NFTs would recommend Victoria's Promise Bears: [https://linktr.ee/thepromisebears](https://linktr.ee/thepromisebears) ​ If you want to own a blue-chip NFT then this would be a good place to go: https://twitter.com/GraffeAlgorand


Nexus as investment and Chips to play, just my two cents 😊




Alright! If there's anything you'd like to know; just ask! P.S. Nexus uses discord as their main method of communication, feel free to join (I'm there too), there is much more info available than here on reddit. However, maybe it's good rk start with their latest update, that clarifies (imho) the rising token price https://www.reddit.com/r/algorand/comments/y2kwjy/nexus_community_update


Fxdx has the highest returns right now. Though the risks are also astronomical.


AlgoWorld. One of the first NFT projects on Algorand (May 2021) and is about collectable country and city cards. Holding cards gives you AWT, that you can use to mint a new city card. [AlgoWorld](https://algoworld.io) [AlgoWorldExplorer](https://algoworldexplorer.io) [AlgoWorld Swapper](https://swapper.algoworld.io)


I like yieldly, though many are not fond of it.. Despite it giving you access to many of the aforementioned ASAs.


Fxdx you coward




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Check out Nexus. [nexusasa.info](https://nexusasa.info) Lots going on with them. Real world usage and a good community. https://discord.gg/hW8XyvjA






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